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The most important figure within the movement was Sheykh Ahmad Yassin, a paraplegic cleric known for his virulent sermons against the Jewish State. He had studied at the Al Azhar University in Cairo and had joined the Brotherhood.
Hamas (acronimo della traduzione dall'arabo di Movimento di Resistenza Islamica) compare per la prima volta in un volantino contro Israele nel 1987. All'epoca, la figura di maggior spicco del movimento e' lo Sceicco Ahmad Yassin, un religioso paraplegico noto per i suoi sermoni virulenti contro lo Stato ebraico. Yassin aveva studiato all'Universita' al Azhar del Cairo dove aveva aderito ai Fratelli Musulmani. Lo sceicco operava a Gaza con una sua "Associazione Islamica", autorizzata a funzionare dalle autorita' israeliane fin dal 1977, legata a doppio filo con la Fratellanza. L'associazione era dedita al proselitismo e all'assistenza dei piu bisognosi in campo sanitario ed educativo. Nel contempo, i sermoni di Ahamed Yassin nelle moschee della Striscia gli avevano garantito una crescente notorieta' e gli avevano consentito di allargare la sua sfera di azione e di influenza.  
Hassan Azhar
ޙަސަން އަޒްހަރު
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Fukuoka City
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Egypt: Clashes erupt between al-Azhar students and police in Cairo
Le Caire : Des milliers de partisans des Frères musulmans dans...  
KHA. Azhar Basyir, M.A.
Prof. Dr. H.A. Syafii Ma'arif  
Md Azhar Uddin
ハンセン・ケリー(Kelly Hansen)  
Bachelor of Medicine and Diploma of Islamic Studies, Al Azhar University Cairo​
دكتوراة الأمراض الجنينية جامعة بيرمنغهام، بريطانيا
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China blocks bid against Azhar at UN
ICC Women's WC qualifiers: India beat Thailand by nine wickets  
Be fascinated by its winding alleys and streets exuding mystery yet buzzing with life. Discover the mosques and Coptic churches at every corner, or pay a visit to Al-Azhar mosque home to the oldest university in the world or the Citadel, so rich in history.
Besuchen Sie das Kempinski Nile Hotel und enthüllen Sie das Geheimnis. Rufen Sie unseren Portier und arrangieren Sie Ihren persönlichen Besuch der Sphinx.  
Laika and KunstZ | DIRECTED BY Jo Roets and Greet Vissers CHOREOGRAPHY Jo-An Lauwaert CAST Yasmine Aolad, Malika Bajaat, Kenan Bukasa, Azhar El Houfi, Anissa Hassouini, Eunice en Joshua Katende, Ali Keshavarz, Zhara Maes, Diana Marycheva, Monavarah Mohammad, Keisy Muschija, Anton Roets, Fatoumata Sissokho, Idolina Romos Soares, Axel Willems, Khawla Zemmouri, Tsveti Zlatova SET Steven Brys COSTUMES Mieja Hollevoet
Laika et KunstZ | MISE EN SCENE Jo Roets et Greet Vissers CHOREOGRAPHIE Jo-An Lauwaert JEU Yasmine Aolad, Malika Bajaat, Kenan Bukasa, Azhar El Houfi, Anissa Hassouini, Eunice en Joshua Katende, Ali Keshavarz, Zhara Maes, Diana Marycheva, Monavarah Mohammad, Keisy Muschija, Anton Roets, Fatoumata Sissokho, Idolina Romos Soares, Axel Willems, Khawla Zemmouri, Tsveti Zlatova SCENOGRAPHIE Steven Brys COSTUMES Mieja Hollevoet
Creatie - kunstZ en Laika met medewerking van de basisscholen Sint-Anna Goethe en School aan de stroom | REGIE Jo Roets en Greet Vissers CHOREOGRAFIE Jo-An Lauwaert SPEL Yasmine Aolad, Malika Bajaat, Kenan Bukasa, Azhar El Houfi, Elie, Eunice en Joshua Katende, Diana Marychewa, Monavarah Mohammad, Keysie Muschija, Anton Roets, Fatoumata Sissokho, Idolina Romos Soares, Axel Willems, Khawla Zemmouri, Tsveti Zlatova SCENOGRAFIE Steven Brys KOSTUUMS Mieja Hollevoet
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Al Azhar University of Gaza
close this panel  
Muhammad Azhar
Rang du forum : Andryo  
AMMAN — Deputising for His Majesty King Abdullah, HRH Crown Prince Hussein attended Friday's Hashemite Scientific Councils meeting, held under the theme “Governance in Modern Islamic Thought”. Al Azhar University Deputy President Mohammad Hashem, Jordan Islamic Scholars League President Abdulrahman Kilani, several diplomats and senior officers and...
عمان – مندوبا عن جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني، رعى نائب جلالة الملك سمو الأمير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني، ولي العهد، اليوم الجمعة، أعمال المجلس العلمي الهاشمي السادس والسبعين بعنوان "إشكالية الحاكمية في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر". وشارك في أعمال المجلس، الذي عقد في مسجد الشهيد الملك المؤسس عبدالله بن الحسين طيب الله ثراه، نائب رئيس جامعة الأزهر الشريف...  
The King Faisal Foundation held, in cooperation with Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, a symposium entitled “Islam and the Arab Culture in the New World” in 1995 (1415H) and it was attended by many guests and previous winners of the King Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam, Islamic Studies, and Arabic Literature.
ندوة "الإسلام والثقافة العربية في العالم الجديد" التي نظمتها مؤسسة الملك فيصل الخيرية بالاشتراك مع الأزهر الشريف بالقاهرة في العام 1415هـ/1995م بحضور عدد كبير من الضيوف والفائزين السابقين بجوائز الملك فيصل العالمية لخدمة الإسلام، والدراسات الإسلامية، والأدب العربي.  
- Al Azhar, one of the most prestigious institutions of Sunni Islam based in Egypt, called yesterday Muslims to "ignore" the new drawings of the Prophet Muhammad (QSSSL) in the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Al Azhar, l'une des plus prestigieuses institutions de l'Islam sunnite basée en Egypte, a appelé hier les musulmans à «ignorer» les nouveaux dessins représentant le Prophète Mohamed (QSSSL) dans le journal satirique français Charlie Hebdo. (p10)
-      قام الطاقم الصحفي لجريدة الشباب الجديد أمس بمبادرة تضامنية على صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي تنديدا بالصور، التي نشرتها مجلة "شارلي إيبدو"، والتي أعادت نشر صور مسيئة للنبي عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام في صفحاتها الأولى متفاخرة بما قامت به مستفزة مليار ونصف مليار مسلم عبر كافة أنحاء العالم.(ص 24)  
The number of Muslim visitors has been climbing up in Macau in recent years. In response to the trend, MGTO will partner with a lecturer from the University of Al-Azhar Indonesia to host two sessions namely the "Workshop for Islamic Culture in Tourism" this month.
Nos últimos anos, Macau tem recebido cada vez mais visitantes islâmicos, como tal, através da representação da DST na Indonésia, em cooperação com formadores recomendados pela Universidade de Al-Azhar da Indonésia foi organizado, o "Workshop em Turismo e Cultura Islâmica", com duas sessões, destinado aos operadores turísticos locais. Será também organizado, este mês, um workshop de "Mandarim para Profissionais do Sector a Retalho", para os operadores de venda a retalho.
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Apparently, the communication within the UNO between the Western nations and the Islamic nations is insufficient. The Al-Azhar University in Cairo has often in its history been a meeting place for East-West dialogues.
È necessario migliorare la comunicazione fra Occidente e mondo islamico. Evidentemente, l'ONU non è sufficiente. Nell'arco della storia, l'università Al-Azhar del Cairo è stata spesso sede di un dialogo fra Oriente ed Occidente. Pertanto, sarebbe adeguato creare una "Conferenza Permanente dei Paesi Orientali ed Occidentali per il Rafforzamento dei Rapporti fra le Nazioni Occidentali ed il Mondo Islamico", con sede all'università Al-Azhar del Cairo.  
This may lead to a deeper religious commitment, which may come about through training and new vocations, notably around the taking on of religious responsibilities, as has been shown by surveys carried out with African students in Al Azhar University in Cairo.
Este mercado religioso se apoya en un hecho inevitable: de manera general, durante la migración, la fe y las prácticas religiosas se refuerzan, se arraigan o a veces encuentran nuevas direcciones. Frente a la falta de reconocimiento jurídico, las discriminaciones vividas diariamente y las dificultades económicas en el país de acogida, el reconocimiento suele pasar por la organización religiosa. Este periodo da lugar también a encuentros, lejos de los mayores y las jerarquías sociales, y permite afirmarse a algunos. Esto puede conducir a un compromiso religioso más profundo que puede pasar por la formación y por nuevas vocaciones, especialmente alrededor de una aceptación de responsabilidades religiosas, tal como han demostrado las encuestas realizadas a estudiantes africanos de la universidad de Al Azhar de El Cairo.  
Azhar Saba Co.
Mohamed Khoram  
Likewise, family legal decisions with regard to family punishment and laws would reach an unimaginable proportion. Mohammad Sayyid Tantawi, the Chief Mufti of the Al-Azhar University in Kairo, raises this issue in his argument the descent (nasab).
Diese und ähnliche Argumente sind jedoch nur dann vertretbar, wenn man die islamrechtliche Position, die eine Abtreibung auch ohne einen triftigen Grund bis zum 40. bzw. 120. Tag erlaubt, als Entscheidungsgrundlage nimmt. Diejenigen Positionen aber, die eine Abtreibung - solange eine Schwangerschaft das Leben der werdenden Mutter nicht gefährdet - als absolut verboten erklären, sollten die Forschung an embryonalen Stammzellen kategorisch ablehnen. Komplizierter scheint es, über den Standpunkt zu urteilen, der die Tötung eines Embryos nur dann erlaubt, wenn triftige Gründe vorliegen. Vertreter dieser Position müssen beantworten, ob die Forschung an Embryonen aufgrund der Hoffnung, Therapieformen für bestimmte Krankheiten zu finden, gerechtfertigt ist. Dies zu rechtfertigen scheint aber nicht einfach zu sein, wenn man dabei die klassischen Argumente, die eher familiäre und soziale Bedingungen vor Augen haben, berücksichtigt. Da es sich um andere Intentionen und Handlungsziele handelt, ist eine kasuistische Positionsbestimmung mit mehreren methodischen Problemen behaftet.
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» Meeting with the Sheikh of Al Azhar (8)
» أجتماع لجنة حقوق الانسان مع شيخ الازهر (8)  
Benetton’s poster showed Pope Benedict XVI kissing on the lips Egypt’s Ahmed el Tayyeb, imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo and a leading voice in...
Фактически, до того, как мы его обнаружили, видеоматериал долгое время оставался в интернете», - сказал сержант полиции Гленделя...  
Just before the execution of Ferry Budiman, Haris Azhar, – Human Rights activist of KONTRAS –posted a statement...
Kertas posisi ini memaparkan berbagai bentuk pelanggaran hak-hak dasar buruh di perkebunan sawit, khususnya perkebunan skala besar, yang...  
Kerundung Putih  
Dr. Azhar Abdul Aziz
الدكتور مروان رمضان  
Al-Azhar Issues ‘Basic Freedoms Document’ as Basis for New Constitution
الأزهر والكنيسة الأسقفية: الحوار بين الأديان يحقق رفعة الوطن
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Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar
الشيخ أحمد الطيب  
One of the Seven Wonders of the World is the main attraction of the city. You can also visit the Citadel, a big castle built by Salah Al-Din. The view of the castle can be enjoyed while relaxing at the Park Al-Azhar Park.
Das Archäologische Museum sollte aufgrund seiner unglaublichen Austellungsstücke unbedingt besucht werden. Außerst interessant ist auch das Papyrus Museum, welches Ihnen die Produktion dieses speziellen Materials erklärt.  
Education: The masjid was the nucleus of education. Throughout history, the masjid was the university that graduated scholars and imams. To name only a few, we have Masjid of Al-Azhar, Masjid Al-Umawee in Syria, and Masjid Az-Zaytoonah in Tunis.
La première maison d’Allah construite sur terre fut la ka’bah à la Mecque. Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) dit : « La première Maison qui ait été édifiée pour les gens, c’est bien celle de Bakkah (la Mecque) bénie et une bonne direction pour l’univers. » (Sourate Ali ‘Imran 3/96)
Das erste errichtete Haus Allahs auf Erden war die Kaba. Allah – Subhaanahu wa Ta ‘Aala – sagt:“ Wahrlich, das erste Haus, das für die Menschen gegründet wurde, ist das in Bakka (Mekka) – ein gesegnetes (Haus) und eine Leitung für die Welten.“ [QS. 3:96].
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The present-day quarter of al-Azhar preserves other monuments from the Fatimid era, such as the three large gates and the huge square towers of the city's enclosure walls and five mosques. Among these the Mosque of al-Hakim is the last example of a military mosque: it is a compact and severe building, with a broad open courtyard that, with the adjacent walls, makes up a medieval architectural compound of remarkable power.
Le centre historique du Caire offre un impressionnant témoignage de l'importance internationale et du rayonnement politique, stratégique, intellectuel et commercial de la ville au cours de la période médiévale. Peu de villes au monde présentent autant d'édifices anciens : son centre historique, sur la rive orientale du Nil, inclut non moins de 600 monuments classés datés entre le VIIe et le XXe siècle, et répartis dans différentes parties de la ville qui a su conserver son tissu urbain qui illustre lui-même une forme d'occupation humaine remontant au Moyen Âge.
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