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Pour les raids, on se servait aussi volontiers de grenades, de pistolets et de couteaux. Ce gourdin fut fa�onn� � partir du manche d'une pelle-pioche, transform� avec un anneau en fer forg� � huit pointes.
Soldiers often made their own trench clubs for use on trench raids or in hand-to-hand combat. The goal of the raid was usually to capture enemy prisoners, who would later be interrogated for information. Many small-scale raids depended on speed and stealth, with the raiders using silent, lethal weapons for their work. Others preferred raiding weapons were grenades, pistols, and knives. This club was fashioned from the handle of an entrenching tool, modified with an eight-pointed cast-iron ring. - Hi...  
Le romantisme patriotique, �tay� par la propagande officielle, avait forg� aux Canadiens la r�putation d'une arm�e de b�cherons redoutables, de voyageurs ou de cow-boys, mais la plupart avant la guerre �taient des ouvriers, des cols blancs ou des agriculteurs.
Patriotic romanticism reinforced by official propaganda forged a reputation that the Canadians were an army of fearsome lumberjacks, voyageurs, or cowboys, but most had been prewar labourers, white-collar workers, or farmers. The Canadians nevertheless took great pride in differentiating themselves from British troops, even - or perhaps especially - by their well-documented tendency toward indiscipline. Soldiers of the First Contingent especially were noted for pushing the boundaries of proper military behavior, calling officers by their first names or refusing to salute. By 1917, senior commanders, including Sir Douglas Haig, recognized the Canadians as an effective military force, but their carefully self-cultivated reputation for restlessness, brawling, and indifference to military etiquette continued throughout the war.