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Architektur ist mehr, als Steine aufeinander h�ufen.
Architecture is more than just piling rocks on top of each other.
Scandit, Schweizer Anbieter mobiler Datenerfassungslösungen, präsentiert auf der CeMAT 2016 sofort einsetzbare Apps für die Supply Chain der Zukunft sowie das neue Scandit Case für Smartphones zur Optimierung von Betriebsabläufen und zur Reduzierung der Kosten.
At CeMAT 2016, PSI Technics GmbH is showcasing its innovative ARATEC solution for industrial positioning tasks that promises to navigate storage and retrieval machines to precisely where they are needed in warehouses.
  4 Résultats www.microcyber.cn  
Antritt bei ausgew�hlten L�ufen
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  2 Résultats ip-journal.dgap.org  
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Unterstützung der non-OSD-Tasks: Die Erstellung von Aufgabenabl? ufen ohne den – in früheren Versionen erforderlichen – Schritt ? macOS bereitstellen“ erh? ht die Effizienz. Jetzt k? nnen IT-Administratoren mehrere Softwarepakete bereitstellen oder die Konfiguration von Mac-Ger?
Paris – 13 juin 2018 – Parallels? dévoile aujourd’hui Parallels? Mac Management 7 pour Microsoft? SCCM (เกมยิงปลาได้เงินง่ายparallels.com/mac-management), système qui améliore la gestion hors site et propose des outils simplifiant les taches quotidiennes des responsables informatiques.
Im vergangenen Jahr führte die Verschärfung der Eurokrise zu einer Flucht aus dem Euro in andere Währungen und auch zu einer zeitweise sehr grossen Frankennachfrage. Um diese zu decken und damit den Mindestkurs durchzusetzen, hat die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) mit Devisenkäufen viel permanente Liquidität geschaffen.

Last year, the deterioration in the euro crisis prompted a flight from the euro to other currencies. At certain times, it also resulted in a very substantial demand for Swiss francs. To meet this demand and thereby enforce the minimum exchange rate, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has created a lot of permanent liquidity through foreign currency purchases. Consequently, the SNB has not concluded any more transactions with temporary liquidity since mid-2012. The exceptionally low level of interest rates is an additional factor in the slowdown of activity on the money market. However, the SNB continues to bear responsibility for the Swiss franc money market. First, it still attaches great importance to reliable and representative reference rates for the money market. It works to promote them, verbally and actively, even under difficult conditions. Second, together with different players, it is working toward finding a solution for the money market infrastructure that is workable for the future. Such a structure is an important element in an efficient and competitive Swiss financial centre.

The currency purchases went hand in hand with a steep rise in the SNB's foreign currency investments. They were diversified prudently and in a market-sensitive manner, as well as possible, over time, not least with the currency breakdown in mind.

With interest rates close to zero, appropriate monetary conditions are closely tied to exchange rates. Given this environment, implementation of monetary policy is, for the foreseeable future, geared to securing the minimum exchange rate on the foreign exchange market. To this end, the SNB has further reinforced its operational planning last year.

Im Zelena Laguna Resort, einem beliebten Reiseziel bei Poreč, beherbergen wir die Fans und 1.000 Läufer, die am interessanten Halbmarathon, aber auch an etwas kürzeren Strecken teilnehmen möchten. Der Wettlauf Laguna Poreč findet auf einer 7 km langen Strecke mit insgesamt 3 Läufen statt.


Drugu godinu zaredom Laguna Poreč Polumaraton oduševit će sve ljubitelje trčanja! Zelena Laguna Resort, popularna destinacija kraj Poreča, ugostit će navijače i 1.000 trkača koji se žele okušati na zanimljivoj polumaratonskoj, ali i nešto kraćim stazama.

Utrka Laguna Poreč organizira se na stazi dugačkoj 7 km na kojoj se odvijaju 3 utrke. Trči se u nedjelju 26. ožujka uz obalu prekrasnog Resorta Zelena Laguna sa startom u Kampu Zelena Laguna.


Vrste utrka:


Staza dužine 7 km za velike i male vodi od Kampa Zelena Laguna preko Kampa Bijela Uvala prema Funtani i natrag u Zelenu Lagunu.

FUN RUN - 14 km

Zabavite se trčeći na stazi dužine 14 km za cijelu obitelj.


Svi polumaratonci uistinu mogu uživati na stazi Zelene Lagune jer će ih duž staze stalno moći bodriti njihovi najvjerniji navijači, a vrijeme predviđeno za dovršetak utrke je tri sata.


Zabilježite datum i dočekajte proljeće trčeći uz obalu Poreča!

Laguna Poreč Half Marathon, photo Laguna Poreč d.d. Laguna Poreč Half Marathon, photo Laguna Poreč d.d.