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  Mikalojus Husovianas : ...  
M.Husovianas buvo daugiatautės Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės pilietis, jos patriotas. Remiantis poema apie stumbrą, galima manyti, kad poetas buvo gimęs Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje, kadangi tame kūrinyje jis Lietuvą vadina savo kraštu ir savo tėvyne.
Mikalojus Husovianas is a poet and humanist whose works are directly linked with Lithuania who wrote in Latin. Little is known about his origins and life. M. Husovianas was a citizen and a patriot of the multinational Grand Duchy of Lithuania. From the poem "The Song of the Bison" it is possible to derive that the poet was born in Grand Duchy of Lithuania because there are verses where the author refers to Lithuania as his native country and motherland. Read more
  Ieva Simonaitytė | Anto...  
Ieva Simonaitytė gimė 1897m. sausio 23d. Vanagų bažnytkaimyje, Klaipėdos apskrityje. Penkerių metų susirgo kaulų džiova, dėl to negalėjo lankyti mokyklos. Skaityti ir rašyti ją išmokė motina. Jaunystėje vaikščiodama su lazdomis ji turėjo dirbti: ganyti svetimas žąsis, prižiūrėti mažus vaikus.
Ieva Simonaitytė was born on January 23, 1897, in the village of Vanagai, Klaipėda district. Being five years old, she became ill of the bone tuberculosis, thus she could not attend the school. To read and to write she was taught by her mother. In her youth, walking on sticks, she had to work: to pasture the geese that did not belong to her, and look after small children. In 1912-1914 I.Simonaitytė was cured at Augenburg sanatorium in Germany. She returned from there healed. She worked as a seamstress, and gradually joined the Lithuanian activities: worked a the society of Vanagai Lithuanians "Eglė" (The Fir-tree), cooperated in "Tilžės keleivis" newspaper and in other publications of Lithuania Minor.
  Šatrijos Ragana | Antol...  
Marija Pečkauskaitė, žinoma Šatrijos Raganos slapyvardžiu, gimė 1877m. vasario 24d. Medingėnų dvare, Telšių apskrityje, lenkiškos kultūros bajorų šeimoje. Tėvų kilnūs tarpusavio santykiai darė teigiamą įtaką Marijos asmenybės formavimuisi.
Marija Pečkauskaitė, known under pseudonym of Šatrijos Ragana, was born on February 24, 1877, in Medingėnai estate, Telšiai district, to a family of a nobleman affected by the Polish culture. The noble relations between her parents made a favourable impact on the formation of Marija's personality. She began to learn at home, and since 1891, when the family moved to the Užventis estate, her teacher was P.Višinskis. In 1892 she entered the third class of St.Peterburg gymnasium of St.Catherine. Because of a frail health and the lack of funds, she finished the gymnasium course privately in Užventis. In addition, in 1895 she finished the apiculture courses in Varduva. In Užventis, P.Višinskis impacted Marija's national self-determination and encouraged her to join the national movement and literature work. At the beginning she wrote in Polish language. P.Višinskis translated her works and published them in periodicals Varpas (The Bell), Ūkininkas (The Farmer) under pseudonym of Šatrijos Ragana. Later M.Pečkauskaitė began to write in Lithuanian herself and publish her works in various newspapers and magazines.
  Vytautas Mačernis | Ant...  
V.Mačernis gimė 1921m. birželio 5d. Šarnelėje, netoli Žemaičių Kalvarijos. Jis mokėsi Sedos progimnazijoje, Telšių gimnazijoje, kurią baigė 1939m. Tų pačių metų rudenį įstojo į Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Teologijos-filosofijos fakultetą.
Vytautas Mačernis was born on June 5, 1921, in Šarnelė, near Žemaičių Kalvarija. He went to Seda progymnasium, later to Telšiai gymnasium, which he had finished in 1939. In autumn of the same year he entered the Theology and Philosophy Faculty of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, where studied English language and literature. In 1940 he moved to the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences of Vilnius University. In 1941 he dropped English studies and began philosophy studies, which he continued until the closure of University in 1943. After the closure of University by Germans V.Mačernis returned to his native land and lived there until 1944. While being there, V.Mačernis wrote verses and sent them in letters to his friends. The verses were copied down by others, since by that time the works of V.Mačernis became popular among high school and University students and young intellectuals. In this way his poetry by manuscripts and copies became popular in Lithuania even before the death of a poet. When Bolshevik armies were forthcoming, V.Mačernis decided to retreat to the West, and perished near Žemaičių Kalvarija on October 7, 1944. He is buried in Šarnelė.
  Vincas Krėvė | Antologi...  
Vincas Krėvė - Mickevičius gimė 1882m. spalio 19d. Subartonoų kaime, Alytaus apskrityje. Kaime Mickevičiai dar buvo vadinami Krėvėmis, todėl tą pavardę rašytojas pasirinko slapyvardžiu. Ilgą laiką vadinosi dviguba (V.Krėvė-Mickevičius) pavarde, o Amerikoje ir oficialiai vadinosi tik V.Krėve.
Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius was born on October 22, 1882, in Subartoniai village, Alytus district. The villagers called Mickevičiai family Krėvės, and for this reason the writer has chosen his pseudonym ­ Krėvė. For a long time he had a double name Krėvė-Mickevičius, but in America he was officially known as Vincas Krėvė.
  Petras Cvirka : Kasdien...  
Petras Cvirka - vienas žymiausių XXa. pirmos pusės rašytojų, realizmo atstovas, gimė 1909m. kovo 12d. Klangių kaime Veliuonos valsčiuje, Kauno apskrityje, valstiečių šeimoje. 1926m. baigė Vilkijos progimnaziją, 1926-1930m.
Petras Cvirka, one of the most prominent writers of the first half of the 20th century, a representative of realism, was born on March 12, 1909, in the village of Klangiai of Veliuona community, Kaunas district. In 1926 he finished Veliuona progymnasium, Read more
  Antanas Kalanavičius | ...  
A.Kalanavičius gimė 1945m. birželio 5d. Sapiegiškės kaime netoli Nedzingės, Varėnos rajone. Mokėsi Nedzingės vidurinėje mokykloje. 1965-1968m. studijavo lietuvių kalbą ir literatūrą Vilniaus universitete bei Vilniaus pedagoginiame institute.
A.Kalanavičius was born on June 5, 1945 in the village of Sapiegiškės near Nedzingė in the district of Varėna. He attended the secondary school at Nedzingė. In 1965-1968 he studied Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University and Vilnius Pedagogical Institute. He began his literary attempts in his teen ages, and his first verse was published in the district newspaper of Varėna. Since 1965 his poetry was published in various newspapers and journals. In 1967-1968 A.Kalanavičius tried to write songs.
  Vincas Ramonas | Antolo...  
Vincas Ramonas (Ramanauskas) gimė 1905m. sausio 14d. Trakiškių kaime, Marijampolės apskrityje. Rygiškių Jono gimnaziją Marijampolėje baigė 1924m. Kauno Vytauto didžiojo universitete studijavo lietuvių ir vokiečių literatūrą bei pedagogiką (1924-1928).
Vincas Ramonas (Ramanauskas) was born on January 14 in 1905 in the village of Trakiškės in Marijampolė district. In 1924 he finished a gymnasium named after Rygiškių Jonas in Marijampolė. In 1924-1928 V.Ramonas studied Lithuanian and German language and literature, as well as pedagogy, at Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University. His career of writer began in 1924-1928. At that period his stories were published in periodicals.
  Jurgis Baltrušaitis | A...  
J.Baltrušaitis gimė 1873m. gegužės 2d. Paantvardžio kaime, netoli Jurbarko, Raseinių apskrityje, ūkininkų šeimoje. Pradinį mokslą ėjo namie ir pas vietos parapijos kunigą K.Žakevičių. 1885m. įstojo į Kauno gimnaziją, kurią baigė 1893m.
J.Baltrušaitis was born on May 2, 1873, to a family of farmers in Paantvardis village near Jurbarkas. He acquired his primary education at home and under tuition of the local dean. In 1855 he entered Kaunas gymnasium, and graduated from there in 1893; then he entered the Faculty of Physical and mathematical sciences at Moscow University. At the same time he attended lectures at the Faculty of history and philology, and studied foreign languages. His studies were funded from private lessons. Since 1895 J.Baltrušaitis began to collaborate in Russian literary magazines. Together with S.Polyakov he established a publishing house "Scorpio" which published magazines and also collections of Baltrušaitis's verses.
  Pranas Vaičaitis | Anto...  
P.Vaičaitis gimė 1876m. vasario 10d. Santakų kaime, Sintautų valsčiuje (netoli Šakių). Mokėsi Sintautų pradinėje mokykloje ir Marijampolės gimnazijoje. 1895m. gavęs atestatą, tėvų buvo verčiamas stoti į Seinų kunigų seminariją, tačiau nepakluso.
P.Vaičaitis was born on February 14, 1876 in the village of Santakos belonging to the Sintautai community near Šakiai. He went to the Sintautai primary school and later learned at the Marijampolė gymnasium. After obtaining maturity certificate, parents were persuading him to enter the Clerical Seminary at Seinai, but Pranas Vaičaitis did not obey. In the same year he entered the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University. Despite hard material conditions, Pranas Vaičaitis actively participated in the activities of Lithuanian societies; he was writing and translating, cooperating in the prohibited Lithuanian press. In 1900 he graduated from University and began to work at the Library of Russian Academy of Sciences, but soon got seriously ill and returned to Lithuania.
  Antanas Baranauskas | A...  
Antanas Baranauskas - žymiausias feodalizmo epochos pabaigos lietuvių poetas. Jis gimė 1835m. sausio 17d. Anykščiuose gausioje "karališkųjų" valstiečių šeimoje. Poeto vaikystė buvo sunki ir varginga: jis nuo mažens piemenavo, dirbo sunkius ūkio darbus.
Antanas Baranauskas is the most prominent Lithuanian poet of the feudalism epoch's end. He was born in Anykščiai to a numerous family of "royal" (i.e. free) peasants on January 17, 1789.
  Balys Sruoga | Antologi...  
B.Sruoga gimė 1896m. vasario 2d. Baibokų kaime, Biržų apskrityje, ūkininko šeimoje. Mokėsi Panevėžio realinėje gimnazijoje, nuo ketvirtos klasės uždarbiavo privačiomis pamokomis. 1912m. pradėjo spausdinti savo kūrinius Aušrinėje, Rygos Naujienose, Lietuvos žiniose, Naujam Take, Amerikos lietuvių spaudoje, literatūros žurnale Vaivorykštė.
B.Sruoga was born on February 2, 1896, in Baibokai village, Biržai county, in a family of a farmer. He studied in the Realgymnasium of Panevėžys, from the fourth year he gave private lessons. In 1912 he had started to publish his work in "Aušrinė" (Morning Star), "Rygos naujienos" (Ryga news), "Lietuvos žinios" (Lithuanian News), "Naujas takas" (New Road), in the press of American Lithuanians, in a literary magazine "Vaivorykštė" (Rainbow). In 1914 B.Sruoga had entered the Institute of Forestry in St. Petersburg. In two years he was transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology at St. Petersburg University. Besides studies, B.Sruoga was interested in theatre, took part in Lithuanian performances. In 1916 B.Sruoga moved to Moscow to study literature at Moscow University. In Moscow B.Sruoga had written most of his best lyrical verses.
  Mikalojus Daukša | Anto...  
Mikalojus Daukša žymiausias Renesanso epochos lietuvių rašytojas. Jis gimė apie 1527 - 1538m. Babėnuose, (tarp Kėdainių ir Dotnuvos), senoje bajorų šeimoje. Spėjama, kad studijavo kuriame nors iš Vakarų Europos universitetų, nes buvo plataus humanistinio išsilavinimo.
M. Daukša is one of the most prominent Lithuanian writers of the Renaissance epoch. He was born in an ancient noble family circa years 1527-1538 in Babėnai, between Kėdainiai and Dotnuva. Presumably he studied in one of the Western European universities, since he was a person of comprehensive humanist education. In the year 1570 M. Daukša became a dean at Krakės. In 1572 he became a canon and moved to Varniai, at the same remaining the dean of Krakės. He was in close relationship with bishop M. Giedraitis and canon, also famous as historian, M. Strijkovskis (Stryjkowski). In 1580, being a canon and a dean at Krakės, he also was appointed an emeritus of Kražiai chapel. In the years 1585-1592 he was an official of the Samogitian diocese, and in fact, an actual governor of the whole diocese. In 1592 he acquired administration of Betygala parsonage instead of Krakės. After the death of bishop M. Giedraitis, in 1609-1610 M. Daukša was an administrator of the diocese. He died in Varniai in the year 1613.
  Jonas Aistis | Antologi...  
Jonas Aistis gimė 1904m. liepos 7d. Kampiškių dvaro darbininko šeimoje, Panemunės valsčiuje, Kauno apskrityje. 1907m. su tėvais persikėlė į Rumšiškes. 1919-1927m. J.Aistis mokėsi Kauno "Aušros" gimnazijoje.
J.Aistis was born on July 7, 1907 to the family of a worker at Kampiškiai estate in the community of Panemunė, Kaunas district. In 1907 together with his family moved to Rumšiškės. In 1919-1927 J.Aistis studied at Kaunas "Aušra" (The Sunrise) gymnasium. There he began to write his poetry. The first verse was published in 1927 in a magazine "Ateitis" (The Future). J.Aistis studied literature at Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University, in the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences. During his studies he worked at the Bank of Agriculture. After receiving the grant of Ministry of Education, in 1936-1940 J.Aistis continued his studies at Grenoble University in France. After maintaining a thesis, in 1944 he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Since because of war and occupations he could not return to Lithuania, in 1944-1946 he worked in the Archives of Nice and in the library at Paris. In 1946 J.Aistis with his family moved to live in the USA. Until 1952 he taught Lithuanian language and literature at Marianapolis college. In 1952-1958 J.Aistis worked at the Free Europe Lithuanian Department in New York, since 1958 lived in Washington, where worked in the Library of Congress. J.Aistis died on June 13, 1973, in Washington.
  Kazys Binkis | Antologi...  
Kazys Binkis gimė 1893m. lapkričio 4d. Gudelių kaime, Biržų apskrityje. Mokėsi Papilio pradžios mokykloje (baigė 1908m.), "Saulės" mokytojų kursuose Kaune, Biržų keturklasėje mokykloje. 1910m. įstojo į Voroneco (netoli Švenčionių) žemės ūkio mokyklą, bet dėl lėšų trūkumo 1913m.
Kazys Binkis was born on November 4, 1893 in the village of Gudeliai in the district of Biržai. He attended the primary school at Papilys (finished it in 1908), studied at the "Saulė" (The Sun) courses for teachers and at Biržai progymnasium. In 1910 he entered school of agriculture in Voronec (near Švenčionys), but for the lack of funds moved to Vilnius in 1913 and began to prepare himself privately for maturity examinations. Since 1909 K.Binkis began to publish scenes in prose and verses in "Viltis" (The Hope), "Vaivorykštė" (The Rainbow), and "Pirmasis baras" (The First Field). In 1915 he graduated from the teachers' courses of the Lithuanian Committee in Vilnius and became a teacher at Papilys. In 1918 K.Binkis was elected a chairman of the Biržai District Council. In 1919 he was appointed a secretary of editorial board of the journal "Liepsna" (The Flame) in Vilnius. In the same year he moved to Kaunas. There he worked at the press bureau, volunteered to the "Geležinis Vilkas" (The Iron Wolf) regiment and participated in concerts. In 1920-1923 he studied, with interruptions, literature and philosophy at Berlin University. At the same time he took part the literary movement "Keturi vėjai" (The Four Winds), being the leader of the budding Lithuanian futurism (1922-1928). He made his living from the literary work. In 1922, together with other authors, he published an almanac "The Prophet of the Four Winds"; in 1924 he organized a journal "Keturi vėjai" (The Four Winds). He arranged the anthologies of Lithuanian folk poetry and songs. He also worked at the Society of Lithuanian Writers, for some years was a member of its board, participated in the edition of "Literatūros naujienos" (The News of Literature) and worked as a journalist. The heritage of K.Binkis's works is not big, but in all fields he achieved significant results. He wrote humorous and satirical poems, rhymed feuilletons, published poetry books for children. He debuted as a play writer in 1938 with a piece "The Undergrowth".
  Kazys Boruta | Antologi...  
K.Boruta gimė 1905m. sausio 6d. Kūlokų kaime, Marijampolės apskrityje. Mokėsi Liudvinavo pradžios mokykloje. I pasaulinio karo metais gyveno Maskvoje, mokėsi gimnazijoje. 1918m. grįžo į Lietuvą. Mokslą tęsė Marijampolės "Žiburio" gimnazijoje, nuo 1920m.
K. Boruta was born on January 6, 1905, in Kulokai village of Marijampolė district. He went to Liudvinavas primary school. During World War I he lived in Moscow, where attended gymnasium. In 1918 he returned to Lithuania. K. Boruta continued his studies in Marijampolė "Žiburys" (The Light) gymnasium, and since 1920 - in Marijampolė Teachers Seminarium. Here he actively participated in activities of "Aušra" (The Sunrise) society. For taking part in the demonsthations of 1st of May, in 1921 K. Boruta was expelled from the Seminarium. The graduation examinations he took without attending lectures. In 1924-1926 he studied Lithuanian language, literature and history at the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences of Lithuanian University. He was forced to emigrate for political activities in socialist youth and workers organizations. In 1926 K. Boruta went to Austria and entered Vienna University. There he studied literature, philosophy, and history. In 1927 during summer vacations K. Boruta was arrested and released on condition that he will leave Lithuania. Then K. Boruta for some time lived in Riga, and since 1928 continued his studies in Vienna. In 1931 K. Boruta returned to Lithuania. In 1933 he was arrested for illegal political activities and sentenced for four years at the convict prison. By efforts of the Lithuanian Society of Writers he was amnestied in 1935.
  Antanas Vaičiulaitis | ...  
A.Vaičiulaitis gimė 1906m. birželio 23d. Didžiųjų Šelvių kaime prie Vilkaviškio. Pradžios mokyklą lankė Vilkaviškyje. 1919 - 1927m. mokėsi Vilkaviškio "Žiburio" gimnazijoje. 1925m. Krivulėje A.Vaičiulaitis paskelbė pirmuosius savo eilėraščius.
A.Vaičiulaitis was born on June 23, 1906 in the village of Didieji Šelviai near Vilkaviškis. He attended the primary school at Vilkaviškis. In the years 1919-1927 he studied at Vilkaviškis "Žiburys" gymnasium. In 1925 in the magazine "Krivulė" A.Vaičiulaitis published his first verses. In 1927 he entered Lithuanian University in Kaunas where studied Lithuanian and French languages and literature. After graduation from University, for a short period he was a teacher at Kaunas Jesuit gymnasium. In 1935-1938 he continued post-graduate studies at Grenoble University and Sorbonne. After coming back to Kaunas, in 1938-1940 A.Vaičiulaitis worked at the Lithuanian news agency Elta and lectured modern Lithuanian literature at University, in the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, at the same time he expanded his knowledge by frequent travels to the countries of Europe. In 1940 A.Vaičiulaitis joined Lithuanian diplomatic service and began to work at the Lithuanian embassy in Rome. After some time he had to emigrate to the United States of America. In 1941-1945 he taught Lithuanian at the college of Marianapolis. In 1943 he joined the US Armed Forces, but soon for the reasons of health was transferred to the reserve. In 1945-1947 he was an editor of "Amerika" magazine; in 1947-1951 lectured French language at Scranton University. In 1951 A.Vaičiulaitis joined the United States Information Agency where he began to work at the Lithuanian Department of "The Voice of America", and moved to Washington.
  Simonas Stanevičius | A...  
S.Stanevičius gimė 1799m. Kanopėnų kaime, Viduklės valsčiuje, Raseinių apskrityje, smulkių žemaičių bajorų šeimoje. Nuo 1817m. mokėsi Kražių gimnazijoje. Baigęs gimnaziją 1821m. , dar metus liko Kražiuose, vertėsi korepetitoriaus darbu.
S.Stanevičius was born in 1799 in a Kanapėnai village, Viduklė community, Raseiniai district, to the family of a petty Samogitian nobleman. Since 1817 he studied at the high school in Kražiai. After graduating from the high school in 1821 he stayed for one more year in Kražiai, where he was giving private lessons. In 1822 he entered Vilnius University where studied at the Department of Literature and Free Arts. The democratic sentiments that prevailed at the University had shaped the attitudes of S.Stanevičius and induced him to join in the activities of publishing Lithuanian books and enlivening Lithuanian national feelings. In 1853 S.Stanevičius had published four publications and created an ode "The Glory of Samogitians", had written fables. After graduating from the University with philosophy candidate's degree in 1826 S.Stanevičius remained in Vilnius. Here he gave private lessons, continued the studies of Lituanistics, and prepared for publication Lithuanian books. The year 1829 was the most fruitful in the life of S.Stanevičius: he had published a grammar, a collection of songs, his ode and fables.
  Jonas Basanavičius | An...  
J.Basanavičius gimė 1851m. lapkričio 23d. Ožkabalių kaime Vilkaviškio apskrityje. 1866-1873m. mokėsi Marijampolės gimnazijoje, 1873m. įstojo į Maskvos universiteto Istorijos ir filologijos fakultetą. 1874m.
J.Basanavičius was born in the Ožkabaliai village, Vilkaviškis county. In 1866-1873 he had studied in Marijampolė gymnasium, in 1873 he had entered Moscow University, the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1874 he was transferred to the Faculty of Medicine. At the same time he had studied Lithuanian history and archeology, collected Lithuanian folklore, was concerned about breaking of the Lithuania press ban, published popular books. In 1879 he was awarded the diploma of a medical doctor and worked for some time in Ožkabaliai, Vilkaviškis, and Aleksotas. In 1808 he received an appointment as a doctor and head of a hospital in Bulgaria, Lom Palanka city. He took care of Lithuanian affairs, searched for opportunities to publish a Lithuanian newspaper abroad. In 1883 a newspaper "Aušra" had appeared which was edited and published by J. Basanavičius. In 1882 J.Basanavičius had left Bulgaria for Prague and Vienna where he worked and studied medicine.
  Henrikas Nagys | Antolo...  
Henrikas Nagys gimė 1920m. spalio 12d. Mažeikiuose. Mokėsi Kėdainių gimnazijoje. 1940m. įstojo į Kauno universitetą studijuoti architektūrą. Prasidėjus karui ir vokiečių okupacijai, tęsė studijas atgimusiame Kauno Vytauto Didžiojo universitete lituanistiką ir germanistiką ir meno istoriją.
Henrikas Nagys was born on October 12, 1920 in Mažeikiai. He studied at the Kėdainiai gymnasium. In 1940 he entered Kaunas University where he studied architecture. After the beginning of war and occupation by Germany he continued his studies of Lithuanian and German languages and literature as well as the history of arts at the revived Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University. In 1944 he retreated to the West. In 1945-1947 H.Nagys studied German language and literature and history of arts at Innsbruck University. These studies he continued in 1947-1948 at Freiburg University while studying at the same time at the Institute of Applied Arts. After coming back to Innsbruck in 1948-1949 he graduated from the University with the Doctor of Philology degree. He lived in Montreal where continued his post-graduate studies.
  Juozas Tumas - Vaižgant...  
Juozas Tumas gimė 1869m. rugsėjo mėn. 20d. Malaišių kaime, Rokiškio apskrityje, ūkininko šeimoje. Tėvų bei tėviškės aplinka suteikė J.Tumui-Vaižgantui nepaprastai turtingą kalbinį bei etnografinį paveldėjimą, ugdė individualumo bei savarankiškumo pajautimą, meilę žmonėms bei gyvenimo optimizmą.
Juozas Tumas was born on September 20, 1869, in the village of Malaišiai, Rokiškis county, in a family of a farmer. The home and homeland environment has introduced J.Tumas-Vaižgantas to a linguistic and ethnographic heritage of incredible richness, cultivated the sense of individuality and independence, love of people and optimistic view of life. J.Tumas had finished the elementary school in Kunigiškiai in two years and entered Daugpilis realgymnasium in 1881. The gymnasium was dominated by a positivist spirit of freethinking but it did not influence J.Tumas. The national consciousness was stimulated by "Aušra", Russian classical literature inspired wish for literary work. He had graduated the gymnasium in 1888 and entered Kaunas clerical seminary the same year. In the Seminary J.Tumas took part in national movement, was a member of a secret Society of Lithuanian Supporters created by Lithuanian patriotic clerics, in the Society of St. Kazimieras he had started his literary work.
  Paulius Širvys | Antolo...  
Paulius Širvys gimė 1922m. lapkričio 17d. Padustėlio kaime, Zarasų apskrityje. 1940m. baigė dvimetę Salų žemės ūkio mokyklą, buvo įstojęs į Gruzdžių kontrolasistentų mokyklą. 1940-1941m. mokėsi bolševikinėje karo mokykloje Vilniuje.
P.Širvys was born on November 17, 1922 in the village of Padustėlis of Zarasai district. In 1940 he graduated from the two-year Salai agriculture school and had entered the school of control assistants at Gruzdžiai. In 1940-1941 he studied at the Bolshevik military school at Vilnius. The war overtook him at the firing ground of Švenčionėliai. Near Vitebsk P.Širvys was caught by the Germans as a prisoner of war. After the escape from the camp of prisoners of war near Minsk in 1942, the Germans caught him again and sent to compulsory works in Germany. In 1944 P.Širvys escaped again, crossed the front line in Lithuania and returned to the Soviet Army. He participated in actions in Northern Lithuania and in Kurland, and was wounded there. In 1945 he was demobilized from the army, and was editor of regional newspapers (in Rokiškis, Pandėlys, Merkinė, Rudiškės). His works were first published in periodicals in 1948. In 1954-1955 he worked at the editorial board of "Literatūra ir menas" (Literature and Arts) newspaper, in 1958-1962 - in magazines "Moksleivis" (The Schoolboy) and "Genys" (The Woodpecker). In 1957 he graduated from the High Courses of Literature in the institute named after Gorky in Moscow. In 1967-1969 he was a helmsman in the long-range fishermen's fleet based in Klaipėda. For the collection of his lifetime poetry P.Širvys was awarded the Republican literary award in 1972.
  Antanas Škėma | Antolog...  
A.Škėma gimė 1910m. (pagal gimimo liudijimą 1911m.) lapkričio 29d. Lodzėje, Lenkijoje, kur jo tėvas buvo išsiųstas mokytojauti. 1-o pasaulinio karo metais su tėvais gyveno Rusijoje, 1921m. grįžo į Lietuvą.
A.Škėma was born on November 29, 1910 (according to the certificate of birth, in 1911), in Łódż, Poland, where his father was sent to teach at school. During the World War I he with his parents lived in Russia. In 1921 he returned to Lithuania. A.Škėma attended Radviliškis progymnasium and "Aušra" (The Sunrise) gymnasium in Kaunas. In 1929 he entered the Faculty of Medicine of Lithuanian University. In 1931 he changed studies to the Law Faculty of Kaunas Vytautas Magnus University. In 1935 he joined a theater study led by V. Sipavičius-Fedotas. While still learning there, A.Škėma was engaged at the State Theater in Kaunas. In 1936-1940 he was an actor at the State Theater in Kaunas, then - an actor, and later a stage manager at the Vilnius State Theater. A.Škėma was acting in almost all the plays staged at that period.
  Julija Beniuševičiūtė -...  
Julija Beniuševičiūtė-Žymantienė, literatūroje žinoma Žemaitės slapyvardžiu, gimė 1845m. gegužės 31d. Bukantiškės dvare, Plungės valsčiuje, nusigyvenusių bajorų šeimoje. Jokio sistemingo mokslo neišėjo.
Julija Beniuševičiūtė-Žymantienė, in literature known under pseudonym of Žemaitė, was born on May 31, 1845, in Bukantiškės estate, Plungė community, to a family of a poor nobleman. She did not get any systematic education. To read and to write she learned at home from her father, and more elementary education knowledge she received from her wealthy relative. Later she learned from the books.
  Motiejus Kazimieras Sar...  
M.K.Sarbievijus - Europos masto poetas, gimęs Lenkijoje (Mozūrijoje), bet gyvenęs ir kūręs daugiausia Lietuvoje, rašęs lotynų kalba. Dėl žavėjimosi Horacijaus kūryba, kurią imitavo, buvo vadinamas "Sarmatų Horacijumi" (Horatius Sarmaticus), o dėl bandymų ją sukrikščioninti - "Krikščioniškuoju Horacijumi" (Horatius Christianus).
M.K.Sarbievijus is a poet of European scale who was born in the so called Mazowsze (Poland), but most of his life spent in Lithuania where he wrote his works in Latin. Because of his admiration of Horatius, whose works he imitated, he was nicknamed "Sarmatian Horatius" (Horatius Sarmaticus), and for his efforts to christianize it - "Christian Horatius" (Horatius Christianus).
  Jonas Gaidamavičius : ...  
Jonas Gaidamavičius - vienas iš laikraščio "Varpas" steigėjų, redaktorių ir bendradarbių - gimė 1860m. Kaniūkų kaime, Aluntos valsčiuje, Utenos apskrityje. 1883-1889m. studijavo Varšuvos universitete mediciną.
Jonas Gaidamavičius was one of the constitutors, editors and contributors to the newspaper "Varpas". He was born in a village of Kaniūkai, Alunta community, Utena district. He studied medicine at Warsaw University in 1883-1889. Read more
  Lazdynų Pelėda | Antolo...  
Sofija Pšibiliauskienė gimė 1867m. rugsėjo 16d. Tryškių valsčiuje, Paragių dvare, bajorų dvarininkų šeimoje. Sistemingai mokytis Sofijai neteko. 1891m. ištekėjo už dvarininko R.Pšibiliausko. Šeimyninis gyvenimas nebuvo laimingas.
Sofia Pšibiliauskienė was born on September 16, 1867, in Tryškiai district, Paragiai mansion, in a family of a gentry landowner. Sofia had not received regular education. In 1891 she had married a landowner R.Pšibiliauskas. The family life was not happy. In 1898 S.Pšibiliauskienė had started to co-operate in "Varpas" (The Bell) and "Ūkininkas" (The Farmer). In 1903 S.Pšibiliauskienė had moved to Vilnius with two small children. There she worked occasionally and continued literary work. In 1914 S.Pšibiliauskienė moved to Kaunas and worked in the Gallery of Čiurlionis. After some time she got ill with tuberculosis, returned back to her homeland and died on March 15, 1926.
  Jonas Gaidamavičius | ...  
Jonas Gaidamavičius - vienas iš laikraščio "Varpas" steigėjų, redaktorių ir bendradarbių - gimė 1860m. Kaniūkų kaime, Aluntos valsčiuje, Utenos apskrityje. 1883-1889m. studijavo Varšuvos universitete mediciną.
Jonas Gaidamavičius was one of the constitutors, editors and contributors to the newspaper "Varpas". He was born in a village of Kaniūkai, Alunta community, Utena district. He studied medicine at Warsaw University in 1883-1889. At the University he made acquaintances with Lithuanian students and organized their society in 1888. He became its first president. J.Gaidamavičius actively participated in establishing and editing of the newspaper "Varpas" (The Bell). He wrote an editorial "A New Newspaper" for the first issue of "Varpas" and later published there his literary works.
  Antanas Strazdas | Anto...  
A.Strazdas gimė 1763m. Astravo ar Kriūgiškio kaime, Zarasų apskrityje, baudžiauninkų šeimoje. Jis mokėsi Krėslavos kunigų seminarijoje, iš ten persikėlė į Varnius, kur buvo įšventintas į kunigus.
A. Strazdas was born in 1763 in a village of Astravas or Kriūgiškis, in Zarasai district, in a family of a serf. He had studied in Krėslava clerical seminary and moved to Varniai from there. He had been initiated into priesthood in Varniai.
  Jonas Mačiulis - Mairon...  
Jonas Mačiulis (dokumentuose Maciulevičius), gimė 1862m. Pasandravio dvare, Šiluvos valsčiuje, Raseinių apskrityje. Jo tėvai buvo laisvi valstiečiai, palaikę artimus ryšius su aplenkėjusiais bajorais.
Jonas Mačiulis (officially Maciulevičius) was born in 1862 in Pasandravis manor, Šiluva community, Raseiniai district. His parents were free peasants and had close relationship with Polonised gentry. The foundations of education J.Mačiulis had received from his father and Betygala school that he attended for six months. In 1873 J.Mačiulis had entered the preparatory class of Kaunas Gymnasium. In the sixth year he had started writing poetry in Polish. In 1883 he entered Kiev University to study literature. Respecting the wish of his parents after a year, in 1884 he entered the clerical seminary in Kaunas. After graduating the seminary, he continued his education in the Imperial Roman Catholic Spiritual Academy in St. Petersburg in 1888-1892. In 1891 J.Mačiulis was awarded the degree of a candidate of theology and was initiated to priesthood. At that time he had used his pseudonym Maironis for the first time. In 1892 he was awarded the a degree of a Master of Theology. In 1894-1909 he was a professor in the Clerical Academy of St. Petersburg. These years were the best and most creative for J.Mačiulis. He had written his best works at that time. In 1903 he was awarded a doctoral degree in Theology.
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