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Many scenes in Ocean’s Twelve (2004), directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta Jones, take place on Lake Como. The cast and crew were guests at their co-star George Clooney’s Villa Oleandra, in Laglio, during shooting.
Il centro storico di Pavia, invece, con le sue torri, i cortili della sua Università e il suo ponte coperto, ha fatto da sfondo alla riduzione cinematografica del racconto di Nikolaj Gogol “Il cappotto” (1952) di Alberto Lattuada, con Renato Rascel. A Pavia sono stati ambientati anche “Paura e amore” (1988), altra riduzione di un testo letterario, “Le tre sorelle di Anton Cechov”, per la regia di Margarethe Von Trotta, con Fanny Ardant, Greta Scacchi e Valeria Golino e il mélo “Fantasma d’amore” (1981) di Dino Risi, con Marcello Mastroianni e Romy Schneider.
  4 Hits hannovermesse.de  
Komax Zeta 656 - Block loading
Komax Zeta 656 Gehäusebestücker
  2 Hits support2.kaspersky.com  
Scan incoming and outgoing messages for spam, malicious programs, detect and deflect threats with Zeta Shield technology.
Saving message copies in Backup before their anti-virus processing and filtering.
  2 Hits cl.ut.ee  
&Zgr; - capital Zeta, Greek
Ž - Ž (Z katusega)
  7 Hits biemmepi.it  
Zeta potential measurement (19)
Systeme auf der Automatisierungsebene (64)
Abstract: In this faze, there were fabricated iron nanoparticles (hematite (α Fe2O3), maghemite (γ Fe2O3) şi magnetite (Fe3O4)) using two ablation techniques: laser pirolysis and laser ablation in liquids. Nanoparticles were analysed from morphological (SEM and TEM), structural (EDX, XRD and teraherts spectroscopy) and functional (zeta potential and DLS) points of view.
Abstract: In aceasta faza, au fost produse nanoparticule pe baza de oxizi de fier, respectiv hematita (α Fe2O3), maghemita (γ Fe2O3) şi magnetita (Fe3O4) prin doua tehnici laser: piroliza laser si ablatie laser in lichide. Ele au fost analizate morfologic (SEM, si TEM), structural (EDX, XRD, spectroscopie de teraherti) si functional (zeta potential si DLS). Desii din punctul de vedere al puritatii ablatia in lichide conduce la o puritate superioara al nanoparticulelor, piroliza laser introducind o serie de contaminari in strctura nanoparticulelor, in baza rezultatelor exoistente se poate aprecia ca piroliza laser generat nanoparticule cu o tendinta mai mica de agllomerare. Din punctul de vedere al optimizarii parametrilor laser pentru a atinge (si eventual depasii) rezultatele actiale ale pirolizei laser, utilizarea de puteri de ablatie mai mari decit cele folosite pina in prezent (respectiv > 1W) si lungimi de puls mai mici pare a duce la posibilitatea imbunatatirii parametrilor obtinuti pina in prezent cu aceasta tehnica.
  2 Hits wort.lu  
Zeta-Jones and Douglas 'take a break' from marriage
Eva Mendes hält Privatleben geheim
  2 Hits calabria.indettaglio.it  
In the territory of San Pietro Apostolo also rise the villages of Bivio Zeta (4,43 km), Case sparse (-- km), Pasqualazzo (3,76 km), Zeta (3,87 km).
Del comune di San Pietro Apostolo fanno parte anche le frazioni di Bivio Zeta (4,43 km), Case sparse (-- km), Pasqualazzo (3,76 km), Zeta (3,87 km).
  2 Hits kosmopolis.cccb.org  
In 2007, with four partners, Aitor founded the contents producer Gingobiloba, which a year later joined Grupo Zeta. With Zeta he has participated in the creation and executive production of various television series such as
En 2007, con cuatro socios, Aitor funda la productora de contenidos Gingobiloba, que un año más tarde pasa a formar parte del Grupo Zeta. Con Zeta participa en la creación y producción ejecutiva de varias series de televisión como
  2 Hits fondationpourlaudition.org  
Two start-ups supported by the foundation are Ava France and Zeta. Ava France is introducing a clinical trial to assess the benefits of voice recognition software for physical rehabilitation after a cochlear implant, while Zeta is developing a brain training system to enable tinnitus patients to restore balance and redress abnormal brain activity.
Si un dépistage auditif est obligatoire à la naissance depuis 2014, il existe pourtant un manque de suivi médical concernant l’audition. La Fondation Pour l’Audition, en collaboration avec l’Université de Prétoria et la société sud-africaine HearX, développe un projet de repérage des déficiences auditives via une application mobile permettant un suivi personnalisé pour chaque tranche d’âge. Ce test, qui incitera au dépistage précoce, permettra d’améliorer le parcours de soins en lien avec les professionnels de santé concernés.
Zeta Held
81.759 M/h
Set in Paris, the operetta evolves around the attempt of Baron Zeta, Ambassador of Pontevedro, to find a suitable husband from Pontevedro for the rich Hanna Glavari, young widow of the court banker, and convince her to marry an old flame of hers, Count Danilo, in the hope of keeping her dowry in the country home.
, la cui prima mondiale ebbe luogo a Vienna nel 1905, Franz Léhar scrisse un capolavoro immortale di un genere, l’operetta, che partendo dalla metropoli austriaca, avrebbe di lì a poco trionfato in tutto il mondo. Elemento di successo di questa semplice vicenda di amore ed eredità fu certamente la conduzione della vicenda secondo gli espedienti della commedia, ma soprattutto il ricorso continuo al ballo, ai valzer di straussiana eleganza ed energia, tanto che si potrebbe parlare di “operetta danzata”.
  3 Hits bormioski.eu  
following – final KIDS, GROM and ROOKIE and prize giving @ Zeta Pub
a seguire – finale KIDS, GROM e ROOKIE e premiazioni presso lo Zeta Pub
Zeta Potential Analysers
Analyseurs de taille de particules
  5 Hits compute.dtu.dk  
Bernoulli Polynomials, Fourier Series and Zeta Numbers
Euler Polynomials, Fourier Series and Zeta Numbers
The monodromy conjecture and the poles of motivic, topological and Igusa's p-adic zeta functions...
De monodromieconjectuur en de polen van motivische, topologische en Igusa's p-adische zetafuncti...
Particle size and zeta-potential measurements using dynamic light scattering
Partikelgrößen- und Zetapotentialmessung durch dynamische Lichtstreuung
Zetasizer Nano – measuring of zeta-potential of sols
2008 – 2011 Transportní a reakční procesy v komplexních vícefázových systémech II.
  3 Hits kwi.dechema.de  
Particle size and zeta-potential measurements using dynamic light scattering
Partikelgrößen- und Zetapotentialmessung durch dynamische Lichtstreuung
Flexi Board Vepe Zeta
Zeta Flexi Board
  4 Hits bettingexpert.com  
624 pronósticos
6 lug 2017 20:30 CET
6. jul. 2017 20:30 CET
Tietoa minusta
6 lip 2017 20:30 CET
6 jul 2017 20:30 CET
Zuccardi Zeta
ズッカルディ ゼータ
  6 Hits pharmatechexpo.com.ua  
ZETA Biopharma GmbH
Цель встречи
MSC and BG Freight arrange a new feeder service, together with Matera-based Zeta System, calling Rotterdam and the British coast, while Herik Rail Cargo and Jan de Rijk Logistics will strengthen their services between Milan and the Netherlands
Confetra si muove con MIT e MISE e chiede al liner coreano di presentare ricorso per ottenere protezione legale alle navi che altrimenti bypassano i nostri scali
Particle size distribution and zeta potential measuring equipment.
Système de purification de l’eau de qualité de 18 mégohms par centimètre.
Equipo de medida y distribución del tamaño de partícula y del potencial Z.
The basis set is a very general and flexible linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals (LCAO). It allows arbitrary angular momenta, multiple-zeta, polarized and off-site orbitals.
Projects the electron wavefunctions and density onto a real-space grid in order to calculate the Hartree and exchange-correlation potentials and their matrix elements.
RIB ZETA Elle Ribs ZL 1.4 900hp
Motorboot Bertram Fischerman 25 260PS
Od 2154 zł za dzień
When flow takes place across a filter medium, there is a pressure differential between the input and discharge sides, dependent on the filter geometry, ambient operating conditions and phase properties. With solid flow data, the pressure loss coefficient „zeta“ is given as a characteristic value for assessing permeability.
El diámetro de los poros describe el diámetro equivalente del canal del poro dentro de un medio filtrante. La función de distribución que se le atribuye proporciona información sobre la precisión de separación. Un método probado a este respecto es el método de presión capilar.
They have an extensive cocktail list, and claim to have served drinks to many famous celebrities, including, Ava Gardner, Frank Sinatra, Lana Turner, Gary Cooper, Orson Welles, Yul Brynner and Ernest Hemingway. Today the celebrities still come, in the form of Catherine Zeta Jones, Hugh Grant and Tim Robbins.
Cualquier momento del día viene bien para tomar una cerveza pequeña (caña). En primavera, durante el día, verás a la gente beber vasos largos con 'tinto de verano' (vino tinto con un tipo de limonada). A medida que aumenta el calor, se bebe 'horchata' (una bebida de Valencia servida fría y hecha con chufas, azúcar y agua) o 'granizado' (normalmente de limón, parecido a un slush puppy). Por la noche, el vino tinto y los cócteles son famosos. Prevé pagar unos €6,00 por un cóctel y desde €1,60 por un vaso de vino.
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