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Wirkt das Bike bis zur Unkenntlichkeit verändert, verbirgt sich paradoxerweise hinter den rohen, gnadenlosen Gitterstäben die nahezu original belassene R nineT. Ein Schaf im Wolfspelz. Ein Hochstapler, ein Schwindler.
"I always need the name first, before I can define the character of a project. I called the bike the Imposter because it is not real. It is a spirit, inspired by the wireframe models of a wind tunnel", David says. If the bike appears to be modified to the point of being unrecognisable, paradoxically concealed behind the raw merciless stanchions, the virtually original R nineT remains. A sheep in wolf's clothing. An imposter, a swindler. Impostor. Decorated with insignias from pirates, the Trojan war or Russian prisons. The main thing is that it is dark and with a pinch of Borrásian gallows humour. Memories are awakened of the long-distance motorcycles of the eighties with two tanks – at least for some of us. Others think of shopping trolleys, CD shelves or clothes horses when they see the motorcycle. So what?! El Solitario likes it scary, bizarre – and unmistakeable. Well it worked.  
ENGELpunt DIY Papiergirlande Schaf
ENGELpunt DIY Paper Garland Lion  
Darin Vater, Mutter, Kind, davor ein Hund, ein Schaf.
Devant, un chien, un mouton. Les parents doivent s'en aller et la tempête se lêve.
  3 Hits  
- Auf dem Tieren gewidmeten Gelände sind verschiedene Unterkünfte enstanden, in denen sich zurzeit eine Auswahl einiger autochthoner Rassen der Kanaren befinden, wie zum Beispiel das Pelibuey Schaf, kanarische Ziegen aus dem Nordbiotop und schwarze kanarische Schweine.
Exposición de razas autóctonas.- En el recinto dedicado a los animales se han habilitado alojamientos en los que actualmente se encuentra una muestra de algunas de las razas autóctonas de Canarias como ejemplares de oveja pelibuey, cabras de raza tinerfeña biotipo norte, y ejemplares de cochino negro canario.  
Die Gruppe setzt sich aus Histori­kern, Soziologen, Betriebswissenschaftlern und Anthropologen zusammen und untersucht die Macht der Zahlen in der Darstellung, Veränderung und Schaf­fung sozialer Welten.
The Quantification Focus Group will analyze the production and communication of numbers. Comprised of historians, sociologists, accountants and anthropologists, this group will examine the power of numbers to represent, alter and create social worlds. We associate quantification with objectivity, precision, rationality and, increasingly, with accountability and efficiency. How did these associations come about? What causes quantification to spread? Which kinds of expertise and resources are needed in order to make credible numbers? What powers do we attribute to numbers and how do they interact with other kinds of authority? In what ways have numbers changed how we think about the world, solve problems, and engage in politics? These are some of the questions our members will address in institutional contexts ranging from statistical offices in India, insane asylums in Europe, credit ratings in the United States, and the development of infrastructure in the Qing Empire.  
Esparsette – ein Futterklee gegen innere Parasiten bei Schaf & Ziege
Cultiver l’esparcette (Onobrychis viciifolia). Synthèse des travaux Médiplant 2009-2011  
Die Fir­men­ge­schich­te be­gann mit ei­nem au­ßer­ge­wöhn­lich­en Mann: Der Fir­men­grün­der E­gon Graf, der be­reits zu Be­ginn der vier­zig­er Ja­hre durch den Bau ei­nes E­lek­tro­mo­tor­ra­des von sich re­den mach­te, setz­te sich zum Ziel, e­lek­tri­sche Kon­den­sa­to­ren zu bau­en, die vor al­lem zwei Ei­gen­schaf­ten aus­zeich­ne­ten: hoch­qua­li­tat­i­ve Hand­ar­beit und gleich­blei­bend ho­he Zu­ver­läs­sig­keit.
The company's history began with an extraordinary man: The founder, Egon Graf, who first made a name for himself in the early forties when he built an electric motorbike, set himself the goal of building electric capacitors marked by two main characteristics: high-quality manufacturing combined with consistently high reliability. So, from 1945 onwards he started making the first capacitors for radios - alternating current capacitors for electric motors and Tesla transformers.
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