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Badagoni wine is made from a grape variety grown in the Mukuzani zone, which is located in Kakheti.
Badagoni şərabı Kaxetinin Mukuzanı zonasında yetişdirilən üzüm növündən istehsal olunur.
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Uncontrolled licencee areas will provide a buffer zone which will give a clear indication to the public that ownership and therefore responsibility for behaviour in this space rests with the licencee;
Lieux non surveillés chez le titulaire de la licence : ces zones constituent une zone tampon où il sera clairement indiqué que la responsabilité de ce qui s'y passe relève du titulaire de la licence;  
The Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, which centres around Shanghai, is regarded as the locomotive of China’s economy, Let’s take a look at the production locations in the Yangtze Delta Area.
Die Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone rund um Shanghai, wird als Zugpferd der chinesischen Wirtschaft betrachtet. Werfen Sie hier einen kurzen Blick auf die Produktionsstandorte im Jangtse-Delta und Umgebung.
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This problem is linked to the ever-increasing human activities inside the area. The main causes are cattle ranching and agriculture in the buffer zone, which is being rapidly depleted. The lack of action from the state and individuals to prevent the deforestation of the areas adjacent to the biotope point out to bigger problems. Time is of the essence: Cerro Cahuí is critically endangered.
El problema está íntimamente relacionado con las crecientes actividades humanas que se realizan alrededor del área. Los principales precursores son la ganadería y la agricultura en la zona de amortiguamiento, que se está pediendo de manera muy acelerada. La inexistencia de acciones ya sea por parte de organizaciones del estado como de particulares para detener la deforestación de los lugares aledaños al biotopo hacen prever que los riesgos sobre el área van a ser cada día mayores. Si no se actúa con urgencia es previsible que el Cerro Cahuí termine siendo afectado gravemente a corto plazo por esta causa.  
What is clearly not fitting from the employees' point of view, are the ideological comments of the top central banker on economic and social policy in Europe. Not only that the ECB as part of the so-called troika made up of European Commission, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and ECB distributes bitter austerity pills at the expense of employees and pensioners in the beleaguered Member States of the Euro zone, which in the opinion of the overwhelming majority of economists push the countries even closer to the abyss. Draghi even goes as far as to proclaim the end of the European social model, an exceptional gaffe for a European top politician. His recipes for solving the crisis are also sending shivers down the spines of employees: saving at any price, so-called structural reforms and interventions in the labour market. Pure neoliberal ideology without any consideration for the real effects on the people in the countries concerned. Hence, the former chief economist of the IMF and vehement critic of banks, Simon Johnson calls Draghi's recipes an "illusion".
Was aus ArbeitnehmerInnensicht eindeutig nicht passt, sind die ideologischen Kommentare des Top-Notenbankers zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa. Nicht nur dass die EZB als Teil der sogenannten Troika aus Europäischer Kommission, Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF) und EZB in den angeschlagenen Mitgliedstaaten der Eurozone bittere Sparpillen zulasten der ArbeitnehmerInnen und der PensionistInnen verteilt, die nach Ansicht der überwiegenden Mehrheit der WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen die Länder noch mehr an den Abgrund drängen. Draghi versteigt sich auch dazu, das Ende des europäischen Sozialmodells auszurufen, eine für einen europäischen Spitzenpolitiker einmalige Entgleisung. Auch seine Rezepte zur Lösung der Krise sind aus ArbeitnehmerInnensicht furchterregend: Sparen um jeden Preis, sogenannte Strukturreformen und Eingriffe in die Arbeitsmärkte. Pure neoliberale Ideologie ohne Rücksicht auf die realen Auswirkungen auf die Menschen in den betroffenen Ländern. So bezeichnet denn auch der ehemalige Chefökonom des IWF und vehemente Bankenkritiker Simon Johnson die Rezepte von Draghi als "Illusion".  
Our estate was started in 1989 when Fabio Coser and his wife Daniela decided to buy a property of about 22 acres of which 10, already planted to vines in the heart of the Collio Goriziano, in the township of Cormons. This zone, which ranges from 400 to 600 feet, a.s.l., lies at the boundary with a natural oasis called Plessiva. This is a natural park protected by the Friuli Region and as such provides safe haven and an ideal habitat for our local flora and fauna in which to flourish. The name of our estate comes from the way we planted our vineyard using terracing (ronchi) to expose our plants and our grapes to the maximum amount of sunlight, and to a local peculiarity namely the bands of badgers (tassi) that visit our property without fail at the time of harvest enjoying our sweetest and most succulent grapes.
Das Weingut wurde 1989 gegründet als Fabio Coser und seine Ehefrau Daniela sich dazu entschlossen einen ca. 9 Hektar und 4 a großen Weinberg zu kaufen im Herzen von Collio Gorizano in der Gemeinde Cormons. Hier, auf einer Höhe zwischen 140 und 200 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel befinden wir uns an der Grenze zum Naturschutzgebiet Plessiva, eine Gegend reich an Wildpflanzen und mit einer Vielzahl an wild lebenden Tieren, die hier völlig ungestört den idealen Lebensraum finden. Der Firmenname Ronco dei Tassi ist entstanden einerseits durch das besondere Vorkommen einiger Dachsrudel (tassi), die in der Zeit der Traubenreife die süßen Trauben fressen und durch die besondere terrassenförmige Ausrichtung der Weinberge, genannt „ronchi“.  
During the opening phase of the meeting, the ministers discussed the general economic situation in the euro zone which they consider to be "of serious concern" according to the statements of Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister and Chairman of the Eurogroup.
En ouverture de la réunion, les ministres se sont penchés sur la situation économique générale de la zone Euro qu’ils considèrent comme "sérieusement préoccupante" selon les dires du Premier ministre, Président de l’Eurogroupe, Jean-Claude Juncker. Toutefois, a remarqué Jean-Claude Juncker, "quelques bonnes nouvelles" se sont faites entendre ces derniers jours, notamment en ce qui concerne l’évolution de l’économie allemande, espagnole et française au premier trimestre 2005. Les ministres ont surtout retenu que les "niveaux de confiance" des consommateurs et investisseurs laissaient à désirer dans les divers États membres, ce qui soulignerait la nécessité de la poursuite des réformes structurelles.
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The way that this building relates with its context, is by breaking up with what is common to the zone, which are big houses in big areas surrounded by very high stone walls which do not let anybody know what is happening outside and vice versa.
La manera esta obra se relaciona con el contexto es a través de un rompimiento con lo que se da en la zona, que son grandes casas en grandes terrenos rodeadas por bardas de más de tres metros en donde no se sabe que es lo que sucede adentro, ni los de adentro saben que es lo que sucede afuera.  
The cooperative begins a process of expansion outside Catalonia and has as preference the region of Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, for which they need to gain knowledge of the market in the selected zone, which includes the identification of possible partners and a point of sales or logistic platform.
La coopérative entame un processus d’expansion en dehors de la Catalogne, en indiquant une préférence pour la région de Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. Pour cela, elle a besoin de connaître le marché dans la zone choisie, en identifiant de possibles partenaires, et un point de vente ou une plateforme logistique.
La cooperativa inicia un proceso de expansión fuera de Catalunya, marcando una preferencia por la región de Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, para lo cual necesita conocer el mercado en la zona elegida, con identificación de posibles socios e identificación de un punto de venta o plataforma logística.
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The establishment of a zone which is free of multiple specified equine diseases (“Equine Disease Free Zone”- EDFZ) can be considered by countries that wish to host an international equine sport event but where the control and eradication of all equine diseases in the entire territory is not feasible or achievable.
L’établissement d'une zone indemne de plusieurs maladies équines spécifiées («Zone indemne de maladies des équidés» - EDFZ) peut être envisagé par les pays qui souhaitent accueillir un événement sportif équestre international mais où le contrôle et l'éradication de toutes les maladies des équidés sur la totalité du territoire n'est pas possible ou atteignable.
Los países que deseen organizar un evento deportivo equino internacional, pero en los que el control o erradicación de todas las enfermedades equinas en todo su territorio no es factible o viable, pueden considerar el establecimiento de una zona libre de múltiples enfermedades equinas especificas (“zona libre de enfermedades equinas”-)
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The last two lines at the bottom of the page form the machine-readable zone, which repeats the bearer's personal information and passport details in a special format.
Les deux dernières lignes au bas de la page correspondent à la zone de lecture automatique où sont répétés, en format spécial, les renseignements sur l’identité du titulaire et les détails du passeport.  
A towed camera system called PELAGIOS (Pelagic In-Situ Observation System) was towed behind a research vessel and used to perform video transects to investigate the distribution, abundance and diversity of pelagic organisms. "We are using the camera system for the first time below 1000 meters, in the bathypelagic zone, which is the largest but least explored environment on the planet. Thus we hope to get one of the first views into this deep pelagic ecosystem of the tropical Atlantic" emphasizes Henk-Jan Hoving, head of the project funded by the "Future Ocean".
Um sistema de câmera rebocada denominado PELAGIOS ("Pelagic In-Situ Observation System") foi rebocado atrás de um navio de pesquisa e utilizado para realizar transectos de vídeo para investigar a distribuição, abundância e diversidade de organismos pelágicos. "Estamos usando pela primeira vez o sistema de câmera abaixo de 1000 metros na zona batipelágica, que é o maior mas menos explorado ambiente do planeta. Deste modo, esperamos obter uma das primeiras visualizações deste ecossistema pelágico profundo do Atlântico tropical", enfatiza Henk-Jan Hoving, responsável do projeto financiado pelo "Future Ocean".
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The establishment of a zone which is free of multiple specified equine diseases (“Equine Disease Free Zone”- EDFZ) can be considered by countries that wish to host an international equine sport event but where the control and eradication of all equine diseases in the entire territory is not feasible or achievable.
L’établissement d'une zone indemne de plusieurs maladies équines spécifiées («Zone indemne de maladies des équidés» - EDFZ) peut être envisagé par les pays qui souhaitent accueillir un événement sportif équestre international mais où le contrôle et l'éradication de toutes les maladies des équidés sur la totalité du territoire n'est pas possible ou atteignable.
Los países que deseen organizar un evento deportivo equino internacional, pero en los que el control o erradicación de todas las enfermedades equinas en todo su territorio no es factible o viable, pueden considerar el establecimiento de una zona libre de múltiples enfermedades equinas especificas (“zona libre de enfermedades equinas”-)
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Description: A rare urbanized plot of land in Podstrana near Split on the FIRST LINE of the sea.The plot is 2200 m2. Located below the road, closer to the sea.Located in a mixed development zone, which allows you to build any type of building from hotels to buildings with apartments.All communications are central. Pay attention to the fact that apartments in this area are in high demand and are sold at a price of 3000-4000 euros per m2....
Beschreibung: Seltene Baugrund in Podstrana von Split FIRST LINE AUF DAS MEER.Parzellenfläche 2200 m2. Das Hotel liegt unterhalb der Straße, näher am Meer.Es wird in einem gemischten Bereich der Entwicklung befindet, die jede Art von Struktur von Hotels bis zu Wohnhäusern bauen kann.Alle Mitteilungen sind von zentraler Bedeutung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Wohnungen in diesem Bereich sehr gefragt sind und auf 3000-4000 Euro pro m2 verkauft. Aktualisieren von Daten auf der Website FIRST LINE in Kroatien ab 21, Februar 2017 Ref: RE-LB806  
"The problem is that there are some economies, some countries, in the Euro zone which are unable to manage their budget and have a structural weakness in their economic growth. If my diagnosis is correct, the problems come from some specific economies, we know where we must act and how to take action. Not in Brussels, but in Athens, Lisbon, Dublin and Madrid"
"El problema es que en la Zona Euro hay unas economías, unos países, que no saben manejar su presupuesto y tienen debilidad estructural de crecimiento económico. Si mi diagnóstico es correcto los problemas vienen de determinadas economías, sabemos dónde hay que actuar y tomar medidas. No en Bruselas, sino en Atenas, en Lisboa, en Dublín y en Madrid"  
to the Hotel without entering the ZTL limited traffic zone which is off limits to private auto traffic.
al Hotel sin ingresar a la zona de tráfico limitado de ZTL que está fuera del alcance del tráfico de automóviles privado.
all'Hotel senza entrare nella zona a traffico limitato ZTL, che è vietata al traffico automobilistico privato.
ke Hotel tanpa memasuki zona lalu lintas terbatas ZTL yang terlarang bagi lalu lintas otomatis pribadi.
개인 자동 교통의 한계를 벗어나는 ZTL 제한 교통 지대에 들어 가지 않고 호텔로 이동하십시오.
в отель без въезда в зону ограниченного движения ZTL, которая закрыта для частного автомобильного движения.
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Agriculture and silviculture contribute to climate change, through greenhouse gas emissions or carbon storage. The intertropical zone, which is already fragile, is likely to be hard-hit by the adverse effects of that change. Specific efforts need to ...
L'agriculture et la sylviculture, à travers l'émission des gaz à effet de serre ou le stockage du carbone, contribuent au changement climatique. Déjà fragiles, les zones intertropicales risquent de subir durement ses effets négatifs. Pour préparer les...  
Izmir Bilimpark (Izmir Science and Technology Park, Technology Development Zone), which was co-established by Izmir Chamber of Commerce, Izmir University of Economics, and ITOB Organized Industrial Zone with the intent of becoming a center for developing high value added products in design in Izmir, started to host the first companies. The construction of the Administrative Building and the Incubation Centre within Izmir Bilimpark has been completed, and brought into service.
İzmir’in tasarımda yüksek katma değerli ürünlerin geliştirildiği merkezi olma hedefiyle kurulan İzmir Bilimpark, ilk firmalarına ev sahipliği yapmaya başladı. İzmir Ticaret Odası, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi (İEÜ) ve İTOB Organize Sanayi Bölgesi öncülüğünde kurulan İzmir Bilimpark’ta İdare Binası ve Kuluçka Merkezi Binası tamamlanarak, kullanıcıların hizmetine açıldı.  
The new concept provides for the establishment of an appropriate material delivery zone, which is structurally separated from the area of the main entrance. The main entrance to the hospital for patients and visitors is located at the northern facade of unit 2 and is designed barrier-free, the ambulance access is situated at the northern facade of unit 1. The building has six staircases and lifts for vertical access and communication routes are planned on every floor for horizontal access.
Das neue Konzept sieht die Schaffung einer eigenen Material-Anlieferungszone vor, welche baulich vom Bereich des Haupteinganges getrennt ist. Der Haupteingang in das Krankenhaus für Patienten und Besucher ist an der Nord-Fassade von Bauteil 2 lokalisiert und wird barrierefrei gestaltet; der Rettungszugang liegt an der Nord-Fassade des Bauteils 1. Die gesamte vertikale Erschließung in diesem Gebäude erfolgt über sechs Stiegen­häuser und Aufzüge; für die horizontale Erschließung sind in jedem Geschoss Verkehrswege eingeplant.  
If you plan to travel to Mexico beyond the border zone (which extends beyond 21 kilometers to the south and includes the entire territory of the States of Baja California, Quintana Roo and certain areas in the State of Sonora), authorities will request a Temporary Importation Permit for Vehicles to Mexico.
Si planea viajar a México más allá de la zona fronteriza (la cual se extiende más allá de  21 kilómetros hacia el sur e incluye la totalidad del territorio de los Estados de Baja California, Quintana Roo y ciertas áreas en el Estado de Sonora), las autoridades le solicitarán un Permiso de Importación Temporal para Vehículos a México.
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The way that this building relates with its context, is by breaking up with what is common to the zone, which are big houses in big areas surrounded by very high stone walls which do not let anybody know what is happening outside and vice versa.
La manera esta obra se relaciona con el contexto es a través de un rompimiento con lo que se da en la zona, que son grandes casas en grandes terrenos rodeadas por bardas de más de tres metros en donde no se sabe que es lo que sucede adentro, ni los de adentro saben que es lo que sucede afuera.  
In springtime, water temporarily floods the upper portion of the littoral zone, which is also called the flood plain. This area is very important for a number of fish species, like northern pike: it is notably used for reproduction, growth, feeding and as shelter as well. Shores, less frequently flooded than the flood plain, can also be used by fish.
Au printemps, l'eau inonde temporairement la partie supérieure du littoral du plan d'eau. Cette zone, aussi appelée la plaine d'inondation, est très importante pour de nombreuses espèces de poissons, dont le grand brochet : elle leur est utile notamment pour la reproduction, la croissance et l'alimentation. Les poissons s'en servent aussi comme abri. La rive, moins fréquemment inondée que la plaine d'inondation, peut également être utilisée par les poissons.
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It consists of placing implant at the leg zone, which material does not cause an immunological reaction and it get integrated with the tissues naturally.
Consisteix a col·locar implants a la zona de les cames, el material no causa reacció immunològica i s’integra als teixits de manera natural.
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Uncontrolled licencee areas will provide a buffer zone which will give a clear indication to the public that ownership and therefore responsibility for behaviour in this space rests with the licencee;
Lieux non surveillés chez le titulaire de la licence : ces zones constituent une zone tampon où il sera clairement indiqué que la responsabilité de ce qui s'y passe relève du titulaire de la licence;
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These oysters are grown on the Eastern Side of Vancouver Island & are named after Evening Cove. They are beach cultured in the intertidal zone which gives them a fluted hard shell & makes for a beautiful presentation.
Les huîtres Evening Cove sont cultivées sur la plage dans la zone intertidale à l'est de l'île de Vancouver, ce qui leur donne une coquille cannelée et dure pour une belle présentation. Leurs viandes sont fermes, fraîches, propres avec une ...  
The Icicle Staff’s signature spell, Frozen Hell, creates a frost zone which slows and damages enemies.
La signature de cette arme, Enfer Gelé, créer une zone de froid qui ralentit et inflige des dégâts aux ennemis.
Der charakteristische Zauber des Eiszapfenstab ist die gefrorene Hölle. Sie erzeugt eine Zone des Frosts, in der Gegner verlangsamt werden und Schaden nehmen.
El hechizo firma del Bastón Carámbano, Infierno Congelado, crea una zona congelada que ralentiza y daña a los enemigos.
O feitiço único do Cajado Sincelo, Inferno Congelado, cria uma zona congelada que retarda e causa danos em inimigos.
Zaklęcie specjalne tego kostura, Mroźne Piekło, tworzy strefę mrozu spowalniającą wrogów i zadającą im obrażenia.
Ключевая способность заледенелого посоха - Frozen Hell, которая создает зону, замедляющую противников (которые в то же время получают урон).
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The last two lines at the bottom of the page form the machine-readable zone, which repeats the bearer's personal information and passport details in a special format.
Les deux dernières lignes au bas de la page correspondent à la zone de lecture automatique où sont répétés, en format spécial, les renseignements sur l’identité du titulaire et les détails du passeport.  
Organic beauty devotees will feel right at home in the Terminal 1 Central store’s organic beauty zone, which stocks brands such as L’Occitane, Jurlique, and Origins.
一号航站楼中央大厅店设有天然美容产品区,包括欧舒丹 (L’Occitane)、茱丽蔻(Jurlique)和悦木之源(Origins)等多 个知名品牌,无疑是天然美容产品推崇者流连忘返的购物天 堂。  
Fisheries is a devolved matter and the Welsh Ministers have a wide range of functions in relation to freshwater and marine fisheries throughout Wales and the Welsh zone (which essentially comprises the Welsh half of the Irish and Celtic Seas). Responsibility for the administration of freshwater fisheries in Wales is shared between the Welsh Minsters and the Natural Resources Body for Wales.
Mae pysgodfeydd yn fater datganoledig ac mae gan Weinidogion Cymru ystod eang o swyddogaethau mewn perthynas â dŵr croyw a physgodfeydd morol ledled Cymru a pharth Cymru (sydd yn ei hanfod yn cynnwys hanner Cymru o Fôr Iwerddon a’r Môr Celtaidd). Mae’r cyfrifoldeb am weinyddu pysgodfeydd dŵr croyw yng Nghymru yn cael ei rannu rhwng Gweinidogion Cymru a Chorff Adnoddau Naturiol Cymru, sef Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.  
If the Client does not pay the Service price before the domain name expiration date to renew it the status of the domain name in the publically accessible database maintaining by the Provider is changed and becomes publically inaccessible but it is kept extra 45 days on-hold available for renew. If the Client does not pay the Service price to renew it within those 45 days s/he loses his/her rights to the domain name in the . AM/. ՀԱՅ zone which may be registered on common grounds.
7.4. Պատվիրատուի կողմից մինչև դոմենի գրանցման ժամկետի ավարտը վերագրանցման համար Ծառայության գինը չվճարելու դեպքում դոմենը դառնում է հանրության համար անհասանելի, սակայն այն պահպանվում է ևս 45 օր՝ վերագրանցման հնարավորությամբ: Նշված 45 օրվա ընթացքում վերագրանցման համար Ծառայության գինը չվճարելու դեպքում Պատվիրատուն կորցնում է դոմենի օգտագործման նկատմամբ իր իրավունքները, և տվյալ դոմենի համար կարող է իրականացվել նոր գրանցում` ընդհանուր հիմունքներով:
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