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  296 Hits www.crete-holidays.net  
JDI's LCD Technology
  3 Hits www.asgq.org  
The access to return value should be implemented in Java 6.0 (JDWP, JDI: Add return value to Method Exit Event), but it is inefficient and it requires setting up method tracing on method exits to be able to obtain the return value.
Java debugger protocol (JVMTI) nemá dobrou podporu pro získání návratové hodnoty funkce. Podobná funkčnost je podporovaná například v Microsoft Visual C++, zobrazená v pohledu "variables" jako pseudo variable. Přístup k návratové hodnotě by měl být implementován v Java 6.0 (JDWP, JDI: Add return value to Method Exit Event), ale implementace není rychlá a vyžaduje zapnutí trasování metod na výstupu metod. Trasování metod je pomalé a rozdílné od požadavku na provedení kroku, viz Eclipse 40912 bug report.
He is a member of the American Economic Association, the Canadian Economic Association and a research fellow at the Centre for International and Defence (CIDP) and at the John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy (JDI), Queen's University.
Dr. Douch a obtenu une maîtrise (2001) et un doctorat (2006) de l’Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM) dans les domaines de la macroéconomie et de l'économie financière. Mohamed est actuellement professeur d’économie au département de gestion et économie, Collège militaire Royal du Canada depuis 2006. Il est membre de l’Association Américaine d'Économie (AEA), l’Association Canadienne d’Économique (ACE) et chercheur affilié au Centre sur les Politiques Internationales et Défense (CIDP) et à l'institut John Deutsch sur l’étude de politique économique (JDI) de l'Université Queen’s.
The organization "Dyer" in Soghd oblast in collaboration with the Russian TV program "Wait for me" (“Jdi menya”) is making all efforts to find missing migrants and bring them back home. The head of Diyor told that for the last 5 years 650 families have appealed for the help to find relatives and friends in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Организация "Диёр" в Согдийской области, в сотрудничестве с телевизионной программой "Жди меня" России прилагает усилия по поиску и возвращению на родину пропавших трудовых мигрантов. Руководитель "Диёра" говорит, что за чуть более пять последних лет к ним за помощью в поисках родных в России и Казахстане обратилось 650 семей.
In the case of J.D. Irving—I can use that as an example—their chief forester is a member of the FSC, whereas JDI itself.... There's a threshold of hectarage certified before you can have a company membership.
Dans le cas de J.D. Irving—je peux citer cet exemple—, le chef forestier est membre du FSC, alors que la société elle-même... Une entreprise doit avoir fait certifier au minimum une certaine superficie avant de pouvoir devenir membre.
  10 Hits pierresjr.com  
JDI Leadership Team
Equipe de direction
La CSSIAT enquête sur un accident grave à une scierie de J.D. Irving, Limited
Magnus Bunnskog John Chantler Katt Hernandez Kajsa Lindgren PDSM! Uts. Jdi. Kalle Haglund Esko Männikkö Ludvig Daae & Joanna Nordahl Pipilotti Rist: I Want to See How You See Jesper Just: Bliss and Heaven Ossler Grebnellaw Lux Lumen
Magnus Bunnskog Ur Olles kamera John Chantler Katt Hernandez Kajsa Lindgren PDSM! Uts. Jdi. Kalle Haglund Esko Männikkö Ludvig Daae & Joanna Nordahl Pipilotti Rist: I Want to See How You See Jesper Just: Bliss and Heaven Ossler Grebnellaw Lux Lumen The Disengaged Free Jazz Orchestra Kungliga Konsthögskolan
  117 Hits www.les-amis-des-chats.com  
Display: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 pixels, 24 bit
Écran: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 pixels, 24 bit
Display: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 Pixel, 24 Bit
Pantalla: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 píxeles, 24 bit
Display: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 pixel, 24 bit
Дисплей: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 пиксела, 24 бита
Экран: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 пикселей, 24 бит
Ekran: 5 in, JDI IPS, 720 x 1280 piksel, 24 bit
  2 Hits ict.az  
JDI Announces Development of Monitor Size 17.3-inch 8K4K LCD Module 05.10.2015 10:00 / Interesting information
Monitorlar üçün 8K formatlı ilk panel hazırlanıb 05.10.2015 10:00 / Maraqlı məlumatlar
Prepeliczay, S., 2002: Sociocultural and psychological aspects of contemporary LSD use in Germany, in: JDI Journal on Drug Issues, 32 (2), pp. 431 - 458
Prepeliczay, S., 2002: Sociocultural and psychological aspects of contemporary LSD use in Germany, in: JDI Journal on Drug Issues, 32 (2), S. 431 - 458
Prepeliczay, S., 2002: Sociocultural and psychological aspects of contemporary LSD use in Germany, in: JDI Journal on Drug Issues, 32 (2), pp. 431 - 458
Prepeliczay, S., 2002: Sociocultural and psychological aspects of contemporary LSD use in Germany, in: JDI Journal on Drug Issues, 32 (2), S. 431 - 458
  3 Hits aventuraholidays.es  
JDI - Just Detention International
性侵犯国际保护组织(Just Detention International)
Comments received by both Councils have been collated and are available on the following link:https://swansea.jdi-consult.net/planningconsultations/viewreps.php?docelemid=39691&docid=258.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y Prif Gynllun gallwch gysylltu â Thîm y CDLl yn uniongyrchol naill ai dros y ffôn: [01639] 686821 neu drwy anfon e-bost i: ldp@npt.gov.uk
“I have learnt techniques in writing and communication during these training cycles. Today, we are able to promote our association’s events and activities in a professional and concise manner,” declares with satisfaction Yasmine Laabidi, member of Jeunes Démocrates Indépendants association (JDI).
وعن هذه الورشة، تقول ياسمين لعبيدي، عضو جمعية الشبان الديمقراطيين المستقلين بكل اقتناع "تعلّمت العديد من تقنيات الكتابة والتواصل خلال الدورات التدريبية. واليوم، نحن قادرون على الترويج لأنشطة جمعيتنا والتظاهرات التي تنظمها بطريقة احترافية ودقيقة".
Launched in 2015, the project is funded by Genome Canada (GAPP Program) and Genome Quebec, and it is gathering scientists, tree breeders, foresters and economists from seven Canadian organizations: The Canada Research Chair in Forest and Environmental Genomics of Laval University, Forest Products Innovations (FPInnovations), the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC-CCFB), the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (QMFWP), J.D. Irving Ltd (JDI), the New Brunswick Tree Improvement Council (NBTIC) and Natural Resources Canada.
(Tests Rapides pour l’Amélioration des Conifères) est un projet de partenariat à grande échelle avec comme mission d’appliquer les tests de sélection génomique à l’échelle opérationnelle des programmes d’amélioration génétique des épinettes. Lancé en 2015, le projet est appuyé financièrement par Génome Canada (Programme GAPP) et Génome Québec, et il regroupe des chercheurs, améliorateurs, forestiers et économistes de sept organisations canadiennes: la Chaire de recherche du Canada en génomique forestière de l’Université Laval, Forest Products Innovations (FPInnovations), le Centre canadien sur la fibre de bois (CCFB-CWFB), le Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFPQ), J.D. Irving Ltd (JDI), le New Brunswick Tree Improvement Council (NBTIC) et Ressources Naturelles Canada.