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Keybot 7 Results  www.hug-foodservice.ch
  Cazul unui baiat abuzat...  
Ulterior a fost contactat si tatal si, in urma discutiilor avute cu acestia, atat tatal cat si copilul si-au exprimat acordul ca minorul sa revina la domiciliu.
He added that the aggresive attitude of his father provokes strong emotions and feelings, strained, causing him to hurt himself making wounds on his arms and body: abdomen and chest.
  Cazul unui baiat abuzat...  
Situatia copilului, Gabriel a intrat in atentia institutiei DGASPC Dolj in urma sesizarii telefonice la Telefonul Copilului, prin care reprezentantul Politiei locale semnaleaza situatia copilului, care a avut un conflict cu tatal iar acesta nu mai doreste sa-l primeasca acasa.
The situation of Gabriel (born June 1999) came to the attention of DGASPC Dolj from a referral made at the Child Helpline by the local police representative, as his father who had a conflict with does not want to receive him at home.
  Cazul unui baiat abuzat...  
Ulterior a fost contactat si tatal si, in urma discutiilor avute cu acestia, atat tatal cat si copilul si-au exprimat acordul ca minorul sa revina la domiciliu.
He added that the aggresive attitude of his father provokes strong emotions and feelings, strained, causing him to hurt himself making wounds on his arms and body: abdomen and chest.
  Cazul celor 3 copii abu...  
În data de 04.04.2016, tatal a solicitat prin ordonanţă preşedinţială şi pe fond domiciliul copiilor. În data de 09.05.2016 instanţa a stabilit provizoriu locuinţa minorilor la tată. Mama a apelat sentinţa, primul termen fiind în data de 28.06.2016.
Individual counseling to parents was recommended (for the mother to empower her to manage the chilldren's needs and problems; for the father to optimize his parenting skills). The case was closed on 08.03.2016.