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Keybot 16 Results  www.naturalresources.wales
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
"Rydym ni eisiau gweithio gyda'r sector gwastraff i gyflawni'r nodau a'r canlyniadau cyffredin yr ydym oll yn dymuno eu cael.
"We want to work with the waste sector to deliver the shared goals and outcomes that we all want.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Cadwch lygad barcud ar ein llwybr gwiwer goch am y creaduriaid coetir gwibiog hyn. Ceir hefyd llwybr rhedeg, lle chwarae pren, a llwybr pos anifeiliaid i’r teulu oll.
Keep your eyes peeled on our red squirrel trail for these elusive woodland creatures. There’s also a running trail, a trim trail, and a family-friendly animal puzzle trail.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Mae’r gwaith i’w hadfer yn cynnwys gwella’r systemau draeniad, torri rhywogaethau goresgynnol a phrysgwydd, a chyflwyniad pori ysgafn – oll mewn partneriaeth â chymunedau lleol, tirfeddianwyr, a chontractwyr.
The drive to repair them will also improve drainage systems, cut invasive species, remove scrub and introduce light grazing – all in partnership with local communities, landowners and contractors.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
“Rydym wedi dewis pum llwybr gyda chysylltiadau chwedlonol sydd wedi’u gosod mewn coetiroedd neu Warchodfa Natur Genedlaethol a phum llwybr arall ar hyd Llwybr Arfordir Cymru neu ar Lwybr Cenedlaethol, y cyfan oll â chysylltiad gyda llên gwerin neu chwedl enwog.
“We’ve selected five walks with legendary links set in woodlands or National Nature Reserves and a further five along the Wales Coast Path or on a National Trail which all have a link with local folklore or a famous legend.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Crybwyllwyd y byddem yn  cyhoeddi’r oll ymatebion i’n cynllun ymgynghori ar GOV.UK ym mis Ebrill. Oherwydd canllawiau’r llywodraeth ynglŷn â chyhoeddi gwybodaeth  yn y cyfnod cyn yr etholiad fe ohiriwyd cyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwn tan heddiw.
In our consultation plan we said we’d publish all the responses made to us on GOV.UK in April. Because of government guidelines about publishing information in the pre-election period we postponed publication of this report until today (25 July, 2017).
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
tri llwybr cerdded o wahanol hydoedd, sydd ag arwyddbyst arnyn nhw ac sydd oll hefyd yn cynnig golygfeydd gwych
It is well-known for its long established tradition of daily feeding of red kites, Wales’s National Bird of Prey.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Ond mae tywydd tymhestlog, gwyllt y gaeaf ar yr arfordir – gwyntoedd cryfion, tonnau stormus a llifogydd yn y slaciau – oll yn rhan o beth sydd wedi creu ac sydd yn cynnal y cynefin newidiol hwn hefyd – ac felly mae astudio – a phrofi’r elfennau yn rhan annatod o ddeall yr ardaloedd cymhleth hyn.
Whilst we regularly gather some environmental data ourselves, our National Nature Reserves are particularly important as sites where research of international importance regularly takes place.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Caiff y gwaith o reoli’r newidiadau hyn ei seilio ar brofi dulliau newydd, defnyddio tystiolaeth newydd ac adolygu ein gwaith. Ond caiff hyn oll ei gydbwyso â gwerthoedd a phryderon pobl. Fel hyn, byddwn yn ymdrechu i warchod a chyfoethogi’r hyn sy’n gwneud Niwbwrch a’r ardal gyfagos yn arbennig, gan hefyd ateb dyheadau ac anghenion pobl.
Managing these changes will be based on testing new approaches, using new evidence and reviewing our work. But all this will be balanced with people’s values and concerns. In this way, we will strive to conserve and enhance what makes Newborough and the surrounding area special, and aim to meet people’s aspirations and needs, recognising that Newborough fits into a national and international context.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Dwi wir am inni oll gael budd o’n technoleg newydd ni: ac er ei bod yn rymus o’i chymharu â’r hen fyd, mae’r un fath, yn sylfaenol, â’r hyn y mae’r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn ei ddefnyddio gartref. Dwi’n meddwl, hefyd, “Pa ddiben prynu’r pethau yma, oni wnawn ni eu defnyddio nhw i’r eithaf?”.
I really want us all to benefit from our new tech, and whilst it is powerful compared to the old world – it’s fundamentally the same sort of thing that most of us use at home. I also think, “What’s the point in buying these things, if we don’t exploit them to the max”.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Hyd yn oed os nad yw eich gweithgaredd arfaethedig (safle) o fewn pellter o safle dynodedig ar yr offeryn sgrinio, mae’n bosibl na fyddwch hyd yn oed wedyn yn cwrdd ag oll meini prawf y lleoliad, ar gyfer y set o reolau rydych eu hangen.
However, it’s important to remember that other location criteria apply to most standard rule permits. Even if your proposed activity (site) is not within distance of a designated site on the screening tool, you still may not meet all relevant location criteria for the rule set you want.  We suggest you contact us for formal pre-application advice (see below) on whether you can meet all relevant location criteria.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
"Yn ogystal â'r canlyniadau ardderchog ar gyfer y grugieir duon, mae rhywogaethau eraill yn elwa yn Rhiwabon, gyda niferoedd y gylfinir yn parhau'n gyson a'r cwtieir aur yn dychwelyd yno i fridio. Mae hyn yn dangos gwerth ffermio cynaliadwy, rheoli helwriaeth a chadwraeth – sydd oll yn elfennau pwysig o ddyfodol ein hucheldiroedd."
"In addition to the excellent results for black grouse, other species are benefiting on Ruabon, with curlew numbers holding up and golden plover returning to breed. This demonstrated the value of sustainable farming, game management and conservation - all important components in the future of our uplands."
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Mae angen inni oll warchod ein hadnoddau naturiol a’n hecosystemau fel y gallant barhau i roi’r pethau y mae arnom eu hangen inni. Gall unrhyw benderfyniadau a wnawn gael effaith ganlyniadol ar yr amgylchedd yn ei gyfanrwydd, yn awr ac am genedlaethau lawer i ddod.
We all need to look after our natural resources and ecosystems so they can continue to provide us with the things we need. Any decisions we make can have a knock-on effect on the environment as a whole, now and for many generations to come.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Rydw i wedi cyfarfod â nifer o bobl ymrwymedig ac angerddol, wedi ymweld â safleoedd a phrosiectau gwych, wedi darllen llu o bapurau’n sôn am bynciau diddorol, a gobeithio wedi rhoi cyngor a chanllawiau defnyddiol ynghylch yr hyn, yn fy marn i, y dylai’r sefydliad arloesol yma ei wneud. A hyn oll er mwyn helpu i gynnal a chyfoethogi amgylchedd, trigolion ac economi Cymru
A question I get asked a lot is ‘how do you get to be a Board Member?’ The simple answer is you apply! The Welsh Government is eager to see public body boards becoming more representative of the people of Wales and are encouraging people from all areas of Welsh life to think about getting involved.  I did just that and was delighted to be appointed. I’ve met many committed and passionate people, visited some brilliant sites and projects, read lots of papers on fascinating subjects, and I hope given helpful guidance and advice on what I think this innovative organisation should be doing. All to help sustain and enhance the environment, people and economy of Wales.
  Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ...  
Er y bu llawer o’r digwyddiadau mwyaf difrifol yn y gorffennol, roeddwn i’n rhyfeddu, ac wedi fy nhristau’n arw bod pobl yn dal i orfod dioddef hyn yn y gweithle yn 2014. Mae defnyddio iaith ddiofal ac anystyriol eto’n gyffredin, a rhaid inni oll helpu dileu hyn.
I took over this role in July and then attended my first LGBT Event soon after, which was NRW’s Annual LGBT+ Network event with Stonewall Cymru and North Wales Police present as speakers. On the way up on the train, a colleague shared their experiences with me, of how co-workers had treated others as a consequence of identifying as LGBT. Whilst many of the more serious events were historical, I was amazed and deeply saddened that in 2014, people still had to put up with this in the workplace. The use of careless and unartful language is still commonplace and all of us must help to stamp this out.