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Keybot 2 Results
  Pilot Galeri - Sergiler  
"Satılmaz Eser", sanatçının organik pazardan aldığı sebze ve meyvelerin tohumlarından üretildi. Bu işle Deniz, tohum satışına getirilen kısıtlamaya dikkat çekiyor ve serginin yerelle olan bağını kuruyor.
In "Unsellable Artwork", Deniz uses a selection of vegetable and fruit seeds she bought from a local organic market. It highlights the country’s ongoing restrictions on seed exchange and sales, thus establishing a connection between the exhibition and the local context.
  Pilot Galeri - Sergiler  
Bugüne dek dünyanın saygın bienal ve müzelerinde sergilere katılan sanatçının eserlerindeki içeriksel ve biçimsel çeşitlilik, Abbas’ın, sanatsal üretiminin en belirgin özelliklerinden biri haline gelmiştir.
Hamra Abbas has been exhibiting for a numbers of years in important international venues. The diversity of her work, both in terms of form and content, has itself become her hallmark. Clearly, she defies definition, and resists attempts to situate her work under any one label. There are several strands of thought that at times suffuse into a single work, and at other times curve away towards unexpected directions resulting in diverse projects. She is an artist of nomadic temperament, and her themes range from the poetic to the political to the absurd. In a way her works have an antinomian quality despite the meticulous attention to detail, whether it is sculpture, painting, or photography. This unique combination of rigor and fluidity of her practice stems from the artist’s ability to choose her medium in relation to her conceptual repetoire, a rare feat.