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Keybot 5 Results  www.citg.tudelft.nl
  TU Delft: HandiGap  
Op deze manier kan je zien welke gebruikerstypen ‘verloren’ zijn wanneer het gat groter word en hoe in per gebruikerstype de ‘verliezen’ toenemen. De resultaten zijn voor de grootste vier kloven hieronder in de figuur gepresenteerd.
The outcomes are presented in two ways: per gap and per mobility aid. This way, one can see both which types of users are ‘lost’ when the gap widens, and how ‘losses’ in a single user type increase. The results for the largest four gaps are shown in the figure below. The figure shows the following:
  TU Delft: HandiGap  
Uit onze analyse blijkt duidelijk dat enkele van de kleinste kloven geen enkel probleem vormt voor de beperkten. Deze gaten vormen voor transportsystemen echter wel een probleem. Een kloof van slechts 2x2cm creëeren is vrijwel onmogelijk.
It is clear from our analyses that some of the smallest gaps hardly constitute a problem for the disabled. These gaps do constitute a problem for transport systems though. Creating and maintaining a 2x2cm gap is virtually impossible. The 5x2cm gap is feasible only in metro systems where the distance between car and platform is fixed, but only on a straight part of a line.
  TU Delft: HandiGap  
De laboratoriumopstelling kan vergeleken worden met een survivaltocht met kloven met een toenemende breedte. Het perron deed dienst als het centrale verkeersgebied waar vandaan alle houten verhogingen en de bussen bereikte konden worden.
The laboratory set up can be compared to a survival track with gaps of increasing width. The pier serves as the central traffic area, from which all the wooden platforms and the buses can be reached. The participant boards each platform from the pier (boarding), answers some questions on how he or she experienced the gap and then leaves the platform (alighting). This way, the vertical gap is bridged in both the upward (boarding) and downward directions (alighting). Then, the next gap can be handled, until it is impossible for the participant to bridge the gap. For each participant his or her personal characteristics as well as characteristics of the wheeled mobility aids (such as cane, rollator or scooter) are recorded to determine joint factors that may hinder boarding and alighting.
  TU Delft: HandiGap  
De resultaten voor alle kloven zijn vergeleken voor de groepen die gebruik maakten van rollators, handgedreven rolstoelen, elektrische rolstoelen en scootmobiels en weergegeven in de figuur hieronder.
The results for all gaps are compared for subjects using rollators, hand wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs and scooters, see figure below. Most of the rollator users are able to overcome all gaps. Gaps with larger height difference are handled by lifting their rollator as a whole. Turning the rollator over is not an option, since it has been constructed to lean on it, thus requiring a very high stability. The problems for electric wheelchairs are building up gradually whereas those for scooters are present only at gaps that are both wide and high. The forward speed is no longer sufficient to get the wheels with a diameter of about 20cm across the gap. Some of the hand wheelchair users still manage, because these can lift up the small front wheels and develop sufficient speed for the large rear wheels to cross the gap. This does however require a well-developed arm musculature.
  TU Delft: HandiGap  
De resultaten voor alle kloven zijn vergeleken voor de groepen die gebruik maakten van rollators, handgedreven rolstoelen, elektrische rolstoelen en scootmobiels en weergegeven in de figuur hieronder.
The results for all gaps are compared for subjects using rollators, hand wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs and scooters, see figure below. Most of the rollator users are able to overcome all gaps. Gaps with larger height difference are handled by lifting their rollator as a whole. Turning the rollator over is not an option, since it has been constructed to lean on it, thus requiring a very high stability. The problems for electric wheelchairs are building up gradually whereas those for scooters are present only at gaps that are both wide and high. The forward speed is no longer sufficient to get the wheels with a diameter of about 20cm across the gap. Some of the hand wheelchair users still manage, because these can lift up the small front wheels and develop sufficient speed for the large rear wheels to cross the gap. This does however require a well-developed arm musculature.