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  Wanita didalam Al-Qur'a...  
Suami, sebagai tuan atau manager, dapat memaksa istri untuk taat kepadanya. Jika pukulan tidak berhasil, ia dapat menceraikan istrinya. Batasannya adalah bahwa si suami tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu yang berdosa seperti mengakibatkan kesakitan fisik pada tubuhnya atau meminta istrinya untuk melakukan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dia dilakukan.
The husband, as the master or manager, can force the wife to be obedient to him. If beating doesn’t work, he may divorce her. Limitation is that the husband cannot do something sinful, such as physical pain or ask something she is incapable of doing.
  Yesus di dalam Al-Qur’a...  
Firman dan Roh Allah mestilah kekal, karena Allah tak pernah ada tanpa Firman dan Roh. Menurut Al-Qur’an, di dalam kehidupan-Nya di bumi, Yesus tak mempunyai cela (Qur’an 19:19), sementara Adam tak taat kepada Allah di dalam kehidupannya di bumi (Qur’an 2:36).
On the basis of these facts, we can say that there are considerable differences between the conceptions of Adam and Jesus. Adam was created from beneath and Jesus was created from above. Because Jesus was faultless and created by a Word of God, he had a higher substance. We distinguish God’s Word (kalima) and the words of God in the Scripture. God’s Word and Spirit must be eternal, since God could never have been without a Word and Spirit. According to the Qur’an, Jesus had in his life on earth no faults (Qur’an 19:19), while Adam disobeyed God in his life on earth (Qur’an 2:36). Adam does not possess the same characteristics as Jesus, the Word of God.
  Yesus di dalam Injil - ...  
Mengapa kamu tidak percaya? ’ Mereka menjadi sangat takut dan berkata seorang kepada yang lain: ’Siapa gerangan orang ini, sehingga angin dan danaupun taat kepada-Nya? ’ Lalu sampailah mereka di seberang danau, di daerah orang Gerasa.
And a great storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him and said to him, ’Teacher, do you not care if we perish?’ And he awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ’Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, ’Why are you afraid ? Have you no faith?’ And they were filled with awe, and said to one another, ’Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him? They came to the other side of the sea.
  Yesus di dalam Injil - ...  
Karena itu, bahkan badai dan gelombang pun menaati kata-kata Yesus (Lihat pula (Markus 1:27) dan (Lukas 17:6). Kalau begitu, siapakah orang ini, sehingga badai dan laut pun taat kepada-Nya? Ia tak lain adalah Allah yang Maha Kuasa, sehingga badai dan laut pun taat kepada-Nya: kata-kata ini tak bisa ditujukan kepada pihak lain selain Allah yang Maha Tinggi: peristiwa seperti itu tak pernah disaksikan sebelumnya, bahwa badai dan laut bisa dihardik oleh seorang makhluk belaka, dan bahkan menaati si makhluk.
We see that in the Gospel the disciples had the same problems as the situation in Psalm 107:27-29. The disciples cried to Jesus in their trouble. However, the disciples had no faith in Jesus, as sleeping, that he could deliver them. They had only some little faith in him. Jesus showed he is all-powerful: the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. So also the winds and waves, obey Jesus at his words (See also (Mark 1:27) and (Luke 17:6). Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? He can be no other than the mighty God, that the winds and the sea obey him: which can be said of no other, than the most high God: never was such a thing heard of, that the winds and the sea should be rebuked by a mere creature, and should obey. Jesus is not only all-powerful, he is also the source of all power and authority. That man must be infidel to relevation or brainwashed, that can read this account, and deny the truth of the event, and the situation, or believe that Jesus is truly and properly God, as the disciples did.
  Yesus di dalam Injil - ...  
Karena itu, bahkan badai dan gelombang pun menaati kata-kata Yesus (Lihat pula (Markus 1:27) dan (Lukas 17:6). Kalau begitu, siapakah orang ini, sehingga badai dan laut pun taat kepada-Nya? Ia tak lain adalah Allah yang Maha Kuasa, sehingga badai dan laut pun taat kepada-Nya: kata-kata ini tak bisa ditujukan kepada pihak lain selain Allah yang Maha Tinggi: peristiwa seperti itu tak pernah disaksikan sebelumnya, bahwa badai dan laut bisa dihardik oleh seorang makhluk belaka, dan bahkan menaati si makhluk.
We see that in the Gospel the disciples had the same problems as the situation in Psalm 107:27-29. The disciples cried to Jesus in their trouble. However, the disciples had no faith in Jesus, as sleeping, that he could deliver them. They had only some little faith in him. Jesus showed he is all-powerful: the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. So also the winds and waves, obey Jesus at his words (See also (Mark 1:27) and (Luke 17:6). Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? He can be no other than the mighty God, that the winds and the sea obey him: which can be said of no other, than the most high God: never was such a thing heard of, that the winds and the sea should be rebuked by a mere creature, and should obey. Jesus is not only all-powerful, he is also the source of all power and authority. That man must be infidel to relevation or brainwashed, that can read this account, and deny the truth of the event, and the situation, or believe that Jesus is truly and properly God, as the disciples did.