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„Nach den katastrophalen globalen Misserfolgen kommt die Zeit, wo man Ökonomen zu Outlaws erklären wird, und die berüchtigtsten enden in KZs auf dem Südpol", schaut Polák finster drein.
“After catastrophic global fuck-ups will come a time where the economists will be made outlaws, and the most prominent ones will end up in concentration camps on the South Pole,” frowns Polák.  
KZS Fund
  9 Hits  
Karkassemontage _________ MK KZS
Ensamblaje de armazón MK KZS
montaggio di carcassa MK KZS
Assembling framing MK KZS  
Neben geheim weitergeführte Tötungsaktionen in den KZs („Aktion 14f13“ – Vergasung von Behinderten und Invaliden) wurden vor allem behinderte Kinder in den Kinderfachabteilungen durch Medikamente getötet.
Although the programme was operated in secret, its practices were soon revealed and strongly protested. The church in particular protested vehemently against the killing of sick and disabled people. They publicly condemned the Nazis’ practices, wrote to the ministers and formed committees. After a particularly fierce and highly publicised sermon by Clemens August Graf von Galen, the bishop of Münster, Hitler abandoned Aktion T4 on the 24th August 1941. From January 1940 to August 1941 alone, it is estimated that 185,000 people fell victim to the euthanasia (Greek: good death) programme. However, even after the official cancellation of the programme, the killing continued on a smaller scale. The so-called wild euthanasia claimed another 30,000 lives through secretly performed killings in concentration camps, children’s wards and institutions specialising in medicinal killings.
  13 Hits  
Bis August 1941 hatte die Todeszahl 18.269 erreicht. Später, im Laufe der "Sonderbehandlung 14f13", wurden noch einmal ca. 12.000 Menschen getötet. 8000 Insassen der KZs Dachau und Mauthausen / Gusen wurden ebenfalls umgebracht.
Hasta Agosto de 1941 el número de muertes en el centro de matanzas de Hartheim se elevó a 18.269. Mas tarde, durante la operación Sonderbehandlung 14f13, casi 12.000 victimas fueron asesinadas. También más de 8.000 prisioneros de los campos de concentración de Dachau y Mauthausen / Gusen fueron asesinados.
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Ist die Entscheidung der Eltern, ihr ungeborenes behindertes Kind töten zu lassen, weniger moralisch verwerflich, weil es im demokratischen Nachkriegsdeutschland geschieht, als die Anordnung der Nazis, behinderte Menschen in den KZs zu töten, weil es damals im faschistischen Deutschen Reich des Führers und Diktators Adolf Hitler geschah?
But why should the life of an unborn, disabled child be less deserving of protection than that of a non-disabled child? Where is our outrage when we are told that 94% of parents with a down-Syndrome child (medically termed Trisomy 21, because the 21st chromosome is not constituted of two parts, but of three, earlier also called “mongoloid”) decide to have an abortion?
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Mal Roma-Blues, mal heißt es: Geschwindigkeit ist keine Hexerei. Ein Lied wie "Tshiriklia Nakhel" ist über die in den KZs ermordeten Roma. Und in "Arakh Tshe" heißt es: Macht Platz, junge Leute, lasst den alten Mann tanzen!
These are already the fourth and fifth recordings of a very talented traditional band from French-Canada. So why are Les Chauffeurs à Pieds not as famous as other Quebecois bands? The line-up at the time of writing is: Antoine Gauthier (fiddle, mandolin), Louis-Simon Lemieux (fiddle, guitar, harmonica, foot tapping), Benoît Fortier (Recorder, harmonica, french horn, piano, foot tapping), Olivier Soucy (guitar, bass, fiddle). "Au studio des trois lits" (At Three Beds Studio) is an instrumental music only album. The young quartet plays powerful jigs and reels, foot tapping inclusive. "Déjeuner canadien" also offers chansons à répondre (call and response songs). The band's name means either drivers on foot or feet warmers, pointing to the foot-tapping and the driving rhythm of the band. So lets forget about Le Vent du Nord (-> FW#31), La Volée D'Castors (-> FW#26), La Bottine Souriante (-> FW#26), etc. for a short while, here comes the next big thing from Québec.  
In Płaszów meldete er sich als Schlosser und musste Baracken bauen, später Nähmaschinen reparieren. Dort begegnete er seinem Schulfreund Henryk Hershtein, gemeinsam überstanden sie die folgenden Jahre in den deutschen KZs.
In Płaszów, he declared that he was a mechanic and was assigned first to build barracks, later to repair sewing machines. There he encountered a friend from his school days, Henryk Hershtein, and together they survived the following years in the German concentration camps. In November 1942, they were deported from Płaszów to the Ostrowiec concentration camp to work on building a cement plant. Marcel Ginzig developed typhus and only narrowly escaped death at the hands of German apprentice medical orderlies, who gave the sick prisoners fatal injections. As the Red Army approached in late summer 1944, the Ostrowiec prisoners were deported from Ostrowiec to the Buna/Monowitz concentration camp. There Marcel Ginzig met Yehuda Maimon, known as Poldek, who had been a prisoner in Auschwitz since 1941. Poldek took him and Henryk Hershtein out of the cable-laying detachment and got them jobs as welders, which enabled them to survive. On January 18, 1945, along with thousands of other inmates, the two friends were sent by the SS on the death march to Gleiwitz. From there, they were taken in open freight cars via Bratislava and Buchenwald to Sonnenberg, where they once again were used for forced labor. They were freed by the U.S. Army in April 1945.  
Vierzehn Füße in Wollsocken, die sich am Feuer eines offenen Kamins wärmen. Das kollektive Strümpfestricken für Frontsoldaten sollte verschleiern, dass man sich schon längst an den Möbeln, der Bekleidung und den Haaren der in den KZs Ermordeten gütlich getan hatte.
"Remains of the defeated 6th German Army near Stalingrad on the way to captivity, a line of several kilometers stretching through the snow. Fourteen feet in woolen socks warming themselves at a fireplace. The collective knitting of socks for the front-line soldiers was meant to cover up the fact that they had long been free-riding on the furniture, clothes, and hair of those murdered in the concentration camps. As a counter-pole, a cast iron radiator from the post-war period. A schoolmistress in an Oskar Schlemmer look dominates the scenery, the caricature of a dominatrix. She kisses the tip of a wooden pointer or club and is not meant to "make one think" but to make one laugh. Over the fire of hell, a leather pressure sleeve with studs in the formation of the  
Verschleppung von KZ-Häftlingen aus verschiedenen KZs in andere Lager, zumeist im Rahmen des Vormarschs der Alliierten. So wurde z.B. Auschwitz geräumt und Häftlinge wurden zu Fuß oder in offenen Güterwaggons Richtung Deutschland getrieben.
مجموعه ای از قوانین نژادپرستانه که در 15 سپتامبر 1935 اعلام گشته و نقطه عطفی در سیاست قانون گذاری ضد یهودی در آلمان بود. "قانون تابعیت رایش" و "قانون دفاع از نژاد و شرافت آلمانی" دو قانون اصلی این دسته از قوانین بود. بموجب این دو قانون، تابعیت یهودیان که در واقع نژاد بیگانه بشمار می رفتند لغو، روابط جنسی بین یهودیان و غیر یهودیان ممنوع شناخته شد. بکارگیری مستخدم آلمانی در خانه های یهودیان نیز ممنوع گشت. هدف از این قوانین متمایز نمودن یهودیان و آلمان ها از نظر حقوقی و اجتماعی در آلمان بود.
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E. G. war Abiturient am Gymnasium in Echternach, als er 1941 von seinem Mitschüler Raymond Petit als Mitglied der Resistenzorganisation LPL gewonnen wurde. Im April 1942 wurde er verhaftet und in Luxemburg, in Hinzert sowie in den KZs Natzweiler-Struthof und Dachau inhaftiert.
En 1941, alors qu'E. G. se trouva en classe de terminale au Gymnase d'Echternach, appelé alors "Staatliche Oberschule für Jungen", son camarade de classe Raymond Petit le convainquit de rejoindre le mouvement de Résistance LPL. En avril 1942, il fut arrêté et incarcéré à Luxembourg, puis déporté dans les camps de concentration de Hinzert, Natzweiler-Struthof et Dachau. Après son retour en 1945, il devint fonctionnaire, d'abord au Ministère des Finances, puis au Ministère des Affaires étrangères avant d'être en fonction aux ambassades luxembourgeoises à La Haye et à Bruxelles.  
Hier wurden vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg jüdische Kinder in den verschiedenen Berufen ausgebildet. Und von hier deportierten die Nazis viele Juden in die KZs zur Endlösung. Längst beherbergt das historische Gebäude eine christliche Drogenarbeit, aber der christlich-jüdische Dialog geht weiter.
A 360° photo which tries to capture the history of the room and meeting’s atmosphere.  Café Jerusalem is located on the first floor of House Ahlem.  It was here that before the Second World War Jewish children were trained for various professions and it was from here that the Nazis sent many Jews on their final journey.  For years now this historic building houses a Christian work with drug addicts, but the Christian-Jewish dialogue continues.
Con una foto panorámica, intento capturar la historia de la zona y la atmósfera de la reunión. El Café Jerusalén alberga a la casa Ahlem en el primer piso. Aquí los niños judíos fueron capacitados en diferentes profesiones antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Y a partir de aquí, los nazis deportaron a muchos Judios a los campos de concentración. Este gran edificio histórico alberga muchos recuerdos de épocas tristes, pero en la actualidad, sirve de lugar para el diálogo abierto entre cristianos y judíos.  
Die nichtserbischen Einwohner der Stadt - 49.351 Muslime und 6.316 Katholiken - wurden vertrieben und über die Welt verstreut. Anfang August 1992 wurden die drei KZs von den renommierten britischen bzw. amerikanischen Journalisten Roy Gutman, Penny Marshall, Ed Vulliamy und Jan Williams „entdeckt“.
Between 24 May and 27 May 1992 Serb civil and military authorities jointly established concentration camps at Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje in the Bosnian municipality of Prijedor. Approximately 33,000 local Bosnian Muslims and and Bosnian-Croats were beaten, tortured and raped in the camps. The municipality's non-Serb population - 49,351 Bosnian Muslims and 6316 Bosnian Croats - were forced to leave and dispersed across the globe. At the beginning of August 1992 the existence of the three concentration camps was "revealed" to the public by the noted British and American journalists Roy Gutman, Penny Marshall, Ed Vulliamy and Ian Williams. The publication of images of haggard and emaciated concentration camp detainees shocked the world. On 6 August 1992 Omarska and Keraterm were closed. Since the autumn of 1992 STP/GfbV has supported many of the survivors granted refugee status by Germany. In spite of discrimination by the Serb authorities, approximately 4500 Bosnian Muslims and 400 Bosnian Croats have now returned home to Prijedor. The majority of the returnees live in the villages surrounding Prijedor itself.
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Wie ich von meiner Mutter und meinen älteren Geschwistern weiß, war das Lager Lackenbach gleich allen anderen "KZs" in Deutschland, Österreich und Polen ausgestattet, nur waren keine Öfen und Krematorien zur Vergasung der Menschen installiert.
I know from my mother and my older siblings that the Lackenbach camp was equipped the same as all of the other concentration camps in Germany, Austria and Poland, except there were no ovens or crematoria installed for gassing people. [2] Therefore, every day at 6 am roll call, men, women and children were selected and loaded onto the transports to the large concentration camps and deported. During this daily "ceremony" the SS units were, of course, also present with their killer dogs. One day, my older brother and his friend had stolen two cobs of corn on their way home from their forced labor because they were so hungry. But they were caught and brought into the camp by the SS where they received 50 lashes on their backs, behinds and legs with an oxtail whip. After this beating, they were unable to work for 14 days and only received cabbage soup and a piece of bread to eat each day. They were only fourteen at the time, and only their strong will to survive kept them alive. Or if someone arrived at roll call too late in the morning, he would receive 25 blows with a stick and nothing to eat for three days, followed by work as an extra punishment, such as cleaning the toilets etc. If someone no longer had the strength to keep going and collapsed due to malnutrition, for example while working on road construction, he was shot on the spot. And I could go on with the list of atrocities which were carried out in the Lackenbach camp between 1941 and 1945 until the camp was liberated by the Russians. I would also like to mention the unhygienic conditions in the wooden barracks, where, above all in winter, the fleas, lice and bedbugs would crawl into the wooden planks and suck the blood from the prisoners during the night, infecting them. Infection with epidemic typhus was a daily occurrence and many people died of it. An equally frequent cause of death was murine typhus and dysentery, illnesses which many inmates caught because of the poor and insufficient nutrition.  
Am Eingang zur Rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier gibt es zwei Mauern aus Jerusamlemstein. Die Mauer der Namen zeigt die Namen und Juden und Nicht-Juden, die wärend der Nazi-Zeit in KZs deportiert wurden. Die Mauer der Gerechten erinnert an Menschen, die Juden bei der Flucht geholfen haben.
Entrando por la rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier, hay dos paredes construidas con piedra de Jerusalén. The Wall contiene un listado con los nombres de los judíos y no judíos que murieron durante el periodo nazi. "The Wall of the Just" rememora a aquellos que ayudaron a escapar a los judíos.
Nell'ingresso da rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier ci sono due pareti costruite in pietra di Gerusalemme. Il Muro dei Nomi elenca gli ebrei e i non ebrei deportati e poi deceduti durante il nazismo. Il Muro d'Onore ricorda le persone che aiutarono gli ebrei a fuggire.
Na entrada na Rua Geoffroy-l'Asnier há duas paredes construídas com pedras de Jerusalém. O Muro está escrito com as listas dos nomes de judeus e não-judeus deportados para os campos de concentração durante o período nazista. O Muro dos Justos lembra daqueles que ajudaram os judeus a escapar da morte.
عند مدخل شارع جيفري لازنيي يوجد جداران تم بنائهما بواسطة أحجار القدس. جدار Names يسرد أسماء اليهود وغير اليهود الذين تم ترحيلهم حتى يلقوا حذفهم خلال الفترة النازية، وجدار Just الذي يتذكر أولئك الذين ساعدوا اليهود على الفرار.  
Es wird keine ausgezeichnete Organisation geben, die dafür verantwortlich ist, was in der Enzyklopädie enthalten sein soll, niemand, der bedrängt werden kann, die „Schöpfungs-Wissenschaft“ oder die Leugnung des Holocaust auszuschließen (oder, dazu passend, die Evolutionslehre oder die Geschichte der KZs auszuschließen).
Dans des domaines comme la science, l'ingénierie et l'histoire, il y a des standards formels d'évaluation par les pairs. Il faut encourager les auteurs des articles et des cours à solliciter une telle évaluation, à la fois par les mécanismes universitaires formels existants, et par le mécanisme informel qui consiste à demander à des spécialistes respectés de la discipline la permission de citer leur approbation dans l'article ou le cours.
Non ci sarà alcuna singola organizzazione responsabile del contenuto dell'enciclopedia o delle risorse di apprendimento, nessuno che possa creare una lobby per escludere il “creazionismo scientifico” o la negazione dell'olocausto (o, allo stesso modo, per escludere l'evoluzione o la storia dei campi di sterminio nazisti). Laddove ci sia una controversia, saranno rappresentati molteplici punti di vista. Perciò sarà utile che i lettori siano in grado di vedere chi approva o chi abbia revisionato una data versione dell'articolo sull'argomento.