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Rockfestival with Die Happy & Luxuslärm ft. Vera and C15 6500 fans at Youth Festival in Stuttgart / Germany
Die Happy & Luxuslärm mit VERA & C15 BSX unterstützt Horber Minirock Festival 2011
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The Creative Youth Festival - First Shot 2011, received Rosanna Manfredi, Managing Director of Expotoons Festival and President of Encuadre SA. Inside a conferences program held on October 5th an 6th at the Auditorium Parque de la Amistad, Surco, Peru, Manfredi offered the presentation ´Animation, infinite possibilities in multiplatform”, in which she talked about creativity in animated advertising contents, in front of an audience of students, young advertisers and Latin American industry’s professionals.
El Festival de Jóvenes Creativos - First Shot 2011, recibió a Rosanna Manfredi, Directora General de Expotoons y Presidenta de Encuadre SA. En el marco de un ciclo de conferencias que se realizaron los días de 5 y 6 de octubre en el auditorio del Parque de la Amistad en Surco, Manfredi ofrecióla conferencia “Animación, posibilidades infinitas en multiplataformas”, donde habló de la creatividad en contenidos publicitarios animados, frente a un público de estudiantes, jóvenes creativos y profesionales de Latinoamérica.  
"YoMo: The Mobile Youth Festival" aims to inspire young people and help them better understand the career of the STEAM sectors. It will take place from 27 February to 2 March, on the grounds of the Fira de Barcelona Montjuïc as part of the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2017.
"YoMo: The Youth Mobile Festival" quiere inspirar a los y las jóvenes y ayudarles a conocer mejor las carreras profesionales de los sectores STEAM. Tendrá lugar del 27 de febrero al 2 de marzo, en el recinto Montjuïc de Fira de Barcelona, ​​como parte del GSMA Mobile World Congress 2017.  
It consists of two beaches, small and big Marathi, both beautiful with blue waters and soft sand. Make sure to have all you need with you, since there’s nothing to be found on the beach. Each summer, a youth festival is organized that will refresh you, as much as the beach itself.
Αν θες να βουτήξεις στο απέραντο γαλάζιο, τότε πρέπει να πας στο Μαράθι. Απαρτίζεται από δυο παραλίες, το μικρό και το μεγάλο Μαράθι, που είναι πανέμορφες με καταγάλανα νερά και απαλή άμμο. Φρόντισε να έχεις τις απαραίτητες προμήθειες και εξοπλισμό γιατί δεν θα βρεις ίχνος οργάνωσης. Κάθε Αύγουστο πραγματοποιείται ένα νεανικό φεστιβάλ που σε ανανεώνει ευχάριστα, όπως και η παραλία.
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Youth Festival
Medea di Seneca
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World AIDS Day 2004. Youth Festival 1 500 students were gathering together
1500 студентов собрал вместе Фестиваль для Молодежи, проведенный в рамках Всемирного Дня борьбы со СПИДом
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Excerpt from interview with young heroine of performance within framework of youth festival on topic of patriotism
Отрывок из интервью с юной героиней спектакля в рамках молодежного фестиваля на тему патриотизма
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Youth Festival 'Mladifest', Medjugorje
Festival Giovanile, 'Mladifest', Medjugorje  
In Sofia, participants in the World Youth Festival protest before the American embassy against the Vietnam War. The protest is disbanded by the police.
Die Teilnehmer der Weltjugendfestspiele in Sofia protestieren vor der US-Botschaft gegen den Vietnam-Krieg. Der Protest wird von der Polizei aufgelöst.
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Youth Festival in Limanowa
Festival de la Juventud en Limanowa  
Wales’ Leading Youth Festival First to Go Smokefree
Prif Ŵyl Ieuenctid Cymru yn Arwain y Ffordd yn Ddi-fwg  
The Youth Festival takes place in the Chisinau
В Кишиневе проходит фестиваль Молодежи
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International Esperanto Youth Festival
Festival giovanile internazionale di esperanto
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A personal exhibition in the cultural centre named after Yunus Ali Emirli within the framework of the ‘Student Spring’ youth festival, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2014.
Персональная выставка в культурном центре им. Юнус Али Эмирли в рамках молодежного фестиваля «Студенческая весна», Стамбул, Турция, март 2014 г.
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World Youth Festival -1 matches / 2 yellow cards / 0 red cards / 0 penalties
მსოფლიოს ახალ. ფესტივალი - 1 თამაში / 2 ყვითელი / 0 წითელი / 0 პენალტი  
EUROPE'S largest competitive youth festival is on its way to Swansea and Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales will be there with fun activities and events for the whole family to enjoy.
Mae g?yl ieuenctid gystadleuol fwyaf Ewrop ar ei ffordd i Abertawe, a bydd Amgueddfa Cymru yno i gynnig gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau llawn hwyl i’r teulu cyfan.  
New! For the very first time, the National Theatre of Nice is opening its doors during the whole of the school holidays for its brand new youth festival, Génération Z.
Le Théâtre National de Nice ouvre pour la première fois ses portes pendant les vacances de la Toussaint avec Génération Z, un festival jeunesse.
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The Syrian National Basketball Team at the Moscow Youth Festival in 1957
منتخب كرة السلة السوري المشارك في مهرجان موسكو للشباب عام 1957
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1. Declaration of copyright and coverage of a production presented at ”International Youth Festival  of the Arts “Muzite” (“The Muses”)
1. Декларация за  авторски права и отразяване на продукция, представена на Mеждународен младежки фестивал на изкуствата „МУЗИТЕ“
Декларация авторского права и рекламы продукции, представленной на Mеждународном молодежном фестивале искусств „Музите“  
As host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2012, the Russian Federation held several meetings, including three Senior Officials’ Meetings, 12 Sectoral Ministerial Meetings, an APEC CEO Summit, a Youth Festival, and the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.
En tant que pays hôte de la Coopération économique de la zone Asie-Pacifique (APEC) en 2012, la Fédération de Russie a tenu plusieurs réunions, dont trois réunions des hauts fonctionnaires, douze réunions ministérielles sectorielles, un sommet des dirigeants d’entreprises, un festival de la jeunesse et la Réunion des dirigeants économiques de l'APEC. Ces réunions ont représenté de précieuses occasions pour discuter d’une panoplie de questions en vue d’accroître encore davantage la croissance économique et la prospérité dans la région de l’Asie-Pacifique.  
It is closed at the second Friday of July (Lenzburg Youth Festival).
Fermé les lundis et le 2e vendredi du juillet (Fête de la jeunesse de Lenzburg).
Geschlossen am jeweils zweiten Freitag im Juli (Lenzburger Jugendfest).
Il secondo venerdí in luglio chiuso (Festival della gioventú di Lenzburg)  
He was a pupil of Rezső Sugár at the Budapest Conservatory and of Endre Szervánszky at the Budapest Academy of Music, from which he graduated in 1957. By that time his works had already met with success at the Warsaw World Youth Festival (1955) and at the Vercelli Composers’ Competition (1956).
Decsényi János 1927. március 24-én született Budapesten. A Székesfővárosi Felsőbb Zeneiskolában Sugár Rezső növendéke volt, majd a Zeneakadémián Szervánszky Endre tanítványaként szerezte meg diplomáját 1957-ben. Ekkor már jelentős sikerek álltak mögötte az 1955-ös varsói Világifjúsági Találkozón és az 1956-os vercelli-i zeneszerző-versenyen nyert díjai révén. 1951 és 1994 között a Magyar Rádió zenei osztályán dolgozott szerkesztőként, majd az osztály vezetőjeként; emellett 1974-től ő vezette a Rádió elektronikus zenei stúdióját is. Zenei lektorként egészen 2007-ig a Rádió munkatársa maradt. A bourges-i zeneszerző-verseny zsűritagjaként 25 éven át képviselte a Magyar Rádiót.
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Although his parents resisted exploiting their son as a prodigy, he made his debut at 17 and performed in many Soviet venues while still a student. Wider recognition came when Kogan shared first prize at the 1947 Prague World Youth Festival.
Op de leeftijd van twaalf werd Leonid Kogan aan het werk gehoord door violist Jacques Thibaud, die hem een grote carrière voorspelde. Hoewel zijn ouders hun zoon niet als een wonderkind wilden uitbuiten, maakte hij zijn debuut op zijn zeventiende en gaf hij veel optredens doorheen de Sovjet-Unie toen hij nog studeerde. Zijn naam werd bekender toen hij de gedeelde eerste prijs won op het Praag Wereld Jongerenfestival in 1947. In 1951 won hij de eerste prijs van de Koningin Elisabethwedstrijd. Jurylid David Oistrakh beschouwde Kogan nadien als een collega, terwijl die laatste Oistrakh uitgebreid observeerde tijdens zijn avondklassen aan andere studenten.
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YO! Fest comes back in 2013 to celebrate young people building Europe. On 30-31 of May 2013 we will launch the Youth campaign for the European Elections 2014, the League of the Young Voters and celebrate 25 years of European Programmes dedicated to Youth. Festival during the day, concerts in the evening. You want to be part of it? This is your lucky day: you still have one day to apply to volunteer for the YO! Fest and help the whole event run smoothly, from setting up to the day-to-day and all the excitement in between.
La YO! Fest revient en 2013 pour célébrer les jeunes qui construisent l’Europe. Les 30 et 31 mai 2013 nous lancerons la Campagne des Jeunes pour les élections européennes de 2014; la Ligue des Jeunes Electeurs, et nous célébrerons les 25 ans des programmes européens consacrés aux jeunes. Un festival en journée, des concerts en soirée. Vous voulez en faire partie? C’est votre jour de chance : vous avez encore un jour pour vous inscrire comme bénévole pour la YO! Fest et contribuer au bon déroulement de l’événement, de l’installation à l’expérience de l’événement au jour le jour, avec toute l’excitation que ça implique!  
At that Summer School Miss Milligan taught the dances from Book 13, which included The Reel of the 51st Division, a dance with its origins in a Prisoner of War Camp. In 1946 she travelled to London with sixty-six dancers to attend the International Youth Festival.
As the war drew to a close, preparations were made for a Summer School at St Andrews in 1945 and Miss Milligan was appointed Director.  At that Summer School Miss Milligan taught the dances from Book 13, which included The Reel of the 51st Division, a dance with its origins in a Prisoner of War Camp.  In 1946 she travelled to London with sixty-six dancers to attend the International Youth Festival.
As the war drew to a close, preparations were made for a Summer School at St Andrews in 1945 and Miss Milligan was appointed Director.  At that Summer School Miss Milligan taught the dances from Book 13, which included The Reel of the 51st Division, a dance with its origins in a Prisoner of War Camp.  In 1946 she travelled to London with sixty-six dancers to attend the International Youth Festival.  
There will also be workshops on photography, mask making, banner making, etc. There will be a youth festival with exhibitions and seminars where we aim to create awareness about substance dependency through the power of art and music," said Yümlü.
Proje hakkında bilgi veren Pınar Doğan Yümlü de, projenin uygulama yerinin İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi olarak belirlendiğini, hedeflerinin bütün üniversite öğrencilerine ulaşmak olduğunu bildirdi. Yümlü, projenin İzmir’de ilk ve tek olma özelliğini taşıdığını ifade ederek, “Dünyaca ünlü Gomalan Brass grubu, Türkiye’nin ilk korno dörtlüsü olan Anatolia Horn Quartet grubu, Grup Turuncu ve İzmir’in seçkin topluluklarından Smyrna Latin Band grubu, İzmir’deki tüm üniversite öğrencilerine açık olarak İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi’nde ücretsiz konserler gerçekleştirecek. Ayrıca fotoğrafçılık, maske yapımı ve afiş tasarımı gibi sanat atölyelerinde gençlerimizi eğiteceğiz. Sergiler ve seminerlerin yer alacağı bir gençlik festivali düzenleyerek sanatın ve müziğin gücü ile gençlerin madde bağımlılığı konusunda farkındalıklarını arttırmayı amaçlıyoruz" diye konuştu.  
Thus, in 2012 was launched All-Ukrainian media festival in ZNU. In the spring 2013, initiated by the students-advertisers held Ukrainian Youth Festival of Advertising «Granart», which gathered at the Faculty creative youth from all regions of Ukraine.
Руководство факультета и университета поддерживает лучшие студенческие инициативы. Так, в 2012 г. был основан Всеукраинский медиафестиваль в ЗНУ. Весной 2013 г. инициированный студентами-рекламистами и Всеукраинским молодежным фестивалем рекламы «Granart» собрал на факультете творческую молодежь со всех регионов Украины.  
Cultural events: book festival, youth festival, music festival. Cinema. Theatre.
Manifestations culturelles : fête du livre, de la jeunesse, de la musique.  
Youth Festival
Младежки фестивал
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24.08.2011 / President Serzh Sargsyan attended the official closing ceremony of the annual Bazeh-2011 Panarmenian Youth Festival
14.09.2011 / Սերժ Սարգսյանը ՀՀ անկախության 20-րդ տարեդարձի առթիվ Սարդարապատի հերոսամարտի հուշահամալիրում հրավիրել է տոնական ընդունելություն
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