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  EU Facts | Vidkun Quisl...  
Aceasta nu este doar un razboi pentru a distruge puterea evreilor si bolsevismului, capitalismului si comunismului. Aceasta lupta între doua lumi are o semnificatie mai profunda: este o lupta pentru o noua ordine în Europa si în lume.
This is not merely a war to break the power of Jewry and Bolshevism, capitalism and Communism. This struggle between two worlds has been deeper meaning: it is a fight for a new order in Europe and in the world.
  EU Facts | Cum puteti f...  
Toti cetatenii Uniunii Europene, în special tinerii, au dreptul sa stie adevarul despre evenimentele istorice. Cum altfel pot sa fie cetateni responsabili, cum pot sa se angajeze la construirea unei lumi mai bune, daca nu cauta în mod activ adevarul din spatele istoriei continentului lor?
All citizens of the European Union, especially young people, have a right to know the truth about historic events. How else can they be responsible citizens, how else can they commit to building a better world, if they do not actively seek the truth behind the history of their continent? By studying this educational material, and sharing it with others, you can help to bring about a Europe that is truly for the People, by the People.
  EU Facts | Vidkun Quisl...  
Uniunea a devenit o necesitate urgenta pentru toate popoarele europene, pentru ca acestea sa nu fie cotropite de bolsevism si de tot mai puternicul monstru rus, sau sa permita noii lumi si anglo-saxonilor sa-i condamne la soarta pe care antica Grecie a suferit-o sub imperialismul roman.
Today we are in a better situation, not only because the time is ripe to put an end to Britain's traditional 'divide and rule' policy in our continent. Union has become an urgent necessity for all European peoples if they are not either to be overrun by Bolshevism and the ever-stronger Russian monster, or allow the new world and the Anglo-Saxons to condemn them to the fate that ancient Hellas suffered under Roman imperialism. (.)