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Keybot 26 Results  ec.europa.eu
  Fonds social européen -...  
Près de 2 000 Roms ont pu acquérir de nouvelles compétences grâce aux programmes de travail d'Asprosocu à Murcie (Espagne)
Cerca de 2000 personas de etnia gitana han adquirido nuevas destrezas en los programas de la asociación Asprosocu en Murcia, España
  Espace unique de paieme...  
Les banques ont pu proposer les premiers produits SEPA à compter depuis le 1er janvier 2008. Leur ambition est de faire de cet espace une réalité quotidienne pour chacun d'ici à la fin 2010.
Banks have been able to make the first SEPA products available since 1 January 2008, and are aiming to make SEPA a reality for everyone by the end of 2010.
Die Banken können seit dem 1. Januar 2008 die ersten SEPA-Produkte anbieten und arbeiten darauf hin, dass SEPA bis Ende 2010 für jedermann Wirklichkeit ist.
  Facilité ACP-UE pour l'...  
"plus de 2.1 millions de bénéficiaires ont pu bénéficier d'un accès à des services énergétiques modernes sur un objectif de départ de 2.8 millions",
The summary of the report is available here Summary Evaluation of EC funded biofuel projects in ACP countries
  Commission européenne -...  
Il s’agit d’un recours destiné à protéger les droits fondamentaux qui ont pu être violés par une décision judiciaire.
is an appeal for protection of fundamental rights which may have been infringed by a court decision.
è un ricorso finalizzato alla protezione dei diritti fondamentali che potrebbero essere stati violati da una sentenza.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Grâce à ce projet, 80 participants du comté de Cluj ont déjà pu décrocher un emploi.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
Dank des Projekts haben bereits 80 Teilnehmer im Kreis Cluj eine Stelle gefunden.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
Ca urmare a proiectului, 80 de participanți din județul Cluj au reușit deja să își găsească un loc de muncă.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
As a result of the project, 80 participants in Cluj County have already managed to find jobs.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Près de 2 000 Roms ont pu acquérir de nouvelles compétences grâce aux programmes de travail d'Asprosocu à Murcie (Espagne)
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Fast 2 000 Roma profitieren von den neuen Fertigkeiten, die sie im spanischen Murcia durch Arbeitsprogramme von Asprosocu erworben haben
Cerca de 2000 personas de etnia gitana han adquirido nuevas destrezas en los programas de la asociación Asprosocu en Murcia, España
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
Nearly 2 000 Roma have benefited from new skills gained through Asprosocu work programmes in Murcia, Spain
  Relations de l'UE avec ...  
En mai 2002, à la suite de la publication du livre blanc britannique sur les territoires d'outre-mer, les ressortissants des Bermudes ont pu acquérir automatiquement la citoyenneté britannique et la transmettre automatiquement à leurs enfants.
In May 2002, following the UK’s White Paper on Overseas Territories. Bermudians were offered automatic acquisition of British citizenship, including automatic transmission of citizenship to their children; the right of abode, including the right to live and work in the U.K. and the European Union; and the right not to exercise or to formally renounce British citizenship. The change in citizenship status has ended the use of capital punishment in Bermuda.
  Commission européenne -...  
Lors du débat, les participants ont pu poser des questions sur tous les aspects du traitement des langues au sein de l'UE. Les ateliers ont porté sur les trois grands thèmes suivants: le rôle des langues dans le dialogue interculturel et l'intégration sociale, les langues au service de la capacité d'insertion professionnelle et de la compétitivité, ainsi que les nouveaux enjeux de l'apprentissage des langues dans les systèmes d'éducation formels et en dehors de ceux-ci.
The public hearing gathered together 167 stakeholders representing mainly education and cultural institutions and organisations as well as various regional and national authorities and non-governmental organisations. For consulting the full list of participants, please click here.
Die Teilnehmer konnten während der Diskussion Fragen zu jedwedem Aspekt der Behandlung der Sprachen innerhalb der EU vorlegen. Bei den Workshop-Sitzungen wurden die folgenden drei Themen behandelt: die Rolle der Sprachen im interkulturellen Dialog und bei der sozialen Eingliederung, Sprachen für Beschäftigungs- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sowie neue Herausforderungen beim Sprachenlernen innerhalb und außerhalb der formalen Bildungssysteme.
  Fonds social européen -...  
L’organisation, qui a pu bénéficier d’un soutien du Fonds social européen (FSE), met l’accent sur l’aide à l’entraide: «FETE a été également une occasion de m’intégrer, puisque j’y ai rencontré d’autres personnes dans une situation similaire avec qui j’ai pu créer des liens», raconte Laila, qui travaille aujourd’hui dans le secteur informatique.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Celles-ci ont pu bénéficier de formations gratuites leur permettant d'acquérir un large éventail de compétences nécessaires pour des fonctions comme celles de gérant d'un bed and breakfast, travailleur en milieu hôtelier, travailleur dans le tourisme rural ou encore guide touristique.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
Das Projekt richtete sich an Arbeitslose sowohl aus Städten als auch aus ländlichen Gebieten. Ihnen wurden kostenlose Ausbildungskurse angeboten, in denen sie auf Aufgaben wie die Leitung einer Frühstückspension, die Mitarbeit im Hotel, die Arbeit im Landtourismus oder das Halten von Führungen vorbereitet wurden.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
Proiectul a vizat atât șomerii din mediul rural, cât și pe cei din mediul urban.Aceștia au beneficiat de cursuri de formare gratuite, menite să le asigure un set complet de competențe necesare pentru posturi precum administrator de pensiune, lucrător hotelier, lucrător în agroturism și ghid turistic.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
The project targeted unemployed people from both rural and urban environments. They were offered free training courses designed to give them a full set of skills needed for jobs such as bed & breakfast administrator, hotel worker, rural tourism worker, and tour guide.
  Fonds social européen -...  
L’organisation, qui a pu bénéficier d’un soutien du Fonds social européen (FSE), met l’accent sur l’aide à l’entraide: «FETE a été également une occasion de m’intégrer, puisque j’y ai rencontré d’autres personnes dans une situation similaire avec qui j’ai pu créer des liens», raconte Laila, qui travaille aujourd’hui dans le secteur informatique.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
The organisation, which has received support from the European Social Fund (ESF), emphasises helping people to help each other: ‘FETE gave me the opportunity to integrate into society, as I met a number of people through the organisation who are in a similar situation to me and was able to connect with them’, says Laila, who now works in the IT industry.
  Fonds social européen -...  
C'est dans cet esprit que l'établissement slovaque de soins palliatifs « La maison de la Paix et de la Réconciliation de Bernadette » a pris part à un programme financé par le FSE, intitulé « Compléter le système de soins de santé par des professionnels qualifiés dans la région de Nitra II ». L'établissement a ainsi pu recruter une infirmière formée dans le cadre du programme, grâce à l'aide financière octroyée par la région de Nitra et le FSE.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Stetige Weiterbildung ist für Fachleute im Gesundheitswesen ein Muss. In diesem Sinne nahm das slowakische Hospiz „Bernadettes Haus des Friedens und der Versöhnung“ an einem vom ESF finanzierten Projekt namens „Vervollständigung des Gesundheitssystems durch qualifiziertes Fachpersonal im Nitriansky Kraj II“ teil, das es dem Hospiz ermöglichte, eine Pflegekraft einzustellen, die im Zuge des Projekts mit finanzieller Unterstützung des „Nitriansky Kraj“ (Neutraer Landschaftsverband) und des ESF ausgebildet wurde.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Neustále vzdelávanie je pre zdravotníckych pracovníkov nutnosťou. V tomto duchu sa Hospic – dom pokoja a zmieru u Bernadetky zúčastnil programu financovaného zo zdrojov ESF pod názvom „Doplnenie systému zdravotníctva o kvalifikovaných odborníkov v Nitrianskom samosprávnom kraji – II“, ktorý s finančnou pomocou Nitrianskeho kraja a ESF umožnil hospicu zamestnať jednu zdravotnú sestru, ktorá absolvovala program.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
Continuous education is a must for health-care professionals. In this spirit, the Hospice Bernadette’s House of Peace and Reconciliation in Slovakia took part in an ESF-funded programme called ‘Complementing the Healthcare System with Qualified Professionals in the Nitra Region II’ which allowed the hospice to employ one nurse who had trained in the programme, with financial assistance from the Nitra region and the ESF.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Dans le premier programme, des personnes sourdes ont pu suivre des cours de gestion de bureau, tandis que le deuxième a permis à des jeunes souffrant de difficultés d'apprentissage d'étudier les techniques de vente au détail.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In drei Komitaten Ungarns bot der ESF eine Kofinanzierung zweier Ausbildungsprogramme an, um dem Leben einiger Menschen eine völlig neue Richtung zu geben. Im ersten Kurs absolvierten Gehörlose einen Kurs im Büromanagement, während sich junge Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten im zweiten Kurs Verkaufsstrategien für den Einzelhandel aneigneten. Auf diese Weise erhielten Büros und Geschäfte in der Region eine neue Bezugsquelle für talentierte Arbeitskräfte. Darüber hinaus wurde das Projekt aber auch in den örtlichen Medien verfolgt – das Ziel bestand darin, anderen Menschen zu zeigen, dass eine Behinderung beim erfolgreichen Ausüben einer Arbeit kein Hindernis darstellen muss. Durch die Initiative haben drei Teilnehmer bereits eine Stelle gefunden und ein speziell eingerichtetes Informationsnetzwerk zwischen den Teilnehmern wird rege genutzt.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
Az ESZA három magyarországi megyében nyújtott társfinanszírozást két képzési programhoz azzal a céllal, hogy valódi változást hozzon az emberek életében. Az egyikben hallássérültek tanultak irodai asszisztenseknek, míg a másikban tanulásban akadályozottakat avattak be a bolti eladói szakma rejtelmeibe. Amellett, hogy a régió új szakismeretekkel rendelkező irodai asszisztensekkel és bolti eladókkal gazdagodott, a projektet a helyi média is figyelemmel kísérte abból a célból, hogy bemutassák másoknak, a fogyatékosság nem feltétlenül akadálya annak, hogy valaki jól el tudjon látni egy munkát. A projekt eredményeképpen három résztvevő már el is tudott helyezkedni, valamint egy információs hálózat is létrejött és működik jelenleg is a résztvevők között.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
In three counties in Hungary the ESF has co-financed two training programmes with the aim of making a real difference to people’s lives. In the first, deaf people followed a course in office management while, in the second course, young people with learning difficulties studied retail sales techniques. As well as providing a new source of talent for offices and shops in the region, the project was also followed in the local media – with the objective of demonstrating to others that a handicap need form no barrier to doing a job well. As a result, three of the participants have already found jobs and an information network among the participants is up and running.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Des établissements scolaires tels que le College of Art, Science and Technology de Malte ont offert des formations professionnelles pour l'apprentissage du métier de coiffeur, la manutention de denrées alimentaires et l'utilisation des outils informatiques. Les participants ont pu améliorer leurs perspectives d'emploi et vivre de manière autonome au sein de leurs communautés.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
Das E4L-Projekt (Embark for Life; zu Deutsch „sich aufs Leben einlassen“) half 132 jungen Arbeitssuchenden dabei, Hindernisse zu überwinden und einen Arbeits- oder Weiterbildungsplatz zu finden. Das Projekt richtete sich an 16- bis 24-Jährige, die aus verschiedenen Gründen Probleme hatten, einen Job zu bekommen oder zu behalten. Mit Unterstützung des ESF nahmen sie an Ausbildungsprogrammen teil, in denen unter anderem die Themen Kommunikation, Alltagskompetenzen, Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz sowie Networking für Arbeitssuchende behandelt wurden. Bildungseinrichtungen, darunter auch die staatliche Maltesische Hochschule für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technologie „Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology“ boten eine Reihe von Berufsausbildungskursen an, in denen man das professionelle Haare schneiden, den Umgang mit Lebensmitteln und die Verwendung von Computern erlernen konnte. Die Teilnehmer konnten auf diese Weise ihre beruflichen Chancen verbessern und unabhängig als Teil ihrer Gemeinschaft leben. Von den insgesamt 368 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern haben bislang 132 einen Arbeits- oder Weiterbildungsplatz gefunden.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
The Embark for Life (E4L) project has helped 132 young job-seekers overcome obstacles and find a job or further training opportunities. The project focused on 16- to 24-year-olds who, for a variety of reasons, had problems getting a job or staying in work. With ESF support they took part in education programmes covering topics such as communications, life skills, health and safety at work, and networking for job-seekers. Vocational training courses offering skills in hairdressing, food handling and computer use was provided by educational institutions, including the Malta College of Art, Science and Technology. Participation helped them improve their job prospects and live independently as part of their communities. Of a total of 368 participants, so far 132 have found jobs or gone into further training.
Il-proġett Embark for Life (E4L) għen lil 132 żgħażugħ/a li kienu qegħdin ifittxu xogħol jegħlbu l-ostakoli biex huma jsibu xogħol jew biex jiftħilhom opportunitajiet għal aktar taħriġ.Il-proġett iffoka fuq żgħażagħ ta’ bejn is-16 u l-24 sena li, għal raġunijiet varji, kellhom problemi biex isibu xogħol jew biex jibqgħu jaħdmu.B’appoġġ mill-FSE, huma ħadu sehem fi programmi edukattivi li jkopru suġġetti bħal komunikazzjonijiet, ħiliet għall-ħajja, saħħa u sigurtà fuq il-post tax-xogħol, u netwerking għal dawk li jkunu qegħdin ifittxu xogħol.Korsijiet ta’ taħriġ vokazzjonali li joffru ħiliet fil-hairdressing, maniġġ tal-ikel u użu tal-kompjuter ġew ipprovduti minn istituzzjonijet edukattivi, inkluż il-Kulleġġ Malti għall-Arti, Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija.Il-parteċipazzjoni għenithom itejbu l-prospetti tax-xogħol tagħhom u li jgħixu b’mod indipendenti bħala parti mill-komunitajiet tagħhom.Minn total ta’ 368 parteċipant, s’issa 132 sabu xogħol jew komplew jitħarrġu.
  Fonds social européen -...  
C'est une question qui peut faire sourire au vu du climat économique actuel, mais elle est néanmoins capitale pour les jeunes entrepreneurs qui veulent transmettre leurs idées et leur enthousiasme et convaincre la personne en costume devant eux qu'ils méritent une aide financière. Pour les aider, le réseau France Active a publié un «Kit de survie pour le 1er entretien avec son banquier».
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
Wie erklärt man einem Banker seinen genialen Unternehmensplan? Das ist eine Frage, über die Sie in der gegenwärtigen Wirtschaftslage möglicherweise lächeln, aber dennoch ist sie von entscheidender Bedeutung für junge Unternehmer, die ihre Ideen und ihren Enthusiasmus vermitteln möchten und die Frau oder den Mann im Anzug überzeugen wollen, dass sie einer finanziellen Unterstützung würdig sind. Um solchen jungen Unternehmern zu helfen, hat das Netzwerk „France Active“ ein „Überlebenspaket für mein erstes Gespräch mit einem Banker“ vorgestellt. Das Ziel dieses Pakets sind besser strukturierte Darlehensanfragen, die auf soliden Unternehmensplänen basieren. Außerdem bietet France Active auch Unterstützung, Garantien und Zuschüsse, falls dies erforderlich ist. Bisher wurden in einer Testphase in den letzten sieben Monaten 67 Unternehmen mit Darlehen auf den Weg gebracht und das Paket hat das Ziel, diese Zahl auf nationaler Ebene wachsen zu lassen.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
How do you communicate your brilliant business plan to a banker? A question that might make you smile in the current climate, but nevertheless one which is critical for young entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas and enthusiasm across and convince the women or man in a suit that they are worthy of financial support. To help such young entrepreneurs, the France Active network has published a ‘Survival kit for my first chat with my banker’. The kit aims at better-structured loan requests based on sound business plans. And France Active also offers support, guarantees and matching finance if needed. So far, during a pilot phase, 67 businesses have been launched with bank loans over the last seven months, and the ‘kit’ aims to help this number grow on a national basis.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Deux cents chômeurs de longue durée ont pu profiter d'une deuxième chance grâce à des formations adaptées à leurs besoins individuels via le projet «UMA», cofinancé par le FSE, dans la ville de Kristinehamn.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Durch das vom ESF kofinanzierte, individuell zugeschnittene Ausbildungsprogramm „UMA“ bekommen 200 Langzeitarbeitslose in der Stadt Kristinehamn eine zweite Chance. Die Teilnehmer haben die Möglichkeit, sich eine Vielzahl an Kompetenzen anzueignen, je nach eigenen Wünschen und Fähigkeiten – dabei ist alles möglich, vom Erwerb eines Taxischeins bis hin zur Gründung eines Unternehmens. So wurde zum Beispiel ein ehemaliger Marineoffizier zum CAD-Programmierer umgeschult. Da viele der Teilnehmer des erfolgreichen dreijährigen Programms bereits Arbeit gefunden haben, hoffen die Organisatoren, das Konzept auf weitere schwedische Regionen auszuweiten.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individuellt anpassad utbildning för deltagarna i UMA-projektet i Kristinehamn har gett 200 långtidsarbetslösa en andra chans. Projektet medfinansieras av ESF. Deltagarna får möjlighet att lära sig nya saker efter eget val beroende på vad de är bra på. Allt är möjligt från att ta taxikörkort till att starta ett eget företag. Ett exempel är en före detta marinofficer som lärde sig CAD-programmering. Många av deltagarna i det framgångsrika treåriga projektet har fått arbete. Arrangörerna hoppas kunna sprida konceptet till andra regioner i Sverige.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Deux cents chômeurs de longue durée ont pu profiter d'une deuxième chance grâce à des formations adaptées à leurs besoins individuels via le projet «UMA», cofinancé par le FSE, dans la ville de Kristinehamn.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Durch das vom ESF kofinanzierte, individuell zugeschnittene Ausbildungsprogramm „UMA“ bekommen 200 Langzeitarbeitslose in der Stadt Kristinehamn eine zweite Chance. Die Teilnehmer haben die Möglichkeit, sich eine Vielzahl an Kompetenzen anzueignen, je nach eigenen Wünschen und Fähigkeiten – dabei ist alles möglich, vom Erwerb eines Taxischeins bis hin zur Gründung eines Unternehmens. So wurde zum Beispiel ein ehemaliger Marineoffizier zum CAD-Programmierer umgeschult. Da viele der Teilnehmer des erfolgreichen dreijährigen Programms bereits Arbeit gefunden haben, hoffen die Organisatoren, das Konzept auf weitere schwedische Regionen auszuweiten.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individuellt anpassad utbildning för deltagarna i UMA-projektet i Kristinehamn har gett 200 långtidsarbetslösa en andra chans. Projektet medfinansieras av ESF. Deltagarna får möjlighet att lära sig nya saker efter eget val beroende på vad de är bra på. Allt är möjligt från att ta taxikörkort till att starta ett eget företag. Ett exempel är en före detta marinofficer som lärde sig CAD-programmering. Många av deltagarna i det framgångsrika treåriga projektet har fått arbete. Arrangörerna hoppas kunna sprida konceptet till andra regioner i Sverige.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
Individually tailored training for participants in the ESF co-funded ‘UMA’ project in the town of Kristinehamn has given 200 long-term unemployed people a second chance. Participants are offered the opportunity to acquire a variety of skills depending on their wishes and what they are good at – anything is possible from getting a taxi licence to starting a new business. One example is a former navy officer who retrained in computer-aided design programming. Since many of the participants in the successful three-year project have gone on to get jobs, the organisers are hoping to spread the concept to other Swedish regions.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Rien que dans le Charolais, quelque 113 bénévoles aident actuellement près de 120 participants ; et cette année, 274 personnes ont déjà pu améliorer leurs perspectives d'emploi grâce à cette antenne locale de Lutilea.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In Frankreich setzt sich die Vereinigung Lutilea dafür ein, Menschen mit geringen schulischen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen dabei zu helfen, die Grundkenntnisse und Qualifikationen zu erhalten, die sie für den Eintritt in die Arbeitswelt benötigen. In der Region Saône-et-Loire setzt die dortige Gruppe von Lutilea ESF-Mittel ein, um Geringqualifizierte bei der Aneignung von Kompetenzen und Einwanderer beim Erlernen der französischen Sprache zu unterstützen, damit diese sich auf dem Arbeitsmarkt behaupten und sich sogar für die französische Staatsbürgerschaft qualifizieren können. Die Arbeit der Vereinigung ist sehr stark auf Freiwillige angewiesen, die den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern Einzelunterricht anbieten. Allein in der Grafschaft Charolais sind rund 113 Freiwillige für aktuell rund 120 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer tätig und in diesem Jahr wurde bislang 274 Menschen dabei geholfen, ihre beruflichen Chancen zu verbessern.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
In France the Lutilea Association is dedicated to helping those with few academic and language skills to acquire the basic knowledge and qualifications they need to enter the world of work. In the Saône-et-Loire region the local Lutilea branch is using ESF finance to support the low-skilled to gain qualifications, and immigrants to gain the French language skills to join the jobs market and even qualify for French nationality. The work of the Association depends heavily on volunteers who provide one-on-one coaching for participants. In the Charolais section alone some 113 volunteers are supporting some 120 participants at present, and 274 have been helped to improve their job prospects so far this year.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Il est bien sûr normal pour de jeunes diplômés de manquer d’expérience professionnelle, mais ils ont très bien pu acquérir à l’école une expérience de gestion de projets, travailler à la publication d’une lettre d’information ou faire du volontariat, autant d’expériences précieuses qu’ils oublient peut-être de mentionner mais qui peuvent leur conférer une réelle valeur ajoutée sur le marché du travail.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats („Startrampe“) ist eine neue Website für Jugendliche, die ihnen hilft, alle Zeugnisse und Referenzen zu ihrer Arbeitserfahrung „unter einem Dach“ zusammenzufassen und ihnen so den Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt erleichtert. Grund hierfür ist, dass Arbeitgeber in Zeiten hoher Jugendarbeitslosigkeit zögern, junge Menschen einzustellen, da ihnen Arbeitserfahrungen fehlen und sie – selbst wenn sie diese mitbringen – nicht wissen, wie man sie positiv bewertet und darstellt. Natürlich ist es normal, dass Schulabgängern berufsbezogene Erfahrungen fehlen, in der Schule könnten sie jedoch Projekterfahrungen gesammelt, bei der Herausgabe einer Schülerzeitung mitgewirkt oder freiwillige Arbeit geleistet haben – wertvolle Erfahrungen, die Schüler vielleicht zu erwähnen vergessen, die ihnen jedoch einen zusätzlichen Nutzen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verschaffen.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats on uus veebisait noortele, mis aitab neil koondada kõik tunnistused ja töökogemust tõendavad dokumendid ühte kohta eesmärgiga muuta nende tööturule sisenemine kergemaks. Põhjuseks on, et ajal, kui valitseb kõrge noorte tööpuudus, palkavad tööandjad noori vastumeelselt, kuna neil puuduvad varasemad töökogemused – või isegi kui neil kogemusi on, ei oska nad neid rõhutada ja väärtustada. On loomulik, et kooli lõpetanud noorel puudub töökogemus, kuid koolis võis ta saada kogemusi projektide juhtimisel, tegeleda kooliajalehe väljaandmisega või teha vabatahtliku tööd – need on väärtuslikud kogemused, mis noortele võib-olla ettegi ei tule, kuid võivad anda neile lisaväärtust tööturul.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
Stardiplats (Launch Pad) is a new website for young people which helps them to gather all certificates and references about their work experience in one place – with the aim of making their entry into the labour market easier. The reason for this is that, at a time of high youth unemployment, employers are reluctant to hire young people because they have no previous work experience and, even if they have it, they do not know how to highlight and value it. Of course, it is normal for school leavers to lack job-related experience, but at school they might have gained project management experience, worked in newsletter publishing, or completed voluntary work – valuable experiences that they may forget to mention but which can give them added value in the job market.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Au cours de l'annonce de la prolongation, le vice-ministre des programmes européens au Pays de Galles, Alun Davies, a déclaré: «Les projets de l'UE ont aidé plus de 294 000 participants, dont plus de 83 000 ont ainsi pu obtenir des qualifications et quelque 35 000 ont pu trouver un emploi. Je suis heureux que nous ayons pu soutenir cette initiative en apportant davantage de fonds européens afin de faire en sorte que plus de personnes puissent bénéficier et accéder à des services qui leur permettront d'améliorer leurs perspectives d'emploi et leur future prospérité».
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
Ein erfolgreiches von der EU unterstütztes Projekt, das Tausenden Menschen in Südwales dabei hilft, eine Arbeit zu finden, wird mit 4,2 Mio. EUR ausgestattet, um zwei weitere Jahre bestehen zu können. Das von der University of Wales geleitete QWEST-Projekt bietet Berufsausbildung, Arbeitserfahrung und maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung, um Arbeitslosen dabei zu helfen, ihre Beschäftigungschancen zu verbessern und den Weg zurück in die Arbeitswelt zu beschreiten. Der stellvertretende Minister für Europäische Programme in Wales, Alun Davies, sagte: „EU-Projekte haben mehr als 294 000 Teilnehmer unterstützt, von denen mehr als 83 000 Hilfe bei der Verbesserung ihrer Qualifikationen erhalten haben und rund 35 000 einen Arbeitsplatz finden konnten. Ich freue mich, dass wir diese Initiative mit weiteren EU-Mitteln unterstützen konnten, damit noch mehr Menschen davon profitieren und Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen können, die ihre Beschäftigungschancen und somit ihre Zukunftschancen verbessern.“
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
  Fonds social européen -...  
Au cours de l'annonce de la prolongation, le vice-ministre des programmes européens au Pays de Galles, Alun Davies, a déclaré: «Les projets de l'UE ont aidé plus de 294 000 participants, dont plus de 83 000 ont ainsi pu obtenir des qualifications et quelque 35 000 ont pu trouver un emploi. Je suis heureux que nous ayons pu soutenir cette initiative en apportant davantage de fonds européens afin de faire en sorte que plus de personnes puissent bénéficier et accéder à des services qui leur permettront d'améliorer leurs perspectives d'emploi et leur future prospérité».
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
Ein erfolgreiches von der EU unterstütztes Projekt, das Tausenden Menschen in Südwales dabei hilft, eine Arbeit zu finden, wird mit 4,2 Mio. EUR ausgestattet, um zwei weitere Jahre bestehen zu können. Das von der University of Wales geleitete QWEST-Projekt bietet Berufsausbildung, Arbeitserfahrung und maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung, um Arbeitslosen dabei zu helfen, ihre Beschäftigungschancen zu verbessern und den Weg zurück in die Arbeitswelt zu beschreiten. Der stellvertretende Minister für Europäische Programme in Wales, Alun Davies, sagte: „EU-Projekte haben mehr als 294 000 Teilnehmer unterstützt, von denen mehr als 83 000 Hilfe bei der Verbesserung ihrer Qualifikationen erhalten haben und rund 35 000 einen Arbeitsplatz finden konnten. Ich freue mich, dass wir diese Initiative mit weiteren EU-Mitteln unterstützen konnten, damit noch mehr Menschen davon profitieren und Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen können, die ihre Beschäftigungschancen und somit ihre Zukunftschancen verbessern.“
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
  Fonds social européen -...  
Au cours de l'annonce de la prolongation, le vice-ministre des programmes européens au Pays de Galles, Alun Davies, a déclaré: «Les projets de l'UE ont aidé plus de 294 000 participants, dont plus de 83 000 ont ainsi pu obtenir des qualifications et quelque 35 000 ont pu trouver un emploi. Je suis heureux que nous ayons pu soutenir cette initiative en apportant davantage de fonds européens afin de faire en sorte que plus de personnes puissent bénéficier et accéder à des services qui leur permettront d'améliorer leurs perspectives d'emploi et leur future prospérité».
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
Ein erfolgreiches von der EU unterstütztes Projekt, das Tausenden Menschen in Südwales dabei hilft, eine Arbeit zu finden, wird mit 4,2 Mio. EUR ausgestattet, um zwei weitere Jahre bestehen zu können. Das von der University of Wales geleitete QWEST-Projekt bietet Berufsausbildung, Arbeitserfahrung und maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung, um Arbeitslosen dabei zu helfen, ihre Beschäftigungschancen zu verbessern und den Weg zurück in die Arbeitswelt zu beschreiten. Der stellvertretende Minister für Europäische Programme in Wales, Alun Davies, sagte: „EU-Projekte haben mehr als 294 000 Teilnehmer unterstützt, von denen mehr als 83 000 Hilfe bei der Verbesserung ihrer Qualifikationen erhalten haben und rund 35 000 einen Arbeitsplatz finden konnten. Ich freue mich, dass wir diese Initiative mit weiteren EU-Mitteln unterstützen konnten, damit noch mehr Menschen davon profitieren und Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen können, die ihre Beschäftigungschancen und somit ihre Zukunftschancen verbessern.“
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
A successful EU-backed project that is helping thousands of people into work in South Wales is being extended for two years with EUR 4.2 million of additional funding. The QWEST project, led by the University of Wales, offers training, work experience and tailored support to help the unemployed improve their job prospects and get back to work. Announcing the extension, the Deputy Minister for European Programmes in Wales, Alun Davies, said: “EU projects have assisted over 294 000 participants, of whom over 83 000 have been supported to gain qualifications and some 35 000 helped into work. I am pleased we have been able to back this initiative with further EU funds to ensure more people benefit and access services to improve their job prospects and future prosperity.”
  Fonds social européen -...  
Le soutien apporté peut prendre diverses formes: prêt ou location d'une voiture à faible coût, aide pour trouver les bonnes correspondances en bus, ou même financement et conseils pour l'achat d'une voiture adaptée. Plusieurs associations locales soutiennent cette initiative. En 2012, quelque 6 000 demandeurs d'emploi ont reçu de l'aide et 54 % d'entre eux ont pu trouver ou conserver un emploi.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Rund 44 % der Arbeitssuchenden im französischen Département Mayenne haben keinen Autoführerschein und 25 % besitzen weder einen Führerschein noch ein anderes Fortbewegungsmittel. Dadurch ist es manchmal, zumindest eine Zeit lang schwierig, Bewerbungsgespräche wahrzunehmen, eine Arbeitsstelle zu finden und selbst zur Arbeit zu gelangen. Und da es sich um Arbeitssuchende handelt, haben viele von ihnen, insbesondere die Jüngeren, kein Geld, um sich Fahrstunden oder den Unterhalt eines Autos leisten zu können. Um diesen Menschen zu helfen, riefen die örtlichen Behörden erstmals das Projekt „Bouger vers l'emploi“ ins Leben, das neben der Unterstützung bei der Arbeitssuche auch dabei hilft, zur Arbeit zu gelangen. Die Unterstützung kann darin bestehen, dass ein Auto verliehen oder günstig vermietet wird; es wird dabei geholfen, die richtige Busverbindung herauszusuchen; und sogar finanzielle Unterstützung und Beratung beim Kauf des richtigen Autos wird angeboten. Eine Reihe ortsansässiger Vereinigungen unterstützt diese Initiative. Im Jahr 2012 wurde rund 6 000 Arbeitssuchenden geholfen, von denen 54 % eine Stelle fanden oder diese behalten konnten.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
Some 44% of job-seekers in the French Department of La Mayenne have no driving licence for a car, and 25% have neither licence nor other means of transport. This can make it somewhat difficult to attend interviews, find work and get to work itself, at least for a while. And as they are job-seekers, many of them and in particular the young, have no money to fund driving lessons or maintain a car. To help them, the local authority is piloting the ‘Move to Work’ project which, as well as offering help to find work, also offers help to get to work. The support can involve lending a car, or loaning one at low cost; help with finding the right bus connections; or even funding and advice on the purchase of a suitable car. A number of local associations are supporting the initiative. In 2012, some 6000 job-seekers were helped, with 54% finding or keeping a job.
  Fonds social européen -...  
Voilà pourquoi le projet s'est servi d'outils technologiques comme les applications pour téléphone portable afin de maintenir le contact et d'aider les jeunes participants à mieux structurer leur vie quotidienne tout en les valorisant (brisant ainsi les clichés négatifs sur leur comportement). Depuis le lancement du projet en 2009, plus de 40 % des 200 jeunes participants ont pu décrocher un emploi.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
„Jugend an die Arbeit“ ist ein vom ESF finanziertes Projekt in der schwedischen Provinz Gävleborg, bei dem lokale Behörden zusammengearbeitet haben, um jungen Menschen mit psychischen Problemen dabei zu helfen, sich an die Arbeitswelt anzunähern und nützliche Vorgehensweisen zu entwickeln, um bei der Arbeit voranzukommen. Wie Projektmitarbeiterin Viveka Lindberg erklärt, sind solche Jugendlichen gar nicht so andersartig, wobei sie betont, dass Lösungen eine Frage der richtigen Einstellung sind. Das Projekt hat gezeigt, wie Zeit für die persönliche Entwicklung und der Aufbau einer Beziehung mit einem Mentor entscheidend zum Erfolg beitragen. Es ist ebenfalls wichtig, dass alle dieselbe „Sprache“ sprechen, weshalb sich das Projekt technischer Hilfsmittel wie Handy-Apps bediente, um in Kontakt zu bleiben und den jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern dabei zu helfen, ihren Alltag besser zu strukturieren und mehr Selbstwertgefühl zu entwickeln – auf diese Weise können negative Rollenerwartungen durchbrochen werden. Seit dem Beginn des Projekts im Jahr 2009 konnten über 40 % der 200 jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eine Arbeitsstelle finden.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Unga till arbete är ett ESF-finansierat projekt i Gävleborg där lokala myndigheter har samverkat för att hjälpa ungdomar med psykiatriska problem att komma närmare till arbetslivet och utveckla bra metoder att arbeta från.Dessa ungdomar är inte unika, förklarade projektledare Viveka Lindberg, som betonar att grunden för goda lösningar är ett bra bemötande.Projektet har visat hur viktigt det är att få tid för personlig utveckling och bygga upp en relation med en handläggare för att lyckas.Att tala samma språk är också en fördel. Därför använde man tekniska hjälpmedel, bland annat appar i mobiltelefonerna för att hålla kontakt och hjälpa ungdomarna att strukturera vardagen. Det är viktigt att få dem att känna sig värdefulla och bryta en negativ rollförväntan.Sedan projektstarten 2009 har över 40 procent av 200 deltagare fått arbete.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.
Youth to Work is an ESF-funded project in Gävleborg county in Sweden in which local authority services worked together to help young people with psychiatric problems to approach working life and develop good practices to get on in work. Such young people are not so different, explained project worker Viveka Lindberg, who stresses that solutions are a matter of attitude. The project has shown how time for personal development and relationship building with a mentor is vital for success. Speaking the same ‘language’ is also an important element, which is why the project used technological tools such as mobile phone applications to stay in contact and help the young participants structure their daily lives better and make them feel valuable – breaking negative role expectations. Since it started in 2009, over 40% of the 200 young participants have gone on to find work.