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Keybot 3 Results  www.dakarnave.com
  Articles par john-loeng...  
Robert Capa a écrit que le Jour J, en 1944, il a fait une pause pour changer de pellicule tout en subissant une volée de tirs à Omaha Beach. « L’appareil…
Robert Capa wrote that on D-Day, 1944, he paused to change film while under intense fire on Omaha Beach. “The empty camera trembled in my hands,” he wrote. “It was…
  Celebrating the Negativ...  
Robert Capa a écrit que le Jour J, en 1944, il a fait une pause pour changer de pellicule tout en subissant une volée de tirs à Omaha Beach. « L’appareil photo vide tremblait dans mes mains, » a-t-il écrit.
Robert Capa wrote that on D-Day, 1944, he paused to change film while under intense fire on Omaha Beach. “The empty camera trembled in my hands,” he wrote. “It was a new kind of fear shaking my body from toe to hair and twisting my face. The men around me lay motionless. Only the dead on the water line rolled in the waves. An LCI braved the fire and medics …poured from it…I stepped into the sea between two bodies…and suddenly I knew that I was running away. I tried to turn, but couldn’t face the beach.”
  Cindy Sherman - The Pic...  
La série Clowns  (2003-2004) est de l’aveu de la photographe une de celles qui lui donna beaucoup du fil à retordre, car un clown avance masqué, l’acteur est invisible. Elle ne parvint à trouver le bon angle d’approche que le jour où elle vit le cliché d’un clown au grimage dégoulinant, dégradé par la transpiration.
In the Fashion series (1983-1984 and 1993-1994), which originated from fashion houses, the register is satirical and without nuance, we drop the irony to indulge in a biting humor. Cindy Sherman through the “grammar” of “people” photographs ( acerb flash, frozen smiles of predators, extravagant and ostentatious outfits, etc.) underlines the emptiness of this sadomasochistic game. Yet most of the women she plays, it seems with delight, seem haunted and threatened by the anguish of “no longer being,” disappearing from the game.