sterge – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Daca impartiti accesul la calculator, puteti lua in considerare setarea browser-ului pentru a sterge datele individuale de navigare de fiecare data cand inchideti browserul. Aceasta este o varianta de a accesa site-urile care plaseaza cookie-uri si de a sterge orice informatie de vizitare la inchiderea sesiunii navigare.
If you share access to the computer, you can consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data every time you close your browser. This is an option to access sites that place cookies and to delete any visiting information when the browsing session ends.
  Politica de confidentia...  
Daca datele personale ale clientilor nu mai sunt de actualitate sau daca nu mai doresc sa utilizeze serviciile, acestia le pot corecta, actualiza sau sterge prin modificarea informatiilor pe pagina de utilizator, prin e-mail catre Serviciul Clienti la sau contactarea la:
If the personal data of customers are no longer valid or if they no longer want to use MailAgent.roservices, they may correct, update or delete them by changing information on the user page, by sending an e-mail to the Customer Service at or by contacting at:
Daca impartiti accesul la calculator, puteti lua in considerare setarea browser-ului pentru a sterge datele individuale de navigare de fiecare data cand inchideti browserul. Aceasta este o varianta de a accesa site-urile care plaseaza cookie-uri si de a sterge orice informatie de vizitare la inchiderea sesiunii navigare.
If you share access to the computer, you can consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data every time you close your browser. This is an option to access sites that place cookies and to delete any visiting information when the browsing session ends.
De asemenea, ne permite sa asociem orice comentariu pe care il postati pe site-ul nostru cu username-ul dvs. Daca nu ati selectat "pastreaza-ma inregistrat", acest cookie se va sterge automat cand veti inchide browserul sau calculatorul.
When you register on this site, we generate a cookie which tells us if you are registered or not. Our servers use cookies to show us which account you are registered with and if you have permission to a particular service. It also allows us to associate any comment that you post on our website with your username. If you have not selected the "Keep me registered" option, this cookie will be automatically deleted when you close the browser or switch off your computer.