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  Local Justice – Zenica:...  
His colleague, actor Slaven Vidak too shares his fear from the lack of reaction. “I am in panic that nothing will happen, even after a play like this one. The play should change something. If that does not happen, I don’t know what else we can do,” Vidak says.
Oliver Frljić je rođen u Travniku, a ova predstava je njegov prvi režiserski rad u BiH. O naslijeđu 90-ih, ratovima, zločinima i šovinizmu pravio je predstave u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji.
  Kovac: Ordinary Brigade...  
Slaven Kraljevic, former Chief of the Intelligence Service with the Vitez Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, testified at the retrial of Ante Kovac, saying the indictee was tasked with security arrangements in the Vitez Brigade’s Command building in 1993, so he could not have arrested or detained civilians in Vitez.
Slaven Kraljević, bivši načelnik obavještajne službe Viteške brigade Hrvatskog vijeća obrane (HVO), na obnovljenom suđenju Anti Kovaću rekao je da je optuženi tokom 1993. godine radio na osiguranju komande Viteške brigade, te da nije mogao hapsiti i privoditi civile u Vitezu.