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Keybot 2 Results  www5.agr.gc.ca
  Un Siècle de Science à ...  
Ils ont également découvert que le fait d'entreposer la pomme à une température de 5 degrés Celsius en atmosphère contrôlée à un niveau faible d'oxygène et un niveau élevé de dioxyde de carbone permet une conservation optimale pendant une période plus longue. « Lorsqu'on les sort d'entreposage après six ou huit mois, elles sont presque aussi bonnes que le jour de leur cueillette », ajoute M. DeLong.
Conventional wisdom called for apples coming in from the field to be quickly refrigerated because heat can damage the quality of the apple. But researchers discovered the apple required delayed cooling. "With Honeycrisp we found that if we delayed cooling for a week in a room that was about 20 degrees Celsius, it got rid of the browning problem." said Delong. They also discovered that storing the apples at five degrees Celsius in a controlled atmosphere storage room with low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels would keep the apple at peak quality for a longer period of time. "When you take them out of storage after six or eight months, they taste nearly as good as the day you picked them off the tree," he says.
  Behaviour of piglets we...  
Dans tous les cas, les porcelets ont passé moins de temps à se nourrir le jour 0 que le jour 1; toutefois, le temps d’alimentation a été moins long pour les porcelets du groupe S21 que pour que ceux du groupe S43 (P < 0,05).
The objective of this experiment was to compare behaviour of piglets weaned and mixed at 21±1 (W21, n=81) or 43±1 (W43, n=70) days of age. Piglets were observed two days before weaning (D-2), just after weaning and mixing (D0) and 24 hours later (D1). Time spent feeding was lower on D0 compared to D1 in both treatment, but was lower in W21 than in W43 piglets (P<0.05). On D0, W21 piglets were less active than W43 piglets (P<0.001). Accordingly, between D-2 and D0, W43 piglets increased (P<0.001) time spent in aggression, exploration and locomotion. Conversely, W21 piglets were more active than W43 piglets on D1 (P<0.01). Timing of behaviour relative to weaning day differed between treatments; W21 piglets were more apathetic than W43 piglets just after weaning indicating a delay in the reaction of younger piglets to weaning and mixing. W21 piglets also had a greater and longer decrease in post-weaning eating incidence than W43 piglets, which is likely due to both older age and previous creep feed experience.