isolate – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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en-ly: A Collective to Isolate A Few
ar-ly: العزل السياسي في ليبيا … “فرض كفاية!”
  22 Hits  
Isolate Var Symb Application
Aplicação Isolate Var Symb  
NAP (Network Access Protection) to isolate unsafe clients
NAP (Network Access Protection) um ungeschützte Clients zu isolieren
  2 Hits  
Isolate Rebar
Isoliere Einzeleisen  
Isolate and Medicate Tour : Seether, Club Soda, montreal (CA) - Oct 8, 2014
Isolate and Medicate Tour : Seether, Club Soda, montreal (CA) - 8 oct. 2014
  2 Hits  
You can isolate the values by clicking on the series ”Cost” or "Annual fee" beneath the chart.
Du kan isolere værdierne ved at trykke på serierne ”Omkostninger” eller ”Årsgebyr” under grafen.
  9 Hits  
Turkey president Erdogan says 'West tried to isolate Russia, not us".
Президент Турции Эрдоган заявил: "Это Запад пытался изолировать Россию, а не мы"
Президент Туреччини Ердоган заявив: "Це Захід намагався ізолювати Росію, а не ми"  
"Gli hotel non sono tutti uguali. E un brutto albergo può rovinare una vacanza. Perciò meglio non rischiare. Qualche ottimo consiglio arriva da Christine Reiter che nel libro TASCHEN's Favourite Hotels mette in fila 72 hotel dei più interessanti nell'intero globo terracqueo: extrachic ma anche elegantemente minimal e piuttosto economici, sperduti in località assai isolate o immersi nella città."— City, Milano, Italy
"Gli hotel non sono tutti uguali. E un brutto albergo può rovinare una vacanza. Perciò meglio non rischiare. Qualche ottimo consiglio arriva da Christine Reiter che nel libro TASCHEN's Favourite Hotels mette in fila 72 hotel dei più interessanti nell'intero globo terracqueo: extrachic ma anche elegantemente minimal e piuttosto economici, sperduti in località assai isolate o immersi nella città."— City, Milano, Italie  
Baird Urges Aggressive Action to Isolate Hezbollah
Le ministre Baird exige des mesures agressives pour isoler le Hezbollah  
The nonlinear fundamental response from contrast agent is much stronger than its harmonic responses and is a significant addition to the detected higher order harmonic responses. Current techniques cannot isolate the nonlinear fundamental signal.
La risposta fondamentale non-lineare da parte del mezzo di contrasto è più forte della sua stessa risposta armonica ed è una aggiunta significante alla più elevata risposta armonica possibile. Le tecnologie correnti non sono in grado di isolare il segnale fondamentale non-lineare. Il CCPS invece usa tale segnale.
La resposta fonamental no lineal per part del medi de contrast és més forta que la seva mateixa resposta harmònica i suposa un increment significant a la resposta harmònica més elevada possible. Les tecnologies corrents són incapaces d'aïllar el senyal fonamental no lineal. El CCPS, en canvi, utilitza aquest senyal.  
Isolate the infected host if possible
Isoler l'hôte infecté si disponible
  2 Hits  
OBJECTIVE: To meet this objective AGROVIN intends to isolate specific yeasts which, due to their own characteristics, are able to increase the release of aromas in the process of making white wines. In addition, due to previous studies on the effect of nitrogenous nutrition on the release of aromas, they intend to carry out a detailed study on the influence of nitrogen on the metabolic and enzymatic characteristics of selected yeasts.
OBJECTIF: Pour atteindre cet objectif, AGROVIN vise à isoler des levures spécifiques qui, par leurs propres caractéristiques, seront capables d’augmenter la libération d’arômes dans le processus d’élaboration de vins blancs. En outre, vu les antécédents de l’effet de la nutrition azotée sur la libération d’arômes, la société a l’intention de réaliser une étude détaillée de l’influence de l’azote sur les caractéristiques métaboliques et enzymatiques des levures sélectionnées.
OBIETTIVO: Per raggiungere questo obiettivo AGROVIN mira ad isolare lieviti specifici, che per le loro caratteristiche, sono in grado di aumentare il rilascio di aromi nel processo di produzione dei vini bianchi. Inoltre, per i precedenti dell’effetto della nutrizione azotata sul rilascio di aromi, intendiamo effettuare uno studio dettagliato dell’influenza dell’azoto sulle caratteristiche metaboliche ed enzimatiche dei lieviti selezionati.  
Medical isolation transformers are isolation transformers for earthed devices used in medical facilities. The transformers isolate and separate the connected device from the medical facility’s isolated electric power network.
Medizinische Trenntransformatoren sind Trenntransformatoren für zu erdende, in medizinischen Räumen eingesetzte Geräte. Die Transformatoren isolieren und trennen die an ihnen angeschlossene Geräte vom isolierten Netz in den medizinischen Räumen. Die Transformatoren begrenzen auch den Kriechstrom der Geräte auf den bei medizinischen Geräten erlaubten Wert.
Isolationstransformatorerna för medicinskt bruk är isolationstransformatorer för jordade apparater som används i vårdutrymmen. Transformatorerna isolerar och separerar den anslutna apparaten från vårdutrymmets isolerade nät. Transformatorerna begränsar även apparaternas läckströmmar till värden som är godkända för medicinsk utrustning.  
You can isolate or share the numbering configuration for each store.
Vous pouvez isoler ou partager la configuration des numéros pour chaque boutique.
  8 Hits  
Protein Isolate
Precursor TST
Precursor TST
Precursor TST
  4 Hits  
this machine allows you to isolate the gluteus maximus.
esta máquina permite aislar el glúteo mayor.
esta máquina permite isolar o grande glúteo.
  7 Hits  
Russia is aiding North Korea with oil imports, ignoring U.S. efforts to isolate Kim Jong-un
Россия помогает Северной Корее, продавая нефть, не смотря на попытки США изолировать Ким Чен Ына
Росія допомагає Північної Кореї, продаючи нафту, не дивлячись на спроби США ізолювати Кім Чен Ина
  2 Hits  
To maintain safety, we separate incompatible substances and isolate products which require this type of treatment.
Pour maintenir la sécurité, nous établissons des séparations de substances incompatibles, ainsi que des isolations des produits qui exigent ce genre de traitement.
Para mantener la seguridad, establecemos separaciones de sustancias incompatibles así como aislamientos en los productos que requieren este tipo de tratamiento.
Per garantire la massima sicurezza, abbiamo previsto la separazione delle sostanze incompatibili, nonché l’isolamenti dei prodotti che richiedono tale trattamento.
Per mantenir la seguretat, establim separacions de substàncies incompatibles i també aïllaments en els productes que requereixen aquest tipus de tractament.  
Laboratory techniques that remove seminal plasma and try to isolate motile sperm, separating them from other cellular constituents.
Técnicas de laboratorio que eliminan el plasma seminal y tratan de aislar espermatozoides móviles, los separa de otros constituyentes celulares.  
A few miles away and can visit the great beaches, or isolate themselves in the beautiful and tranquil coves that characterize so much there.
A quelques miles et visiter les superbes plages, ou s'isoler dans les criques belle et tranquille, si caractéristique de ce territoire.
Ein paar Meilen entfernt und können die großen Strände, oder isolieren sich in der schönen und ruhigen Buchten, dass es so viel zu charakterisieren.  
Have someone you can confide in and count on at all times. Do not isolate yourself.
Ayez quelqu’un à qui vous confier et sur qui vous pouvez compter en tout temps. Ne vous isolez pas.
  4 Hits  
In loop type fire alarm system, it often occurs that partial short circuit of loop affects the whole system. AI-520 Loop Isolator can isolate the shorted circuit from the whole system to ensure normal operation of other parts and locate the isolated part.
No sistema de alarme de incêndio tipo circuito, muitas vezes ocorrem curto-circuitos que afetam todo o sistema. O isolador AI-520 pode isolar o circuito afetado de todo o sistema para garantir o funcionamento normal de outras partes e localizar a parte isolada.
يحدث في كثير من الأحيان في نظام إنذار الحريق من نوع الحلقة أن يؤثر ماس كهربائى في جزء من الحلقة على النظام بأكمله. ويمكن لوحدة عزل الحلقة AI-520، عزل الدائرة التي أصابها الماس الكهربائي من النظام بأكمله لضمان سير العمل بالشكل الاعتيادي في الأجزاء الأخرى وتحديد مكان الجزء المعزول.
В петлевой системе пожарной сигнализации часто случается так, что частичное короткое замыкание в контуре воздействует на всю систему. Модуль изоляции контура AI- 520 может изолировать закороченную цепь от всей системы, чтобы обеспечить нормальную работу остальных ее частей, и показать местонахождение изолированного участка.  
Please try to describe the error as precisely as possible so that we can isolate the problem.
Bitte versuchen sie den Fehler möglichst genau zu beschreiben um das Problem so weit wie möglich einzugrenzen.  
The authors, children speak of moments that evoke silent moments that isolate the rest ashamed to express their emotions.
Los autores, niños, hablan de momentos que los evocan silencio, momentos que los aíslan del resto por vergüenza a expresar sus emociones.
  2 Hits  
An activation-tagging approach to isolate allicin-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana Project Supervision:
An activation-tagging approach to isolate allicin-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana Projektverantwortung:
  3 Hits  
Isolate Heat of Your Car from Scorpion Saudi
عازل حراري لسيارتك من سكوربيون السعودية
  2 Hits  
A peaceful saga on a background of initiatory journey. Two artists isolate themselves, in the heart of Africa, in Mauritania, away from the chaos of the world.
Une Fresque pacifique sur fond de balade initiatique. Deux artistes plasticiens s'isolent au cœur de l'Afrique, en Mauritanie, loin du chaos du monde.
  4 Hits  
Can isolate sounds (or phonemes)
Savoir isoler les sons (ou les phonèmes)
  10 Hits  
Shut down, isolate and prepare process units or production equipment for maintenance
arrêter, isoler et préparer l'entretien des installations de traitement ou l'équipement de production;
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