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Canadian companies take ten years to raise what US companies raise in four
Chile: segundo país en el mundo con mejor crecimiento para hacer negocios
" - but hey, that's what us Ubuntero's are famous for! Just tell how you'll fit in...
" - maar dit is net waar wij Ubuntero's in uitblinken! Ook jouw inbreng is dus van belang...
  2 Hits modernclinique.com  
What US in-store trends will we see in 2019?27 November 2018
Vous avez dit crypto ? - 2 : Les crypto-addicts : geeks, hackeurs et milliardaires ?22 novembre 2018
  2 Hits www.wto.int  
US and Venezuela agree on what US should do (implementation period is 15 months from 20 May)
Les États-Unis et le Venezuela conviennent de ce que les États-Unis devraient faire (le délai de mise en œuvre est de 15 mois à compter du 20 mai).
I read many discussion boards and it seemed that Kimberly Clark co , was blowing people off , and not addressing the real issue , and not Listening to what us customers want .
Les messages que j'ai lus dans de nombreux forums de discussion me donnent l'impression que Kimberly Clark ignore les gens, qu'elle n'aborde pas le problème réel et qu'elle n'est pas à l'écoute de nos besoins en tant que clients.
  2 Hits d2b.sk  
The match was a friendly… but not so friendly! When all is said and done, we always like to win, you know what us riders are like, we’re competitive about everything! We’ve uploaded a video of the match to my YouTube channel, so if you want to know the score, watch the video.
La semana pasada fue muy intensa con muchas emociones y ésta que viene es un poco diferente: hoy viajamos ya que la carrera es en sábado, en vez de en domingo, y el domingo nos toca volar a Italia porque tendremos allí un evento con un patrocinador. Así que tenemos muchas ganas de llegar a Holanda y situarnos para empezar ya con todo lo que conlleva el Gran Premio de la catedral del motociclismo.
Several administrative buildings in eastern Ukraine remained under the control of pro-Russian protesters on Wednesday, in what US Secretary of State John Kerry described as operations by “Russian agents” ahead of international talks next week.
Ce n’est pas le commerce du bois, l’expansion agricole ou les mines qui présentent le plus grand danger pour les forêts tropicales de République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), mais la demande en énergie, qui peut être résolue en maîtrisant les rivières du pays, selon un nouveau descriptif du pays.
During the opening of the exhibition the artists gave a tour to their special guests, the cats from the shelter 'Shastlivye Cot' [Happy cat] explaining their works to the animals. A screening of the artists’ collective video work, “Cats not us”, followed the opening. In the video the artists reflect on what "us" means in relation to who the "cats" are - concluding that there is rather little difference. 15 minutes prior the opening "a travelling exhibition" took place - the artists' bringing their works through the halls of the General Staff Building to be "viewed" by the Biennial's audience.
Открытию выставки предшествовал «парад картин»: работы воспитанников арт-студии «ходили» по залам Главного штаба и «смотрели» на посетителей биеннале. Далее следовала премьера коллективной видео-работы "Кошки не мы". В ней участники проекта размышляют о том, кто такие "мы" и кто такие "кошки" - и так ли велика разница. Главной же частью события стала импровизированная экскурсия, которую художники провели подопечных приюта для животных «Счастливый кот».
We have vivid pictures of the moral degradation accompanying US intervention — the drugs, prostitution and atrocities. Millions of Americans were awakened to the realities of what US intervention in other countries means.
In 1954, the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam needed the support of the poor peasant majority in the countryside in order to carry out its programmes. Although many of the richest landlords had been removed in the process of the previous struggle, the village oligarchies were either still intact or they could reconstitute themselves. Social change in the countryside depended on support of the government by the poor peasants. This was a lesson which had been learned from the Rent Reduction Campaign and its positive impact on soldiers at Dien Bien Phu.
Some other Free Software licences in the past several years have had explicit patent licence grants and we decided to follow them. We're putting in an explicit patent license grant which says, more or less, what US law would do implicitly.
En los EE.UU. no pueden. En los EE.UU., distribuyendo el programa bajo GPL, están diciendo que ellos no tienen ninguna objeción si usted ejerce sus derechos en los términos GPL, así, si intentan demandarlo por esa causa, pierden. Sin embargo, esto no es necesariamente cierto en otros países. Algunas otras licencias de Software Libre desde hace varios años han tenido concesiones explícitas de patente y decidíamos seguirlas. Estamos incluyendo una concesión explícita de licencia de patente que dice, más o menos, lo que la ley de los EE.UU. haría implícitamente en estos casos.