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  Mużew tal-Flus - Centra...  
Il‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta għażel li jirrappreżenta parti minn din l‑esperjenza permezz tal‑ħolqien ta' mużew tal‑flus li jinsab fis‑sala prinċipali tiegħu. Il‑mużew hu miftuħ għall‑pubbliku bla ħlas fil‑ħinijiet tal‑uffiċċju tal‑Bank.
The Central Bank of Malta has chosen to portray a part of this experience in creating a currency museum which it hosts in its foyer. The museum is open to the public at no charge during the Bank’s office hours.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Ir‑rivista tippreżenta ħarsa ġenerali lejn id‑deċiżjonijiet tal‑politika monetarja li ttieħdu mill‑Kunsill Governattiv tal‑Bank Ċentrali Ewropew (BĊE). Matul it‑tielet trimestru, il‑Kunsill żamm ix‑xejra akkomodattiva tiegħu tal‑politika monetarja, filwaqt li ħalla r‑rati ewlenin tal‑imgħax tal‑BĊE l‑istess u wiegħed li ser iżomm dawn ir‑rati fil‑livelli preżenti għal perjodu estiż.
, the Governing Council decided to reduce the rate at which to conduct the monthly net asset purchases from a monthly pace of €60 billion to €30 billion from January 2018. Such purchases will continue until the end of September 2018, or beyond, if necessary. The Council added that it is ready to increase the APP in terms of size and/or duration if the outlook becomes less favourable, or if financial conditions become inconsistent with further progress towards a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Meta mqabbel mas‑sett preċedenti ta' tbassir, dak riċenti jirrappreżenta reviżjoni 'l fuq fit‑tkabbir fl‑attività, minħabba esportazzjoni netta aktar b'saħħitha. L‑espansjoni ekonomika fis‑snin li ġejjin ser tiġi sostnuta minn fatturi ta' domanda u provvista.
The Central Bank of Malta's latest economic projections foresee economic growth over the coming three years to remain strong from a historical perspective, though somewhat lower than in 2017. These projections feature an upward revision in growth when compared to the previous set of forecasts, reflecting a stronger expansion in net exports. Growth in the coming years will be supported by both demand and supply factors. In particular, the continued impact of the energy reforms, new investment projects, increased labour market participation and robust services exports are the primary drivers supporting the economic expansion.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
(GWU), li tirrappreżenta l‑impjegati tal‑Bank li mhumiex fil‑gradi klerikali, illum iffirmaw ftehim kollettiv li jkopri l‑perjodu mill-2016 sal-2019.
The Central Bank of Malta and the Professionals, Finance and Services (PFS) Section of the General Workers Union (GWU), representing the Bank's non-clerical employees, have today signed a collective agreement covering the period 2016 to 2019.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Ir‑Rivista tippreżenta wkoll it‑tbassir ekonomiku l‑aktar riċenti tal‑Bank, li kien komplut f'Novembru. It‑tkabbir fil‑PDG f'termini reali hu mistenni li jaċċellera minn 2.5% fl‑2013 għal 3.0% fl‑2014, qabel ma jbatti għal 2.8% fl‑2015.
also presents the Bank's latest economic projections, which were concluded in November. Real GDP growth is expected to accelerate from 2.5% in 2013, to 3.0% in 2014, before easing to 2.8% in 2015. Growth is expected to be driven by domestic demand. HICP inflation is projected to ease from 1.0% in 2013 to 0.8% in 2014 before accelerating to 1.3% in 2015. Risks to both growth and inflation projections appeared to be balanced.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
, il‑Belt Valletta (b'aċċess mill‑venda tal‑karozzi tal‑linja tal‑Belt jew minn Triq Ġirolamo Cassar) mit‑Tnejn sal‑Ġimgħa bejn id‑9.30 u n‑12:30, minbarra fil-festi bankarji u pubbliċi. Kull min isarraf il‑flus Maltin ġewwa l‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta jrid jippreżenta l‑karta tal‑identità.
, St James's Counterguard, Valletta (with access from the Valletta Bus Terminus or from Girolamo Cassar Avenue) from Monday to Friday between 09:30 and 12:30, excluding bank and public holidays. An Identity Card is to be presented when calling at the Central Bank of Malta to exchange banknotes.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Meta mqabbel mas‑sett preċedenti ta' tbassir, dak riċenti jirrappreżenta reviżjoni 'l isfel fit‑tkabbir fl‑attività fl‑2018, minħabba tkabbir aktar baxx milli previst fl‑2017. B'kuntrast għal dan, it‑tkabbir fil‑prodott domestiku gross (PDG) fl‑2019 u fl‑2020 ġie rivedut 'il fuq, hekk kif xi proġetti kbar ta' investiment huma mistennija jittardjaw għal dawn is‑snin.
The Central Bank of Malta's latest economic projections foresee economic growth over the coming three years to remain strong from a historical perspective, though somewhat lower than in 2017. These projections feature a downward revision in growth in 2018, when compared to the previous set of forecasts, reflecting lower than anticipated growth in 2017. In contrast, GDP growth in 2019 and 2020 was revised up, as selected large investment projects are expected to be delayed to these years. Growth in the coming years will be supported by both demand and supply factors. In particular, the continued impact of the energy reforms, new investment projects and increased labour market participation will support potential output. Moreover, domestic demand will be the primary driver supporting the economic expansion over the next three years.
  Iż-Żona Unika ta’ Pagam...  
Il‑proġett tas‑SEPA jirrappreżenta l‑pass kbir li kien imiss għal integrazzjoni finanzjarja Ewropea iżjed mill‑qrib, u hu tarġa oħra li kellu jwassal għat‑twettiq tal‑potenzjal sħiħ tas‑suq uniku fl‑Ewropa.
The SEPA project represents the next major step towards closer European financial integration, and is a further rung in the ladder towards realising the full potential of the single market in Europe. The SEPA is an initiative of the European banking industry, coordinated by the European Payments Council (EPC). The role of the EPC is to support and promote the SEPA project. The EPC involved not only the stakeholders in the euro area, but also countries of the European Free Trade Association, namely Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, as well as Monaco.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
, il-Belt Valletta (b'aċċess mill-venda tal-karozzi tal-linja tal-Belt jew minn Triq Ġirolamo Cassar) bejn id-9.30 u n-12:30, minbarra fil-festi bankarji u pubbliċi. Kull min isarraf il-flus Maltin ġewwa l-Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta jrid jippreżenta l-karta tal-identità.
, St James Counterguard, Valletta (with access from the Valletta Bus Terminus or from Girolamo Cassar Avenue) between 09:30 and 12:30, excluding bank and public holidays. An Identity Card is to be presented when calling at the Central Bank of Malta to exchange banknotes.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
* Il‑valur nominali jirrappreżenta valuta legali tal‑muniti f'Malta biss. Il‑muniti m'għandhom l‑ebda status ta' valuta legali f'pajjiżi oħra fiż‑żona tal‑euro.
*Face value represents legal tender of coins in Malta only. Coins have no legal tender status in other euro area countries.
  Indikaturi tal-ekonomij...  
Din it‑taqsima tinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta' statistika dwar prezzijiet u spejjeż, il‑kontabilità nazzjonali, is‑suq tax‑xogħol, it‑turiżmu u statistika makroekonomika oħra primarjament relatata mal-ekonomija Maltija. B'mod sintetiku, din l‑istatistika tippreżenta informazzjoni dwar l‑ekonomija, klassifikata skont prinċipji ekonomiċi.
This section includes a wide range of statistics on prices and costs, national accounts, the labour market, tourism and various other macroeconomic statistics mainly related to the Maltese economy. These statistics present, in a condensed way, information about the economy classified according to economic principles. They provide a comprehensive record of the main economic activities taking place within an economy and of the interaction between the different groups of economic agents.
  Muniti tal-Euro - Centr...  
. Id‑disinn jirrappreżenta l‑mappa tal‑Ewropa u t‑12‑il stilla tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. In‑naħat nazzjonali tal‑muniti Maltin ġew iddisinjati minn Noel Galea Bason u fihom xbihat speċifiċi tal‑pajjiż. Dawn huma s‑salib ta’ Malta bi tmien ponot, l‑istemma araldika ta’ Malta, u l‑altar tat‑tempju preistoriku tal‑Imnajdra.
The common side was designed by Luc Luycx of the Royal Belgian Mint. The design depicts the map of Europe and the 12 stars of the European Union. The national sides of the Maltese coins were designed by Noel Galea Bason and show country-specific images. These depict the eight-pointed Maltese cross, the Maltese coat-of-arms, and the altar at the Mnajdra prehistoric temple.
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Il-BĊE jippreżenta l-karta l-ġdida tal-€50
Unveiling of new €50 banknote
  50 Anniversarju mill-In...  
Il‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta u l‑MaltaPost flimkien ħarġu prodott li jikkonsisti f'munita numiżmatika tal‑fidda u bolla tal‑fidda, b'tifkira tal‑50 anniversarju mill‑Indipendenza ta' Malta. Dan il‑prodott jirrappreżenta wkoll il‑bidu ta' relazzjoni ta' ħidma bejn iż‑żewġ istituzzjonijiet fil‑promozzjoni u l‑bejgħ tal‑muniti numiżmatiċi u kommemorattivi tal‑Bank.
The Central Bank of Malta and MaltaPost have launched a joint product consisting of a numismatic silver coin and a silver stamp, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Malta's Independence. This product also marks the start of a working relationship between the two institutions in the marketing and sales of the Bank's numismatic and commemorative coin products.
  Il-karta ta' €50 tas-se...  
Stqarrija għall-Istampa "Il-BĊE jippreżenta l-karta l-ġdida tal-€50" - 5 ta' Lulju 2016
Press Release "ECB unveils new €50 banknote" - 5 July 2016
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
, ippreżenta l‑munita l‑ġdida tal‑fidda tal‑€10 maħruġa mill‑Bank bħala tifkira tas‑sebgħin anniversarju mill‑Kostituzzjoni tal‑1947, liema kostituzzjoni introduċiet il‑vot għan‑nisa Maltin. Huwa tkellem ukoll dwar it‑tradizzjoni ta' muniti kommemorattivi tal‑Bank.
To celebrate the 70th year since Maltese women won the right to vote, the Central Bank of Malta hosted a public lecture this evening by Dr Carmen Sammut, entitled "
  Arkivju tal-Aħbarijiet ...  
Sadattant, ir‑rapport josserva li l‑banek domestiċi baqgħu profittabbli u b'livell ta' kapital tajjeb, għalkemm minkejja titjib fil‑kwalità tal‑assi, self li ilu għal ħafna żmien klassifikat bħala wieħed fejn il‑ħlas qiegħed b'lura, għalkemm qed jonqos, għadu jippreżenta sfida lis‑settur bankarju.
On 29 January the IMF published its staff report on Malta's 2017 Article IV Consultation. In this report the IMF noted that Malta remained one of the fastest-growing economies in Europe, owing to favourable economic conditions and sound policies that have led to structural reforms. Such rapid growth in 2017 was driven by export-oriented services and dynamic job creation, which according to the Fund is expected to persist in the coming years, though at a more moderate pace. Such rapid economic expansion and the accompanying population growth are, however, putting pressure on physical infrastructure. Meanwhile, the report observes that domestic banks remained profitable and well-capitalised, though despite improving asset quality, legacy non-performing loans, albeit declining, still represent a challenge for the banking sector. The IMF notes that the fiscal position remained in surplus, supported by buoyant revenues and contained expenditure growth, while the current account in the Balance of Payments also remained in surplus, driven by a sizeable balance of services.
  Kotba - Central Bank of...  
Jeżamina wkoll id‑diversi muniti barranin użati simultanjament f'Malta, b'għexieren ta' illustrazzjonijiet. Il‑ktieb għandu dokumentazzjoni akkademika estensiva u jista' jservi wkoll bħala gwida eċċellenti għal aktar riċerka.
This booklet, published on the 40th anniversary of the Central Bank of Malta, traces the history of the building presently occupied by the Bank and its historic antecedents. The Central Bank of Malta lies perched on the heights occupied by St James Bastion. This bastion was one of the first defensive ramparts built when the Knights of St John undertook the construction of a new fortified city, Valletta, in 1566, only a few months after the lifting of the Great Siege of 1565. For almost three hundred years, St James Bastion and the formidable Cavalier bearing the same name were a bulwark of Valletta’s land defences. In 1872 the British Military Authorities chose the wide expanse of St James’ Bastion in order to build a gymnasium for the use of the garrison of Valletta and Floriana. During the First World War the Gymnasium was turned into a soldiers and sailors institute for the benefit of the thousands of British and Commonwealth servicemen then recovering in Maltese hospitals. A bequest left by the 8th Baron Vernon, who died in Malta during the Great War, resulted in the building of the Vernon United Services Club on the site of the former Gymnasium. This institution was opened by the Governor of Malta, Sir Walter N Congreve, in 1924. The Vernon Club maintained its function as a services social club until 1967, when the building was handed over to the Government of Malta in order to house the Central Bank of Malta, which had been created by an Act of Parliament that same year.