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Keybot 4 Results  www.bixi.com
  NLW 14111D - Llythyrau ...  
"O flaen y siopydd, y mae sidwoke tya 4 llath o lêd, wedi ei fflagio, a fflag's gleision mawr a'r yn uwch o droedfedd na'r street, - a chydig ochr y sidewoke, o gwmpas y square oll, y mae pyst wedi ei gosod mewn tua 6 llath iw gilydd, a llafnau o breniau o'r naill bost ir llall, a Dolenau haiarn bob ychydig, er ffasno y cyffylau."
"In front of the stores, there is a sidewalk which is about 4 yards wide, marked out, and large blue flags a foot higher than the street, - and a little on the side of the sidewalk, around the whole square, bollards have been put up 6 yards from each other, and pieces of wood from one bollard to the other, and iron chains here and there, to fasten the horses."
"yr wif yn demeno arnynt yn rhieni a phlant i adel pen Mynydd Llanfynydd a dyfod yn greno drosodd yr America fowr bydd yn gan gwell iddynt oll nag aros yna."
"I wish for the parents and children to leave Pen Mynydd Llanfynydd and come across to massive America, it would be much better for them all than staying there."
  Papurau Acrefair - stor...  
"... torodd math o Grach allan o ddeutu ei gwefusau ac aeth eu gennau yn ddrwg iawn Digwyddodd hyn i agos yr oll o honynt er mae rhoi genedigaeth i Blentyn 8 mis oedd achos Marwolaeth Hannah tybir fod y Plentyn yn farw wythnos cyn ei eni"
"... a sort of rash broke out around their lips, and their mouths became very bad. This happened to nearly all of them even though giving birth to an 8 month old child was the cause of Hannah's death; it is believed that the child had died a week before the birth"
  Evan ac Elizabeth Davis  
Trwy weithio'n ddiflino i gynnal a hybu traddodiadau Cymreig yn ardal Oak Hill, mae'r ddau wedi ennill cryn barch ar draws Ohio, Gogledd America a Chymru. Fe'u perchir - yn rhyngwladol - am eu brwdfrydedd, eu harweiniad ac yn bennaf oll, efallai, am eu caredigrwydd a'u didwylledd.
Evan has had a very successful career and is by now one of the most prosperous businessmen in the Jackson area of Ohio. He was elected President of Davis Refractories Corporation between 1974 and 1986. He was elected President of Oak Hill Banks in 1974 and later elected Chairman of the holding company, Oak Hill Financial Corporation. In 2004 he was elected Emeritus Director.