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Keybot      4'744 Results   2'631 Domains   Page 8
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Following the decision taken in 2011 by the Federal Council and Parliament to withdraw from nuclear energy, Switzerland's electricity supply system will have to undergo major changes. The existing nuclear power plants are to be decommissioned when they reach the end of their service life in terms of operational safety, and will not be replaced by new ones. In order to guarantee a secure electricity supply, within the scope of its new energy strategy for 2050 the Federal Council is focusing on a higher degree of energy efficiency, the expansion of renewable energy use and, where necessary, electricity production from fossil energy, as well as on the renovation, expansion and modification of the country's electricity networks, and on promoting energy research and international cooperation in the energy sector.
En 2011, suite à la décision prise par le Conseil fédéral et le Parlement de sortir du nucléaire, l'approvisionnement électrique en Suisse va subir des changements profonds. Les centrales nucléaires existantes devront être mise à l'arrêt à l'échéance de leur durée d'exploitation conforme à la sécurité sans être remplacées par de nouvelles centrales nucléaires. Pour garantir la sécurité de l'approvisionnement, le Conseil fédéral mise, dans le cadre de la nouvelle Stratégie énergétique 2050, sur l'augmentation de l'efficacité énergétique, le développement des énergies renouvelables et, au besoin, sur la production d'électricité fossile ainsi que sur le renouvellement, l'extension et la transformation des réseaux électriques et sur le renforcement de la recherche énergétique et de la collaboration internationale dans le domaine de la recherche.
Mit dem Atomausstiegsentscheid von Bundesrat und Parlament im Jahr 2011 steht die Schweizer Stromversorgung vor grossen Veränderungen. Die bestehenden Kernkraftwerke sollen am Ende ihrer sicherheitstechnischen Betriebsdauer stillgelegt und nicht durch neue Kernkraftwerke ersetzt werden. Um die Versorgungssicherheit zu gewährleisten, setzt der Bundesrat im Rahmen der Energiestrategie 2050 auf mehr Energieeffizienz, den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und soweit notwendig fossiler Stromproduktion, auf Erneuerung, Aus- und Umbau der Stromnetze, sowie auf die Verstärkung der Energieforschung und der internationalen Zusammenarbeit im Energiebereich.
A seguito della decisione di abbandonare l'energia nucleare adottata dal Consiglio federale e dal Parlamento nel 2011, l'approvvigionamento elettrico in Svizzera è di fronte a una serie di importanti cambiamenti. Le centrali nucleari esistenti verranno disattivate al termine del loro ciclo di vita, fissato in base a criteri di sicurezza tecnica, e non saranno sostituite da nuovi impianti atomici. Per garantire la sicurezza di approvvigionamento, nel quadro della nuova strategia energetica 2050 il Consiglio federale punta su una maggiore efficienza energetica, sul potenziamento delle energie rinnovabili e sulla produzione di elettricità da fonti fossili ove necessario, sul rinnovo, la trasformazione e il potenziamento delle reti elettriche nonché sull'intensificazione della ricerca e della cooperazione internazionale in campo energetico.
  3 Hits  
Besides experimenting with different positions and perspectives you can also play with the settings of your camera. After the session, you can use your computer to select the most beautiful ones in which your bed & breakfast looks its best.
Mit einer Digitalkamera können Sie so viele Fotos machen, wie Sie wollen, und das sollten Sie während Ihrer Fotosession nutzen. Experimentieren Sie mit verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und Perspektiven, spielen Sie mit den Kameraeinstellungen. Nehmen Sie sich nach der Fotosession die Zeit, um auf Ihrem PC die besten Fotos auszuwählen, um Ihr Bed and Breakfast von seiner schönsten Seite zu zeigen.
Con una cámara digital puede tomar tantas fotos como desee, por lo cual debería aprovecharlo durante la sesión de fotos. Además de experimentar con diferentes puntos de vista y perspectivas, también podrá jugar con la configuración de su cámara. Después de la sesión, haga una selección desde su ordenador de las mejores imágenes en las que su Bed and Breakfast luzca mejor.
Con una macchina fotografica digitale potete scattare quanto volete, quindi fatene gran uso durante il servizio fotografico. Oltre agli esperimenti con le varie angolazioni e prospettive, potete anche giocare con le impostazioni della macchina fotografica. Dopo il servizio fotografico selezionate sul computer le foto più belle dove il vostro bed & breakfast è valorizzato al meglio.
Met een digitale camera kun je zoveel foto’s maken als je wilt, dus maak hier dan ook volop gebruik van tijdens de fotosessie. Naast het experimenteren met verschillende standpunten en perspectieven, kun je eveneens spelen met de instellingen van je camera. Na de sessie maak je vanaf je computer een selectie van de mooiste foto’s waarop je bed & breakfast het beste tot zijn recht komt.  
This was the reason for examining food industry companies, especially the poultry processing ones. In the course of research carried out in slaughterhouses of the north-eastern part of Hungary, the authors tried to find out if they pay enough attention to quality assurance and in which way they realise it within the organisation.
Ezért tűztük ki célul az élelmiszeripari vállalkozások – ezen belül is a baromfi-feldolgozó iparág – vizsgálatát. Arra próbáltunk rávilágítani vizsgálódásaink helyszínén – az észak-kelet magyarországi régió baromfi-vágóhídjain -, hogy a minőség biztosítására kellő hangsúlyt fektetnek-e vizsgált szervezetek, és milyen módon valósítják azt meg a szervezeten belül.  
Which is the best wine for the least money? The ones in the upper right corner are the answer to this question.
Кое е възможно най-доброто вино за възможно най-малко пари. Вината, позиционирани в най-горния десен квадрант са отговора на този въпрос.
  6 Hits  
For the younger ones in your group, a children's playground is located adjacent to the tennis courts in Wasagaming.
Pour les plus jeunes de votre groupe, un terrain de jeux est situé à côté du terrain de tennis à Wasagaming.  
Ones in a while, see our Facebook Page!
Soms, zie onze Facebook Pagina!  
All exhibitors are on loan and based on an order exept the ones in plexiglass for shop window that are free. Only on request: contact us to get them!
Todos los expositores son en préstamo gratuito y vinculado al pedido excepto lo que son en plexiglass para escaparate que son gratis. Solo sobre pedido: contactanos para conseguirlos!  
Happy meetings with near and dear ones in the New year!
Счастливых встреч с родными и близкими в Новом году!  
LORON Louis et Fils are the only ones in Beaujolais to produce traditional sparkling wines. From father to son for 4 generations, they were founded by Charles LORON in 1932.
LORON Louis et Fils sont les seuls dans le Beaujolais à élaborer des vins effervescents traditionnels. De père en fils depuis 4 générations, Ils ont été créés par Charles LORON en 1932.  
- Alteration of existing openings or creation of new ones (in both buildings)
- Τροποποίηση υφιστάμενων ή δημιουργία νέων ανοιγμάτων (και στα δύο κτίρια)  
(Nowevolution). She has also written some stories like the ones in the anthology
(Nowevolution). También ha escrito diversos relatos, como los que forman la antología  
perfecting the currently applied technologies and introducing new ones in order to improve efficiency and the level of utilization of materials and energy
Udoskonalanie stosowanych i wprowadzanie nowych technologii w celu poprawy wydajności, a także lepszego wykorzystania materiałów i energii.  
Keep track of all your contacts, even confidential ones, in the Knox container Contacts app.
Knox 컨테이너 연락처 앱에서 비밀 연락처를 포함한 모든 연락처를 관리하세요.  
Visualizing the current security status in traffic light colors like the ones in the geographical overview on the AMPEG Security Lighthouse Security Information Map.
Den aktuellen Sicherheitsstatus in Ampelfarben und in einer geografischen Übersicht visualisieren, wie beispielsweise die Security Information Map des AMPEG Security Lighthouse.  
Additive manufacturing is able to transform virtual models into physical ones in an easy and fast way by material addition.
La fabricación aditiva es capaz de trasladar modelos virtuales a modelos físicos de una forma rápida y sencilla mediante adición de material.  
You can have fun with your little ones in the children's park or on the volleyball field.
Vous pourrez vous amuser avec vos petits dans le parc pour enfants ou sur le terrain de volleyball.  
The sail cabin cruisers, the yachts, the sail ships are only an indicative selection of the offered ones in the market.
I cabinati a vela, gli yachts, le navi a vela sono una selezione indicativa delle offerte in mercato.  
This division supports the other ones in financial and personnel matters and supplies the necessary infrastructure.
Cette division soutient les autres unités dans les aspects liés aux finances et au personnel, et fournit l'infrastructure nécessaire.
Die Abteilung unterstützt die Abteilungen in Finanz- und Personalfragen und stellt die Infrastruktur zur Verfügung.
Questa divisione assiste le altre per quanto concerne gli aspetti legati alle finanze e al personale e mette loro a disposizione le infrastrutture necessarie.
  3 Hits  
04.11.2013 RHYTHMIC GYMNASTS ARE THE FIRST ONES IN ITALY AND HUNGARY ... According to the press service of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, A.
04.11.2013 ГИМНАСТКИ ПЕРВЫЕ В ИТАЛИИ И ВЕНГРИИ… Как сообщает пресс-служба Федерации гимнастики Азербайджана, клуб «Армониа ди Абруццо» из Кьети опередил других преследователей во многом благодаря ее выступлению.
  7 Hits  
Three years pass. On the anniversary of the slaughter, four friends who lost loved ones in the tragedy seek solace by journeying to the secluded lake where it all began. They encounter a man who was with the executioners until the very moment the killing began, and their pilgrimage takes a strange, unexpected turn.
Trois années ont passé. Le jour anniversaire du massacre, quatre amis, qui ont perdu des proches dans la tragédie, cherchent un peu de réconfort en entreprenant un pèlerinage vers le lac où tout a commencé. Là, ils rencontrent un homme qui était avec les assassins jusqu'au moment fatidique où la tuerie commença. Leur quête prend alors une étrange tournure.  
The LSC luxury safes displayed online, as well as the ones in our showrooms, are available for immediate sale. Likewise, the un-restored safes in our warehouse are available to be chosen for restoration.
Элитные сейфы LSC, выложенные онлайн, так же как экземпляры в наших демонстрационных залах, готовы к продаже. Аналогично, на нашем складе есть невосстановленные сейфы, которые скоро будут восстановлены. Мы готовы подстроить каждый новый сейф в соответствии с Вашими определенными пожеланиями.
  8 Hits  
The ones in the northern parts of Canada are difficult and expensive to fight, because it's complicated to get people and supplies quickly to those isolated areas, and there are probably no airports or roads.
Chaque année, de nombreux feux de forêt se déclarent au Canada. Dans le nord du Canada, ces feux sont difficiles et coûteux à combattre parce qu'il est compliqué d'envoyer rapidement le personnel et les équipements dans ces régions éloignées où il n'y a bien souvent ni aéroport ni route. Les images satellitales sont utiles pour cartographier les types de végétation, les surfaces d'eau et les secteurs limitant les déplacements tels que les marécages.  
Experience the Christmas markets: whether you want to visit the original ones in Bolzano and Brixen or the rustic and tranquil one in Klausen, South Tyrol’s Christmas markets are guaranteed to get you in a festive mood.
Vivere i mercatini di natale: da quelli originali a Bolzano e Bressanone a quello tradizionale e suggestivo di Chiusa – i mercatini di natale in Alto Adige sono avvolti dall’atmosfera natalizia.
  8 Hits  
The ones in the northern parts of Canada are difficult and expensive to fight, because it's complicated to get people and supplies quickly to those isolated areas, and there are probably no airports or roads.
Chaque année, de nombreux feux de forêt se déclarent au Canada. Dans le nord du Canada, ces feux sont difficiles et coûteux à combattre parce qu'il est compliqué d'envoyer rapidement le personnel et les équipements dans ces régions éloignées où il n'y a bien souvent ni aéroport ni route. Les images satellitales sont utiles pour cartographier les types de végétation, les surfaces d'eau et les secteurs limitant les déplacements tels que les marécages.
  5 Hits  
This Site uses technical and profiling cookies, including third parties' ones, in order to provide you a better and personalized browsing experience, for statistical purposes or for advertising purposes. For more information or to deny your consent to the use of this technology, read the cookie policy. Clicking "Accept" button, you consent to the use of cookies for a complete use of the services. Read the cookie policy Accept
Ce site utilise des cookies techniques et de profilage propres et de tiers, dans le but de vous fournir une meilleure expérience de navigation, à des fins publicitaires ou à des fins statistiques. Pour plus d’informations ou pour vous opposer à l’utilisation de cette technologie, lisez la note d’information sur les cookies. En cliquant sur « accepter », vous autorisez l’utilisation de cookies et une utilisation plus complète des services. J'ai lu la cookie policy j'accepte  
This division supports the other ones in financial and personnel matters and supplies the necessary infrastructure.
Cette division soutient les autres unités dans les aspects liés aux finances et au personnel, et fournit l'infrastructure nécessaire.
Die Abteilung unterstützt die Abteilungen in Finanz- und Personalfragen und stellt die Infrastruktur zur Verfügung.
Questa divisione assiste le altre per quanto concerne gli aspetti legati alle finanze e al personale e mette loro a disposizione le infrastrutture necessarie.  
• The package cannot be combined with other ones in progress.
• Das Paket ist nicht kumulierbar mit andere Pakete
  5 Hits  
Quad's circuit ideal for the little ones in Olvan - Berguedà
Circuit du Quad idéal pour les petits à Olvan - Berguedà
Circuito de quads ideal para los más pequeños en Olvan - Berguedà
Circuit de quads ideal per els més petits a Olvan - Berguedà  
The facility is unique in Italy and one of the first ones in Europe. Practically, the Advanced Food Lab (AFL), now occupying a wing in the Codevilla plant, operates on food products subject to various processes such as drying, grinding, roasting, degassing and emission control, which are all managed by an advanced automated system.
La struttura è unica nel suo genere in Italia e fra le prime in Europa. In pratica l’Advanced Food Lab (AFL), cui è stata dedicata un’ala dell’impianto di Codevilla, opera su prodotti alimentari soggetti a vari processi come essiccazione, torrefazione, tostatura, macinazione, degasazione e controllo emissioni, che vengono tutti gestiti da un sistema di automazione avanzato. “L'idea è nata principalmente per garantire una scientificità maggiore ai processi di produzione che solo un impianto pilota, che riproduce il processo di un impianto industriale, può permettere. Non è solo importante garantire il risultato ma dare la garanzia della scientificità, di come si raggiunge. E questo è possibile grazie alla presenza di un laboratorio tecnologicamente molto attrezzato” spiega il presidente del gruppo Fabrizio Brambati.  
The village elders arrive early, and the mothers with their little ones in tow. And as the sun slowly lays down to sleep on the other side of the lake, out come the beatniks and the love-stricken, the skirt chasers and the blowhards – the men are off to the pub.
Die Dorfältesten kommen zu früher Stund', genau so wie die Mütter mit ihren Kleinsten. Und wenn die Sonne auf der anderen Seite des Sees sich langsam schlafen legt, treten die Halbstarken, die Liebestollen, die Schürzenjäger, die Aufschneider - die Männer an die Schenke. Das Holde tänzelt um die Festbänke und das Goldwasser schwappt zu Blaumusik aus den Krügen. Am Bahnhof karrt der Zug die Städter an's Gelände, erwartetes Wiedersehen, unerwartetes Nimmersehen. Dort sind aufgetischte Geschichten, hier aufgefrischte Geschichte. Jährlich wenn das Blatt fällt, wird es neu beschrieben. Das Verzweigte tritt in's nachhängende Pastell, Wege offenbaren sich in versöhnlichem goldbraun. - Das Internet hat die Strasse gekillt.
  2 Hits  
Vigo – Boluda Lines, shipping division of Boluda Corporacion Maritima, has been present, once year more and since 10 consecutives ones in the Fair Conxema, the most important meeting in the area of the productos of the sea and frozen ones.
Vigo – Boluda Lines, division de navigation de Boluda Corporación Marítima, a été presente une année de plus et depuis 10 ans consécutifs à la foire Conxemar, la réunion la plus importante des produits de la mer et des congelés.
Vigo – Boluda Lines, división naviera de Boluda Corporación Marítima, ha estado presente, un año más y desde hace 10 consecutivos en la Feria Conxemar, la reunión más importante en el sector de productos del mar y congelados.  
The post-colonial states faced new problems and inherited old ones. In 1946 in Telengana, near Hyderabad, a farmers’ revolt began that lasted until 1951. It was led by the Communist Party of India – and commemorated with a rosette in 1997 by the CPI (Marxists-Leninists), which accused the old CPI of revisionism. The CPI (ml), founded in 1969 by Charu Majumdar (1918-1972), was known primarily for its ties with the Naxalite movement, which launched a farmers’ revolt in West Bengal in 1967.
De post-koloniale staten werden geconfronteerd met nieuwe problemen en erfden oude. In 1946 brak in Telengana (rond Hyderabad) een boerenopstand uit die tot 1951 duurde. Ze werd geleid door de Communistische Partij van India - en in 1997 met een rozet herdacht door de CPI (marxisten-leninisten), die de oude CPI revisionisme verweet. De CPI (ml), in 1969 opgericht door Charu Majumdar (1918-1972), werd vooral bekend door haar betrekkingen met de Naxalieten-beweging, die in 1967 begon met een boerenopstand in West-Bengalen.  
The Rubina Resort has not forgotten the little ones in its entertainment program. In order to make the most of your holidays, the Mini Club has access to the many facilities of the campsite which allows them to vary the activities & games, such as the playground, the aquatic area and the terrace of the Snack Bar.
Voor het goed zijn van de ouders heeft het vakantiedorp Rubina Resort zeker niet vergeten de kleinsten te betrekken in de verschillende amusementsprogramma’s. Omdat iedereen ten volle zal kunnen genieten van zijn vakantie , kan de Mini-Club rekenen op verschillende faciliteiten van de camping. Speeltuin, waterpark en het terras van de Snack Bar, deze laten toe de genoegens te varieren. Deze plaats is belangrijk voor het aanknopen van nieuwe zomer vriendschappen. applies some payment limits, however every service provider sets different ones. In most cases, minimal amount of payment is 1 UAH.
Ограничения по сумме оплаты на сайте есть, но у каждого поставщика услуг разное. В основном минимальная сумма оплаты от 1 гривны.  
A suite of up to 20 new qualifications will replace more than 240 existing ones in the biggest changes to qualifications ever seen in the sector in Wales.
Bydd cyfres o hyd at 20 cymhwyster newydd yn disodli mwy na 240 o'r rhai presennol yn y newidiadau mwyaf i gymwysterau erioed yn y sector yng Nghymru.  
The group expressed worries about "a strong presence of security forces, especially Dutch ones, in Salé court, which creates the fear that such a visible presence might influence the verdict".
Elle s'inquiète d'une "une forte présence des services sécuritaires, surtout néerlandais, au tribunal de Salé, ce qui suscite la crainte que cette présence très visible influe sur le verdict".
  3 Hits  
“Before they received deworming treatment, they would wake up frightened in the middle of the night,” recalls this mother in Santa María del Carbón, an indigenous Pech community in the municipality of San Esteban, department of Olancho, Honduras. “Now their stomachs are better, they have healthy appetites, and the ones in school are learning to read,” she adds with a grateful smile.
Un año atrás, los cuatro hijos de Cleotilde Acosta no dormían ni comían bien. “Antes de desparasitarlos, se despertaban a la medianoche asustados”, recuerda esta madre de Santa María del Carbón, una comunidad de origen indígena Pech en el municipio de San Esteban, Honduras. “Ahora están bien de la barriga, comen bien y los que están en la escuela, están aprendiendo a leer”, dice con una sonrisa agradecida.  
Are you planning a wedding and spending your wedding day without unnecessary worries? Surrounded by your loved ones, in a luxurious environment with excellent service? Enjoy the convenience of facilities and services of Best Western Premier Hotel International Brno.
Planen Sie eine Hochzeit und möchten Sie Ihren Trauungstag ohne unnötige Sorgen verbringen? Mit Ihren Liebsten, im Luxusambiente mit hervorragenden Diensten? Nutzen Sie das komfortable Milieu und Dienstleistungen in unserem Hotel, wir helfen Ihnen, Ihren großen Tag unvergesslich zu gestalten.  
Rediscover all of the Magic of Christmas and the warmth of being with your loved ones, in the exclus...
Riscoprite tutta la magia del Natale ed il calore di stare insieme ai propri cari, nell’esclusiva ...  
Suffering from acute kidney failure, Uncle Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form.
Дядюшка Бунми умирает и решает провести последние дни на родине, в маленькой деревне, где за ним ухаживают родственница и старый друг. Но из темного леса к нему наведываются и другие близкие — сначала призрак умершей жены, а потом и сына, давным-давно пропавшего без вести. Размышляя над причинами своей болезни дядюшка Бунми в сопровождении утерянной было семьи совершает путешествие через джунгли к таинственной пещере на вершине холма — месту его первого рождения.  
In all enclosures, in which the amount is equal to or bigger than 100 EUR, the demands of form are like the ones in the hotel bills cf., point 1 and 2.
In allen Anlagen in denen der Betrag gleich zu oder größer als 100 EUR ist, sind die Nachfragen der Form wie die im Hotelrechnungen vgl. die Punkten 1 und 2.
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We are deeply saddened and offer our condolences to the families and communities who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.
Nous sommes profondément attristés par cet événement et offrons nos condoléances aux familles et aux communautés qui ont perdu des proches dans cette tragédie.  
The casino offers the opportunity to relax and take a little risk at the tables and is one of the nicest ones in Germany.
Das Kasino bietet Entspannung und den Nervenkitzel in einem der schönsten Räume Deutschlands.  
Conclusion: Aggregation defects depending on ADP and epinephrine are the mostly seen ones in MPD. Aggregation defects are independent from the thrombocyte count. In addition it helps us to take protective measures againts any hemostatic defect.
Sonuç: ADP ve epinefrine bağlı olarak gelişen trombosit agregasyon bozukluğu MPH'da en sık karşılaşılan agregasyon defektleridir. Agregasyon defekti, trombosit sayısından bağımsız olarak gerçekleşebilmektedir. Ayrıca, hasta bazında olgunun hemoztaz bozukluğunun saptanıp gerekli önlemlerin alınmasını sağlayabilir.  
The endeavour of the Institute has been chosen as one of the best ones in all the EU in the European Commision 2016 Call. Project is also assuming not only creating the CAKE, but also elaboration of complex reports from the analysis of the climate and energy policy on among other things: Polish agriculture, transportation and energy sector, but also the system of few workshops for the officers of the public administration.
Przedsięwzięcie Instytutu zostało ocenione w naborze 2016 Komisji Europejskiej jako jedno z najlepszych w całej Unii Europejskiej. Projekt zakłada nie tylko utworzenie CAKE, ale także opracowanie kompleksowych raportów z przeprowadzonej analizy wpływu polityki klimatyczno-energetycznej na polskie rolnictwo, transport oraz energetykę, a także system szkoleń dla kilku tysięcy urzędników administracji państwowej.  
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is without doubt, the most important twentieth-century French artist, and one of the main ones in the history working with color. Matisse's work utterly refutes the notion that the great discoveries of modernism were made by violently rejecting the past.
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) es, sin duda, el más importante artista francés del siglo XX y uno de los referentes en la historia del arte por su tratamiento del color. Desde el inicio, en su obra quedó clara su oposición a una concepción de la modernidad como violento rechazo del pasado.  
The assortis search engine is the best on the market with more than 15 criteria and open field searches. You can preview the CVs for free (without contact details) before downloading the most interesting ones in all major funding agencies formats (EC-WB-ADB-AfDB).
Le moteur de recherche d'assortis est le plus performant du marché avec plus de 15 critères de sélection et champs de recherche. Vous pouvez prévisualiser les CV gratuitement (sans coordonnées) avant de télécharger les plus intéressants, et ce, sous les formats utilisés par toutes les majeures agences de financement (CE-BM-BAD-BAfD). Les CV les plus pertinents apparaitront en premier dans les résultats de recherche.
  2 Hits  
“Yes there are! There are many different gloves and materials. You should try out a number, until you find the right ones! In a shoe store you don’t buy the first shoes you see, but rather try several pairs on!”
“Iva jeżistu! Hemm ħafna ingwanti ta’ daqsijiet u materjali differenti. Inti jmissek tipprova xi ftit, sakemm issib dawk li huma komdi għalik! Meta tmur tixtri żarbun, inti ma tilbisx l-ewwel żarbun li tara u tipprova imma, tipprova xi wħud qabel ma tixtri!”  
06.04.2016 Let your holiday be a time to relax and enjoy yourself with your dearest ones in the quiet green surroundings of unspoilt nature. Read more...
06.04.2016 Nehmen Sie sich im Urlaub Zeit zum Entspannen und verbringen Sie eine schöne Zeit mit Ihrer Familie in der unberührten, grünen und ruhigen Natur. Mehr...
06.04.2016 Concedetevi dei momenti di relax e godetevi la natura, la tranquillità e il verde insieme alle persone a voi care. Di più...
06.04.2016 Odmor rezervirajte za trenutke opuštanja i uživanja s najmilijima u netaknutoj prirodi, miru i zelenilu. Saznajte više...  
The sections where the waterways get narrower or are closer to riverside infrastructure represent the most dangerous ones in inland waterway transport, i.e. approaching river locks, berths, pontoons and passing under bridges.
Die Bereiche, wo die Wasserstraßen schmaler werden oder sich der umgebenden Infrastruktur nähern, stellen die gefährlichsten Bereiche im Binnenschifffahrtstransport dar, d.h. Annäherung an Schleusen, Liegeplätze, Pontons und das Fahren unter Brücken. Die Kapitäne der Schiffe müssen viel aufmerksamer sein, wenn sie diese Bereiche erreicht haben, um Unfälle oder Zusammenstöße zu vermeiden.  
where meetings and games took place. The shaman took care of illnesses, instigated confessions, predicted the future, and knew how to invoke good spirits and ward off bad ones, in particular those of the dead that wander too close to the living. The shaman also knew how to influence the temperature. Through the
où avaient lieu les rencontres et les jeux. Il soignait les maladies, suscitait les confessions, prédisait l'avenir, savait invoquer les bons esprits, et éloigner les mauvais, dont en particulier les esprits des morts rôdant autour des vivants.
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Total Bulgaria was founded in 2008 and is one of the many affiliates of the French company around the world, which is among the best ones in the production of oil and gas. It comprises all activities related to oil – probing, extraction, processing and sale of ready products.
Тотал България е основана през 2008 година и е един от многобройните филиали на френската компания по света, която заема едно от първите места в производството на нефт и газ. Обхваща всички дейности, свързани с петрол – изследване, добиване, преработка и продажба на готови продукти. Благодарение на активната работа и отдадеността на младия и амбициозен екип, компанията е една от водещите на пазара.  
The company developed over the years its own core business for the internationalization of companies, especially Italian ones, in Romania, successfully contributing at the businesses of over 40 production facilities, with operators which vary from multinational companies to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Societatea a dezvoltat de-a lungul anilor propriul core business ca partener pentru internaţionalizarea de companii, mai ales Italiene , in Romania, contribuind cu succes la afacerea a peste 40 de unitati productive cu o serie de operatori, variind de la multinationale la societati mici si mijlocii.  
The Holiday season is coming up and everyone is asking the same question. What gift can I give to my loved ones in this world of over consumption and materialism? JMC Lutherie has the perfect answer. It offers musical gifts that are truly original and harmonious, full of emotion and meaning to touch the hearts of those you love.
Weihnachten steht bald vor der Tür ... und jeder stellt sich die Frage, was er schenken soll. In dieser Zeit des zügellosen Konsums möchten wir uns mit einem symbolträchtigen und herzergreifenden Geschenk abheben, welches Sinn macht. JMC Lutherie empfiehlt Ihnen originelle und harmonische Weihnachtsgeschenke, wahre Musikinstrumente, welche die Sprache des Herzens sprechen. Nicht nur beständig, schön und ökologisch, sind sie auch innovativ und leistungsstark. Das sind die JMC Acoustic Docking Station, der JMC Nomade und das JMC Soundboard.
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Rooms are nicely furnished in an elegant neoclassical style; they are clean and comfortable but beware if you are sensitive to noise, the ones in the front tend to be loud, especially during the weekends.
Las habitaciones están agradablemente amuebladas en un estilo neoclásico, se mantienen muy limpias y son cómodas; pero si ud. es sensible a los ruidos mejor elegir una de las interiores, que las que dan al frente son algo ruidosas, especialmente los fines de semana.  
where meetings and games took place. The shaman took care of illnesses, instigated confessions, predicted the future, and knew how to invoke good spirits and ward off bad ones, in particular those of the dead that wander too close to the living. The shaman also knew how to influence the temperature. Through the
où avaient lieu les rencontres et les jeux. Il soignait les maladies, suscitait les confessions, prédisait l'avenir, savait invoquer les bons esprits, et éloigner les mauvais, dont en particulier les esprits des morts rôdant autour des vivants.  
Hereby the testimony of the successful cooperation between Ever Elettronica and Dynetics BV, renown distributor of automation solutions with several offices, including the main ones in Netherlands and Germany.
Ecco la testimonianza della proficua collaborazione tra Ever Elettronica e Dynetics BV, noto distributore di soluzioni d’automazione con diverse sedi, tra cui le principali in Olanda ed in Germania.  
Teams No. 3, 5 and 7 will work in French and the other ones in English.
Les équipes nos 3, 5 et 7 travailleront en français et les autres en anglais.
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