slovena – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 29 Results
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
- promozione della comunità slovena e della lingua slovena nell'ambiente di maggioranza
- promotion of the Slovenian national community and the Slovenian language in the majority environment;
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
- promozione della comunità slovena e della lingua slovena nell'ambiente di maggioranza
- promotion of the Slovenian national community and the Slovenian language in the majority environment;
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
NŠK - Biblioteca Nazionale Slovena e degli Studi
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
La Biblioteca Nazionale Slovena e degli Studi è la principale biblioteca degli sloveni in Italia.
The Slovenian National and Studies Library is the main library of Slovenians living in Italy.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Relazione sul progetto con i risultati dell'indagine (disponibile solo in lingua slovena)
Project report with survey results  (only in Slovene)
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Elenco online dei rappresentanti del mondo scientifico della comunità slovena in Italia
Web directory of scientists belonging to the Slovenian national community in Italy
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
- coordinamento e orientamento del potenziale intellettuale della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia
- unification and orientation of the intellectual potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Predisposizione degli atti della Prima conferenza regionale sulla tutela della minoranza linguistica slovena
Preparation of the acts of the First regional conference on the Slovenian linguistic minority protection
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
2) Indagine tra gli scienziati appartenenti alla comunità nazionale slovena in Italia. Con questa indagine si intendeva acquisire le informazioni di base sul potenziale scientifico, studiare il rapporto degli intervistati nei confronti della lingua slovena e della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia, verificare il loro grado di inclusione nello spazio scientifico comune sloveno e raccogliere proposte sulle possibili modalità di raccordo e collaborazione.
2) Survey among scientists belonging to the Slovenian national community in Italy. The aim of this survey was to obtain basic information on the scientific potential, to study the attitude of the interviewed towards the Slovenian language and the Slovenian national community in Italy, to verify their inclusion in the common Slovenian scientific space and to collect proposals on possible forms of connection and collaboration.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
2) Indagine tra gli scienziati appartenenti alla comunità nazionale slovena in Italia. Con questa indagine si intendeva acquisire le informazioni di base sul potenziale scientifico, studiare il rapporto degli intervistati nei confronti della lingua slovena e della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia, verificare il loro grado di inclusione nello spazio scientifico comune sloveno e raccogliere proposte sulle possibili modalità di raccordo e collaborazione.
2) Survey among scientists belonging to the Slovenian national community in Italy. The aim of this survey was to obtain basic information on the scientific potential, to study the attitude of the interviewed towards the Slovenian language and the Slovenian national community in Italy, to verify their inclusion in the common Slovenian scientific space and to collect proposals on possible forms of connection and collaboration.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
1) Censimento del potenziale scientifico della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia e predisposizione di un elenco on line. Lo scopo è quello di offrire agli utenti un elenco di esperti capaci di trasmettere il proprio sapere e quindi di contribuire allo sviluppo della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia in diversi settori.
1) Census of the scientific potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy and creation of a web directory. The aim of such directory is to offer users a register of experts who can transmit their knowledge and thus contribute to the development of the Slovenian national community in Italy in different fields. The census of the scientific potential and the updating of collected data is a work in progress, for which the collaboration of representatives of the scientific world is extremely valuable.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
2) Indagine tra gli scienziati appartenenti alla comunità nazionale slovena in Italia. Con questa indagine si intendeva acquisire le informazioni di base sul potenziale scientifico, studiare il rapporto degli intervistati nei confronti della lingua slovena e della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia, verificare il loro grado di inclusione nello spazio scientifico comune sloveno e raccogliere proposte sulle possibili modalità di raccordo e collaborazione.
2) Survey among scientists belonging to the Slovenian national community in Italy. The aim of this survey was to obtain basic information on the scientific potential, to study the attitude of the interviewed towards the Slovenian language and the Slovenian national community in Italy, to verify their inclusion in the common Slovenian scientific space and to collect proposals on possible forms of connection and collaboration.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
1) Censimento del potenziale scientifico della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia e predisposizione di un elenco on line. Lo scopo è quello di offrire agli utenti un elenco di esperti capaci di trasmettere il proprio sapere e quindi di contribuire allo sviluppo della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia in diversi settori.
1) Census of the scientific potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy and creation of a web directory. The aim of such directory is to offer users a register of experts who can transmit their knowledge and thus contribute to the development of the Slovenian national community in Italy in different fields. The census of the scientific potential and the updating of collected data is a work in progress, for which the collaboration of representatives of the scientific world is extremely valuable.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il suo orientamento programmatico è incentrato sulla promozione delle attività di ricerca rivolte allo studio delle prospettive di sviluppo culturale, sociale e spaziale della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia e alle sue relazioni con la comunità italiana di maggioranza, con la realtà slovena d’oltreconfine e il contesto internazionale più ampio.
SLORI is a Slovenian organisation in Italy that professionally deals with research since 1974. The institute was founded and developed as an important centre of scientific and intellectual discussion, whilst its programmatic orientation is based on promoting research activities focused on questions related to the cultural, social and spatial development of the Slovenian community in Italy, as well as on its connection with the Italian majority environment, with that of the homeland Slovenia and with the wider international context.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
La seconda parte prevedela raccolta di dati empirici sul caso della mobilità residenziale transfrontaliera nell’area confinaria italo-slovena, basandosi su dati sia qualitativi (interviste con testimoni qualificati di vario profilo) che quantitativi (indagine tra i cittadini italiani trasferitesi sul Carso sloveno).
The research project is divided into two parts. The first part provides the phenomenon a proper theoretical framework, by approaching it within two analytical perspectives: the suburbanisation theories and the transnational migration studies. The second part presents the results of the empirical research focused on the crossborder residential mobility flows in the Italian-Slovenian border area. The research is based on the analysis of both qualitative data (in-depth interviews with key informants) and quantitative data (survey among Italian citizens having recently moved to the Slovenian Carst).
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
La nuova pubblicazione sugli Sloveni in Italia analizza le dinamiche di sviluppo della comunità slovena in Italia dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino e dall’indipendenza della Slovenia ad oggi. Verranno messi in primo piano i cambiamenti più importanti di questo periodo in tutti i settori della vita sociale della comunità in questione.
This new publication about Slovenians in Italy will analyse the development dynamics of the Slovenian ethnic community in Italy since the fall of the Berlin wall and the independence of Slovenia to date. The most radical changes that arose in this period in all sectors of the social life of this community will be highlighted. The publication, which will be prepared in three languages and three different editions, is dedicated to the wider public; it will be published according to market trends. For this purpose, an editorial board was established, composed of researchers from Slori, the Ethnic Studies Institute (INV), the University of Primorska and the University of Udine, along with experts of the editorial sector. The editorial board includes also some representatives of other ethnic and linguistic minorities and a representative of the Italian majority population. The publication will contain scientific papers of different authors. The Italian edition will be published by Carocci from Rome, while the Slovenian one by Založništvo tržaškega tiska ZTT from Trieste.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il 13 ottobre 2012 si è tenuta a Gorizia la Prima conferenza regionale sulla tutela della minoranza linguistica slovena, prevista dalla legge regionale 26/2007. Il Consiglio regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia ha affidato la predisposizione degli atti in lingua italiana e slovena allo SLORI, che aveva collaborato già nella predisposizione dei contenuti tecnici della conferenza.
On October 13th, 2012, the First regional conference on the Slovenian linguistic minority protection, provided for by the regional law 26/2007, was held in Gorizia. The Regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia committed the preparation of the acts in Slovenian and Italian language to SLORI, which collaborated also to the preparation of the technical contents of the conference. The first part contains the introductory speeches of the Mayor of Gorizia E. Romoli, of the former president of the Regional council M. Franz and of the former vice director of the regional Direction for culture, sports, international and EU relations G. Napoli. After these, SLORI collaborators’ reports and the contributions of representatives of several institutions who spoke during the morning session of the conference are presented. The last part contains the report of the former regional councillor for culture, international relations and local administrations E. De Anna and several reference laws and other documents.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il 13 ottobre 2012 si è tenuta a Gorizia la Prima conferenza regionale sulla tutela della minoranza linguistica slovena, prevista dalla legge regionale 26/2007. Il Consiglio regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia ha affidato la predisposizione degli atti in lingua italiana e slovena allo SLORI, che aveva collaborato già nella predisposizione dei contenuti tecnici della conferenza.
On October 13th, 2012, the First regional conference on the Slovenian linguistic minority protection, provided for by the regional law 26/2007, was held in Gorizia. The Regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia committed the preparation of the acts in Slovenian and Italian language to SLORI, which collaborated also to the preparation of the technical contents of the conference. The first part contains the introductory speeches of the Mayor of Gorizia E. Romoli, of the former president of the Regional council M. Franz and of the former vice director of the regional Direction for culture, sports, international and EU relations G. Napoli. After these, SLORI collaborators’ reports and the contributions of representatives of several institutions who spoke during the morning session of the conference are presented. The last part contains the report of the former regional councillor for culture, international relations and local administrations E. De Anna and several reference laws and other documents.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
L'obiettivo specifico del progetto consiste pertanto nell'elaborazione di un modello di educazione interculturale che si manifesta attraverso la sensibilizzazione interculturale dei giovani delle fasce confinarie slovena e italiana attorno alla situazione interetnica vigente nel loro ambiente e nello spazio transfrontaliero (il rapporto comunità etnica maggioritaria - comunità etniche minoritarie, le differenze culturali, ecc.), nonché attorno al significato da attribuire alla conoscenza reciproca tra le differenti comunità etniche e al plurilinguismo.
The main project’s goal is the formulation of methods and techniques for interethnic/intercultural awareness rising among young people, as far as the cultural contacts on the border between Slovenia and Italy are concerned, and this both in the frame of the family education and the school system. The specific project’s goal is the creation of an intercultural educational model, which focuses on the intercultural awareness rising of young people on the Slovene and the Italian side, about the interethnic situation in their own small reality and in the cross-border area (the relation majority vs. minority national communities, cultural differences etc.) and about the importance of mutual knowledge of different national communities and bi- or multilingualism.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
La nuova pubblicazione sugli Sloveni in Italia analizza le dinamiche di sviluppo della comunità slovena in Italia dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino e dall’indipendenza della Slovenia ad oggi. Verranno messi in primo piano i cambiamenti più importanti di questo periodo in tutti i settori della vita sociale della comunità in questione.
This new publication about Slovenians in Italy will analyse the development dynamics of the Slovenian ethnic community in Italy since the fall of the Berlin wall and the independence of Slovenia to date. The most radical changes that arose in this period in all sectors of the social life of this community will be highlighted. The publication, which will be prepared in three languages and three different editions, is dedicated to the wider public; it will be published according to market trends. For this purpose, an editorial board was established, composed of researchers from Slori, the Ethnic Studies Institute (INV), the University of Primorska and the University of Udine, along with experts of the editorial sector. The editorial board includes also some representatives of other ethnic and linguistic minorities and a representative of the Italian majority population. The publication will contain scientific papers of different authors. The Italian edition will be published by Carocci from Rome, while the Slovenian one by Založništvo tržaškega tiska ZTT from Trieste.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Sotto la spinta dei processi di integrazione europea, in particolare dopo l'adesione della Slovenia all'UE, lo SLORI ha consolidato il proprio tradizionale ruolo di mediatore tra la realtà slovena e quella italiana.
Along with the development of the European integration processes, in particular after the entrance of Slovenia into the EU, Slori strengthened its traditional mediation role between the Slovenian and Italian reality. By promoting several cross-border projects, it established a tight network of collaborations with both the Slovenian and Italian research environment, as well as with organisations of other minority communities on both sides of the border. Slori promotes a similar approach also on the local level, where it stimulates dialogue and collaboration with public administrations, universities and other institutions as to put into practice the principle of positive integration with the majority environment, which is based on mutual communication, on discovering each other and on collaboration.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il progetto è basato sul censimento e l'analisi del potenziale scientifico della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia, che comprende accademici, ricercatori, dottorandi e scienziati di diversi ambiti scientifici, operanti in varie realtà geografiche, ossia nel territorio d'insediamento della comunità nazionale slovena nella regione FVG e al di fuori dello stesso, in altre regioni italiane, in Slovenia e altrove all'estero.
The objective of the Knowledge Bank project is to contribute to the realisation and consolidation of a common Slovenian cultural space in the scientific sector. The project is based on the census of the scientific potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy, which includes academics, researchers, scientists and PhD students operating in different scientific fields and geographic locations, i.e. in the historic settlement area of the Slovenian national community in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia as well as in other Italian regions, in Slovenia and in other foreign countries. The census and analysis of this scientific potential, fairly dispersed and up to now only modestly investigated, are the preconditions for any attempt of orienting its development.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
I ricercatori provengono dai seguenti settori disciplinari: sociologia, linguistica, psicologia, pedagogia, geografia, scienze politiche ed economia. I progetti di ricerca si rivolgono allo studio degli aspetti teorici ed empirici riferiti alla questione nazionale slovena e alle forme di convivenza nelle comunità multietniche e plurilingui.
The research activities of Slori range from pure to applied research in the fields of ethnic studies, minority questions and development processes of cross-border areas. The researchers are experts in the following fields: sociology, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, geography, political studies and economics. The research projects are based on the study of theoretical and empirical findings connected to the Slovenian national question and to the coexistence in multiethnic and multilingual societies. Particular attention is dedicated to the monitoring and comprehension of the social and cultural environment in which the Slovenian national community in Italy lives.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il progetto è basato sul censimento e l'analisi del potenziale scientifico della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia, che comprende accademici, ricercatori, dottorandi e scienziati di diversi ambiti scientifici, operanti in varie realtà geografiche, ossia nel territorio d'insediamento della comunità nazionale slovena nella regione FVG e al di fuori dello stesso, in altre regioni italiane, in Slovenia e altrove all'estero.
The objective of the Knowledge Bank project is to contribute to the realisation and consolidation of a common Slovenian cultural space in the scientific sector. The project is based on the census of the scientific potential of the Slovenian national community in Italy, which includes academics, researchers, scientists and PhD students operating in different scientific fields and geographic locations, i.e. in the historic settlement area of the Slovenian national community in the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia as well as in other Italian regions, in Slovenia and in other foreign countries. The census and analysis of this scientific potential, fairly dispersed and up to now only modestly investigated, are the preconditions for any attempt of orienting its development.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
I ricercatori provengono dai seguenti settori disciplinari: sociologia, linguistica, psicologia, pedagogia, geografia, scienze politiche ed economia. I progetti di ricerca si rivolgono allo studio degli aspetti teorici ed empirici riferiti alla questione nazionale slovena e alle forme di convivenza nelle comunità multietniche e plurilingui.
The research activities of Slori range from pure to applied research in the fields of ethnic studies, minority questions and development processes of cross-border areas. The researchers are experts in the following fields: sociology, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, geography, political studies and economics. The research projects are based on the study of theoretical and empirical findings connected to the Slovenian national question and to the coexistence in multiethnic and multilingual societies. Particular attention is dedicated to the monitoring and comprehension of the social and cultural environment in which the Slovenian national community in Italy lives.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
La ricerca analizzerà per esempio la percezione delle trasformazioni sociali, territoriali ed etnico-linguistiche che hanno segnato lo sviluppo di quest'area negli ultimi decenni, i problemi specifici della componente slovena locale e il grado di integrazione con la comunità italiana.
Within the research, in-depth interviews will be carried out with 12 young inhabitants of the considered area about certain topics that are relevant for the planning and development of activities of the Social welfare district within Zone plans. With the research, the lifestyle of the young from this area will be studied, as well as their specific problems in a period of economic crisis, their level of participation to the public life of local communities and several other interesting aspects. The results of the research will be published in a bilingual report and presented to the public.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
Il suo orientamento programmatico è incentrato sulla promozione delle attività di ricerca rivolte allo studio delle prospettive di sviluppo culturale, sociale e spaziale della comunità nazionale slovena in Italia e alle sue relazioni con la comunità italiana di maggioranza, con la realtà slovena d’oltreconfine e il contesto internazionale più ampio.
SLORI is a Slovenian organisation in Italy that professionally deals with research since 1974. The institute was founded and developed as an important centre of scientific and intellectual discussion, whilst its programmatic orientation is based on promoting research activities focused on questions related to the cultural, social and spatial development of the Slovenian community in Italy, as well as on its connection with the Italian majority environment, with that of the homeland Slovenia and with the wider international context.
  Slori - Slovenski razis...  
I flussi insediativi unidirezionali presentano al tempo stesso una serie di aspetti percepiti come problematici (degrado ambientale e paesaggistico, effetti di gentrification, mutamenti sociali ed etnico-linguistici nella composizione della società ricevente), tanto da aver generato un ampio dibattito all’interno dell’opinione pubblica slovena.
In the changed geo-political scenario, the Italian-Slovenian border assumes a new, earlier unknown function: from “barrier” to “filter”, now finally seems to be able to become also an “everyday-life space”. At the same time, however, the unidirectional flows presents several problematic aspects deriving from the suburban impact (pollution and landscape decay, gentrification effects, social and ethno-linguistic changes in the composition of the receiving society etc.), which have generated some concern in the Slovenian public opinion. Cross-border residential mobility is therefore a controversial phenomenon, as it reveals a series of contradictions, which are implicit in the concept of European integration itself. On the one hand, it represents an interesting laboratory for “bottom-up” cross-border integration, as it contributes to transform the border-barrier in a transnational space, where different people, cultures and ways of life meet and live together. On the other hand, the sudden and unexpected encounter between diversities, which were separated in the past by a border, perceived as a strong element of division and distinction, can lead to a fast alteration of the already existing balances, to the point that tensions or conflicts, that were supposed to be over, may arise again.