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Keybot      410 Results   67 Domains
  5 Hits oilcenter.pl  
Mae Hysbysiad Cosb am Anhrefn yn cwmpasu troseddau fel bod yn feddw ac afreolus, mân ddirfod troseddol a throseddau mwy difrifol fel achosi aflonyddwch, ofn a thrallod.
A Penalty Notice for Disorder covers offences such as Drunk and Disorderly, minor criminal damage and more serious offences such as causing harassment, alarm and distress.
  56 Hits www.museumwales.ac.uk  
'Na chewch wir', medde hithe, felne, 'does gynna i ddim ofn nos', medde hi 'ond ma genna i ofn gwartheg gynddeiriog.'
'No, indeed you may not,' she said, 'I'm not scared of the dark, but I am terribly frightened of cows.'
  2 Hits www.winetourbooking.com  
Er mae arna’i ofn nad yw’r diddordeb hwn a’r awydd i ddysgu yn wir am ein ffrindiau dros y ffin!
Although I’m afraid that this interest and eagerness to learn doesn’t extend to our friends across the border!
  2 Hits www.luangprabangview.com  
Mae ffonau symudol yn defnyddio tonnau radio i anfon a derbyn signalau, ac er nad yw'r dystiolaeth bresennol yn cysylltu ffonau symudol â phroblemau iechyd, y cyngor i blant yw i gyfyngu ar eu defnydd o ffonau rhag ofn i unrhyw broblemau iechyd ddod i'r amlwg yn y dyfodol.
Mobile phones use radio waves to send and receive signals and although current evidence does not link mobile phones to health problems, the advice for children is to limit their exposure in case any health concerns are found in the future.
Rhyddid rhag ofn a gofid - amodau a thriniaeth sy'n osgoi dioddef yn feddyliol.
Freedom from fear and distress - conditions and treatment which avoid mental sufferings.
  11 Hits www.naturalresources.wales  
Mae tystiolaeth yn cael ei chasglu ar y safle ar hyn o bryd rhag ofn y bydd angen cymryd camau gorfodi yn erbyn perchennog y lagŵn slyri.
Evidence is currently being collected on site for potential enforcement action against the owner of the slurry lagoon.
  10 Hits www.torfaen.gov.uk  
Dŵr potel rhag ofn nad yw dŵr y prif gyflenwad ar gael
Bottled water in case the mains water is unavailable
  3 Hits www.globaltt.com  
Gobeithio y bydd hyn wedi egluro pethau i chi ac fel y nodwyd yn flaenorol, os nad ydych yn siŵr eich bod angen rhywbeth, mae fel arfer yn fwy diogel i adael cwcis wedi eu galluogi rhag ofn nad yw'n rhyngweithio gydag un o'r nodweddion a ddefnyddiwch ar y safle.
Hopefully that has clarified things for you and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren't sure whether you need or not it's usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site.
  11 Hits www.wcva.org.uk  
Peidiwch â bod ag ofn gofyn am ein cymorth. Mae modd gofyn cwestiynau drwy system negeseuon eDendro neu drwy gysylltu â'n Desg Gymorth ni drwy ffonio 0800 2888 329.
Don't be afraid to request our support. All questions can be submitted through the e-tender messaging system or by calling our Helpdesk using this number - 0800 2888 329.
  6 Hits www.llwybrarfordircymru.gov.uk  
Rhag  ofn eich bod yn pendroni, fe gymerwyd i ystyriaeth yr ailgyfeirio wrth gyfrifo pellter swyddogol y Llwybr – felly mae’n dal yn 870milltir!
Just in case you are wondering, this rerouting was taken into account when the official distance of the Path was calculated – so it is still 870 miles!
  6 Hits iptv-falcon.com  
Rhewodd y ddwy ddraig fach yn eu hunfan, yn crynu gan ofn. Ond wnaeth yr ofn o beri gofid i Dwynwen ddim para’n hir.
The babies halted in sudden terror. But their fear of upsetting Dwynwen didn’t last for long.
  12 Hits www.flintshire.gov.uk  
A oedd y cyfarfod yn eich ardal chi’n llawn? Cliciwch yma os hoffech adael eich manylion cyswllt rhag ofn y bydd llefydd ar gael yn ddiweddarach.
Was your area event full? Click here if you would like to leave your contact details should places become available.
  6 Hits www.cmoptions.org  
Pa bynnag ffordd o dalu rydych yn eu defnyddio, dylech gadw cofnod o’r taliadau rydych yn eu talu neu eu cael. Mae hyn rhag ofn bydd unrhyw broblemau yn y dyfodol.
Whatever method of payment you use, you should keep a record of the payments you pay or receive. This is in case there are any problems in the future.
  17 Hits www.pembrokeshire.gov.uk  
4. Gofalwch bod pob golau yn gweithio, pob hylif lan i'r lefel iawn, defnyddiwch olchydd sgrin cryfach rhag ofn i'r sgrin wynt rewi, cadwch bob ffenestr yn lân a defnyddiwch ddadrewydd a theclyn crafu addas.
4. Make sure all lights are working, fluid levels are correct, use a stronger screen wash to prevent the windscreen freezing, make sure all windows are clean use de-icer and a suitable scraper.
Yn sgil y gwelliant, bydd rhaid i awdurdodau cynllunio dalu sylw i ystyriaethau yn ymwneud â defnyddio’r Gymraeg wrth benderfynu ar geisiadau cynllunio, lle bo hynny’n berthnasol i’r cais. Mae hyn yn gam mawr ymlaen, ac fe ddylai roi diwedd ar yr ansicrwydd sydd wedi golygu methu ystyried yr effaith ar y Gymraeg o gwbl, rhag ofn nad oedd hynny’n gyfreithlon.
As a result of this amendment, planning authorities must, when relevant, pay attention to considerations relating to the use of the Welsh language in deciding upon planning applications. This is a great step forward, and should end the uncertainty that has led to Welsh language considerations not being given attention for fear that this would not be within the law.
  16 Hits agropolisfondation.optimytool.com  
Cytuna pawb a oedd yn ddigon ffodus i weld perfformiad y cwmni o Beauty and the Beast y llynedd mai uchafbwynt y noson oedd perfformiad Mandev (Beast) ar ystudfachau. Codai uwchlaw pawb arall ar y llwyfan â'i ffug-goesau hirion gan godi ofn ar weddill y cymeriadau.
Those of us who were fortunate enough to see the company’s performance of Beauty and the Beast last year will all agree that Mandev’s Beast performance on stilts, enabling him to tower terrifyingly over the other characterst was a stroke of genius.
  7 Hits www.merthyr.gov.uk  
Byddai hefyd yn synhwyrol i chi sicrhau bod gennych chi radio sy'n cael ei redeg gan fatri a batris sbâr rhag ofn i'r cyflenwad pŵer gael ei dorri
In addition it would be sensible to ensure you have a battery powered radio and spare batteries in case of interruptions to the power supply
  15 Hits www.hotelmonaco.it  
Byw Heb Ofn Cymru
Live Fear Free Wales
  2 Hits nitter.domain.glass  
Yn gynnar y llynedd ymgynghorodd y Gymdeithas â'r cyhoedd ar p'un ai a ddylai ei thenantiaid fedru prynu cyfran o'u cartref ond gyda budd rhwyd ddiogelwch "prynu'n ôl" rhag ofn y byddent yn mynd i anawsterau ariannol.
Early last year the Association consulted the public on whether or not its tenants should be able to buy a share of their home, but with the benefit of a "buy back safety net" should they get into financial difficulties. An overwhelming 70% of people replying supported the idea.
Os hoffech i ni anfon unrhyw un o'r lluniau isod atoch anfonwch neges e-bost at: requests@nyaw.co.uk gan gynnwys rhifau côd y lluniau sydd eu hangen, gwybodaeth ar sut rydych yn bwriadu eu defnyddio a manylion cysylltu rhag ofn y bydd angen i ni gysylltu â chi.
Below are images available for press and venue use to promote NYAW events. If you would like us to send you any of the below images please email: requests@nyaw.co.uk including the code numbers of the images required, information on how you intend to use them and contact details should we need to get in touch. We will then email the files to you.
  2 Hits www.cerddcymru.com  
Mae’r gerddoriaeth feiddgar ac eofn yn adrodd hanesion o gariad, colled, chwant, ffolineb, edifeirwch ac ofn – a phob un wedi ei addurno â delweddau sinematig a fyddai’n gweddu i’r dim yng ngolygfeydd ingol unrhyw ffilm gan Spike Lee, Tarantino neu Scorsese.
Boldly and without trepidation, the music tells tales of love, loss, lust, infatuation, regret and fear all enveloped in cinematic imagery, which could sit comfortably within the poignant scenes of any Spike Lee, Tarantino or Scorsese film.
  2 Hits kallastetalu.ee  
Un o brif dargedau Jaime oedd dod o hyd i waith, ond roedd hi’n poeni am effaith hyn ar ei budd-daliadau rhag ofn iddi fod yn wael eto a’r drafferth y bu iddi brofi yn dod o hyd i ofal plant addas ar gyfer ei mab.
One of Jaime’s main targets was to be in work, but she was worried about the impact this may have on her benefits if she was to become unwell again and the difficulty she experienced in finding appropriate childcare for her son.
Peidiwch byth â bod ofn dweud wrthon ni am unrhyw unigolion neu weithgareddau amheus yr olwg drwy ffonio:
Never be afraid to report any suspicious persons or activity, by calling:
  63 Hits www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk  
Peidiwch â bod ofn canslo. Dyma eich hawl fel defnyddiwr.
Don’t be afraid to cancel. It’s your right as a consumer.
  2 Hits www.medicor.li  
Gall syrthio a’r ofn o syrthio effeithio ar hyder pobl hŷn, a bydd yn eu rhwystro rhag mynd o gwmpas eu pethau yn eu cymunedau, gan eu gadael yn teimlo’n arunig ac wedi’u torri ffwrdd o gymdeithas.
“Falling and the fear of falling can also affect older people’s confidence which stops them getting out and about in their communities, leaving them feeling isolated and cut-off from society.
  3 Hits www.southwales-fire.gov.uk  
Archwiliwch geblau a gwifrau rhag ofn eu bod wedi treulio.
Check your property for worn cables and wires
  4 Hits cadw.gov.wales  
Credwn y byddai Burges yn cymeradwyo’r gwaith cadwraeth a wnaed gennym hyd yma, ac fel yntau, nid oes gennym ofn manteisio ar y technolegau diweddaraf. Mae adnoddau aml-synhwyrol yn sicrhau y gellir archwilio’r safle’n hawdd gan ddefnyddio technoleg sgrîn-gyffwrdd, sydd o fudd arbennig i’n hymwelwyr sydd ag anableddau synhwyrol neu gorfforol.
We think Burges would approve of our conservation efforts to date and like him, we are not afraid either to embrace the latest technologies. Multi-sensory resources allow easy exploration of the site using touch screen technology which are of particular benefit to our visitors with sensory or physical disabilities.
  18 Hits www.rctcbc.gov.uk  
"Llwyddiant mawr oedd yr Wythnos Ddiogelu gyntaf, a gynhaliwyd ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, gydag wythnos o achlysuron wedi'u hanelu at weithwyr proffesiynol a'r cyhoedd fel ei gilydd, gan gynnwys sioe deithiol yng nghanol y dref lle'r oedd aelodau o'r staff yn ymgysylltu â'r gymuned, gan roi gwybod iddyn nhw beth yn union yw Diogelu, a beth y gallen nhw ei wneud pe baen nhw'n o'r farn bod plentyn neu oedolyn mewn risg o niwed. Dyletswydd pob un ohonom ni yn ein cymunedau yw siarad o blaid pobl sy'n agored i niwed fel bod modd iddyn nhw fyw yn rhydd o ofn a niwed.
“Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Councils, in partnership with the Cwm Taf Children and Adults Safeguarding Boards, have planned its second annual Safeguarding Week which is taking place from the 14th until the 18th of November, to raise awareness of this issue. The Cwm Taf Children and Adults Safeguarding Boards are statutory groups made up of a range of agencies to ensure that children and adults at risk are protected.
  2 Hits www.luther-erleben.de  
Mae’r gerddoriaeth feiddgar ac eofn yn adrodd hanesion o gariad, colled, chwant, ffolineb, edifeirwch ac ofn – a phob un wedi ei addurno â delweddau sinematig a fyddai’n gweddu i’r dim yng ngolygfeydd ingol unrhyw ffilm gan Spike Lee, Tarantino neu Scorsese.
Boldly and without trepidation, the music tells tales of love, loss, lust, infatuation, regret and fear all enveloped in cinematic imagery, which could sit comfortably within the poignant scenes of any Spike Lee, Tarantino or Scorsese film.
  2 Hits wales.gov.uk  
Gostwng nifer y troseddau ac ofn troseddu:
Reducing the level of crime and fear of crime:
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