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Quelques espèces sont des prédateurs qui se nourrissent d'autres poissons et de leur progéniture. On ne trouve de plantes que dans quelques zones riveraines du lac. La plupart des régions sont faites de bancs de sable avec des pierres.
El lago Malawi de África ha desarrollado una fauna totalmente particular a lo largo de millones de años. Los cíclidos se han adaptado durante la evolución a los distintos hábitats del lago y formado especies endémicas (que únicamente viven allí). También dentro de las mismas especies han surgido variedades de color, ya que las distintas zonas rocosas están separadas a menudo entre sí por grandes superficies arenosas, por lo que constituyen una barrera natural para los peces. Por tanto, una especie en un lugar puede ser de color azul liso, mientras que en el siguiente conjunto rocoso a 1000 m de distancia es azul a rayas. Muchas especies de aguas poco profundas (hasta 15 m de profundidad) se alimentan de aufwuchs (algas con microorganismos) que van raspando de las rocas. Algunas especies son depredadoras que se alimentan de otros peces y sus crías. Solo se encuentran plantas en pocas zonas de los márgenes del lago. La mayoría de regiones se componen de superficies arenosas con rocas.
Il lago Malawi in Africa ha formato nel corso di milioni di anni una fauna unica, tutta sua. Nel corso dell’evoluzione i ciclidi si sono adattati ai differenti habitat del lago e hanno formato delle specie endemiche. Anche entro le specie stesse si sono formate delle varietà di diversi colori, essendo le scogliere separate tra di loro da grandi aree sabbiose e rappresentando così per i pesci una barriera naturale. Una specie che si trova in un certo punto può essere completamente azzurra e mille metri più avanti, sulla scogliera seguente, azzurra a righe. Molte specie da acqua bassa (fino a 15 m di profondità) si nutrono di Aufwuchs, raschiando dalle rocce le alghe e i microorganismi. Alcune specie sono predatori che si nutrono di altri pesci e della loro prole. Le piante si trovano solo in poche zone della riva. La maggior parte delle rive sono aree sabbiose disseminate di pietre.
The Lake Malawi in Africa has developed a quite unique fauna over millions of years. The cichlids have evolved to adapt to the lake’s diverse habitats and developed endemic (only existent there) species. Even within the species colour varieties have developed since rocky reefs are often separated by large areas of sand, which are a natural barrier for the fish. This way a species can be blue monochrome coloured at one spot and blue striped 1000 m away at the next rocky reef. Many species from the shallow water (up to 15 meters in depth) are grazing fish species which scrape the growth (algae with the microorganisms) from the rocks. Some species are predators which feed off other fish and their brood. Plants are only to be found at a few shore areas of the lake. Most of the regions consist of sandy areas with stones.
The Lake Malawi in Africa has developed a quite unique fauna over millions of years. The cichlids have evolved to adapt to the lake’s diverse habitats and developed endemic (only existent there) species. Even within the species colour varieties have developed since rocky reefs are often separated by large areas of sand, which are a natural barrier for the fish. This way a species can be blue monochrome coloured at one spot and blue striped 1000 m away at the next rocky reef. Many species from the shallow water (up to 15 meters in depth) are grazing fish species which scrape the growth (algae with the microorganisms) from the rocks. Some species are predators which feed off other fish and their brood. Plants are only to be found at a few shore areas of the lake. Most of the regions consist of sandy areas with stones.
В озере Малави в Африке за миллионы лет возникла своя собственная фауна. Цихлиды адаптировались в ходе эволюции к различным местам обитания в озере и образовали эндемичные виды. Цветовые формы также развивались в пределах вида, так как скалистые утёсы часто разделены большими песчаными участками и представляют собой естественный барьер для рыб. Так один и тот же вид может быть в одном месте одноцветным синим, а в 1000 м дальше на следующем рифе - в синюю полоску. Многие виды с мелководных участков (глубиной до 15 м) соскабливают обрастания с камней (водоросли с микроорганизмами). Некоторые виды - хищные, которые питаются другими рыбами и их молодью. Растения растут только на прибрежных участках озера. Большинство регионов - песок и камни.
The Lake Malawi in Africa has developed a quite unique fauna over millions of years. The cichlids have evolved to adapt to the lake’s diverse habitats and developed endemic (only existent there) species. Even within the species colour varieties have developed since rocky reefs are often separated by large areas of sand, which are a natural barrier for the fish. This way a species can be blue monochrome coloured at one spot and blue striped 1000 m away at the next rocky reef. Many species from the shallow water (up to 15 meters in depth) are grazing fish species which scrape the growth (algae with the microorganisms) from the rocks. Some species are predators which feed off other fish and their brood. Plants are only to be found at a few shore areas of the lake. Most of the regions consist of sandy areas with stones.  
la localisation des zones riveraines les plus appropriées pour y aménager des aires de baignade;
the locations of waterfront areas most appropriate for use as swimming areas;  
Notre pierre de carrière et nos roches de falaise KFN tirées de la pierre calcaire de l’Elggis dans le Glaronais ne sont toutefois pas seulement « belles ». Les grands blocs bruts aident en effet à protéger les zones riveraines et les pentes de l’action corrosive de l’eau et des agents atmosphériques.
Las “piezas gruesas” producidas por Kalkfabrik Netstal AG se utilizan para la instalación y ordenación de jardines y la realización de obras de arquitectura del paisaje. Su natural calidad estética convierte las orillas de lagos y ríos y los muros de contención en verdaderos “atractivos” paisajísticos. Sin embargo, nuestra piedra de cantera y nuestra grava de escollera KFN provenientes de la piedra calcárea del monte Elggis en el Cantón de Glaris no son solo “bonitas”. De hecho, los grandes bloques en bruto ayudan a proteger zonas ribereñas y laderas de la acción erosiva del agua y de los agentes atmosféricos. Cantidades superiores a 100 toneladas disponibles solo previo pedido.
I “pezzi grossi“ prodotti dalla Kalkfabrik Netstal AG trovano impiego nella sistemazione ed allestimento di giardini e nella realizzazione di opere di architettura del paesaggio. La loro naturale qualità estetica trasforma sponde dei laghi, argini dei fiumi e muri di contenimento in vere e proprie “attrazioni“ paesaggistiche. La nostra pietra di cava ed il nostro pietrame da scogliera KFN ricavati dalla pietra calcarea dell’Elggis nel Glaronese, tuttavia, non sono solo “belli“. I grandi blocchi grezzi aiutano, infatti, a proteggere zone ripariali e pendii dall’azione erosiva dell’acqua e degli agenti atmosferici. Quantitativi superiori a 100 tonnellate disponibili solo previa ordinazione.
  31 Treffer  
Dans le bassin Kennedy Flats, le travail de restauration consiste à réparer les dommages causés par l’exploitation forestière industrielle. Les équipes de restauration ont enlevé la plupart des débris ligneux et des plantes indésirables dans les rivières et les zones riveraines (au fil de l’eau).
According to the Society for Ecological Restoration International, ecological restoration is the “process of assisting the recovery of damaged ecosystems”. In Kennedy Flats, restoration work involves repairing the damage caused by industrial logging. Restoration crews have removed most of the woody debris and undesirable vegetation from both the streams and riparian (stream-side) areas. These efforts will help heal these streams so that wild salmon may return to the area.  
La terre charriée par le ruissellement des zones en amont a rempli de sédiments les étangs ou les réservoirs en aval, réduisant la capacité de stockage de l'eau. Compte tenu du manque d'eau potable, les éleveurs ont été obligés de parcourir de longues distances vers les zones riveraines du Nil pour faire boire et paître leurs bêtes pendant la saison sèche.
In Nakasongola District, Uganda, overgrazing and excessive charcoal production led to severe loss of vegetation and the feed and ecosystem services it provides, greatly increasing termite damage. Resultant land degradation forced herders to abandon their land and migrate to new areas. Uncontrolled animal access to drinking water led to bacterial contamination and loss of riparian buffer vegetation. Soil carried by runoff from upstream areas filled ponds or valley tanks with sediment, reducing water storage capacity. With loss of available drinking water, herders were forced to trek long distances to Nile riparian areas for drinking and grazing in the dry season. Stress associated with forced migration led to high rates of animal morbidity and mortality. Researchers from Makerere University and ILRI collaborated with livestock keepers to rehabilitate pastures and improve valley tank management. By restoring grass production, herders transformed excessive evaporation into transpiration, thereby increasing forage production and LWP. By providing vegetative buffers and separate drinking troughs, valley tanks retain greater storage capacity and water quality.
  7 Hits  
Encourager l’innovation dans la recherche liée à l’eau, aux terres humides, aux zones riveraines et aux ressources halieutiques
encourages innovation in water, wetlands, riparian areas and fishery resource-related research,
  21 Hits  
Encourager l’innovation dans la recherche liée à l’eau, aux terres humides, aux zones riveraines et aux ressources halieutiques
encourages innovation in water, wetlands, riparian areas and fishery resource-related research,  
Les élèves se familiarisent avec le concept des espèces indicatrices et avec la façon dont un cours d'eau subit les effets des utilisations des zones riveraines.
Students will become familiar with the concept of indicator species, and how river health can be affected by adjacent land uses.  
Évaluation des utilisations bénéfiques altérées. On évaluera l'altération des utilisations bénéfiques dans les eaux du lac Érié, y compris dans les eaux libres, les zones riveraines, les baies et l'embouchure des rivières.
Assessment of beneficial-use impairments. Beneficial-use impairments will be assessed within the waters of Lake Erie, including open waters, nearshore areas, embayments, and river mouths.
  3 Hits  
(C) les zones riveraines,
(F) groundwater recharge areas,  
tous travaux, aménagements, ouvrages et installations dans les zones riveraines ou dans les zones inondables ;
all development and construction works and installations in riparian or flood zones;  
Suite à une première étude de faisabilité financée en 2003 et aux missions d'expertise réalisées en 2004, il a été possible de recenser les besoins des collectivités locales et des populations riveraines du fleuve Niger au Mali, de sensibiliser les partenaires et d'identifier les sites d'intervention dans les zones riveraines.
d'identifier quelques opérations démonstratives (restauration du bâti, tourisme culturel, consolidation des berges, sensibilisation de la population...) et de mobiliser les financements et les partenaires;  
Les terres en bordure de nos rivières et ruisseaux nous sont particulièrement chères et jouent un rôle essentiel dans la protection des caractéristiques écologiques de la nature. Ces zones riveraines sont aussi l’habitat privilégié des espèces fauniques et des plantes rares.
Land situated along our rivers and streams holds a special place in our hearts and plays a vital role in protecting nature’s ecological features. These riparian zones, as they are called, are also prime habitat for wildlife and rare plants.
  6 Hits  
Les zones riveraines en santé ont généralement une grande biodiversité et agissent essentiellement comme des zones tampons en filtrant l’eau superficielle qui amème souvent des pesticides, de la matière organique, des nutriments, et des sédiments dans les cours d’eau.
Healthy riparian areas have a great biodiversity and are essentially act as buffer zones, filtering stormwater that often carry pesticides, organic matter, nutriments and sediments into waterways. A healthy riparian area is also the best defense against an increasingly common problem in our region: erosion.  
Le programme de trois ans permettra de former en matière de sécurité environ 900 pompiers et bénévoles qui patrouillent les zones riveraines à motoneige et en VTT dans un but de prévention des accidents et de sauvetage sur glace.
The three year program will enable training for approximately 900 safety officers, comprised of firefighters and volunteers who patrol waterfront areas with snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, in prevention and ice rescue.  
Pour que l’Emme puisse à l’avenir évacuer les crues sans dommage, il est prévu de lui redonner plus d’espace en aval de Biberist. Selon le service compétent du canton de Soleure, le projet améliorera la sécurité, mais diversifiera aussi les structures du cours d’eau et des zones riveraines.
Damit die Emme Hochwasser künftig schadlos ableiten kann, soll ihr nun flussabwärts von Biberist wieder mehr Platz eingeräumt werden. Davon verspricht sich die zuständige Fachstelle des Kantons Solothurn nicht nur mehr Sicherheit, sondern auch eine erhöhte Strukturvielfalt im Gewässer und entlang der Uferbereiche. Bevor die Arbeiten zur Aufwertung dieser Flusslandschaft beginnen können, müssen jedoch zuerst mehrere belastete Standorte entschärft werden, die sich ganz oder teilweise innerhalb des neuen Gewässerraums befinden. Die im kantonalen Kataster erfassten Flächen liegen vorwiegend in ehemaligen Nebenarmen der Emme, die man nach der Kanalisierung des Hauptgerinnes scheinbar ohne Bedenken zur Ablagerung von Abfällen nutzte. Auch mehrere Kiesgruben in Ufernähe dienten nach ihrer Ausbeutung als Deponien für Kehricht, Gewerbe- und Industrieabfälle oder für Bauschutt.  
Les Romains divisèrent les rives du Rhin – tout comme l’ensemble de l’empire romain – en régions douanières, dans lesquelles ils percevaient des droits d’entrée et de sortie, comme dans le reste de l’empire. Les taxes douanières constituèrent ainsi une des plus importantes sources de recettes pour les zones riveraines du Rhin.
At the time of the Romans, the Rhine was considered primarily as a natural border and less as a trade route. Caesar, for example, declared the Rhine as a demarcation line between the Belgae and the Germanic people. With the building of shipyards for their warships, the warlike Romans brought a commercial boom to the Rhine valley, as more and more trading vessels profited from the Roman infrastructure and turned sections of the river into a successful trade route. As in the rest of the Roman Empire, the banks of the Rhine were divided into individual customs regions which each charged their own import and export duties. These duties formed one of the most important sources of income for the regions of the Rhine.  
Cette espèce a un comportement généraliste en matière d'habitat et utilise la bordure des forêts et les zones riveraines (Bemis et Rising, 1999); la perte d'habitat riverain est peut-être une des causes du déclin.
Reviewed because of significant decline, both in Canada and range-wide. Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) trends by decade indicate stability in the 1980s, with decline before and after. Species is a habitat generalist, using forest edge and riparian zones (Bemis and Rising 1999), and loss of riparian habitat may be a cause of decline. Preferred habitat in the wintering area is mature, undisturbed tropical forest, but the species may also do well in other habitats.  
Les Romains divisèrent les rives du Rhin – tout comme l’ensemble de l’empire romain – en régions douanières, dans lesquelles ils percevaient des droits d’entrée et de sortie, comme dans le reste de l’empire. Les taxes douanières constituèrent ainsi une des plus importantes sources de recettes pour les zones riveraines du Rhin.
At the time of the Romans, the Rhine was considered primarily as a natural border and less as a trade route. Caesar, for example, declared the Rhine as a demarcation line between the Belgae and the Germanic people. With the building of shipyards for their warships, the warlike Romans brought a commercial boom to the Rhine valley, as more and more trading vessels profited from the Roman infrastructure and turned sections of the river into a successful trade route. As in the rest of the Roman Empire, the banks of the Rhine were divided into individual customs regions which each charged their own import and export duties. These duties formed one of the most important sources of income for the regions of the Rhine.  
Les Romains divisèrent les rives du Rhin – tout comme l’ensemble de l’empire romain – en régions douanières, dans lesquelles ils percevaient des droits d’entrée et de sortie, comme dans le reste de l’empire. Les taxes douanières constituèrent ainsi une des plus importantes sources de recettes pour les zones riveraines du Rhin.
At the time of the Romans, the Rhine was considered primarily as a natural border and less as a trade route. Caesar, for example, declared the Rhine as a demarcation line between the Belgae and the Germanic people. With the building of shipyards for their warships, the warlike Romans brought a commercial boom to the Rhine valley, as more and more trading vessels profited from the Roman infrastructure and turned sections of the river into a successful trade route. As in the rest of the Roman Empire, the banks of the Rhine were divided into individual customs regions which each charged their own import and export duties. These duties formed one of the most important sources of income for the regions of the Rhine.  
Les Romains divisèrent les rives du Rhin – tout comme l’ensemble de l’empire romain – en régions douanières, dans lesquelles ils percevaient des droits d’entrée et de sortie, comme dans le reste de l’empire. Les taxes douanières constituèrent ainsi une des plus importantes sources de recettes pour les zones riveraines du Rhin.
At the time of the Romans, the Rhine was considered primarily as a natural border and less as a trade route. Caesar, for example, declared the Rhine as a demarcation line between the Belgae and the Germanic people. With the building of shipyards for their warships, the warlike Romans brought a commercial boom to the Rhine valley, as more and more trading vessels profited from the Roman infrastructure and turned sections of the river into a successful trade route. As in the rest of the Roman Empire, the banks of the Rhine were divided into individual customs regions which each charged their own import and export duties. These duties formed one of the most important sources of income for the regions of the Rhine.  
Les activités consisteront d’une part à éliminer les plantes envahissantes de la forêt, des zones humides, des prairies et des zones riveraines afin que la végétation indigène puisse reprendre le dessus, et, d’autre part, à mener des recensements d’espèces.
As atividades irão incluir o levantamento de espécies bem como a remoção de plantas invasivas de áreas florestais, zonas úmidas, prados e zonas ribeirinhas para que a vegetação nativa possa recuperar. O centro de conferências irá organizar eventos comunitários e da igreja para promover a gestão ambiental, sendo também iniciadas novas medidas de poupança de energia e de água.
  2 Hits  
Les friches industrielles sont parmi les sites contaminés les plus visibles puisqu'elles se trouvent souvent en milieu urbain, à proximité des domiciles et des lieux de travail de nombreux Canadiens. Il peut s'agir, par exemple, de postes d'essence abandonnés, d'anciennes zones riveraines ou d'installations industrielles maintenant inutilisées.
Canada's national parks are a symbol of identity and are sacred places where Canadians connect with nature. While often viewed as pristine, Canada's national parks have been under pressure from stresses originating both inside and outside their boundaries. In Budget 2003, the Government of Canada invested $75 million over five years and $25 million ongoing to help relieve these pressures and restore the ecological health of the parks. Budget 2005 builds on these investments by providing an additional $60 million over five years to enhance and expand existing ecological integrity measures.
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Les friches industrielles sont parmi les sites contaminés les plus visibles puisqu'elles se trouvent souvent en milieu urbain, à proximité des domiciles et des lieux de travail de nombreux Canadiens. Il peut s'agir, par exemple, de postes d'essence abandonnés, d'anciennes zones riveraines ou d'installations industrielles maintenant inutilisées.
Canada's national parks are a symbol of identity and are sacred places where Canadians connect with nature. While often viewed as pristine, Canada's national parks have been under pressure from stresses originating both inside and outside their boundaries. In Budget 2003, the Government of Canada invested $75 million over five years and $25 million ongoing to help relieve these pressures and restore the ecological health of the parks. Budget 2005 builds on these investments by providing an additional $60 million over five years to enhance and expand existing ecological integrity measures.  
En plus de l’augmentation de la production et des revenus découlant de ces systèmes d’agro-foresterie, les questions suivantes présentent un intérêt : la mesure et l’élargissement des avantages associés à la séquestration du carbone et la création de de la biomasse à des fins de production de bioénergie; l’étude de la gestion des zones riveraines offrant un rendement économique et qui permet aussi une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
Canada expressed interest in advancing discussions and cooperation regarding three initiatives that have been explored in Brazil: low carbon agriculture, sustainable agriculture practices, and agrosilvopastoral systems. In addition to increased production and income that these agroforestry systems allow, there is interest in measuring and expanding the benefits for carbon sequestration and creation of biomass for bioenergy, as well as studying the management of riparian areas that provide economic return, and that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  
Les Romains divisèrent les rives du Rhin – tout comme l’ensemble de l’empire romain – en régions douanières, dans lesquelles ils percevaient des droits d’entrée et de sortie, comme dans le reste de l’empire. Les taxes douanières constituèrent ainsi une des plus importantes sources de recettes pour les zones riveraines du Rhin.
At the time of the Romans, the Rhine was considered primarily as a natural border and less as a trade route. Caesar, for example, declared the Rhine as a demarcation line between the Belgae and the Germanic people. With the building of shipyards for their warships, the warlike Romans brought a commercial boom to the Rhine valley, as more and more trading vessels profited from the Roman infrastructure and turned sections of the river into a successful trade route. As in the rest of the Roman Empire, the banks of the Rhine were divided into individual customs regions which each charged their own import and export duties. These duties formed one of the most important sources of income for the regions of the Rhine.  
Récemment, l’on voit également proposer des brise-lames dotés de portes se refermant lorsque monte la mer. Demandant moins de frais d’installation, ce sont ces derniers qui apparaissent les plus viables pour la protection des quais et des zones riveraines des baies aux embouchures étroites.
The surest way to prevent destruction is to construct sea walls that are higher than the highest expected tsunami. The sea walls would need gates across river mouths and in other places to permit the passage of boats, and the gates would have to be closed quickly, before a tsunami arrived. This is not practical for a long archipelago with a convoluted coastline. Sea walls with gates that open and close automatically are now being constructed only along coasts where tsunamis are considered most likely to occur. In some places, construction has been delayed for some future date, and as a stopgap measure evacuation towers and two-story houses are being built to get people to higher locations. Breakwaters with gates that close when the sea surface rises have also been proposed recently. These offer low installation costs, and are expected to be feasible for the protection of wharfs and areas along bays that have narrow openings.
El método más seguro para prevenir la destrucción sería construir barreras en el mar más altas que las máximas alturas esperadas en un tsunami. Estas barreras necesitarían puertas en las desembocaduras de los ríos, así como en otros lugares, para permitir el paso de los barcos. Las puertas deberían poderse cerrar rápidamente antes de que llegara el tsunami. Claro que esto no es muy práctico en un archipiélago rodeado de costas. Barreras de este tipo con puertas que se abren y cierran automáticamente están siendo construidas sólo en las zonas costeras donde existe más probabilidad de que suceda el tsunami. En algunos lugares su construcción se ha aplazado hasta una futura fecha y entre tanto se construyen torres de evacuación y casas de dos pisos para que se pueda alojar la gente en zonas elevadas. Recientemente también se ha propuesto la construcción de rompeolas con puertas que se cierran cuando el nivel del mar sube. Esto ofrece instalaciones de bajo coste y se consideran viables para la protección de muelles y áreas en las bahías con embocaduras estrechas.
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