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Keybot      167 Ergebnisse   76 Domänen
  2 Treffer  
Together with Fuero Games we announce the global release of The Witcher Battle Arena—a fast, fun and accessible Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game designed exclusively for smartphones and tablets!
Razem z Fuero Games ogłaszamy światową premierę The Witcher Battle Arena - szybkiej, wciągającej i przystępnej gry z gatunku Multiplayer Battle Arena (MOBA), zaprojektowanej specjalnie z myślą o urządzeniach mobilnych - tabletach i smartfonach.  
Group of Figures, also known as LoL, is actually a free to perform MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). If you should be not old to the game, you could read below for a break-down that is basic of how things work, the game, and strategies’ targets for play.
Group of Figures, also known as LoL, is actually a free to perform MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). If you should be not old to the game, you could read below for a break-down that is basic of how things work, the game, and strategies’ targets for play. Ad Measures Part 1 of 3: Choosing (leia na íntegra)  
Dara Feeling Food enabled her to share her healthy delicious foods with others. With the backing of her family and the creators of Moba Showroom she was able to put her ideas into shape. Three years later, Dara took her recipes to a larger premises, at calle Travieso in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where she now shares her healthy menu, freshly baked bread and pastries, locally grown ecological products, yoga classes and much more.
Dara abre su primer local en 2013, en la capital grancanaria. El Dara Feeling Food le permitía compartir su cocina saludable y deliciosa. Con el apoyo de su familia y de los creadores de Moba Showroom pudo dar forma a sus ideas. Tres años más tarde, Dara lleva su recetario a un local mayor, en la calle Travieso de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, donde comparte su carta sana, su pan y repostería recién salidos del horno, productos ecológicos de la huerta, clases de yoga y mucho más.
  27 Treffer  
Moses basket Moba collection ®
Lit gonflable de voyage pour enfant  
All genres Sport Action RPG Adventure Platformer Action/Adventure Racing Fighting FPS Party Game Shooting Board game Strategy Management Shoot'em-up Tactical action Stealth Flying Beat'em all Tactical FPS Mind game Fishing Survival Horror MMORPG Action-RPG Hack'n Slash Graphic engine Music MMO Card game Unboxing Simulation Point & click Unclassifiable Rogue-Like Metroidvania Survival Thriller Walking simulator Insult-‘em up MOBA Rhythm Game TPS Strategy
Tous les genres Sport Action RPG Aventure Plate-formes Action-Aventure Course Combat FPS Party Game Tir Jeu de société STR Gestion Shoot'em-up Action-Tactique Infiltration Aviation Beat'em all FPS Tactique Réflexion - Puzzle Pêche Survival Horror MMORPG Action-RPG Hack'n Slash Moteur graphique Musique MMO Jeu de cartes Unboxing Simulation Point & click Inclassable Rogue-Like Metroidvania Survival Thriller Walking simulator Insult-‘em up MOBA Rhythm Game TPS Strategy
  5 Treffer  
Efficiency and robots are topics of rising importance in the egg packaging industry. Due to this we have a close relationship with the major egg pack machine suppliers (Moba/Diamond and Staalkat) to always work on increasing speed and efficiency.
Effizienz und Roboter werden immer wichtiger in der Eierverpackungsindustrie. Durch unsere enge Partnerschaft mit allen wichtigen Herstellern von Packmaschinen (Moba/Diamond und Staalkat) erhöhen wir ständig die Kapazität und Geschwindigkeit unserer Packungen auf den Anlagen.
La eficiencia y los robots son cada vez más importante en la industria del envasado de huevos. Tenemos una estrecha relación con los principales proveedores de máquinas de envasado de huevos (Moba/Diamond y Staalkat) con el fin de aumentar nuestra capacidad y velocidad.  
Along with ‘The Bergen Child Study’ and ung@hordaland, Hysing has also carried out studies of the youngest children based on the ‘Norwegian mother and child study’ (MoBa). Here she showed that sleeping together can cause children to sleep less and wake up more often in the longer term.
Ved siden av Barn i Bergen og ung@hordaland har Hysing også gjort undersøkelser på de yngste barna med utgangspunkt i Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen (MoBa). Her viste hun at samsoving på sikt kan føre til kortere søvn og flere oppvåkninger hos barna.  
3rd Person, Action MOBA.
Drużynowa strzelanka strategiczna.  
Participating exhibitors included ALBA, Bayer, Chuwaster, Eggersmann Anlagenbau, JFE, MOBA, Panasonic, Sino Group, SITA Waste, SK Kaken, TOYOBO and Veolia Environmental Services
Parmi les exposants figuraient ALBA, Bayer, Chuwaster, Eggersmann Anlagenbau, JFE, MOBA, Panasonic, Sino Group, SITA Waste, SK Kaken, TOYOBO et Veolia Environmental Services
Los expositores participantes ALBA, Bayer, Chuwaster, Eggersmann Anlagenbau, JFE, MOBA, Panasonic, Grupo Sino, SITA Waste, SK Kaken, TOYOBO y Veolia Environmental Services
参加出展社はALBA、Bayer、Chuwaster、Eggersmann Anlagenbau、JFE、MOBA、Panasonic、Sino Group、SITA Waste、SK Kaken、TOYOBO、Veolia Environmental Servicesなど
การจัดงาน Eco Asia Conference สามวันได้มีการเชิญ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ 40 รายจาก 8 ประเทศเพื่อหารือเกี่ยวกับนโยบายด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมที่มีประสิทธิภาพ พลังงาน และพลังงานอย่างยั่งยืน อาคารสีเขียว การจัดการของเสีย และการรีไซเคิล
Doanh nghiệp triển lãm gồm ALBA, Bayer, Chuwaster, Eggersmann Anlagenbau, JFE, MOBA, Panasonic, Sino Group, SITA Waste, SK Kaken, TOYOBO và Veolia Environmental Services  
And for those of you who get a hankering for really bad trash after seeing so much high-class painting, the Museum of Bad Art is just the right thing. Grandmothers dancing on fields of flowers, trees in love and nuzzling doves – the MOBA boasts "art" that looks like it came out of a John Waters film.
Die eleganten Portraits von Sargent und Whistler sind auch in Americans in Paris zu sehen, einer Schau im Museum of Fine Arts mit Gemälden amerikanische Künstler, die an der Seine entstanden sind. Wer angesichts soviel hochklassiger Malerei Sehnsucht nach richtig üblem Trash bekommt, ist im Museum of Bad Art genau an der richtigen Adresse. Großmütter, die auf Blumenwiesen tanzen, verliebte Bäume und turtelnde Tauben – das MOBA glänzt mit "Kunst" wie aus einem John Waters Film.  
And for those of you who get a hankering for really bad trash after seeing so much high-class painting, the Museum of Bad Art is just the right thing. Grandmothers dancing on fields of flowers, trees in love and nuzzling doves – the MOBA boasts "art" that looks like it came out of a John Waters film.
Die eleganten Portraits von Sargent und Whistler sind auch in Americans in Paris zu sehen, einer Schau im Museum of Fine Arts mit Gemälden amerikanische Künstler, die an der Seine entstanden sind. Wer angesichts soviel hochklassiger Malerei Sehnsucht nach richtig üblem Trash bekommt, ist im Museum of Bad Art genau an der richtigen Adresse. Großmütter, die auf Blumenwiesen tanzen, verliebte Bäume und turtelnde Tauben – das MOBA glänzt mit "Kunst" wie aus einem John Waters Film.
  6 Treffer  
It emulates a keyboard/mouse mode, allowing you to play with all popular games that don’t exist on consoles with a controller : MOBA (Multi Online Battle Arena) like League of legends, Smite or Heroes of the Storm, RTS (Starcraft 2) or competitive FPS (Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch…).
In modalità "PRO-gamer" scoprirete un mondo di nuove possibilità! Emula una modalità tastiera/mouse, che permette di giocare ai videogame più popolari che non esistono su console con controller: MOBA (Multi Online Battle Arena) come League of legends, Smite o Heroes of the Storm, RTS (Starcraft 2) o giochi competitivi FPS (Counter Strike Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch…).  
In some cases, the most suitable form of transport is a bicycle. This volunteer from the DRC Red Cross collects and distributes Red Cross messages in the suburbs of Moba, Katanga Province. The purpose of these messages is to restore links between Congolese people and their relatives who have taken refuge in neighbouring countries.
République démocratique du Congo, 2003. Dans certains cas, c'est la bicyclette qui est le moyen de transport le plus adapté. Ce volontaire de la Croix-Rouge de la RDC récolte et distribue des messages Croix-Rouge dans la banlieue de Moba, Province de Katanga. Ces messages ont pour but de rétablir le lien entre des Congolais et leurs proches réfugiés dans les pays voisins.
República Democrática del Congo (RDC), 2003. En algunos casos, la bicicleta es el medio de transporte más adecuado. Este voluntario de la Cruz Roja de la RDC recoge y distribuye mensajes de la Cruz Roja en los suburbios de Moba, provincia de Katanga. El objetivo de esos mensajes es restablecer el contacto entre ciudadanos congoleños y sus familiares refugiados en países vecinos.
República Democrática do Congo, 2003. Em alguns casos, o modo mais adequado de transporte é uma bicicleta. Este voluntário da Cruz Vermelha da RD do Congo coleta e distribui mensagens Cruz Vermelha nos subúrbios de Moba, Província de Katanga. A finalidade das mensagens é restabelecer os laços entre os congoleses e seus parentes que se refugiaram nos países vizinhos.
جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، 2003. تكون الدراجة في بعض الحالات أنسب وسيلة للنقل. يقوم هذا المتطوع من الصليب الأحمر بجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية بجمع وتوزيع رسائل الصليب الأحمر في ضواحي "موبا"، مقاطعة "كاتانغا". تساعد هذه الرسائل في إعادة الروابط بين السكان الكونغوليين وأقاربهم الذين لجأوا إلى البلدان المجاورة.
Демократическая республика Конго, 2003 г. В некоторых случаях самое удобное средство передвижения - велосипед. Доброволец Красного Креста из ДРК собирает и доставляет послания Красного Креста в пригородах Мобы (провинция Катанга). Эти послания служат для восстановления связи между конголезцами и их родственниками-беженцами в соседних странах.
  3 Treffer  
Pablo loves tech, running and snowboarding. But he also shows his love for videogames such as Starcraft or other MOBA.
Pablo Ventura liebt die Technologie, joggen und Ski fahren. Zu seinen ruhigeren Hobbies gehören Videospiele wie Starcraft oder die Mulitplayer Online Battle Arena –MOBA-.  
And for those of you who get a hankering for really bad trash after seeing so much high-class painting, the Museum of Bad Art is just the right thing. Grandmothers dancing on fields of flowers, trees in love and nuzzling doves – the MOBA boasts "art" that looks like it came out of a John Waters film.
Die eleganten Portraits von Sargent und Whistler sind auch in Americans in Paris zu sehen, einer Schau im Museum of Fine Arts mit Gemälden amerikanische Künstler, die an der Seine entstanden sind. Wer angesichts soviel hochklassiger Malerei Sehnsucht nach richtig üblem Trash bekommt, ist im Museum of Bad Art genau an der richtigen Adresse. Großmütter, die auf Blumenwiesen tanzen, verliebte Bäume und turtelnde Tauben – das MOBA glänzt mit "Kunst" wie aus einem John Waters Film.  
MOBA egg grading and packing equipment
"MOBA". Оборудование для сортировки и упаковки яиц  
Moba Mobile Automation AG, Germany
Moba Mobile Automation AG, Deutschland
  2 Treffer  
"MOVE/MOBA", in collaboration with the magazine "Article", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
"MOVE/MOBA", совместно с журналом "Артикль", Днепропетровск, Украина, 1996  
Show your skills in the two most popular esports genres: FPS and MOBA. Master each of them to defeat your rivals either on your own or in a team.
Muestra tus habilidades en los dos géneros más populares de esports: FPS y MOBA. Domina cada uno de ellos para vencer a tus rivales ya sea de manera individual o en equipo.  
January 30, 2014 – We are pleased to present you our first prototype Armored Conflict, a Tank MOBA game for iPad. Command a futuristic battle tank and wipe out your enemy to achieve victory!
27. Januar 2014 – Wir freuen uns, euch unser Tank-MOBA-Spiel für das iPad, Armored Conflict, präsentieren zu können. Befehligt einen Kampfpanzer und zerstört eure Gegner, um den Sieg zu erringen!  
Also, cybersporters will participate in the Asian Games of martial arts and indoor contests in 2017 - the program expects matches in the football simulator FIFA 2017, games of the genre MOBA, as well as competitions in high-speed games.
Kiberidmançılar 2022-ci ildə Asiya oyunlarının tamhüquqlu iştirakçıları olacaq və tutulmuş yerlərdən asılı olaraq medallar qazanacaqlar. Şura nümayəndələrinin sözlərinə görə, proqrama kiberidmanı daxil etmək qərarı yeni formatlı idman tədbirlərinin populyarlığının artması ilə əlaqədardır. Hələ ki, hansı kompüter oyunları və janrlarının proqrama daxil ediləcəyi məlum deyil.  
And for those of you who get a hankering for really bad trash after seeing so much high-class painting, the Museum of Bad Art is just the right thing. Grandmothers dancing on fields of flowers, trees in love and nuzzling doves – the MOBA boasts "art" that looks like it came out of a John Waters film.
Die eleganten Portraits von Sargent und Whistler sind auch in Americans in Paris zu sehen, einer Schau im Museum of Fine Arts mit Gemälden amerikanische Künstler, die an der Seine entstanden sind. Wer angesichts soviel hochklassiger Malerei Sehnsucht nach richtig üblem Trash bekommt, ist im Museum of Bad Art genau an der richtigen Adresse. Großmütter, die auf Blumenwiesen tanzen, verliebte Bäume und turtelnde Tauben – das MOBA glänzt mit "Kunst" wie aus einem John Waters Film.
  2 Treffer  
In the dismembered province of Katanga, the humanitarian crisis intensified in the territories of Pweto, Mitwaba, Manono, Moba and Malemba Nkulu following clashes between the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and the militia Bakata Katanga.
Dans la province démembrée du Katanga, la crise humanitaire s’est particulièrement intensifiée dans les territoires de Pweto, Mitwaba, Manono, Moba et Malemba Nkulu suite aux affrontements entre les forces armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et les milices Bakata Katanga.  Ces affrontements ont entraîne de nombreux mouvements de populations.  
Passion in matters of online games (MMOs, MOBA, FPS)
allgemeines technisches Verständnis (Windows, Office und Internet)  
13 MoBA – Fetishism in Fashion / 8. June – 21. Juli 2013 / Arnhem, Nederlands
13 European Capital of Culture 2013 Košice – “Surprisingly Ingenious”  
MOBA Mobile Automation AG
Suche per e-Mail abonnieren  
Softonic Moba
Softonic Answers  
MOBA Mobile Automation AG
Calw, Baden-Württemberg
  2 Treffer  
Haugen M, Meltzer HM, Brantsaeter AL et al. 2008 Mediterranean-type diet and risk of preterm birth among women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa): a prospective cohort study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 87:319-324
Guldner L, Monfort C, Rouget F et al. 2007 Maternal fish and shellfish intake and pregnancy outcomes: A prospective cohort study in Brittany, France . Environ Health 6:33.
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