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Organizator: Zavod Javšnik & Klapa
  2 Hits  
  7 Hits  
Zavod Odon Jurklošter, Jurklošter 24, 3273 Jurklošter
Институт Одон Юрклоштер, Jurklošter 24, 3273 Jurklošter (Юрклоштер 24, 3273 Юрклоштер)  
  7 Hits  
Zavod Odon Jurklošter
Институт "Одон Юрклоштер"
  10 Hits  
Russia, Polotnyanyy Zavod
Russian Federation, Polotnyanyy Zavod
Russie, Polotnyanyy Zavod
Russland, Polotnyanyy Zavod
Rusia, Polotnyanyy Zavod  
Muzhestva Lesnaya Vyborgskaya Pl. Lenina Chernyshevskaya Pl. Vosstania Vladimirskaya Pushkinskaya Tekhnologichesky Institut 1 Baltiyskaya Narvskaya Kirovsky Zavod Avtovo Leninsky prospekt Pr. Veteranov
Devjatkino Grazhdansky Prospekt Akademitscheskaja Polytechnitscheskaja Ploschad’ Muzhestva Lesnaja Wyborgskaja Ploshchad' Lenina Tschernyschevskaja Ploschad’ Vosstanija Wladimirskaja Puschkinskaja Technologitschesky Institut I Baltijskaja Narvskaja Kirovsky Zavod Avtovo Leninsky Prospekt Prospekt Veteranov
Девяткино Гражданский проспект Академическая Политехническая Площадь мужества Лесная Выборгская Площадь Ленина Чернышевская Площадь Восстания Владимирская Пушкинская Технологический Институт I Балтийская Нарвская Кировский завод Автово Ленинский проспект Проспект Ветеранов
  3 Hits  
Aleksandrovskiy Zavod
Локальная погода
Västra Medelhavet
หน่วย_ฟ. | หน่วย_ซ. การตั้งค่า
এর জন্য আবহাওয়া
இதற்கான வானிலை
માટેનું હવામાન
ಕ್ಕೆ/ಗೆ ಹವಾಮಾನ
കാലാവസ്ഥ എന്തിനുവേണ്ടി
  2 Hits  
OAO Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO Bogdanovichsky Kombikormoviy Zavod
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”
OAO “Bogdanovichsky kombikormoviy zavod”  
In Slovenia trasmettere il presente modulo - in caso di prestazioni in denaro per maternità – al competente "Center za socialno delo Ljubljana Bežigrad, Centralna enota za starševsko varstvo in družinske prejemke" (centro affari sociali, Ljubljana Bežigrad, unità centrale per la tutela parentale e la prestazioni familiari) e, in caso d’inabilità al lavoro, all’unità regionale competente dello “Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS)" (istituto assicurativo sanitario della Slovenia).
En Slovénie, vous devez adresser ce formulaire – en cas de prestations en nature de maternité - au siège compétent du «Center za socialno delo Ljubljana Bežigrad, Centralna enota za starševsko varstvo in družinske prejemke» (Centre des affaires sociales Ljubljana Bežigrad – Unité centrale pour la protection parentale et les prestations familiales), ou, en cas d'incapacité de travail, à l'office régional compétent du «Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije» (ZZZS) (Institut d'assurance maladie de Slovénie).
In Italien ist dieser Vordruck bei Krankheit oder Mutterschaft bei der örtlichen Geschäftsstelle des „Istituto nazionale della previdenza sociale – INPS” (Staatliche Anstalt für soziale Vorsorge), bei Arbeitsunfall oder Berufskrankheit beim „Istituto nazionale assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul lavoro – INAIL“ (Unfallversicherungsanstalt) einzureichen.
  2 Hits  
Il piccolo birrificio Stariy Zavod è stato fondato tre anni fa nella regione di Ryazan, in Russia. L'impianto di produzione è situato in un edificio storico che fa parte di una distilleria fondata per ordine dell'imperatore Nicola II nel 1911."Il titolare del nostro impianto è un grande appassionato di birra tedesca e ha deciso che la produzione di birra presso la nostra struttura sarebbe rimasta fedele a una legge tedesca della purezza della birra, risalente al 1516", afferma Maksim Sukhov, Deputy Marketing Director presso il birrificio Stariy Zavod.

Green Man Brewery, one of North Carolina’s leading breweries, struggled to find a packaging strategy that would fit to their needs. The brewery experimented with different strategies, including wet cold glue application for small batches and off-site bottling, before gearing up for production in-house.


Green Man Brewery now uses packaging from Prime Package and Label Inc. and pressure sensitive labels from UPM Raflatac. These together have enabled Green Man Brewery to find a solution for material challenges that were harming production efficiencies.

Higher quality label makes a difference

UPM Raflatac’s pressure sensitive labels have increased both production speed and efficiency at Green Man Brewery. The brand and quality are maintained every step of the way and the difference of using a higher quality label for craft beverages shows.

Previously, when Green Man Brewery worked with an off-site bottler, the bottler had challenges with a label supplier’s material as the liner kept breaking during the application processes.

“Through some poor experiences, we learned that UPM Raflatacs’s material was the one to go with”, says Jon Spath, Director of Operations for Green Man Brewery.

“On a bottle, the label is the only branding I have. It can’t wrinkle or detach from the bottle. UPM Raflatac’s label stock is a better quality-material. It has a great feel on the bottle and fantastic adhesion. It is critical when I pull bottled beer out of a wet cooler that has been there for several hours, it should still look immaculate.”

“Our logo is not the simplest to produce because it is so detailed. When we went to new designer Prime Package and Label, the visual and print quality of the label took a major step forward. The text and imagery are so much clearer”, Spath adds.

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