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The second edition of the Geological Boot Camp, organised by EAGE (European Association of Geoscientist and Engineers), l’Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) and Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona University), took place between 4 and 9 of September.
Entre el 4 i 9 de setembre ha tingut lloc la segona edició del Geological Boot Camp, organitzat per l’EAGE (European Association of Geoscientist and Engineers), l’Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) i la Universitat de Barcelona.
At meetings with the participation of EAGE Vice-President, Professor Jean Jacques Bito, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Geoinformatics, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine N.Yakimchuk, Dean of the Institute of Geology of Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Professor V. Mikhailov, Head of the Department of Geology of the same Institute, Professor S.Vizhva, Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Functional Materials, PhD in Physics and Mathematics A.Onanko held discussions on the issues of interest.
В рамках визита академик Г.Гулиев также провел ряд деловых встреч. На встречах с участием вице-президента EAGE, профессора Жана Жака Бито, президента Всеукраинской ассоциации геоинформатики, члена-корреспондента Национальной академии наук Украины Н.Якимчука, декана Института геологии Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко, профессора В.Михайлова, заведующего кафедрой геологии того же института, профессора С.Выжва, заведующего лабораторией физики функциональных материалов, доктора философии по физико-математическим наукам А.Онанко были проведены обсуждения по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес.
desire_eAge: 32heterosexualCity: Porto San Giorgio
desire_eEtà: 32eterosessualeCittà: Porto San Giorgio
desire_eAge: 32heterosexualCity: Porto San Giorgio
desire_eEtà: 32eterosessualeCittà: Porto San Giorgio
Umirova, G.K., Istekova, S.A., Modin, I.N.//Geological interpretation of MT data in combination with GIS data and seismic surveys in caspian depression in Kazakhstan// 7th EAGE Saint Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition: Understanding the Harmony of the Earth's Resources Through Integration of Geosciences// 2016, Pages 843-847
Abayeva, N.F., Yegorov, V.V., Golovachyova, V.N., Mustafina, L.M., Yerakhtina, I.I., Mustafina, B.M.//About professional orientation of the mathematics as a discipline for students majoring in biotechnology// Indian Journal of Science and Technology// Volume 9, Issue 19, 1 May 2016, Номер статьи 93891
We provide our services to clients like: Bausch & Lomb, Bottega Veneta, Chevrontexaco, Confindustria, D’Anna, EAGE, Eni, Ferragamo, FICPI, FIRMO, Giunti, ICF, IOF, IPSSW, John Deer, Loescher, Louis Vuitton, MEN, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Peugeot, Pharma, Pomellato, SAS, SIOG, Statoil, Toscana Promozione, UBS, Zeiss, and many others you may find on our website.
Di seguito alcuni dei principali clienti: Bausch & Lomb, Bottega Veneta, Chevrontexaco, Confindustria, D’Anna, EAGE, Eni, Ferragamo, FICPI, FIRMO, Giunti, ICF, IOF, IPSSW, John Deer, Loescher, Louis Vuitton, MEN, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Peugeot, Pharma, Pomellato, SAS, SIOG, Statoil, Toscana Promozione, UBS, Zeiss, e molti altri che potrete trovare sul nostro sito web.
Report acr​​​​eage
Déclaration de la s​​uperficie
  37 Hits www.schoerghuber.de  
EAGE member*
  3 Hits kishinev.org  
The camp was organised by the EAGE in association with ADNOC, the Petroleum Institute, and Schlumberger. It was sponsored by ADCO an ADNOC operating company, Arabian Geophysical and Surveying Company (ARGAS) and Sharjah National Oil Company.
وتولّى تنظيم المخيم التدريبي "الجمعية الأوروبية لعلماء الجيولوجيا والمهندسين" بالتعاون مع أدنوك والمعهد البترولي وشركة شلمبرجيه، وبرعاية من "أدكو" التابعة لأدنوك، والشركة العربية للجيوفيزياء والمساحة، ومؤسسة نفط الشارقة الوطنية.
  4 Hits parcc.protectedplanet.net  
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, p. 269-273 5 p.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, стр. 269-273 5 стр.
  3 Hits www.ardennengoed.com  
The 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.
75-ая Конференция и Выставка EAGE в Лондоне (2013).
In 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, Jun. 9, 2008,
Online evaluation of tracking algorithm performance
[Talk] In: EAGE/DGG Workshop on Deep Mineral Exploration, 18.03.2016, Münster, Germany . DOI 10.3997/2214-4609.201600033.
[Vortrag] In: EAGE/DGG Workshop on Deep Mineral Exploration, 18.03.2016, Münster, Germany . DOI 10.3997/2214-4609.201600033.
The admission decisions are released on Fri 24 April 2009 at 9.00 a.m. via the TKK e-transactions system https://eage.tkk.fi/? lang=en and at the TKK homepage http://www.tkk.fi/en/prospective_students.
Tulokset julkaistiin perjantaina 24.4.2009 kello 9.00 sähköisessä hakujärjestelmässä osoitteessa https://eage.tkk.fi sekä TKK:n verkkosivuilla osoitteessa http://www.tkk.fi/fi/opiskelemaan ja http://www.tkk.fi/sv/blistuderande.
  7 Hits global-exam.com  
Presented at: 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2015 including SPE EUROPEC, 2015, Madrid
Presented at: 4th International Symposium on Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Systems, 2013, Rio de Janeiro
Our booth at 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition
Наше участие в 80-ой ежегодной конференции-выставке EAGE
At meetings with the participation of EAGE Vice-President, Professor Jean Jacques Bito, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Geoinformatics, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine N.Yakimchuk, Dean of the Institute of Geology of Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Professor V. Mikhailov, Head of the Department of Geology of the same Institute, Professor S.Vizhva, Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Functional Materials, PhD in Physics and Mathematics A.Onanko held discussions on the issues of interest.
В рамках визита академик Г.Гулиев также провел ряд деловых встреч. На встречах с участием вице-президента EAGE, профессора Жана Жака Бито, президента Всеукраинской ассоциации геоинформатики, члена-корреспондента Национальной академии наук Украины Н.Якимчука, декана Института геологии Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко, профессора В.Михайлова, заведующего кафедрой геологии того же института, профессора С.Выжва, заведующего лабораторией физики функциональных материалов, доктора философии по физико-математическим наукам А.Онанко были проведены обсуждения по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес.
Jack & Ann Sheeler
  2 Hits www.deib.polimi.it  
Since 2016, he is serving in the Earth Sciences Advisory Committee of the European Space Agency and in the Consulting Committee of the Italian Space Agency for the scientific evaluations for the Earth Observation activities within ESA. Honorary Member: SEG, EAGE.
Professore emerito di Telecomunicazioni. Ha svolto ricerche su radar ad apertura sintetica, trattamento dei segnali sismici per l'esplorazione petrolifera, elaborazione numerica dei segnali per le Telecomunicazioni e la Bioingegneria. Dal 2016, membro dello Earth Science Advisory Committee dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea e del Comitato Consultivo dell'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana a supporto delle valutazioni scientifiche per le attività di Osservazione della Terra in ambito ESA. Membro onorario di SEG, EAGE. Premi: Honeywell 1979, Italgas per le Telecomunicazioni 1995, 1999 Rhein Foundation, RFT per la per la codifica del segnale televisivo con compensazione del movimento. Laurea Honoris Causa (2001) in Geofisica dell'Institut Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy. Desiderius Erasmus Award, EAGE 2009. Eni Award 2012. Chinese Government International Science and Technology Cooperation Award 2013.
The event is supported by numerous international industry associations including South African Oil & Gas Alliance (SAOGA), South African Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SACCI), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), Association for the Development of Energy in Africa (ADEA), Power Africa (a USAID initiative), Oil & Gas Safety
• Assister à des présentations de produits et services de plus de 50 entreprises exposantes, incluant des sous-traitants, des sociétés de services et des fournisseurs de technologies couvrant l’intégralité de la chaîne de valeur et en provenance de plus de 20 pays du monde entier
  4 Hits www.poliklinikabagatin.hr  
For the first time this year, Gastech will collaborate with the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), running an upstream/E&P zone in the exhibition as well as contributing to the technical conference stream.
Por primera vez, Gastech colaborará con la Asociación Europea de Geocientíficos e Ingenieros (EAGE), con una zona de Upstream/E&P en la parte de exhibición complementando la conferencia técnica.
  15 Hits www.dtu.dk  
Presented at: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, London
Presented at: 5th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics (BIOT-5), Vienna
  3 Hits hotel-berlin.su  
Herwanger J (2007) Linking geomechanics and seismics:stress effects on time-lapse seismic data. EAGE Distinguished Lecturer Program, London
Nur AM, Simmons G (1969) The effect of saturation on velocity in low porosity rocks. Earth Planet Sci Lett 7:183–193 CrossRef
Affiliated in European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)
Filiada na European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)