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Hamlet – Garbaczewského Hamlet je autorský, výsostně výtvarný, zábavný i iritující, rozbíjí a rozšiřuje divadelní prostor, mísí různé textové zdroje a východiska, zároveň ale nezapomíná vyprávět příběh a jeho prostřednictvím pojmenovávat svět. „HAMLET je pavoučí sítí, jeho středem je Elsinor, cizí prostředí vzdálené civilizaci, kterému se princ zoufale snaží dodat smysl.
Hamlet – Garbaczewski’s Hamlet is an auteur-style, highly artistic, amusing and irritating, breaking down and expanding the theatrical space, mixing various textual sources and sprinboards, but also not forgetting to tell a story and, through it, to express and give meaning to the world. “Hamlet is a spider's web, its center is Elsinore, an alien environment, far from the civilized world, to the which the Prince is desperately trying to give meaning. William Shakespeare moulds his work doubting the purpose of revenge. What can vengeance mean when the authority of Hamlet/the Ghost ceases to hold?” the artists ask. “Krzysztof Garbaczewski brilliantly reconciles the contradictions: faith in the text and its rejection, faith in drama and a belief in its anachronism, the virtuoso director and the anarchic stage. No other Polish director has such an impressive visual imagination – and Hamlet, with its sets designed by Aleksandra Wasilkowska, is further evidence. Over the stage hangs an enormous mirror-screen that recalls a rosette – it turns on its axis and casts flashes of light. This play scatters Hamlet like a prism. Out of the maudlin ‘to be or not to be’ Cecko makes an open-ended ‘to be, or not: to be decided.’ This is why the subsequent scenes create variants on an idea for Hamlet, separate dense worlds that more stand as neighbors than result from one another,” concludes Witold Mrożek in Gazeta Wyborcza.