czs – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      48 Results   8 Domains
  2 Hits  
THCV kan zich binden aan CB1-receptoren in de hersenen en het CZS (© Ars Electronica)
THCV is capable of binding to the CB1-receptors in the brain and CNS (© Ars Electronica)
La THCV a la capacité de se lier aux récepteurs CB1 trouvés au cerveau et dans le système nerveux central (© Ars Electronica)
THCV ist in der Lage, sich an die CB1-Rezeptoren im Gehirn und im Zentralnervensystem zu binden (© Ars Electronica)
La THCV puede unirse a los receptores CB1 en el cerebro y en el sistema nervioso central (© Ars Electronica)
  2 Hits  
Centraal zenuwstelsel (CZS)
Cancer colorectal (du gros intestin)  
  5 Hits  
Patiënten die aan kanker van het CZS lijden, worden verzorgd door een multidisciplinair team waarin neurochirurgen, neuroradiologen, neuro-endocrinologen, neurologen, medische oncologen, anatoom-pathologen en radiotherapeuten samen elke patiënt apart bekijken om te bepalen welke behandeling het best voor diens specifieke situatie geschikt is.
Patients suffering from cancer of the CNS are looked after by a multidisciplinary team where neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuroendocrinologists, neurologists, medical oncologists, anatomical pathologists and radiotherapists approach each patient case together so as to ascertain a treatment which is best adapted to each situation.
  5 Hits  
Patiënten die aan kanker van het CZS lijden, worden verzorgd door een multidisciplinair team waarin neurochirurgen, neuroradiologen, neuro-endocrinologen, neurologen, medische oncologen, anatoom-pathologen en radiotherapeuten samen elke patiënt apart bekijken om te bepalen welke behandeling het best voor diens specifieke situatie geschikt is.
Patients suffering from cancer of the CNS are looked after by a multidisciplinary team where neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuroendocrinologists, neurologists, medical oncologists, anatomical pathologists and radiotherapists approach each patient case together so as to ascertain a treatment which is best adapted to each situation.
  13 Hits  
Multiple sclerose (MS) is een chronische inflammatoire auto-immuunaandoening van het centrale zenuwstelsel (CZS). Deze neurodegeneratieve ziekte wordt gekenmerkt door multifocale inflammatie, demyelinatie, axonale degeneratie en astrogliosis.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the leading cause of non-traumatic disability in young adults. Although growing insights into disease mechanisms underlying MS have resulted in the development of new therapeutic strategies, none of the currently available treatments results in permanent stabilization or cure of MS. Current research efforts are focused on further unraveling MS immunopathogenesis as well as on finding ways to specifically manipulate disease-causing immune cells in order to treat MS. In this context, dendritic cells (DC) are set forth as interesting cellular targets. Post-mortem studies of MS brains as well as studies in animal models suggest that migration of DC from the bloodstream through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and subsequent accumulation of these cells in the brain parenchyma represent crucial events in MS pathogenesis. Hence, DC and the process of DC migration are interesting targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies. Here, we will study the transmigratory capacity of circulating DC from MS patients using an in vitro BBB model. By studying differences in phenotype and function between migrating and non-migrating DC from MS patients and healthy controls, we aim to identify new therapeutic targets in order to interfere with DC recruitment to the brain. Ultimately, this will allow us to generate tolerogenic DC exhibiting enhanced migratory capacity, with the potential to suppress ongoing myelin-specific responses in the central nervous system.