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Keybot 4 Results  www.vietnamtourism-info.com
  Архив новини | Винарска...  
Третото издание на поредицата Discover. Vino е посветено на Северна Италия и ще се проведе на 25 юни, между 15.00ч. и 21.30ч. в пространството пред офиса на Gourmet Publishing, Sopharma Business Towers, Търговски център.
The third edition of the series Discover.Vino is dedicated to Northern Italy and will be held on 25 June, between 15.00 and 21.30 in front of the office of Gourmet Publishing, Sopharma Business Towers, Shopping Centre. fl. 2.
  Архив новини | Винарска...  
Бихме искали да Ви поканим на Green Life Expo - изложение за природосъобразен и здравословен начин на живот, което ще се проведе от 25 до 27 август 2016 година в Експозиционен център Флора – Бургас. На изложението ще се запознаете с най-чистите и екологични био вина на „Едоардо Миролио”.
We would like to invite you to Green Life Expo – an exhibition for natural and healthy lifestyle, which will be held from 25 to 27 August 2016 in the Flora Exhibition Center in the seaside city of Burgas. At the exhibition you will get acquainted with the cleanest and most environmentally friendly bio wines of Edoardo Miroglio winery. In the divine drink of organic varieties for the treatment of which no herbicides and chemical fertilizers are used and the vines are not sprayed with any chemicals. That's why you will find an incredibly well-balanced taste. A simplified way of production is used in which the intervention is minimized - no preservatives, sugars, filtering agents and others. It's all natural.
  Архив новини | Винарска...  
Скъпи клиенти и ценители на българските качествени вина, ресторант "Green Garden" в гр. Шумен има удоволствието да Ви покани на дегустация на вината на винарска изба Едоардо Миролио. Събитието ще се проведе на 30.09.2016г.
Dear customers and wine connoisseurs of quality Bulgarian wines, Green Garden restaurant in Shumen has the pleasure to invite you to a wine tasting of the wines of Edoardo Miroglio winery. The event will take place on 30.09.2016 at 7pm. in Green Garden restaurant, Shumen 20 Alexander Stamboliyski Str.
  Архив новини | Винарска...  
Досега събитието са посрещали като домакини Лисабон, Маастрихт, Бордо, Валенсия, Палермо, Люксембург, Гимараеш, Братислава и Йезоло. 23-тото годишно издание на Concours Mondial de Bruxelles ще се проведе в Пловдив от 29 април до 1 май 2016 г., а конкурсната програма ще е съпътствана от редица инициативи.
World Wine Championship Concours Mondial de Bruxelles has a long history. More than 320 tasters (sommeliers, wine experts, journalists) from 53 countries are part of the jury. From 2006 Concours Mondial de Bruxelles expands its international scope and is held outside Belgium. Till now, the event has welcomed as hosts - Lisbon, Maastricht, Bordeaux, Valencia, Palermo, Luxembourg, Guimarães, Bratislava and Jesolo. 23rd annual edition of the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles will take place in Plovdiv from April 29 to May 1, 2016, and competition`s program will be accompanied by a number of initiatives. "Until the contest in Plovdiv will be organized a series of events witch purpose is to highlight the importance of Bulgaria as a wine-growing country on the world map", said Deputy Mayor Stefan Stoilov, who attended yesterday's ceremony.