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  8 Hits assnat.qc.ca  
You are sending this page :http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/deputes/bur
Vous envoyez cette page : http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/deputes/bur
Bur workers for companies like Alcoa, GE, Allied Signal and more are paid so little they live on shanties made of cardboard, cinder blocks, corrugated metal, scraps of plywood or whatever materials people can get their hands on.
Pero a trabajadores para compañías como Alcoa, GE, Allied Signal y otras les pagan tan poquito que viven en casuchas hechas de cartón, bloques de cemento, metal corrugado, pedazos de madera o cualquier material que puedan conseguir. No tienen agua potable y la mitad de las casas no tienen sanitarios. Un artículo del New York Times (Feb. 14, 2001) describió los vecindarios como "calles polvorientas con basura putrefacta y charcos de aguas negras".
Cerealia Festival selected among the “Best Cultural Practices” (n. 22 of 198) and among the 18 “Good Practices of Excellence” of the Lazio Region (Region Lazio, BUR 4718 of 20/10/2016 – n. 84)
Cerealia Festival selezionato tra le “Buone Pratiche in Ambito Culturale” (n. 22 su 198) e tra le 18 “Buone Pratiche di Eccellenza” della Regione Lazio (Regione Lazio, BUR 4718 del 20/10/2016 – n. 84)
  3 Hits www.pc.gc.ca  
Brook trout are not only one of the most popular sport fish in Nova Scotia, bur their sensitivity to environmental change also makes them an excellent indicator species of freshwater ecosystem health.
L’omble de fontaine est l’un des poissons les plus convoités par les pêcheurs sportifs en Nouvelle-Écosse. De par sa sensibilité aux changements environnementaux, il est aussi un excellent indicateur de la santé des écosystèmes d’eau douce. On effectue un suivi de l’espèce grâce à un programme de relevé étalé sur trois années consécutives, qu’on entreprend tous les cinq ans. Les pêcheurs recueillent des données sur les poissons en les pêchant grâce à des techniques de pêche à la mouche sans hameçon, ce qui facilite la remise à l’eau. Le programme vise à étudier la santé et l’abondance de l’espèce. Il permet également d’étudier les taux de croissance et les déplacements des poissons, ainsi que leur utilisation de l’habitat.
Strategically located across Bur Dubai and Deira
مواقع استراتيجية في بر دبي وديرة
  3 Hits dev.nature.ca  
green-fruited bur-reed
rubanier à fruits verts
  3 Hits sage-geds.gc.ca  
Bennett, Carolyn; 819-997-0002; INAC-AANC; Minister; EXE-BUR
Bennett, Carolyn; 819-997-0002; INAC-AANC; Ministre; EXE-BUR
  3 Hits nature.ca  
green-fruited bur-reed
rubanier à fruits verts
Deira Bur Dubai Free Hold
ديرة بر دبي التملك الحر
The balloons, by their nature, tend to decay slowly bur Baloon no. Due to the materiality of ceramics characterized by glossy finish, the note of lightness and joy does not end after the party.
I palloncini, per la loro natura, tendono pian piano a deperire ma Palloncino no. Grazie alla matericità della ceramica connotata da finiture lucide, la nota di leggerezza ed allegria non termina dopo la festa.
  4 Hits agroatlas.ru  
Trifolium lappaceum L. - Bur Clover.
Trifolium lappaceum L. - Клевер репейниковый.
  3 Hits explore.nature.ca  
large-fruited bur-reed
rubanier à gros fruits
From the start of the following week, this machine would be working its way from the starting shaft at Marx-Eng­els-Fo­rum under Schloss­platz and "Un­ter den Lin­den" towards Bran­den­bur­ger Tor, using the shield driving method of tunneling.
Celle-ci avancera dès la semaine prochaine en travail au bouclier d’avance depuis le puits de début au Marx-Engel-Forum, allant au-dessous du Schlossplatz et sous « Unter den Linden » en direction du Brandenburger Tor.
You planned a grandiose finish of your representation career. However, finally you became the first Swedish captain who is coming back home without the gold medal. „Hard day bur life goes on,“ said Niklas Jihde.
Plánoval si grandiózní závěr reprezentační kariéry. Nakonec se však stal prvním kapitánem Švédska, který se domů vrací bez zlaté medaile. „Těžký den, ale život jde dál,“ prohlásil Niklas Jihde.
  10 Hits cfs.nrcan.gc.ca  
Studying the use of bur oak (_Quercus macrocarpa_) as a restoration species
Étude de l’utilisation du chêne à gros fruits (_Quercus macrocarpa_) pour favoriser le rétablissement
  81 Hits wu.ac.at  
In­tern Africa Bur­eau
Intern Africa Bureau
  28 Hits cobone.com  
Bur Dubai
بر دبي
  3 Hits bulmedica.bg  
This is the world’s first air-driven solution with the possibility for adjusting bur speed and constant removal of dental structures, even with increased pressure. In this way, you can always work at optimal speed and maximum efficiency during procedures.
комбинация от предимствата на въздушното задвижване и електрическата мощност. Това е първото в света решение за задвижване с въздух с възможност за настройване на оборотите на борера и постоянна работа при отстраняване на зъбните структури, дори при увеличаваща се сила на натиск. Така винаги можете да работите с оптимални обороти и максимална ефективност при манипулациите. Имате на разположение широк обхват на приложение и настройка на оборотите на борера от 60 000 – 320 000 rpm.
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