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Keybot 6 Results
  Funkypong - the game  
     A ping-pong game in which you try to bounce a ball on a paddle the most times before you bounce it out of the circle. Really addictive.
     Un jeu de ping-pong dans lequel vous essayez de faire rebondir la balle sur la raquette le plus de fois possible, avant que votre balle rebondisse en dehors du cercle. Un jeu très prenant.
     Ein Ping-Pong- Spiel wo du versuchst den Ball so oft wie möglich auf deinem Schläger hüpfen zu lassen bevor er aus dem Kreis fällt.
     Un juego de ping-pong en el cual tratas de hacer rebotar una bola en una paleta las mayores veces posibles antes de que la rebotes fuera del círculo. Es realmente adictivo.
     Un gioco di ping-pong in cui provate a rimbalzare una sfera su una pala la maggior parte dei tempi prima che la rimbalziate dal cerchio. Realmente addictive.
     Um jogo de pingue-pongue onde você tem que tentar manter a bolinha quicando na raquete sem sair do circulo por mais tempo possivel. Muito viciante.
     Een ping-pong spelletje waarin je moet proberen een ping-pong balletje zo vaak mogelijk op je bat moet laten stuiteren voordat ie de cirkel uit stuitert. Erg verslavend.
     Ping-pongová hra, ve které se snažíte odrážet míček pálkou co nejvícekrát, než se vám odrazí mimo kruh. Opravdu návykové.
     dette er et spil hvor du skal slå til bolden så mange gange du kan men den må ikke ryge på gulvet eller komme ud fra cirklen.
     Pingispeli, jossa tarkoitus on pompottaa palloa mailalla niin paljon kuin vain voit ringin sisällä. Erittäin addiktoiva.
     Gra, w której przy użyciu rakiety tenisa stołowego usiłujesz odbić piłeczke jak najwięcej razy. Uzależnia.
     Un joc de ping-pong in care incerci sa te joci cu o minge pe o paleta, cu ideea de a nu depasi cercul. Creaza dependenta.
     Pinpon topunu sektirmen ve bu arada çizilmis dairenin içinde kalman gerekiyor. Mouse ile oynaniyor.
  Profilo tom13argentina  
( 27 julio 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 juillet 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Juli 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 luglio 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 julho 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Ιούλιος 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 juli 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Korrik 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Juliol 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 srpanj 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 cervenec 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 juli 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 heinäkuu 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 július 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 lipiec 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Iulie 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 июль 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 júl 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 Juli 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
( 27 temmuz 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
‌ (27 יולי 2005 04:28) : Where's this? Explain yourself --It seems like the directory's never finishing though I've made the most.
  Something fishy 3 - the...  
     Score points by swimming a loop of bubbles around the other fish. Your score from each loop is determined by the most common kind of fish in the loop, and increases exponentially with the number of them that you captured.
     Augmentez votre score en entourant les poissons d'un cercle de bulles. Votre score pour chaque cercle est déterminé par le nombre de poissons dans celui-ci. Votre score augmente exponentiellement avec le nombre de poissons ainsi capturés. Si vous attrapez un hameçon ou une canette, vous perdez alors des points. Pour passer le niveau, il faut faire un minimum de points. Ne traînez pas, ou les poissons s'en iront.
     Mache Punkte, indem du Luftblasenkreise um andere Fische schwimmst. Die Punkte berechnen sich aus der Anzahl der Fische, die in der Blase gefangen genommen werden, und steigen exponential an. Wenn du dich an einem Haken oder einer Dose verletzt verlierst du Punkte. Um durch jedes Level zu gelangen musst du eine bestimmte Punktzahl erreichen. Warte nicht zu lange, oder die Fische verlassen den Wasserbehälter.
     Fai punti facendo nuotare una serie di bolle intorno ad altri pesci. Il punteggio da ogni ciclo è determinato dal più comune tipo di pesce nel cerchio ed aumenta esponenzialmente con il numero di pesci che hai catturato. Se prendi un amo o una lattina perdi punti. Per andare avanti con i livelli, dei fare un punteggio minimo. Non metterci troppo o il pesce lascerà il contenitore.
     Pontue fazendo um círculo de bolhas em volta dos outros peixes. Sua pontuação para cada círculo é dada de acordo com o maior número de peixes iguais dentro do círculo e aumenta bastante quanto maior for o número de peixes que você capturar. Se você pegar um anzol ou uma latinha, você perde pontos. Para passar de nível, você precisa fazer um número mínimo de pontos. Não demore muito ou os peixes fugirão do tanque.
     Získejte body obeplutím a vytvořením bublin kolem jiné ryby. Scóre za každé obeplutí se určuje podle nejčastější ryby z těch, co jsou uvniř prostoru z bublin a exponenciálně roste s počtem chycených ryb. Pokud chytíte rybářský háček nebo plechovku, ztrácíte body. Pro dokončení levelu je třeba nasbírat určený minimální počet bodů. Neváhejte dlouho, jinak ryby opustí nádrž.
     Kerää pisteitä uimalla toisten kalojen ympäri niin, että kuplarinki ympäröi ne. Saamasi pistemäärä riippuu siitä, kuinka harvinainen nappaamasi kala on. Jos taas nappaat koukun tai säilyketölkin, sinulle tulee miinuspisteitä. Jotta pääset seuraavalle tasolle, sinun on kerättä minimimäärä pisteitä. Älä viivyttele turhia, sillä kalat pakenevat ulottuviltasi ajan kuluessa.
     Zdobywaj punkty pływając dookoła innych ryb tworząc bąbelki. Twój wynik jest uzależniony od rodzaju ryby, którą opłyniesz i rośnie wykładniczo z kolejnym okrążeniem. Jeśli złapiesz haczyk albo puszkę tracisz punkty. Aby przejść każdy etap musisz zdobyć określoną liczbę punktów. Musisz się pospieszyć, żeby ryba ci nie uciekła.