youths – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      9'770 Results   1'925 Domains
  5 Hits  
Cambodia: Youth NGOs discuss Post-2015 development agenda and the role of youths
Cambodge: Les ONG pour la jeunesse débattent de l’agenda de développement de l’Après-2015 et du rôle des jeunes
Camboya: ONG de jóvenes discuten su rol y la agenda de desarrollo Post-2015
Camboja: ONGs da juventude discutem agenda para o desenvolvimento Pós-2015 e o papel dos jovens
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Eugenia sailings are also suitable for youths, for example as part of a school trip or camp.
Eugenia-seglatser passar sig också bra för ungdomar, t.ex. som skolutflykter eller som en del av en lägerskola.  
millennial youths, inexperienced memories,
jóvenes milenarios, recuerdos inexpertos,  
For adults and youths
Für Erwachsene und Kinder
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Street children and youths of Cairo
Enfants et jeunes de la rue au Caire
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The zebra and the Masai cows graze in harmony. We met some newly circumcised youths wearing black robes and white paintings look on your face to shout to the world of beasts and endless sunrises his newfound status as adults.
Le premier aperçu de Ngorongoro vous remplit de paix. De la piste qui fait le tour du cratère d'un hôtel à, avoir la certitude de profiter d'un unique,. Le zèbre et les vaches paissent Massaï en harmonie. Nous avons rencontré des jeunes nouvellement circoncis qui portent des robes noires et des peintures blanches regarder en face pour crier au monde des bêtes et des levers de soleil sans fin de son statut d'adulte nouvellement libérés.
Der erste Eindruck von Ngorongoro füllt euch mit Frieden. Von der Strecke, die den Kraterrand von Hotel zu Hotel umkreist, die Gewissheit haben, genießen eine einzigartige. Das Zebra und die Maasai Kühe grasen in Harmonie. Wir trafen einige neu beschnitten Jugendlichen, die schwarzen Roben und weißen Gemälde ins Gesicht zu sehen, um in die Welt der Tiere und endlose Sonnenaufgänge seinem neu erschienenen Erwachsenen Status schreien tragen.
La primera visión del Ngorongoro te llena de paz. Desde la pista que circunda el borde del cráter de hotel en hotel, tienes la certeza de estar disfrutando de un momento único. Las cebras y las vacas de los masai pastorean en armonía. Nos cruzamos con algunos jóvenes recién circuncidados que visten túnicas negras y lucen pinturas blancas en la cara para gritar al mundo de las fieras y de los amaneceres infinitos su recién estrenada condición de adultos.
O primeiro vislumbre do Ngorongoro te enche de paz. Desde a trilha que contorna a borda da cratera de hotel para hotel, ter a certeza de apreciar uma única. A zebra e as vacas pastam em harmonia Masai. Nós encontramos algumas jovens recém-circuncidados vestindo túnicas pretas e pinturas brancas olhar em seu rosto a gritar para o mundo dos animais e sunrises intermináveis ​​seu novo status como adultos.
De eerste glimp van de Ngorongoro vult u met een gerust. Sinds de track die de krater rand van hotel naar hotel kringen, de zekerheid van het genieten van een uniek. De zebra's en de Masai koeien grazen in harmonie. We ontmoetten een aantal nieuw besneden jongeren het dragen van zwarte gewaden en witte schilderijen te kijken op je gezicht te schreeuwen in de wereld van dieren en eindeloze zonsopgangen zijn nieuwe status als volwassenen.
La primera visió del Ngorongoro t'omple de pau. Des de la pista que circumda la vora del cràter d'hotel en hotel, tens la certesa d'estar gaudint d'un moment únic. Les zebres i les vaques dels massai pasturen en harmonia. Ens creuem amb alguns joves acabats circumcidats que vesteixen túniques negres i llueixen pintures blanques a la cara per cridar al món de les feres i de les albes infinits seva acabada d'estrenar condició d'adults.
Prvi pogled na Ngorongoro vas ispunjava mirom. Od stazu koja okružuje rub kratera od hotela do hotela, imati sigurnost uživanja jedinstven. Zebra i Masai krave pasu u skladu. Upoznali smo se tek obrezani mladići nose crne haljine i bijele slike pogledajte na vaše lice i glasno, u svijet životinja i beskrajne sunca svoju strategiju status u odrasloj dobi.
La primera visión del Ngorongoro te llena de paz. Desde la pista que circunda el borde del cráter de hotel en hotel, tienes la certeza de estar disfrutando de un momento único. Las cebras y las vacas de los masai pastorean en armonía. Nos cruzamos con algunos jóvenes recién circuncidados que visten túnicas negras y lucen pinturas blancas en la cara para gritar al mundo de las fieras y de los amaneceres infinitos su recién estrenada condición de adultos.
Ngorongoro ohi lehen betetzen duzun bakea. Pista hori hotel etatik hotel kraterra rim da zirkuluetako, izan paregabea gozatzeko ziurtasuna. Zebra Masaiera eta behiak bazkatzen harmonian. Batzuk berriki erdainduak gazteek duten arropa janzten beltza eta zuria pintura aurpegia begiratu behar piztiak eta amaigabeak sunrises bere berriki kaleratu helduen egoera munduan oihu ezagutu genuen.  
Radio Clowns consists of five smiling and entertaining youths, who love to play concerts.
Radio Clowns består av fem smilende og underholdende ungdommer fra Musikklinja på Manglerud vgs som elsker å spille konserter.
  12 Hits  
The “Sí-sí” (yes-yes) youths: between education and work
Los Jóvenes Sí-sí (Entre Educación y trabajo)  
Radio Clowns consists of five smiling and entertaining youths, who love to play concerts.
Radio Clowns består av fem smilende og underholdende ungdommer fra Musikklinja på Manglerud vgs som elsker å spille konserter.
  13 Hits  
Training youths who require special support
Jugendliche mit besonderem Förderbedarf
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Youths with shared residency have fewer problems
Ungdom med delt bosted har mindre psykiske plager  
Training youths for the future
Ausbildung der Jugend für die Zukunft
  4 Hits  
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing Manufacturing
Confection de vêtements pour hommes, adolescents et garçonnets
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Summercamp for youths
Sommerleir for ungdom  
The Lauda of St Francis is the logical and artistical continuation of the project of the "Infinitamente Piccolo", album of the artist Angelo Branduardi, published by EMI in 2000, of which the concert has been an enormous success and has been presented to the public of youths in Rome, in the presence of Pope Jean-Paul II and a hundred of million of young people gathered at Rome in august 2000.
La Lauda di Francesco est la suite logique et artistique du projet de l' “Infinitamente Piccolo”, album de l’artiste Angelo Branduardi, publié par la EMI en 2000, dont le concert fut un énorme succès et fut présenté au public des jeunes à Rome, en présence du Pape Jean-Paul II et d'une centaine de million de jeunes réunis à Rome au mois d'aout 2000.
Die Laude des Heiligen Franziskus ist die logische und künstlerische Fortsetzung des Projekts von "Infinitemente Piccolo" (das unendlich Kleine), dem Album des Künstlers Angelo Branduardi, veröffentlicht von EMI im Jahr 2000, dessen Konzerte einen enormen Erfolg hatten. Diese Lieder wurden vor dem Publikum der Jugendlichen in Rom gespielt, vor Papst Johannes Paul II und den Tausenden von Jugendlichen, welche im August 2000 nach Rom gekommen waren.
La Lauda di Francesco è la continuazione logica ed artistica del progetto dell' "Infinitamente Piccolo", l'Album dell'Artista Angelo Branduardi, pubblicato dalla EMI nel 2000, ed il cui concerto ebbe enorme successo e venne rappresentato al pubblico dei giovani in Roma, davanti al Papa Giovanni Paolo II e le centinaia di migliaia di giovani accorsi a Roma nell'agosto del 2000.
  4 Hits  
We are Union Youths
Wir sind Union Nachwuchs
  5 Hits  
Junnu and Raisa meet at a children’s home for problematic youths, a place more like a prison than a social care centre. They steal a car and manage to escape. They end up on a paradise-like island where their journey turns into a surreal trip on drugs, but reality cannot be kept at bay for long.
Йони и Райс знакомятся в детском доме для трудных подростков, который больше напоминает тюрьму. Они крадут автомашину, принадлежащую детскому дому, и сбегают. Они попадают на остров, похожий на рай, где их беззаботная поездка превращается в сюрреалистический наркотический трип, в который, тем не менее, вскоре вламывается реальность.
Joni un Raisa iepazīstas bērnu namā grūti audzināmiem pusaudžiem, kas vairāk atgādina cietumu. Viņi nozog bērnu nama automašīnu un aizbēg. Jaunieši nonāk paradīzei līdzīgā salā, kur viņu bezbēdīgais brauciens pārtop sirreālā narkotiku tripā, taču tajā drīz vien ielaužas realitāte.
  50 Hits  
Older adults (50-64), Young adults (18-29), Middle-aged adults (30-49), Infants and small children (0-5), Schoolchildren (6-11), Youths (12-17), Elderly (65-79), Aged (80+)
Adultes plus âgés (50-64), Jeunes adultes (18-29), Adultes d'âge moyen (30-49), Nourrissons/petits enfants (0-5), Enfants en âge scolaire (6-11), Adolescents (12-17), Personnes âgées (65-79), Personnes d'âge avancé (80+)
Adulti di età avanzata (50-64), Giovani adulti (18-29), Adulti di età media (30-49), Neonati/bambini in età prescolare (0-5), Bambini in età scolare (6-11), Ragazzi e adolescenti (12-17), Rappresentanti della terza età (65-79), Anziani (80+)  
Periodically, the Edelweiss Foundation awards merit scholarships or scholarships for study, based on achievement and performance, to talented and aspiring youths.
Fundaţia Edelweiss oferă periodic burse de merit sau de studii pentru tinerii talentaţi, performanţi, pe baza rezultatelor obţinute.
Фонд «Эдельвейс» периодически присуждает стипендии на основе полученных результатов за достижения или стипендии на учебу талантливым и добившимся хороших успехов молодым людям.
  16 Hits  
Celebrate a „Colombian Christmas“ with your family or club and collect donations for the project „Schooling and support for youths“ which is run by the YMCA in Colombia.
Organisez une fête de Noël différente en famille ou au sein de votre organisation, et soutenez par là le projet « Mobilisation et formation des jeunes » des YMCA Colombie.
Feiern Sie in der Familie oder in Ihrer Organisation spezielle Weihnachten und sammeln Sie dabei für das Projekt "Förderung und Bildung von Jugendlichen" des YMCA Kolumbien.  
Science fairs are a good platform to reach all kind of audiences, especially kids and youths.
Las ferias de ciencia son una plataforma ideal para llegar a todo tipo de público, especialmente público familiar.
Les fires de ciència són una plataforma ideal per a arribar a tot tipus de públic, especialment públic familiar.
  7 Hits  
28.05.2009Water is Life- the youths from the eco-schools research the Sava River Basin in Slovenia
28.05.2009Voda je život – mladi iz eko škola istražuju sliv rijeke Save u Sloveniji
28.05.2009Voda je življenje- mladi ekošol raziskujemo porečje Save v Sloveniji
  4 Hits  
A story about two quarreing youths whose dispute is interrupted by a freak incident which completely reverses the balance of power between them.
L''histoire de deux adolescents qui se chamaillent. Un évènement saugrenu interrompt leur querelle et brouille complètement les rapports de force.
Eine Geschichte über zwei sich zankende Jugendliche. Ein skurriles Ereignis unterbricht den Streit, und bringt die Machtverhältnisse völlig durcheinander.
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  21 Hits  
Economic Engagement of Iraqi Women and Youths
Wirtschaftliches Engagement von Frauen und Jugendlichen im Irak
المشاركة الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب العراقي
  3 Hits  
10. Recalls, furthermore, that the contents of education should be universal in scope while integrating cultural diversity and should not be modified to reflect the dominant ideology and culture in each country, since this would create barriers to knowledge for youths and adults from minorities and would be conducive to misunderstandings in a globalised world where it is important to learn to live together.
10. Rappelle également que les contenus d'enseignement doivent être à portée universelle, tout en intégrant la diversité culturelle et qu'ils ne sauraient être ajustés en fonction des idéologies et des cultures dominantes du pays, instituant du même coup des barrières à la connaissance pour les jeunes et les adultes originaires de minorités, facteurs d'incompréhension dans un monde internationalisé où il est important d'apprendre à vivre ensemble.
10. Recuerda igualmente que la enseñanza debe tener contenidos de alcance universal, debe integrar al mismo tiempo la diversidad cultural. Los contenidos de la educación no pueden ser ajustados en función de ideologías y de culturas dominantes en el país, que imponen al mismo tiempo barreras al conocimiento para los jóvenes y adultos procedentes de minorías y factores de incomprensión en un mundo globalizado en donde es importante aprender a vivir juntos;  
There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets.
Bélgica: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
بلژیک: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
Belgia: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
Belgia: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
Belgia: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
比利时: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
Бельгія: To travel in Belgium by train, buy your ticket online via the following booking links. There you also find schedules and ticket prices. No advance fares for domestic journeys are available but a number of reductions for youths, seniors, weekend travel etc. For international trips advance fares are available which can be considerably cheaper than normal fare tickets. For international travels we recommend to book your ticket online in advance via the booking links. All tickets are available at train stations as well.
  7 Hits  
The network calls for shared responsibility for the protection of the rights and needs of citizens, in particular children and youths, by government, educators, parents, media, industry and all other relevant actors.
La mission du réseau de coopération Insafe est d’habiliter les citoyens à utiliser l’Internet et d’autres technologies en ligne de façon positive, sûre et efficace. Le réseau appelle le gouvernement, les pédagogues, les parents, les médias, l’industrie et d’autres acteurs importants à assumer une responsabilité partagée pour la protection des droits et besoins des citoyens, en particulier des enfants et des adolescents. Les partenaires d’Insafe collaborent étroitement afin de partager les meilleures méthodes, informations et ressources. Le réseau interagit avec l’industrie, les écoles et les familles dans l’objectif d’habiliter les gens à combler le fossé numérique entre la maison et l’école et entre les générations.
Die Zielsetzung des Kooperationsnetzwerkes von Insafe ist es, Bürger zu befähigen, das Internet und andere Online-Technologien auf positive Art, sicher und wirksam zu benutzen. Das Netzwerk ruft die Regierung, PädagogInnen, Eltern, die Medien, die Industrie und andere wichtige Instanzen dazu auf, einen Teil der Verantwortung für die Rechte und Bedürfnisse der Bürger, insbesondere der Kinder und Jugendlichen, zu übernehmen. Die Insafe Partner arbeiten eng zusammen, um gute Vorgehensweisen, Informationen und Ressourcen zu teilen. Das Netzwerk arbeitet mit der Industrie, mit Schulen und Familien zusammen, um die Bürger zu befähigen, die digitale Kluft zwischen dem zu Hause und den Schulen und zwischen den Generationen zu überbrücken.
  3 Hits  
A worthy change. MVK participates in patriotic education of the youths
Достойная смена. MVK участвует в патриотическом воспитании молодёжи
  4 Hits  
Youths experimenting with MAN machines at the vocational training center.
Im Ausbildungszentrum experimentieren die Jugendlichen mit MAN Maschinen
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