Des exemples d'aquariums (uniquement sur le site) montrent en image vidéo, photos et textes comment se déroule l'aménagement, quels en seront les coûts et à quelles mesures d'entretien il faut s'attendre. Le nouveau concept LED de JBL en fera également partie.
All the subjects which could previously be found in small brochures for those concerned and some other important topics have been completely and scientifically updated and are now available in one manual. Totally new are the JBL themed aquariums, which will help beginners to get a foothold in this hobby. Using films (website only), photos and articles our examples will show you how to set up the equipment, which costs will arise and what maintenance can be expected. The new JBL LED concept will be included, too.
Alle Themen, die bisher in kleinen Broschüren den Interessierten zur Verfügung standen und weitere wichtige Themen, wurden komplett auf den neuesten Wissensstand gebracht und nun in einem Handbuch zusammengefasst. Ganz neu sind JBL Themenaquarien, die Einsteigern den Start in das Hobby erleichtern werden. Hier werden an Hand von Beispielaquarien in Film (nur Homepage), Foto und Text gezeigt, wie die Einrichtung erfolgt, welche Kosten entstehen und welcher Pflegeaufwand zu erwarten ist. Auch das neue JBL LED Konzept wird enthalten sein.
Todos los temas que hasta ahora solo estaban disponibles en folletos pequeños y otros temas importantes han sido completamente actualizados y recopilados en un único manual. Una novedad son los acuarios temáticos de JBL, con los que los principiantes podrán iniciarse fácilmente en el hobby. Con vídeos de nuestros acuarios de ejemplo (solo en la página web), fotos y textos explicaremos cómo se hace la instalación, qué gastos se generan y cuánto tiempo hay que dedicar a los cuidados. También se incluirá información sobre la nueva gama JBL LED.
Tutti i temi disponibili finora in piccoli depliant, sono stati aggiornati completamente alle conoscenze odierne e sono ora compresi in un unico manuale. Una novità assoluta è rappresentata dagli acquari tematici JBL che faciliteranno l'approccio a questo hobby ai principianti. Vengono forniti consigli sull'allestimento, informazioni sulle spese di realizzazione e manutenzione per realizzare acquari esemplari, il tutto corredato da filmati (sul sito), foto e testi. È compreso inoltre il nuovo concetto JBL LED.
All the subjects which could previously be found in small brochures for those concerned and some other important topics have been completely and scientifically updated and are now available in one manual. Totally new are the JBL themed aquariums, which will help beginners to get a foothold in this hobby. Using films (website only), photos and articles our examples will show you how to set up the equipment, which costs will arise and what maintenance can be expected. The new JBL LED concept will be included, too.
Alle thema's die tot dusverre in kleine brochures voor de geïnteresseerden beschikbaar waren en alle overige belangrijke thema's zijn volledig up to date gebracht en in een handboek samengevat. Nieuw zijn de JBL thema-aquaria die beginners zullen helpen om met hun hobby aan de slag te gaan. Hier wordt aan de hand van voorbeeldaquaria via filmpjes (alleen homepage), foto's en tekst aangetoond hoe je een aquarium op de juiste manier inricht, welke kosten erbij komen kijken en aan wat voor onderhoud moet worden gedacht. Ook het nieuwe JBL LED concept wordt behandeld.
All the subjects which could previously be found in small brochures for those concerned and some other important topics have been completely and scientifically updated and are now available in one manual. Totally new are the JBL themed aquariums, which will help beginners to get a foothold in this hobby. Using films (website only), photos and articles our examples will show you how to set up the equipment, which costs will arise and what maintenance can be expected. The new JBL LED concept will be included, too.
All the subjects which could previously be found in small brochures for those concerned and some other important topics have been completely and scientifically updated and are now available in one manual. Totally new are the JBL themed aquariums, which will help beginners to get a foothold in this hobby. Using films (website only), photos and articles our examples will show you how to set up the equipment, which costs will arise and what maintenance can be expected. The new JBL LED concept will be included, too.