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Keybot 5 Results  rodosto.hu
Böylece Erdel de bağımsızlığını kaybetmişti. Avrupa’nın öteki ucunda ise İspanya’da tahtın ele geçirilmesi için 1701’de başlayan İspanya saltanat mücadelesinde Fransızlar ve Bavyeralılar Habsburg İmparatorluğuna karşı saldırıya geçmişlerdi.
In Hungary the nobility turned against the Habsburg government because of the serial violations of the constitution and their liberties, while the peasants were discontent with the raised taxes. Because of the overall discontentment Ferenc Rákóczi and Miklós Bercsényi asked for the support of Louis XIV of France, the prime enemy of the Emperor of Austria. Ferenc Rákóczi was arrested for high treason, but – in an adventurous way – he fled to Poland from his prison in Wiener Neustadt.
Giderek artan memnuniyetsizlik 1701 yılında patlak veren ve İspanya tahtının ele geçirilmesi için yapılan savaş nedeniyle seferberlik ilanı ve zorunlu asker toplama nedenleri sonucu olarak Rákóczi’nin Özgürlük savaşının başlamasına neden oldu.
The governing methods of the Viennese court met comprehensive revulsion in all the social classes. The derogation of the feudal rights, the obligate provision of the foreign army in Hungary, the raise of the taxes enhanced the discontentment. The troops stationed at the castles by the border became redundant and the Viennese court did not permit the establishment of a separate Hungarian army. The remnants of Imre Thököly’s army and the troops dismissed from the castles attempted to rebel several times, but both the uprising in the Hegyalja region in 1697 and the uprising in the Tiszahát region in 1703 was put down. The enhanced discontentment and the forced conscriptions because of the War of the Spanish Succession led to the outbreak of Rákóczi’s uprising.
Böylece Erdel de bağımsızlığını kaybetmişti. Avrupa’nın öteki ucunda ise İspanya’da tahtın ele geçirilmesi için 1701’de başlayan İspanya saltanat mücadelesinde Fransızlar ve Bavyeralılar Habsburg İmparatorluğuna karşı saldırıya geçmişlerdi.
In Hungary the nobility turned against the Habsburg government because of the serial violations of the constitution and their liberties, while the peasants were discontent with the raised taxes. Because of the overall discontentment Ferenc Rákóczi and Miklós Bercsényi asked for the support of Louis XIV of France, the prime enemy of the Emperor of Austria. Ferenc Rákóczi was arrested for high treason, but – in an adventurous way – he fled to Poland from his prison in Wiener Neustadt.