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Keybot      17 Results   4 Domains
  9 Hits www.naturalresources.wales  
Er bod mwy na 30 rhywogaeth o goden fwg Brydeinig i’w cael, mae cynefin ffen y Bovista paludosa yn nodedig ac mae ei phrinder yn adlewyrchu’r diffyg llystyfiant ffen yn ne Prydain.
Although there are more than 30 British puffball species, the fen habitat of Bovista paludosa is distinctive and its rarity reflects the lack of fen vegetation in southern Britain.
Mae gwlyptiroedd yn hanfodol ar gyfer llawer o fathau o adar yn enwedig adar dŵr, ac mae gan Gymru rai o’r prif safleoedd sy'n hanfodol i oroesiad llawer o blanhigion ac anifeiliaid y gwlypdir. Gall safle gwlyptir fod yn ardal o gors, ffen, mawndir neu ddŵr agored; naturiol neu artiffisial; barhaol neu dros dro; gyda dŵr ffres, lled hallt neu hallt.
This spatial dataset contains the digital boundaries of Ramsar sites in Wales. In ratifying the Convention in 1976, the UK government accepted a commitment to promote the conservation of internationally important wetland sites within its territories. Wetlands are vital for many types of birds particularly waterfowl and Wales have some prime sites that are essential to the survival of many wetland plants and animals. Wetland sites can be areas of marsh, fen, peatland or open water; natural or artificial; permanent or temporary; with water that is fresh, brackish or salty. They can also include shallow areas of sea. All Ramsar sites are also Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Wetlands of International Importance are identified by Natural Resources Wales (NRW), in collaboration with the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), and designated by the First Minister for the National Assembly for Wales. The Ramsars have been designated over a number of years, from 1976 to the present day, and are on-going.