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zone A
vyöhyke A  
The deep geological repository consists of a test zone, a pilot storage area and a main section. The test zone is used to study the construction and operation of the deep geological repository. The pilot storage area is used to monitor the behaviour of the barrier system. Radioactive waste is deposited in the main section.
Le dépôt en couches géologiques profondes doit comprendre des zones expérimentales, un dépôt pilote et un dépôt principal. Les zones expérimentales servent à étudier la construction et l'exploitation du dépôt, le dépôt pilote permet de surveiller le comportement du système de barrières. Les déchets sont déposés dans le dépôt principal.
Das Tiefenlager umfasst einen Testbereich, ein Pilotlager und ein Hauptlager. Der Testbereich dient dazu, den Bau und Betrieb des Tiefenlagers zu untersuchen. Mit dem Pilotlager wird das Verhalten des Barrierensystems überwacht. Im Hauptlager werden die Abfälle eingelagert.
Il deposito in strati geologici profondi comprende una zona per esperimenti, un deposito pilota e un deposito principale. La zona per esperimenti ha la finalità di esaminare l'edificazione e l'esercizio di un deposito in strati geologici profondi. Grazie al deposito pilota viene sorvegliato il comportamento del sistema di barriere. Nel deposito principale vengono stoccate le scorie.  
Large part parcels is with a view to the south side of the island Čiovo. The whole area of the camp is divided into three zones A, B and C. About 50% of units in zone A, and B. Most of the camp is in deep shade and a minor part of the camp is in partial shade.
Une grande partie de la parcelle est en vue sur le côté sud de l'île de Ciovo. Toute la zone du camp est divisé en trois zones A, B et C. Environ 50% des unités dans la zone A et B. La plupart du camp est à l'ombre et une partie mineure du camp est à l'ombre...
Ein großer Teil der Stellplätze / plätze ist mit Blick auf die Südseite der Insel Ciovo. Das ganze Gebiet des Camps ist in drei Zonen A, B und C. Etwa 50% der Einheiten in der Zone A und B. Die meisten Parzellen in tiefen Schatten und ein kleiner Teil ...
Gran parte della trama è in vista di lato sud dell 'isola di Ciovo. L'intera area del campo è diviso in tre zone A, B e C. Circa il 50% delle unità in zona A e B. La maggior parte del campo è in ombra e una piccola parte del campo è in ombra parziale.
Veliki dio parcela se nalazi sa pogledom na južnu stranu otoka Čiova. Cijela površina kampa je podijeljena u tri zone A, B i C. Oko 50 % smještajnih jedinica je u zoni A, i B. Veći dio kampa je gustom hladu, a jedan manji dio kampa je u djelomičnom hladu.
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Located in the Carré Sénart urban development zone, a key site for regional tertiary sector development, on the banks of the Canal du Fil d’Eau and bordered by a plantation of lime trees, this project is characterised by a comb type structure which includes offices, a school of engineering and a hall of residence with 312 bedrooms. From an architectural point of view, the orthogonal layout on the ground as well as the building's positioning and the colours and materials used in the cladding on the façades really allow the project to blend in with its surroundings. The simple sliding volumes create a dynamic overall impression. This complex has applied the BREEAM rating "Good" by respecting environmental procedures, focussing on the quality and impact of building materials and the use of integrated eco-systems since conception, as well energy efficiency.
Situado en el Plan Parcial de Carré Sénart, punto clave del desarrollo terciario regional, a orillas del Canal du Fil d’Eau y bordeado por una plantación de tilos, este proyecto, que se caracteriza por una tipología en peine, consiste en un programa mixto de oficinas, escuela de ingeniería y residencia estudiantil de 312 habitaciones. Desde el punto de vista arquitectónico, tanto la implantación ortogonal sobre el terreno, como los colores y los materiales de las fachadas que definen la edificación, permiten una auténtica integración del proyecto en su entorno. Sus volumetrías simples, deslizantes, facilitan una lectura global dinámica. El conjunto se inscribe en una gestión medioambiental, centrada en la calidad de los materiales de construcción y su impacto, la aplicación de eco-sistemas integrados desde la concepción, así como el rendimiento energético. El proyecto ha obtenido recientemente la certificación BREEAM Good.
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An apartment with a global soul- that is what the clients brief required. A large open hallway with a grid slab ceiling had to be modulated into four distinct zones to take care of the family needs. A raised teak wood platform that had a piano and a library formed one zone, a dining with a lowered ceiling height made the second, the third was meant for entertainment while the fourth was given to an entry vestibule. The project highlighted these four zones as distinct spaces forming the whole- but all flowing into each other visually and as space.
The interior design for the REURSA & INCASOL offices tries to drive the natural light to all work places in a 1100 m2 and 2,67 m height site . The space layout is achieved through glass divisions set up parallel to the façades and a perpendicular cupboards system.  
If mountain pine beetle outbreaks occur in the boreal zone, a reduction of timber supply from affected regions will result. Stand-level losses in terms of absolute volumes are unlikely to be as severe as those experienced in British Columbia but could still render some stands inoperable. Net economic impacts will depend heavily on the extent and timing of tree mortality and the concurrent demand for timber by the forest sector. Regulatory impacts (e.g., log transport restrictions) and changes to fibre flows may reduce operational efficiency. Trends in other resource and industry sectors will affect the capacity for communities to adapt to mountain pine beetle-related impacts on the forest sector.
Si des pullulations du dendroctone du pin ponderosa surviennent dans la zone boréale, il s'ensuivra une réduction de l'approvisionnement en bois dans les régions affectées. Vraisemblablement, les pertes dans les peuplements en termes de volumes absolus ne seront pas aussi élevées que celles que connaît la Colombie-Britannique, mais elles pourraient aller jusqu'à rendre certains peuplements inexploitables. Les incidences économiques nettes dépendront largement de l'étendue et du moment de la mortalité des arbres ainsi que de la demande simultanée de bois qui proviendra du secteur forestier. Les incidences de la réglementation (p. ex., les restrictions imposées au transport des billes) et les changements dans les flux de la fibre peuvent réduire l'efficacité des opérations. Les tendances dans les autres secteurs industriels et des ressources auront une incidence sur la capacité des collectivités à s'adapter au dendroctone du pin ponderosa pour le secteur forestier.  
The newly renewed top floor of the Hotel, houses “le Grenier”, an exclusive place for luxury beauty and health treatments, in partnership with Comfort Zone, a renowned Italian company in the professional beauty products field. A truly relaxing experience, with the neighbouring mountains providing the decor.
L’ultimo piano dell’hotel appena inaugurato ospita uno spazio esclusivo dedicato a terapie e trattamenti di benessere completo, in partnership con Comfort Zone, rinomata azienda italiana di prodotti di bellezza professionale. Un’esperienza di relax totalizzante, corredata da un panorama spettacolare.  
If a person, who is equipped with a personnel tag (P-tag), enters the electromagnetic ATM zone, a 125 KHz- strong alarm signal is activated and emitted from the P-tag. When the alarm signal reaches the ALM, the facility is stopped instantly by means of the emergency stop circuit.
Si une personne dotée d'un Tag personnel (P-Tag) pénètre à présent dans la zone électromagnétique de l'ATM, un signal d'alarme de 125 KHz est alors activé et émis dans le P-Tag. Si le signal d'alarme atteint l'ALM, le dispositif est immédiatement arrêté à travers le circuit d'arrêt d'urgence.
Gelangt nun eine Person, welche mit einem Personal-Tag (P-Tag) ausgerüstet ist, in die elektromagnetische ATM-Zone, wird im P-Tag ein 125 KHz. Alarm-Signal aktiviert und ausgegeben. Erreicht das Alarmsignal das ALM wird die Anlage über den NOT-Halt-Kreis umgehend gestoppt.  
Since 1994 he is part of the Zone A – a full protection – the National Park of La Maddalena and it is therefore only possible to admire it from the sea on the border of the buoys or the ground along the path located east of the beach; but watch out!
Spiaggia Rosa, Isola di Budelli. Dal 1994 rientra nella zona A – a tutela integrale – del Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena ed è quindi solo possibile ammirarla dal mare al confine delle boe o da terra percorrendo il sentiero situato ad est della spiaggia; ma attenzione!….è vietato calpestare l’arenile o fare il bagno.
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A local network of complex regime geophysical stations (RGS) is created within Transcarpathian seismogenic zone a spatial-temporal analysis of local Transcarpathian seismicity is made stenables us to detect seismically dangerous sections characterized by anomalously small values of energy released during the earthquake over the past 40 years.
Создана локальная сеть комплексных режимных геофизических станций на территории Закарпатской сейсмогенной зоны. Проведен пространственно-временной анализ локальной закарпатской сейсмичности, которая дает возможность выявить сейсмоопасные участки с аномально малыми величинами энергии, высвобожденной землетрясениями за последние 40 лет. Построена статистическая модель динамики местной сейсмичности на основе данных о временных вариациях комплекса характеристик геофизических полей. Таким образом, получена принципиальная возможность оперативного прогнозирования динамики сейсмической опасности в исследуемом регионе, что позволит заблаговременно принять предупредительные меры для уменьшения потерь от ожидаемого землетрясения.
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Restoration Zone: A transitional zone encompassing environments that have suffered significant damage from either natural or anthropogenic causes and require special management efforts to restore their stability and environmental quality. Once an area has recovered, it is reassigned to one of the other zones. These areas are designated for research, environmental management applications, and monitoring activities. This zone should include the northeastern sector of the reserve from Upamayo and Condorcayan to Cuchucancha in order to restore the lake’s water quality.
Zona de recuperación: es una zona transitoria, aplicable a ámbitos que por causas naturales o de intervención humana han sufrido daños importantes y que requieren de un manejo especial para recuperar su calidad y estabilidad ambiental. Una vez recuperada esta zona se asignará a cualquiera de las otras zonas definidas. Los usos de esta área están destinados básicamente a la investigación, a la aplicación de prácticas de manejo para la recuperación y el monitoreo. Se ha determinado que esta zona debe incluir el sector noroeste de la reserva desde Upamayo y Condorcayan hasta Cuchucancha para la recuperación de la calidad del agua.
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The restoration respects the house as it is while providing a new staircase, an elevator, a rearrangement of the reception zone, a café, a shop, and mechanical installations and a ramp for disabled visitors. With a new entrance on Calle Zurbano, the Sorolla house-museum will be connected to the annex by stairs and an elevator rising from the semi-basement level.
La restauración respetuosa de la casa contempla además una nueva escalera, un ascensor, la reordenación de espacios de entrada, una cafetería, una tienda, instalaciones mecánicas y una rampa para visitantes con movilidad reducida. Con un nuevo acceso desde la calle Zurbano, la casa-museo estará conectada a su anexo mediante una escalera y un ascensor desde la planta semisótano.  
Parking in Bordeaux is divided into two separate areas with specific rates. Parking in Zone A, whose price varies from € 1.30 (30 minutes) to € 5 (2 hours) and parking in Zone B, whose price varies from € 0.90 to € 3.60 for the same time slots.
Il parcheggio a Bordeaux è diviso in due aree separate con tariffe specifiche. Parcheggio nella Zona A, il cui prezzo varia da € 1,30 (30 minuti) a € 5 (2 ore) e parcheggio nella Zona B, il cui prezzo varia da € 0,90 a € 3,60 per lo stesso fasce orarie. Quando ti sposti a Bordeaux Centre o quartieri come Chartrons -Grand Park-Garden Garden, puoi parcheggiare l'auto in parcheggi gratuiti come Parking Counord (pochissimi posti) o Parking Barreyre. Nel quartiere di Saint-Augustin -Tauzin -Alphonse Dupeux, ci sono anche parcheggi a pagamento dove è possibile parcheggiare come Parking 8 May 1945 o Parking Allées De Chartres. Sempre vicino al centro, puoi parcheggiare in parcheggi coperti e aprire tutti i giorni, 24/24 su Allée de Tourny al Parking Tourny -Urbis Park o Parking Bordeaux Centre Bastide -Ibis .  
The "Marktwirt" is situated in the heart of Munich's pedestrian zone. A vast selection of typical specialties from Bavaria and South-Tyrol is awaiting you here. Its cosy atmosphere attracts guests of every age. An inviting beer garden and a beautiful terrace await you as well.
Marktwirt si trova nel cuore della zona pedonale di Monaco. In questo ristorante tradizionale Vi aspetta una vasta scelta di tipiche delizie bavaresi e tirolesi. La cordiale atmosfera di questo locale attrae pubblico di ogni età. Un'accogliente birreria all'aperto ed una bella terrazza Vi attendono.  
Minimum-wage workers on the border (Mexico's zone A) earn about 3 pesos (30 cents) per day more than minimum-wage workers in central Mexico (zone B) and 6 pesos (60 cents) more that minimum-wage workers in southern Mexico (zone C).
Trabajadores con salario mínimo en la frontera (zona A de México) ganan cerca de 3 pesos (30 centavos) diarios más que los trabajadores con salario mínimo en el centro de México (zona B) y 6 pesos (60 centavos) más que trabajadores con salario mínimo del sur de México (zona C).
  2 Hits  
Interpretation summary: Up to 15 km of syn- and post-rift sediments overlie thinned continental crust seaward of the hinge zone. A 145-km wide zone with P-wave velocities of 7.2 to 7.6 km/s separates thinned continental crust from oceanic crust. This zone is interpreted as partially serpentinized mantle, overlain by highly altered and thinned continental crust in the NW and by highly serpentinized mantle (velocity 5.1 km/s) in the SE.
Résumé de l'interprétation : Vers le large, depuis la zone charnière, une couche de sédiments post-rift et syn-rift pouvant atteindre 15 km d'épaisseur recouvre une partie amincie de la croûte continentale. Une zone de 145 km de largeur dont les vitesses d'onde P s'échelonnent de 7,2 à 7,6 km/s sépare la croûte continentale amincie de la croûte océanique. Cette zone est interprétée comme un manteau partiellement serpentinisé qui est recouvert par une croûte continentale fortement altérée et amincie, au nord-ouest, et par un manteau considérablement serpentinisé (vitesse de 5,1 km/s), au sud-est.  
The bottom cylinders complement the guide arms. Special vibrating parts ensure that the cylinders run smoothly and make sure that the yarn is gripped better in the draft zone. A special surface finish avoids fibre fly and reduces the buildup of fibre laps to a large extent.
Alt silindirler kılavuz kollarını tamamlar. Özel titreşimli parçalar silindirlerin düzgün çalışmasını sağlar ve ipliğin çekim bölgesinde çok iyi tutulduğundan emin olunmasını sağlar. Özel yüzey bitim işlemi elyaf uçuntusunu önler ve elyaf sarmasını azaltır.  
At the shooting of the movie “The Land of Oblivion” by Michale Boganim, Bertrand Meunier went in Ukraine, in “The zone”, a 30 km/19 mi exclusion zone around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, evacuated in 1986 after the disaster.
Reportage en Ukraine, dans la zone interdite de Tchernobyl, ce périmètre de 30 km autour de la centrale évacué après la catastrophe du 26 avril 1986, à l’occasion du tournage du film de Michale Boganim, « La Terre outragée ».  
the living room is divided into two zones. The relaxation zone: two comfortable sofas, a chair-bed, handy wide coffee table, flat screen TV, fake fireplace. The dining zone: a two-metre table, wooden chairs;
гостиная разделена на две зоны. Зона отдыха: два комфортных дивана и кресло-кровать, удобный широкий журнальный столик, телевизор с плоским экраном, декоративный камин. Обеденная зона: двухметровый стол, деревянные стулья;
  16 Hits  
According the room plan is the land located inside the built part of the building zone (a building permit can be applied for instantly).
Nach Raumplan befindet sich das Land in dem erbautem Teil der Bauzone (eine Baugenehmigung kan gleich beatragr werden).
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The Littoral Zone: A Lakeside Daycare
La zone littorale : une ménagerie au bord de l'eau
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If the rotary washer is fitted with a blower zone, a side inspection hatch will be fitted to access the pipelines and nozzles.
Si la machine de lavage est équipée d'une zone de soufflage, une porte latérale de visite permet d'accéder aux tuyauteries et buses.  
Zone A
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Zone A Description
Description zone A
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(Zone A)
(Зона A)
Zona A
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Interpretation summary: Up to 15 km of syn- and post-rift sediments overlie thinned continental crust seaward of the hinge zone. A 145-km wide zone with P-wave velocities of 7.2 to 7.6 km/s separates thinned continental crust from oceanic crust. This zone is interpreted as partially serpentinized mantle, overlain by highly altered and thinned continental crust in the NW and by highly serpentinized mantle (velocity 5.1 km/s) in the SE.
Résumé de l'interprétation : Vers le large, depuis la zone charnière, une couche de sédiments post-rift et syn-rift pouvant atteindre 15 km d'épaisseur recouvre une partie amincie de la croûte continentale. Une zone de 145 km de largeur dont les vitesses d'onde P s'échelonnent de 7,2 à 7,6 km/s sépare la croûte continentale amincie de la croûte océanique. Cette zone est interprétée comme un manteau partiellement serpentinisé qui est recouvert par une croûte continentale fortement altérée et amincie, au nord-ouest, et par un manteau considérablement serpentinisé (vitesse de 5,1 km/s), au sud-est.  
During the peak season, the structure of the avalanche bulletin remains unchanged. The structure of the bulletin reflects the "information pyramid" illustrated in Figure 1. The most important topic (the danger level) is at the top of the information pyramid, followed by the terrain features that are especially prone to avalanches (the core zone), a description of the danger, and information concerning the snowpack and the weather. Finally, the data captured by the measuring stations can be displayed. The use of standardised terminology aids both understanding and the production of the bulletin.
Pendant la saison principale, le bulletin d’avalanches est toujours structuré de la même manière. L’organisation des contenus correspond à une « pyramide des informations » (cf. figure 1), c’est-à-dire que le plus important arrive en premier (degré de danger), puis les indications sur les endroits dangereux (zone concernée), la description des dangers, les informations sur le manteau neigeux et la météo. Pour finir, des données de mesure peuvent être également consultées. Une terminologie unifiée facilite la compréhension et la mise en œuvre.
Das Lawinenbulletin ist in der Hauptsaison immer gleich strukturiert. Die Gliederung der Inhalte folgt der „Informationspyramide“ (vgl. Abbildung 1), d.h. das Wichtigste kommt zuerst (Gefahrenstufe), dann folgen Angaben über die Gefahrenstellen (Kernzone), der Gefahrenbeschrieb, Informationen über die Schneedecke und das Wetter. Schliesslich können auch Messdaten abgefragt werden. Vereinheitlichte Begriffe vereinfachen das Verständnis und die Umsetzung.
Durante la stagione invernale, il bollettino delle valanghe ha sempre la stessa struttura. I suoi contenuti sono strutturati secondo la "piramide dell’informazione" (cfr. Figura 1): prima vengono le informazioni più importanti (grado di pericolo), poi quelle sui punti pericolosi (zone principali), la descrizione del pericolo e le informazioni sul manto nevoso e sulle condizioni meteo. Infine è anche possibile accedere ai dati rilevati dalle stazioni meteo. Una terminologia unificata semplifica la comprensione e l’applicazione.  
Zone A:
Zona A:
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Holiday Homes Park Mareda provides for its guests relaxation in a green oasis of peace and, for recovery of body and soul, a sports zone, a true sanctuary for recreationists, is available to campers.
Der Holiday Homes Park Mareda bietet seinen Gästen Erholungsurlaub in einer grünen Ruheoase. Für Erholung von Körper und Geist steht Campern unsere Sportzone zur Verfügung, eine wahre Zuflucht für Aktivurlauber.
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Bonobus ticket: Valid for ten trips between zones defined in this ticket, regardless of the suburban line providing the service. These bus passes are not valid on bus transport services in Madrid (Zone A).
Bonobuses: Válidos para realizar diez viajes entre las zonas definidas en el propio billete, con independencia de la línea interurbana que preste el servicio. Estos bonobuses no son válidos en los servicios de transporte por autobús de Madrid (Zona A).
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