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Keybot 9 Results
  GM Gyvai - Altai Khanga...  
susibūrusį „Altai Khangai“ sudaro Ganzorig Nergui, Ganbold Muukhai ir Garavkhuu Badmaabazar. Visi trys atlikėjai gimė ir užaugo tame pačiame Vakarų Mongolijos regione tarp Altajaus ir Khangai kalnų – vietoje, kurioje gerklinis dainavimas atsirado pirmiausia.
„Altai Khangai“ was founded in 1995 by Ganzorig Nergui, Ganbold Muukhai and Garavkhuu Badmaabazar. They all were born and grown in the same region of western Mongolia between Altai mountains and Khang mountains. This is the place where guttural singing occurred.
  GM Gyvai - Estas Tonne  
Ukrainoje gimęs Estas Tonne savęs netapatina nei su viena tauta – save jis laiko pasaulio piliečiu. Ir ne veltui, nes jo kūryba savo turtingumu apima dešimtis skirtingų kultūrų, o pati muzika atlikėjui yra tapusi jo sielos namais.
Estas Tonne was born in Ukraine but he dose not identifies him self as part of any nation. He says that he is citizen of whole world. He can claim this status because in his music listener can feel ten different cultures at a time. For Estas Tonne music has became home for his soul. Playing with guitar is practice that Estas Tonne names as guitar yoga.
  GM Gyvai - Chico Trujil...  
Pirmosios „Chico Trujillo“ dainos užgimė per pagrindinio vokalisto Aldo Enrique Asenjo Cubillos bei jo draugo Antonio Orellana improvizuotus pasigrojimus, kurių skambesys palaipsniui pritraukė naujus kolektyvo narius ir galiausiai jų skaičius pradėjo siekti net visą dešimtį smagių vyrukų.
The “Chico Trujillo” began their musical career in 1999 in Valparaíse (Chile). At that moment they were a project of the band “La Floripondio”. The first songs of the “Chico Trujillo” were created during an improvisational sessions between a main vocalist Aldo Enrique Asenjo Cubillos and his friend Antonio Orellana. The sound they created during those sessions attracted new members to the band. And eventually the number of band members was ten joyful guys.
  GM Gyvai - Titi Robin i...  
Projekto sielos Titi (Thiery) Robin kūrybai, trunkančiai daugiau nei trisdešimt metų, daugiausiai įtakos padarė turtingos romų ir arabų kultūros, šalia kurių įsiterpia indų muzikos instrumentuotė bei gilios andalūziškos dainos. Titi Robin yra savamokslis muzikantas, gimęs Vakarų Prancūzijoje šeštojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje.
The soul of this project is Titi (Thiery) Robin and his creative work. He performs over thirty years. His music is influenced by rich gypsy and Arabic cultures, Indian music and songs from Andalusia. He was born in Western France in the sixties. Titi Robin is self-taught musician. His musical world was created by instinctively using gypsy and Eastern music elements. He mixed and matched these genres even before world music genre was known. In the nineties he began to create very personal style of music that is called Mediterranean blues. He never went far from it in his music.
  GM Gyvai - Vardan Hovan...  
1980 m. Belgijoje gimęs Emre muziką atrado savo tėvo Lütfü Gültekin dėka, kuris jį išmokė groti sazu – ilgakakle liutnia, galinčia išgauti subtiliausias harmonijas. Šis kultūrų ribas peržengiantis instrumentas yra plačiai paplitęs Artimuosiuose Rytuose – pradedant net nuo Sibiro.
Emre Gültekin (Turkey) plays sazu, baglama, tambour and sings vocal parts in this duo. He is originated from a famous family of musicians and playing some instrument in this family is as natural as breathing. Emre Gültekin was born in 1980 in Belgium. Music was introduced to him by his father Lütfü Gültekin. His father taught him how to play sazu. Sazu is a long-necked lute that can produce finest harmonies. This instrument is widely known in Middle East – starting whit Siberia. This instrument reached its apogee and greatest artistic expression in Anatolian music. Greatest musicians who played it was Talip Ozkan and Mustafa Karaçeper.
  GM Gyvai - Nora Jean Br...  
Nora Jean gimė ir užaugo Greenwood‘o mieste – bliuzu turtingo regiono širdyje. Nuo pat mažens atlikėją supo profesionalūs bliuzo atlikėjai: tėvas Bobby Lee Wallace bei jos dėdė Henris „Son“ Wallace, į mergaitės sielą įskiepiję šio žanro muziką.
Nora Jean was born and raised in Greenwood city which is the heart of a region rich with blues. Since she was little she was surrounded by professional blues performers. The blues genre was imparted to her by her father Bobby Lee Wallace and her uncle Henry “Son” Wallace. Her mother Ida Lee Wallace had an impact to Nora’s musical education as a gospel singer. Her grandmother Mary had an impact too. She had a dance studio where Nora secretly listened to blues classics performed by her relatives. At that time Nora fell in love with music by Howlin’ Wolf. She develops his style of music to this day.
  GM Gyvai - ORKESTA MEND...  
Grupės vedlys Sergio Mendoza yra gimęs Meksikos Nogaleso mieste Sonoros valstijoje, tačiau kuomet jam buvo aštuoneri metai, persikraustė gyventi į JAV Arizonos valstiją. Sulaukęs 18 metų apsigyveno Tuksone, kuriame 2009 m.
The leader of the group is Sergio Mendoza. He was born in town Nogales, Sonoran state, Mexico. When he was eight years old he moved to live in the USA, Arizona. When he was eighteen he was living in Tucson. In 2009 he gathered few of the best towns’ musicians for performance dedicated for legendary mambo king from Cuba - Pérez Prado. Multi-instrumentalist Sergio Mendoza got his experience while playing with “Calexico”, “Devotchka”, “Mexican Institute of Sound” and others. He was joined by vocalist Salvador Duran who had sung with “Calexico”, Willie Nelson, “Iron and Wine”, Glen Hansard and others.