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  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Des accords de paix régionaux ont été conclus dans les différentes régions frontalières. Des marchés ont été établis par des collaborations arabes et dinka, ou arabes et nuer, ou encore dinka et nuer, car c'était avantageux pour les deux parties.
But I know that during the war years, when it was very difficult, part of the reason the CPA worked--and I was at the three different rounds--was that civil society had already begun to work, even when the belligerents between the north and the south were not. So you were seeing these regional peace accords happening across the border regions. You were seeing markets that were set up with Arab and Dinka, or Arab and Nuer, or Dinka and Nuer leadership, because it was of benefit to both.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Je me rends compte que les gens veulent parler du référendum et des élections qui approchent, mais il me semble que le pays s'apprête à imploser, plus ou moins de l'intérieur, d'une région à l'autre, d'une tribu à l'autre, même entre les membres des Dinka et des Nuer.
I realize that people want to talk about the referendum and the elections that are coming up, but it seems to me it's imploding, kind of on the inside, across regions, across tribes, and even between peoples like the Dinka and Nuer. Is it your sense that we're not paying enough attention to that? As we spend our time focusing on Darfur and the ICC, is the very thing we thought had come together as a result of the CPA now all breaking apart at the seams?
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Un voyage en avion au-dessus du Nil Blanc m'a permis de constater les possibilités économiques exceptionnelles qui existent pour la population du Soudan. Je partage votre opinion sur les Dinka et les Nuer qui sont des populations extraordinairement résistantes.
Mr. Tennant, I agree with you. Flying up the White Nile, all I saw was tremendous economic opportunity for the people of Sudan. I certainly share your views of the Dinka and Nuer who are there and their extraordinarily resiliency. When I was down there, I thought, these people will do just fine if they're free of conflict and are able to have a bit of opportunity to fend for themselves.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Le peuple Nuer, sur le territoire de qui se trouve le pétrole, a été expulsé de chez lui en grand nombre, sans aucune indemnisation pour la perte de leur territoire, de leur domicile et de leur communauté.
Mr. Ernie Regehr: Okay, then, I'm agreeing. That's the key question. Did the exploitation of oil in the context of that conflict accrue to the benefit of the people? I think the unambiguous answer is no. It accrued to the benefit of the regime. It added to the capacity to import weapons systems. The Nuer people, under whose land the oil is, were expelled from their homes in huge numbers, with no compensation for the loss of their property, homes, and communities. I think that's kind of an inescapable conclusion.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Des accords de paix régionaux ont été conclus dans les différentes régions frontalières. Des marchés ont été établis par des collaborations arabes et dinka, ou arabes et nuer, ou encore dinka et nuer, car c'était avantageux pour les deux parties.
But I know that during the war years, when it was very difficult, part of the reason the CPA worked--and I was at the three different rounds--was that civil society had already begun to work, even when the belligerents between the north and the south were not. So you were seeing these regional peace accords happening across the border regions. You were seeing markets that were set up with Arab and Dinka, or Arab and Nuer, or Dinka and Nuer leadership, because it was of benefit to both.