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Keybot 17 Results  www.molnar-banyai.hu
  JBL | Themenwelt  
2. Pflanzen, die zu dicht stehen und im unteren Teil kaum noch Blätter besitzen, ausdünnen und mehr Platz verschaffen.
2. Sfoltisci le piante che sono troppo vicine tra loro e sulle cui parti inferiori sono rimaste poche foglie, per dare loro più spazio.
2. Planten die te dicht op elkaar staan en onderin nauwelijks nog blad vertonen uitdunnen en meer plaats geven.
2. Thin out plants which are too close together and have hardly leaves left, to give them more space.
2. Thin out plants which are too close together and have hardly leaves left, to give them more space.
  JBL Schwimmer+Antikink  
Keine Berührung der unteren Wasserschichten – kein komplettes Durchmischen des Wassers
Aucun contact avec les couches d'eau inférieures, pas de mélange total de l'eau.
Sin tocar las capas inferiores del agua, el agua no se mezcla totalmente
Nessun contatto con gli strati inferiori dell’acqua - nessun mischiamento totale dell’acqua
Без контакта с нижними слоями воды - вода полностью не перемешивается
Alt su katmanlarına dokunulmaz- Suyun tamamı karıştırılmaz
  JBL NovoPleco  
Nahrhaft und leicht verdaulich durch Holzfaseranteil: Ideale Ernährungsbedingungen duch sinkenden Chip für Fischarten von 5 bis 20 cm Größe der unteren Wasserschicht
Nutritivo y fácil de digerir por su contenido en fibra leñosa: las pastillas que se hunden son ideales para especies de pez de 5 a 20 cm en las zonas profundas del agua
Nutrimento completo e crescita ideale per i loricaridi piccoli e medi: con spirulina, vegetali ed energetici germi di frumento
Nutrição completa e crescimento ideal de cascudos pequenos e médios: com espirulina, vegetais e germes de trigo energéticos
  JBL GoldPearls mini CLICK  
Nahrhaft und leicht verdaulich: Ideale Ernährungsbedingungen durch feine Futterperlen für kleine Fischarten von min. 4 cm Größe der unteren Wasserschichten. Kein Luftschlucken durch sinkende Futterperlen
Nutritious and easily to digest: fine food pellets create ideal feeding conditions for small, low swimming fish (min. 4 cm). No air swallowing thanks to sinking food pellets.
Nutritivo e fácil de digerir: condições nutricionais ideais devido a pérolas alimentares finas p/ pequenas espécies de peixes com tamanho de, no mínimo, 4 cm das camadas de água inferiores. Sem aerofagia devido às pérolas alimentares que se afundam
Voedzaam en licht verteerbaar: Ideale voedingsvoorwaarden door fijne voedingsparels voor kleine vissoorten van min. 4 cm grootte in de onderste waterlagen. Geen luchtslokken doordat de parels zinken.
  JBL | Themenwelt  
1. Langstielige Pflanzen abschneiden, neu einpflanzen und den „unansehnlichen“ unteren Teil entfernen.
1. Taglia le piante con lo stelo lungo, inseriscile nuovamente e rimuovi l'estremità inferiore “brutta”.
1. Langstelige planten afsnijden, nieuw inplanten en het "lelijke" onderste deel verwijderen.
1. Trim off long-stemmed plants, insert them again and remove the “unsightly” lower part.
1. Trim off long-stemmed plants, insert them again and remove the “unsightly” lower part.
  Scape ein Aquarium - So...  
Schneiden Sie bei Stängelpflanzen wie Cabomba caroliniana die unteren Blätter mit der Federschere ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) auf mehrere Zentimeter länge ab, damit Sie den Stängel weit genug in den Soil hineinschieben können und die Pflanzen nicht wieder herausrutschen.
With stem plants, such as the Cabomba, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again.
With stem plants, such as the Cabomba, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again.
With stem plants, such as the Cabomba, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S Yaylı ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again.
  JBL NovoPleco XL  
Nahrhaft und leicht verdaulich durch Holzfaseranteil: Ideale Ernährungsbedingungen duch sinkenden Chip für Fischarten von 12 bis 50 cm Größe der unteren Wasserschicht
Nutritivo y fácil de digerir por su contenido en fibra leñosa: las pastillas que se hunden son ideales para especies de pez de 12 a 50 cm en las zonas profundas del agua
Nutriente e facilmente digeribile per la sua quota di fibre legnose: i chip affondanti offrono ideali condizioni nutrizionali per le specie di pesci da 12 a 50 cm negli strati inferiori dell’acqua
Nutrição completa e crescimento ideal de cascudos grandes: com espirulina, vegetais e germes de trigo energéticos
  JBL Clipse T5/T8 Metall  
Einfache Montage: Clip durch Loch am unteren Reflektorblech anbringen, Cliphalterung am oberen Blech auf Clip stecken. Durch Schieben fixiieren. Optimierte Cliphalterung für einfachen Wechsel
Montage facile : monter le clip à travers le trou se trouvant sur la plaque inférieure du réflecteur, enfoncer le clip dans sa base sur la plaque supérieure. Bloquer en poussant le clip. Fixation par clips optimisée facilitant le remplacement.
Montaje sencillo: colocar el clip en la lámina reflectora inferior atravesando el orificio, enganchar el soporte del clip de la lámina superior en el clip. Fijar deslizando. Soporte optimizado de los clips para cambiarlos fácilmente
Suportes de metal para fixação das lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares nos refletores. Para lâmpadas fluorescentes tubulares. Para a iluminação ideal do aquário/terrário.
Просто установить: вставьте зажим через отверстие в нижней части отражающей пластины, вставьте фиксатор с верхней стороны. Зафиксируйте. Оптимизированное крепление зажима для лёгкой замены
Floresan tüpleri reflektörlere takmak için metal askı aparatları Akvaryumların/Teraryumların en iyi şekilde aydınlatılmasında kullanılan floresan tüpler için
  JBL | Themenwelt  
Praktisches Entleeren der Falle: Unteren Stopfen und oberen Schraubverschluss öffnen und unter fließendem Wasser ausspülen
Convenient emptying of the trap: open lower plug and upper screw top and rinse under running water
Piège pratique à vider : ouvrir le bouchon du bas et le bouchon à vis du haut, et rincer à l'eau courante.
Trampa fácil de vaciar: abrir el tapón inferior y el tapón de rosca superior y enjuagar bajo un chorro de agua corriente
Svuotamento comodo della trappola: tirare il turacciolo in basso e aprire il tappo a vite in alto, sciacquare sotto acqua corrente
Esvaziamento prático da armadilha: abrir o bujão inferior e a tampa de rosca superior e enxaguar com água corrente
Практичное опорожнение ловушки: откройте нижнюю пробку и верхнюю винтовую крышку и промойте под проточной водой
Kapanı boşaltmanın pratik yolu: Alttaki tıpayı ve üstteki vidalı kapağı açın ve akan su altında yıkayın
  JBL | Themenwelt  
Bei starkem Licht kann die Pflanze flacher wachsen als bei wenig Licht, wo sie dem Licht entgegenwächst. So kann bei einer Pflanzenart der Wuchs sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen. Wenn Stängelpflanzen zu eng gesetzt werden, bekommen die unteren Blätter zu wenig Licht und Fäulnisprozesse beginnen.
Plants always move towards the light. In strong light the plant can grow lower than in weak light, where it has to move upwards to the light. So the growth of a plant species can vary. If you insert stem plants too close together the lower plants will get not enough light and putrefaction processes will start.
Le piante si dirigono sempre in direzione della luce. La luce forte permette alla pianta di crescere più bassa; in mancanza di luce invece si allunga verso di lei. Per questa ragione la crescita di una specie di pianta può variare. Se le piante sono inserite troppo vicino l'una all'altra, le foglie inferiori non ricevono abbastanza luce e iniziano a marcire.
Planten groeien altijd in de richting van de lichtbron. Bij sterk licht kan de plant vlakker groeien dan bij weinig licht waarbij ze het licht tegemoet komt. Zo kan bij een plantensoort de groei heel verschillend uitvallen. Wanneer stengelplanten te dicht bij elkaar worden gezet krijgen de onderste bladeren weinig licht en begint het rottingsproces.
Plants always move towards the light. In strong light the plant can grow lower than in weak light, where it has to move upwards to the light. So the growth of a plant species can vary. If you insert stem plants too close together the lower plants will get not enough light and putrefaction processes will start.
  JBL Clipse T5/T8 Metall  
Clip am unteren Reflektorblech anbringen, Cliphalterung am oberen Blech auf Clip stecken. Durch Schieben fixieren.
Monter le clip sur la plaque inférieure du réflecteur et, sur la plaque supérieure, enfoncer le clip sur sa base-support. Bloquer le clip en le poussant.
Colocar el clip en la lámina reflectora inferior, enganchar el soporte del clip de la lámina superior en el clip. Fijar deslizando.
Прикрепите держатели к нижней стороне отражающей пластины, вставьте фиксатор с верхнее стороны. Зафиксируйте.
Klipsi alt taraftaki reflektör plakasına takın, üst plakadaki askı aparatını klipse sokun. İterek sabitleyin.
  JBL Schwimmer+Antikink  
Der Schwimmer mit Knickschutz von JBL verfügt über eine Luftschlauchhalterung, so dass der Ausströmerstein in beliebiger Höhe positioniert werden kann. Die unteren Wasserschichten werden dabei nicht berührt und ein komplettes Durchmischen des Wassers wird verhindert.
Le flotteur avec protection anti-coude est équipé d'un support pour tuyau à air qui permet au diffuseur de se positionner à n'importe quelle hauteur. IL n'y a pas de contact avec les couches inférieures de l'eau, ce qui évite un mélange complet de l'eau.
El flotador con protector antidobleces de JBL dispone de un enganche para el tubo del aire, de modo que la piedra difusora puede situarse a cualquier altura. Las zonas inferiores del agua no se ven afectadas, evitándose así que el agua se mezcle por completo.
Il galleggiante JBL con la protezione antipiega dispone di un supporto per il tubo flessibile dell’aria così che la pietra porosa possa essere posizionata a qualsiasi altezza. Gli strati inferiori dell’acqua non vengono toccati e si evita una completa mescolanza dell’acqua.
У поплавка есть держатель воздушного шланга, чтобы распылитель можно было установить на любой высоте. При этом нижние слои воды остаются нетронутыми, и предотвращается полное перемешивание воды.
JBL'nin bükülme önleyicili şamandırasının üzerindeki hava hortumu askısı hava taşının istenen yükseklikte konumlandırılmasına olanak verir. Böylece, alt su katmanlarına dokunulmamış olur ve suyun tümden karışması önlenir.
  JBL | Themenwelt  
Welse und Schmerlen sind typische Bodenbewohner. Aber auch Zwergbuntbarsche halten sich eher im unteren Aquarienbereich auf, da sich dort Versteckmöglichkeiten befinden. Auch größere Garnelenarten leben am Boden, während sich die kleineren Garnelenarten auf der gesamten Dekoration aufhalten werden.
Les poissons-chats et les loches sont des habitants typiques des fonds, mais les apistos se tiennent eux aussi plutôt dans la zone inférieure de l'aquarium, car ils y trouvent des cachettes. Les crevettes de plus grande taille vivent également près du fond, alors que les espèces plus petites restent sur l'ensemble de la décoration.
Los siluros y las lochas son típicos peces de fondo. Los cíclidos enanos también suelen encontrarse por la zona inferior del acuario, ya que allí hay refugios y escondites. Las especies de gambas más grandes también viven en el fondo, mientras que las especies más pequeñas de camarones se distribuyen por todos los objetos de decoración.
I siluri e i cobiti sono tipici abitanti del fondo. Anche i pesci del genere Apistogramma prediligono la zona del fondale perché trovano maggiore possibilità di nascondersi. Inoltre ci sono delle specie di gamberetti più grandi che vivono sul fondo mentre i gamberetti più piccoli vanno dappertutto.
Catfish and loaches are typical bottom dwellers. Dwarf cichlids also tend to stay in the lower aquarium area because they can find hiding places there. Larger shrimp species live at the bottom, whereas the smaller shrimp species settle all over the decoration.
Meervallen en modderkruipers zijn typische bodembewoners maar ook dwergcichliden houden zich eerder in de onderste zone op aangezien zich daar de schuilplaatsen bevinden. Ook grotere garnalensoorten leven op de bodem terwijl de kleinere soorten zich op de decoratieve elementen bevinden.
  JBL ArtemioSet  
Brutbehälter schließen. Luftpumpe anschließen und 24-48 belüftet laufen lassen. Öffnung des Brutbehälters am unteren Absperrhahn. Aufzuchtwasser fließt durch das Sieb und trennt Wasser vom Lebendfutter.
Place breeding container in the stand provided. Fill it with water, add special salt and Artemia eggs (not included) to the container. Close the breeding container. Connect air pump and let it aerate for 24 – 48 hours. Open stopcock at the bottom of breeding container. Breeding water flows through the sieve and separates water from the live food.
Placer l’incubateur sur le socle prévu à cet effet. Remplir d’eau, ajouter le sel spécial et les œufs d’artémias (non compris dans la livraison) dans le récipient. Fermer l’incubateur. Raccorder la pompe à air et la laisser fonctionner et brasser l’eau durant 24 à 48 heures. Ouvrir l’incubateur avec le robinet se trouvant dans la partie inférieure. L'eau d’élevage s’écoule à travers le tamis et sépare l’eau de la nourriture vivante.
Colocar el recipiente de cría en el soporte correspondiente. Llenar de agua y echar sal especial y huevos de artemia (no incluidos en el suministro) en el recipiente. Cerrar el recipiente de cría. Conectar la bomba de aire y dejar aireando durante 24-48 horas. El recipiente de cría se abre por la llave de paso inferior. El agua de cría atraviesa el tamiz, que separa el agua del alimento vivo.
Broedreservoir in de hiervoor bestemde armatuur plaatsen. Met water vullen, speciaal zout en artemia eitjes (niet inbegrepen) in het reservoir doen. Broedreservoir sluiten. Luchtpomp aansluiten en 24 - 48 uur laten ventileren. Openen van het reservoir aan de onderste afsluitkraan. Het kweekwater loopt door de zeef en laat de artemia kreeftjes achter.
Umieścić lęgnię na załączonym stojaku. Napełnić wodą, dodać do pojemnika specjalną sól i jaja artemii (brak w zestawie). Zamknąć lęgnię. Podłączyć pompkę powietrza i napowietrzać przez 24-48 godzin. Otwór lęgni przy dolnym zaworze odcinającym. Woda hodowlana przepływa przez sito i oddziela od wody żywy pokarm.
  JBL | Themenwelt  
Dieses Spezialfiltermaterial besteht aus Nahrungskugeln für Bakterien. Im Laufe der Zeit werden immer nützliche Reinigungsbakterien auf den Kugeln siedeln, so dass die unteren Bakterienschichten kein sauerstoffreiches Wasser mehr erhalten werden.
A regular water change precludes high nitrate levels, assuming that it is not too strongly present in the tap water being used. It is therefore vital to check the tap water parameters. With the help of a reverse osmosis unit up to 50 % of the nitrate can be removed from the tap water. Using JBL NitratEX both tap water and aquarium water can be freed of nitrate. JBL NitratEX contains synthetic resins, which withdraw nitrate from the flowing water. Once the exchange capacity has been exhausted, it can be simply and quickly regenerated with sodium chloride. JBL BioNitratEx has been designed for long-term use in the filter. This specific filter material consists of nutrition balls for bacteria. In the course of time beneficial cleansing bacteria settle on the balls so that the bottom layers of the bacteria no longer receive oxygen-rich water. This is when the bacteria start the denitrification process to degrade the nitrate. However, this is only possible because they are able to remove the nutrition they need for it from the balls. Thus the balls are steadily eaten up by the bacteria and you can easily trace the progress of the nitrate degradation and see when you need to refill new balls.
Cambiar el agua con regularidad evita que haya un nivel elevado de nitratos, siempre y cuando el agua corriente en sí no contenga demasiado nitrato. Por eso, es imprescindible revisar los parámetros del agua corriente que se use. Usando un equipo de ósmosis inversa se puede eliminar hasta un 50 % del nitrato del agua corriente. Empleando JBL NitratEx se puede eliminar el nitrato tanto del agua corriente como del agua del acuario. JBL NitratEx contiene resinas sintéticas que extraen el nitrato del agua que fluye. Una vez agotada la capacidad de intercambio, puede regenerarse con sal común de forma rápida y sencilla. Para el uso prolongado en filtros se ha desarrollado JBL BioNitratEx . Este material filtrante especial consiste en bolas de nutrientes para las bacterias. Con el paso del tiempo, las beneficiosas bacterias purificadoras colonizarán las bolas, de forma que las capas inferiores de bacterias dejarán de disponer de agua rica en oxígeno. Justo entonces, las bacterias pasan a la respiración anaerobia y comienzan a degradar el nitrato. Pero esto solo es posible porque pueden tomar de las bolas los nutrientes necesarios. De esta manera, las bacterias se irán comiendo las bolas poco a poco, y usted podrá observar bien el ritmo con que se lleva a cabo la degradación de nitrato y cuándo será necesario poner bolas nuevas.
Un cambio dell’acqua regolare impedisce che si accumulino alti tassi di nitrato, a meno che non sia presente già in abbondanza nell’acqua del rubinetto. È quindi fondamentale controllare i parametri dell’acqua del rubinetto. Con l’aiuto di un sistema di osmosi inversa si può rimuovere fino al 50% del nitrato dall’acqua del rubinetto. Mediante l’utilizzo di JBL NitratEx puoi rimuovere il nitrato sia dall'acqua del rubinetto che da quella dell'acquario. JBL NitratEx contiene resine sintetiche che sottraggono il nitrato all’acqua di passaggio. Quando la capacità di scambio è esaurita la si può rigenerare in modo semplice e veloce con sale da cucina. Per un uso a lungo termine nei filtri è stato sviluppato JBL BioNitratEx . Questo materiale filtrante specifico è composto da sfere alimentari per i batteri. Nel corso del tempo, i batteri benefici si insediano sulle sfere così che i batteri degli strati interni non ricevono più l’acqua ricca di ossigeno. Ed è a quel punto che i batteri cominciano il processo di denitrificazione per decomporre il nitrato. Questo, tuttavia, è possibile solo perché sono in grado di prelevare il cibo di cui hanno bisogno dalle sfere. Le sfere quindi vengono mangiate man mano dai batteri. Puoi seguire facilmente l’avanzamento della decomposizione del nitrato e vedere quando c’è bisogno di inserire delle sfere nuove.
A regular water change precludes high nitrate levels, assuming that it is not too strongly present in the tap water being used. It is therefore vital to check the tap water parameters. With the help of a reverse osmosis unit up to 50 % of the nitrate can be removed from the tap water. Using JBL NitratEx both tap water and aquarium water can be freed of nitrate. JBL NitratEx contains synthetic resins, which withdraw nitrate from the flowing water. Once the exchange capacity has been exhausted, it can be simply and quickly regenerated with sodium chloride. JBL BioNitratEx has been designed for long-term use in the filter. This specific filter material consists of nutrition balls for bacteria. In the course of time beneficial cleansing bacteria settle on the balls so that the bottom layers of the bacteria no longer receive oxygen-rich water. This is when the bacteria start the denitrification process to degrade the nitrate. However, this is only possible because they are able to remove the nutrition they need for it from the balls. Thus the balls are steadily eaten up by the bacteria and you can easily trace the progress of the nitrate degradation and see when you need to refill new balls.
  Pflanzen setzen - so ge...  
Schneiden Sie bei Stängelpflanzen wie Cabomba caroliniana die unteren Blätter mit der Federschere ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) auf mehrere Zentimeter länge ab, damit Sie den Stängel weit genug in den Soil hineinschieben können und die Pflanzen nicht wieder herausrutschen.
Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool S curved ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.
Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool S curved ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.
Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool S curved ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.
Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool S curved ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.
Here’s how to insert plants properly. Using the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ), push the foreground plants into the soil. Don’t forget to spray the plants with water regularly! This will prevent the plants from drying out. For plants with longer roots it is helpful to push them deeper into the soil and to pull them out again to the right height (base of the leaf). Be radical and cut off all the leaves from many plants, such as the cryptocorynes! Every last leaf! The leaves often die after planting anyway and start to pollute the water. It is better to remove them beforehand. Using curved pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool S curved ) put in plants which have strong and vertical roots, such as cryptocorynes. You can use curved spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) not only for cutting mosses but also for the precise removal of individual plant leaves (here Cryptocoryne beckettii petchii). Here too it is important: it is better to cut off a few extra leaves than to have leaves dying in the aquarium after the plant has been moved. With stem plants, such as the Cabomba caroliniana, use spring scissors ( JBL ProScape Tool S spring ) to cut off several centimetres of the lower leaves. This enables you to slide the stem deep enough into the soil, so that the plant won’t slip out again. Don’t push more than 2 stems at once into the soil with the slender pincers ( JBL ProScape Tool P slim line ). The first leaves have to be above the ground.