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Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat am 25.09.08 entschieden, die Aufenthaltserlaubnis junger Türken in Deutschland dürfe nicht an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft werden. Berliner Behörden wollten die Aufenthaltserlaubnis eines 23 jährigen Türken, der als Kind im Rahmen einer Familienzusammenführung nach Deutschland kam, nicht verlängern; der Betreffende hatte die Schule und mehrere Fortbildungen abgebrochen.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) decided on 25 September 2008 that the residence permits of young Turks in Germany may not be subjected to specific requirements. Authorities in Berlin refused to extend the residence permit of a 23-year-old Turk who came to Germany within the framework of family reunification; the person in question had left school prematurely and not finished several qualification courses. The Luxembourg judges argued in their decision that the plaintiff must not be withdrawn his residence title as he would be otherwise excluded from the access to the labour market, to which he was entitled as Turkish national. The fact that the plaintiff still had no gainful employment at his age of 23 would not withstand the granting of a residence permit to him. The Turkish communities in Germany welcomed the ECJ"s decision. Now, Berlin would be no longer allowed to threaten with a denial of the right to remain in case a person leaves school prematurely or commits an offence.
Otto Schily (SPD) nannte den Vorstoß aus Bayern aberwitzig und verfassungsrechtlich bedenklich". Ende April hat Münchens Kreisverwaltungsreferent Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU) einen ersten Ausweisungsbescheid erlassen. Demnach sollen ein 13jähriger Türke und seine Eltern bis zum 21. Juli Deutschland verlassen und nicht wieder einreisen dürfen. Der Junge hat bislang 61 Straftaten bis hin zu schwerer Körperverletzung begangen. Uhl wirft den Eltern Untätigkeit vor und meint, daß sie ihre gesetzliche Aufsichtspflicht seit Jahren auf gröbliche Art verletzt" hätten.
The Bavarian state government would like to deport juvenile alien offenders and their parents more frequently. To this effect, the Bavarian government is preparing an initiative in the Bundesrat to amend the Aliens Act. Hermann Regensburger, the secretary of state of the Bavarian interior ministry, believes that deportations should be carried out when parents gravely neglect their parental duty of supervision or deliberately incite their children to crime. The Bavarian plans met with sharp criticism from the FDP, SPD and the Green Party. Otto Schily (SPD) called the project "foolish and of dubious constitutionality". At the end of April the district administration officer of Munich, Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU), issued a notice of deportation. A 13-year-old Turkish youth and his parents have been notified that they must leave Germany by July 21 and may not return. The youth has perpetrated 61 offences including assault and battery. Uhl accuses the parents of parental neglect and believes that they have gravely failed to exercise parental control for years.
Ein in Augsburg lebender 16jähriger Türke, der wegen schweren Raubes, Erpressung, Diebstahls und vorsätzlicher Körperverletzung im Herbst 1997 zu drei Jahren Jugendstrafe verurteilt worden war, hat nach einem Urteil des Bayerischen Verwaltungsgerichtshofes keinen Anspruch auf Verlängerung seiner Aufenthaltserlaubnis.
A 16 year old Turk living in Augsburg, who had been sentenced to a 3-years youth custody due to aggravated robbery, blackmailing, theft and maliciously inflicted bodily harm in autumn of 1997, has no right to a prolongation of his temporary residence permit, according to the Bavarian Administrative Court. The young Turk had been released on probation after one and a half years, but became active in the drug scene again. According to the court, the potential public interest in his deportation because of the risk of repeated criminal offences has to be satisfied. The deportation to Istanbul takes place on April 27th, some months after the deportation of the young Turk "Mehmet" in a similar case.