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Keybot 7 Results  www.wcva.org.uk
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Gall hyn oll fod o gymorth i'r rheini sy'n hyrwyddo gwirfoddoli drwy eu rhwydweithiau a'u bröydd eu hunain.
All of this may be useful to those who are volunteering champions - in the business of promoting volunteering through their own networks and localities.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Rydym yn falch o'r effaith rydym yn ei chael ar y sector bob blwyddyn, ac mae ein Hadroddiadau Blynyddol yn egluro hyn oll yn fanwl. Yma, gallwch ddarllen ein pimp Adroddiad diwethaf a darganfod y gwahaniaeth rydym wedi'i wneud i gymunedau ledled Cymru.
We're proud of the impact we make on the sector each year, and our Annual Reports explain it all in-depth. Here you can read our recent Reports and find out just what a difference we've made to communities across Wales.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
"Gallech ddychmygu sefyllfa lle gallai archfarchnadoedd neu siopau DIY gynnal gosodiadau ynni adnewyddadwy a phrynu'r trydan ar gyfradd sy'n gweithio iddyn nhw ac, yn bwysicaf oll, y gymuned. Yn ogystal, gallai contractau safonol ar gyfer cynlluniau ynni o'r fath helpu i leihau costau cyfreithiol i grwpiau cymunedol."
"You could imagine a situation where supermarkets or DIY chains could host renewable installations and buy the electricity at a rate that works for both them and, most importantly, the community. Standard contracts for energy schemes along these lines could also reduce legal costs for community groups."
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
'Yn yr hinsawdd ariannol bresennol lle mae mudiadau gwirfoddol yn wynebu heriau sylweddol mae'n hanfodol bod mudiadau fel WCVA yn cynrychioli ein buddiannau cyfunol ac yn gweithredu fel llais unedig ar y materion pwysicaf oll.
'In the current financial climate where voluntary organisations face significant challenges it's crucial that organisations such as WCVA represent our collective interests and act as a unified voice on the issues that matter most. We are facing times of change in terms of key policies and programmes and organisations like WCVA have a key role to play in influencing and informing key decision makers and funders on our behalf.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Peidiwch â phoeni os nad yw mathemateg yn un o'ch cryfderau. Yr oll y mae angen i chi ei gofio yw y gallwch hawlio 25c yn ôl gan y dyn treth am bob £1 a roddir i'ch elusen. Os defnyddiwch ffurflen ryngweithiol HMRC i'w hawlio, gwneir pob cyfrifiad drosoch yn awtomatig.
Don't worry if maths is not your strong point. All you need to remember is that for every £1 your charity is donated you can claim back 25p from the taxman. If you use HMRC's interactive form to make your claim then all the calculations will be done for you automatically.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Roedd yna themâu cyffredin (a braf iawn oedd eu clywed nhw) megis strydoedd mwy diogel yn llawn beics a natur, mwy o amser ar gyfer gweithgareddau hamdden wrth i waith ddod yn llai beichus, perchnogaeth a chyfrifoldeb cymunedol dros ein hadnoddau naturiol ac ynni, ac, yn bwysicaf oll efallai, gadael planed y gall cenedlaethau'r dyfodol ei mwynhau a gofalu amdani.
There were common themes (which I found lovely to hear about) of safer streets full of bicycles and nature, more time for leisure activities as work becomes less onerous, community ownership and responsibility of our natural and energy resources, and, perhaps most importantly, leaving a planet which can be enjoyed and stewarded by future generations.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
'Gwneir hyn oll ar sail wirfoddol - mae'r gwaith o drefnu cyfarfodydd, lleoliadau a siaradwyr yn dasg enfawr, ond maent ill dau'n ei wneud er hynny,' ychwanegodd Mandie Welch. 'Yn ddiweddar cafodd Mike ddiagnosis o fethiant difrifol ar y galon, fel y cafodd Jeff gŵr Sandra, ac eto maent yn dal i roi cymorth cyson i eraill sydd ei angen. Maent ill dau yn ysbrydoliaeth ac yn haeddu cydnabyddiaeth am eu cymorth cyson a'u gwaith caled.'
'All of this is done on a voluntary basis - the arranging of meetings, venues and speakers is a huge task to take on, but they both do it regardless.' Mandie Welch added. 'Mike has recently been diagnosed with severe heart failure, as has Sandra's husband Jeff, yet they continue to provide their ongoing support to others who need it. They are both inspirational and deserve to be recognised for their ongoing support and hard work.'