beile – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Der Hort von Nebra - La...  
In dem Depotfund von Nebra fanden sich zusammen mit der Himmelsscheibe zwei Schwerter, zwei Beile, ein Meißel und zwei Armspiralen. Da die Himmelsscheibe selbst keinerlei Vergleiche hat, kann eine zeitliche und kulturelle Einordnung des Fundes nur über die Beifunde erfolgen.
The Nebra deposit contained other finds as well as the Sky Disc: two swords, two axeheads, a chisel and two spiral armbands. Nothing comparable to the Sky Disc exists, so the hoard can only be assigned to a particular period and culture by considering the other finds.
  Datierung - Landesamt f...  
Die Beile dagegen gehören zur Gruppe der Beile mit Randleisten und einem schwachem Absatz in der Mitte - einer für das Ende der Frühbronzezeit um 1600 v. Chr. typischen Form im unteren Elbe- und Odergebiet.
Simple arm spirals such as those from Nebra are known from many bronze age finds. This type of arm jewellery was common for a long time and is therefore not suitable for establishing a more precise date. The axeheads, on the other hand, belong to a known group - flanged axes with a shallow ledge in the centre - that is a typical form in the area of the Elbe and Oder at the end of the early bronze age around 1600 BC. Bent-edged chisels (Knickrandmeißel) like that from Nebra are a type which is likewise characteristic of this period.
  Datierung - Landesamt f...  
Die Beile dagegen gehören zur Gruppe der Beile mit Randleisten und einem schwachem Absatz in der Mitte - einer für das Ende der Frühbronzezeit um 1600 v. Chr. typischen Form im unteren Elbe- und Odergebiet.
Simple arm spirals such as those from Nebra are known from many bronze age finds. This type of arm jewellery was common for a long time and is therefore not suitable for establishing a more precise date. The axeheads, on the other hand, belong to a known group - flanged axes with a shallow ledge in the centre - that is a typical form in the area of the Elbe and Oder at the end of the early bronze age around 1600 BC. Bent-edged chisels (Knickrandmeißel) like that from Nebra are a type which is likewise characteristic of this period.
  Mittelsteinzeit - Lande...  
Völlig neu sind Beile, die in verschiedenen Formen hergestellt und in Hirschgeweih geschäftet wurden. Sie bezeugen eine nun wieder intensive Holznutzung, ähnlich wie in der voreiszeitlichen Klimaphase.
Axes are an entirely new feature, made in various forms and attached to a shaft using deer-antler. They are evidence for a return to an intensive use of wood, as had been the case before, during the climate phase which preceded the ice age. Roe and red deer, and wild boar were now the most important quarry, but these animals only occur in small groups and could find good cover in the lush vegetation. On the other hand, they do not traverse great distances between summer and winter habitat, so it was possible to hunt them year round without having to follow after them continuously. Families and clans were therefore able to remain relatively fixed in one place. In this region, camp sites were mostly on dune-like elevations in well-watered meadowland. The dead were buried there too.
  Datierung - Landesamt f...  
Da die Himmelsscheibe selbst keinerlei Gegenstück hat, dienten die Beifunde als erste Anhaltspunkte: Schwerter, Beile, Meißel und Armspiralen.
Because there is no item comparable to the Sky Disc itself, the other finds provided the first points of reference: swords, axeheads, chisel and spiral armbands.
  Datierung - Landesamt f...  
Der Hortfund von Nebra: Die Himmelsscheibe, zwei Schwerter, zwei Beile, zwei Armspiralen und ein Meißel (© LDA Sachsen-Anhalt, Foto: Juraj Lipták)
The Nebra hoard: the Sky Disc, two swords, two axeheads, two spiral armbands and one chisel (© LDA Sachsen-Anhalt, Foto: Juraj Lipták)
  Frühbronzezeit - Landes...  
Die Beifunde - Schwerter, Beile und ein Meißel - zeigen noch gewisse Bezüge zu denen der wenig älteren Aunjetitzer Fürstengräber, doch wird schon mit der Darstellung des religiösen Symbols einer Sonnenbarke auf der Himmelsscheibe ein völlig neues Bildprogramm sichtbar.
It was in this period of transition, during which there were also changes in burial practices, that the Nebra Sky Disc (included into the UNESCO's Memory of the World register in 2013) was sacrificed and buried. The finds discovered along with it - swords, axes and a chisel - still show some characteristics of the slightly older Únêtician princely graves, but the depiction of the religious symbol of the sun-barque on the Sky Disc now brings an entirely new programme of imagery into view. Nebra thus marks the end of the early bronze age tradition and the start of a new era.