lahar – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  2 Hits  
Lahar from Ruapehu (2nd of 2)
Lahar from Ruapehu (2 o 2)
  2 Hits  
lava flow
  17 Hits  
Several road cuts along Highway 47, northwest of Ruapehu, offer excellent cross sectional views of lahar deposits. Note the rounded shape of the large boulders (1998).
Molti scavi aperti per costruire la strada Highway 47, a nordovest del Ruapehu, offrono straordinarie viste su sezioni di depositi da lahar. Notate la forma arrotondata dei grandi massi (1998).
  5 Hits  
a lahar
Un lahar
  4 Hits  
Karaoke Lahar Cinta
AmazonでFinal Listのオリジナルアルバムを買う  
Hazard areas eg land mines, sinkholes, military ranges, flash flood/lahar/pyroclastic flow, landslide, avalanche
Hazard areas(災害地域) 例: land mines(地雷), sinkholes, military ranges, flash flood/lahar/pyroclastic flow, landslide, avalanche
  2 Hits  
lava flow  
During the week, the volcano increased its activity with multiple explosions and lahar flows (i.e. mudflows composed of a slurry of pyroclastic material and water running down the slopes of volcanoes).
Nel frattempo continua a piovere e le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio dei dispersi sono state sospese momentaneamente per il clima e l’alto rischio per i soccorristi. Il vulcano nel corso della settimana ha aumentato la sua attivitá generando varie esplosioni e discesa di lahar (colate di fango composte di materiale piroclastico e acqua che scorre lungo le pendici di un vulcano).  
Evacuation orders remain in place, as do red alerts issued by Guatemala's emergency response agency CONRED - indicating emergency situations in which individuals should evacuate zones of imminent danger - for the three departments that surround the volcano: Chimaltenango, Escuintla, and Sacatepéquez. Strong rains are forecast overnight on June 11-12 (local time), which may cause continued lahar flows and landslides near the Volcán de Fuego and necessitate additional evacuations.
The Volcán de Fuego continues to release ash to an altitude of 4570 m (15,000 ft) and a dangerous mix of ash, rock, and volcanic gases (pyroclastic flow) up to nine times per hour as of Monday, June 11. Flight disruptions at Guatemala City's La Aurora International Airport (GUA) - located approximately 40 km (25 mi) northeast of the volcano - are possible in the coming hours and days due to the ash in the atmosphere; the airport had been temporarily closed due to ash following the June 3 eruption. Furthermore, ashfall has been reported across over half of Guatemalan territory, leading to fears that it could hinder agricultural activities and eventually lead to food shortages.  
It was reported that a local woman was carried by a lahar landslide: “an Indian continued, during transportation, to grind a stone without interrupting the movement of her occupation, unaware of the navigation in which she had found herself”.
Se llevaron casas enteras… con sus habitantes… Y bajando, sin duda, por algún lahar menor, se reportó que “una india continuaba, durante el transporte, moliendo en una piedra sin interrumpir el movimiento de su ocupación, insensible a la navegación en la que se encontraba”. Wolf, uno de los geólogos más renombrados de su época en el país, fue más específico: 20 leguas (100.000 metros) en tres horas, “es decir, cerca de 10 metros por segundo…”. Para la mayoría de nosotros, otro cálculo tiene más sentido: los lahares descendieron tan rápido como Usain Bolt en su carrera para el oro. Tardaron algo más de media hora en llegar a Latacunga, poco menos de una en llegar al Valle de los Chillos, cerca de tres a la zona de Baños y sólo 18 horas hasta la desembocadura del río Esmeraldas en el océano Pacífico.