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Keybot 2 Résultats
  Deutsche Okkupation ‘¢...  
Die Aufnahme der sogenannten kollektiven Verantwortung ins öffentliche Bewusstsein ist auch in Griechenland untrennbarer Bestandteil der Okkupationserfahrung. Angehörige der deutschen Besatzungsmacht haben eine Vielzahl von Kriegsverbrechen begangen, denen Zehntausende Zivilisten, darunter zahllose Frauen und Kinder, zum Opfer fielen.
In Greece, theinclusion of collective responsibility in the public consciousness is also an inseparable aspect of the experience of the occupation. Members of the German occupying forces committed numerous war crimes, to which tens of thousands of civilians, including large numbers of women and children, fell victim.
  Repressalien und Vergel...  
Die Aufnahme der sogenannten kollektiven Verantwortung ins öffentliche Bewusstsein ist auch in Griechenland untrennbarer Bestandteil der Okkupationserfahrung. Angehörige der deutschen Besatzungsmacht haben eine Vielzahl von Kriegsverbrechen begangen, denen Zehntausende Zivilisten, darunter zahllose Frauen und Kinder, zum Opfer fielen.
The implementation of the so-called collective responsibility was a trait of the German Occupation. Tens of thousand of civilians, including women and children, were killed by members of the German occupation forces in Greece, in a series of deliberate reprisal actions, that were nothing more than war crimes against innocent people, in direct violation of international laws. According to German calculations, about 30,000 Greeks were “killed in action” between June 1943 and September 1944, that means civilians murdered or shot on account of real or imagined partisan activities. According to a report submitted by the Greek government during the Nuremberg Trials, approximately 91,000 Greeks were murdered or shot as hostages by the German occupation forces.